Falling In (Ziam/with Larry A...

By Ziam_Larry_Feels

328K 11.5K 5.7K

Liam is the new kid at Gateway High School, London. He quickly becomes friends with Louis Tomlinson, an avera... More

Falling In (Ziam AU)


12.5K 483 264
By Ziam_Larry_Feels

I didn't write it as well as I wanted but I'm still excited for you to read it :) I added like the slightest thing to Harry and Zayn's fight as well in the last chapter! Enjoy x 4700 words! I was only aiming for 3500 hahaha so I hope you like it x

Zayn's POV

How dare Harry just say those things to me. He hasn't even met my girlfriend and here he is, assuming I'm using her. Yeah I admit I should've told him about her but saying that is fucking low. I'm going to visit her now. Not to prove any points but because I want to see her. I put my car in reverse and leave the schools parking lot, leaving Harry behind. I don't care if he needs to walk home, it's not my fault he's too young to get his license. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, not caring how messy it is.

Me liking Liam is ridiculous. I just really enjoy his company, that's all. He is into similar things that Harry isn't really into, like English Literature novels and comic books; a weird mix but it works. And I've never even considered any boy to be more than just a friend to me so I don't understand why Harry thinks that Liam's different. Maybe to him it looks like I may like him but that's just because I don't let people into my life. Well at least not for a long period of time. Harry's really the only person who has been my friend for more than a few months; He's my best friend, always been there for me even when I'm a pain in the neck.

I sighed again. I really need to call him and apologize. As I drove, I leant over and tussled around in my bag searching for my phone. With no luck, I pulled over and brought my bag to my lap. I always put it in my bag instead of my pocket when I have art so it doesn't distract me. After throwing a whole bunch of crap from my bag in into the back seat, I finally found my phone underneath everything at the bottom of my bag.

And of course with the luck I'm having, my phone is of course, flat. My head fell forward, hitting the steering wheel and accidentally causing the car to honk, as I groaned in annoyance. And if things couldn't get worse, I realized I had no idea where Mariah's house is.

I know it's not too far away from mine and I've been there once but it just doesn't seem to come to mind. She normally comes over to my place so I never really had to worry about where she lives. I'll just drive around a bit and maybe I'll remember.

As I drove I thought about whether I should go find Harry and give him a lift home but then I thought that he would have found a lift of someone. I don't want him being angry with me, it's bad enough with Liam being angry at me. I need to stop caring about Liam being upset with me! Like honestly I couldn't care less about what he thinks. He shouldn't be angry for no reason at all. I might have done something but I really don't know what and until I find out or he tells me what then he has no right to not talk to me.

I pulled up into a familiar drive way. I thought that maybe it was Mariah's until I realized whose house this drive way actually belonged to. Liam. I've only ever come here once too, so I don't really know how I remembered it; I'm pretty terrible with directions.

I starred at the house not knowing whether to just go in and talk to him or not. There was no cars in the driveway so he's parents aren't home but for all I know he isn't home either. Well I can't seem to find Mariah's house and I really don't want to be alone at home. Maybe Harry wouldn't mind if I come over? Nah, he is probably mad at me, which I don't blame him for and besides, I'm already here at Liam's. What do I have to lose? If he isn't home then I'll just go to Harry's or back home and call Mariah. If he is home then I'll find out why he all of a sudden is angry with me.

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out, locking the door behind me. I slowly walked up to the door, not exactly knowing what I'm even going to say to him yet. There has to be a good reason why he isn't talking to me. It's Liam. He wouldn't judge someone or treat someone badly without a reason.

I hesitantly knocked on the door and but then realized he probably wouldn't hear it and pressed the doorbell and waited to see if anyone, Liam, was home. My thoughts were answered when I heard Liam call out 'Coming.' When he sees me will he even talk to me? I frowned at the thought but hid it when I heard footsteps get closer.

The door opened and I had to try keeping my eyes on Liam's face because he stood there in nothing but board shorts. His hair was wet and his body was slightly too. He would have been dripping wet if he hasn't been drying himself with a towel. I moved my eyes from his exposed chest and incredible abs, back to his eyes, which were knotted slightly in confusion as he watched me pretty much check him out. Okay, I admit he's hot but the only reason I'm even thinking such thoughts is because Harry put the damn idea into my head! I would have to personally curse him for that.

"Uh, hey Liam." I mumbled. Since when am I not confident to talk to someone?! I shook my head, standing up taller and stopped acting like a boy with a little crush because I have a crush but not on the boy in front of me. Instead I have it in a very nice, pretty and extremely sexy girl named Mariah.

"Hey." He whispered. He just starred at me and I wasn't sure whether I should be talking or..? He coughed, regaining his voice. "What are you doing here?" He asked plainly, with plain eyes, completely different to how he first looked and spoke to me. His eyes don't ever look plain though because they're this brown colour, that even when he acts angry, you can see the calmness and happiness in his eyes. When I use the word 'plain' I mean that they just don't sparkle as much as what they normally do.

"I was hoping to talk." I said. "Maybe hang out a bit." I added with a small smile. He bit his lip. I could tell he was debating whether or not he should let me in. I hope he does, that way I can see why he's upset with me. He's my first real friend other than Harry really, as sad as that might sound. I'm pretty restricted.

"No sorry. I'm busy and have someone over." He answered after a moment. I stood there speechless waiting for him to say he was kidding but he didn't. He went to close the door but a voice stopped him.

"Hey Li, who's here." I may not be very close with him but I knew who it was.

"Niall." He sounded slightly annoyed that he showed up before he could make me go away. Niall was also in board shorts but wasn't as wet as Liam. "It's just Zayn. He's leaving now anyway." Liam said, looking at me. I opened my mouth to confirm what he said was true; I don't want to annoy him any further than I already have, but Niall's Irish accent spoke up first.

"Oh Zayn hey." He smirked at Liam. Liam glared at Niall but all he did was laugh. Am I missing something? "No no no." He starts. "Why don't you hang out for a bit? We were just having a swim but because you don't have any bathers I'm sure you could just take a dip in your underwear." Niall suggests. "I'm sure Liam wouldn't mind." He adds and I don't believe he is talking about the 'hanging out' part.

Liam looks a bit uncomfortable and before I can kindly deny his offer Liam says "Whatever." and opens the door wide enough for me to walk in. Niall grins proudly and parts me on the shoulder. I had the urge to roll my eyes at him but chose not to, considering that it's because of him I can talk to Liam. Though, it's also because of him, I can't. I can't just confront Liam while he's here.

Liam's house is very similar to mine, well at least the back yard is. It's pretty much the same, except it doesn't have a BBQ area. Come to think of it, Liam's house is quite big for a family where only three members live together. Like me, I guess. Liam and Niall went back in the pool while I just sat on the side, watching them splash each other and laugh. I couldn't help but actually not watch Niall and only watch Liam as he smiled and his eyes went chinky. The way his muscles flexed when he swam from one end of the pool to the other. And when he accidentally made eye contact with me. He tried to avoid it but when it occurred, it would be for a long moment before he turned away. It felt weird though. It felt like there was some type of force between us, pulling us closer, though either of us was actually moving.

I shouldn't be here. Everything that Harry said is making me see Liam in a way I shouldn't. I honestly don't like him in any way other than friendship. Besides, I have a girlfriend. But Harry's words and what happened today keep playing in my mind.

"Maybe she's just your distraction..." Harry said.

I rolled my eyes before asking. "What are you trying to imply?"

"Maybe you're going out with her to keep your mind off Liam because I don't know... maybe you might like him or something. In like more than a friend way and having a girlfriend like makes you think that you don't or something. I don't know, that's just what I'm seeing from this."

He knows me better than anyone, so maybe he's right and all this time she's just a distraction. She can't possibly be a distraction from liking Liam though. That's just crazy.

"You think, you think I like Liam?" I laughed.

"As a matter of fact I do. Maybe you should talk to him. Maybe then you can see where I'm coming from and stop being in denial." He suggested, ignoring the way I laughed about the idea.

"Denial? How would you know how I feel, you haven't even met my girlfriend and you're just assuming that I don't like her. Honestly that's just stupid."

Is it stupid though? If I really thought me and her are serious wouldn't I have told Harry about her? I really need to call both Harry and Mariah when I have the chance. Maybe Mariah isn't really for me anyway. We have absolutely nothing in common and we hardly ever spend time together, only really when we get physical with each other. I groaned, placing my head in my hands. This is why I don't go out with people. At the moment I don't even know if I still like her and we've only been going out just over a week!

"You alright Zayn?" It was Liam. I looked up and he was looking at me with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." He nodded at my response, obviously not convincing him and he dunked his head back in the water. Moments after I see Niall get pulled under the water and Liam pulling out of the water, laughing at Niall's reaction when he resurfaced.

"You're dead Payne." He smiled.

"Bring it Horan." Liam smirked back. Pouncing on him, Liam fell backwards into the water. I smiled at them. They remind me of Harry and me. A sudden beeping sound pulled me out of any thoughts I was having. It was someone's phone.

"Hey guys." I said after they stopped attacking each other. They both looked up at me, both out of breath from being under the water. "Uh someone's phone went off a couple times." I picked up the white iPhone 4S and shook it around a bit.

"That's mine." Niall exclaimed. He hopped out the water, quickly drying his hair a bit with his towel and then wrapping it around his body. "Pass it here." He smiled. I handed over his phone and he quickly unlocked it, flicking through his messages. I saw his eyes light up and the smile on his face grow. He turned towards Liam. "It's Chantelle!" He announced to him.

"Well what did she say?" Liam asked excitedly at his friend, also stepping out of the pool. Like when I walked in, his hair dropped wet with water, the only difference being he was wetter and his board shorts hung lower on his hips, exposing his V-line. I bit down on my lip as instinct.

"She wants to meet up and talk now! I need to go." He rushed, drying himself completely and pulling a shirt over his head, he quickly ran inside out of view and came back in jeans instead of his previous shorts. "Thanks for the swim Li. It's not that often the weather gets this good!"

"No worries Ni. It's always fun having you around." He smirked. And for some reason my stomach twirled sickly. "Well while you get your stuff ready, I'm going to head to my room and have a quick shower and get changed. I'll see you tomorrow; you can tell me everything then." He smiled and looked at me. "Ah, I'll be back down once I clean myself up." He said to me. I nodded and he picked up his towel and headed back inside, leaving just Niall and myself and shortly enough, just myself.

"I'm actually surprised he's being so subtle around you." Niall tells me after a moment. He had all his things ready but instead of leaving straight away like he gave the impression he would do, he sat beside me instead.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Everyone seems to be talking in riddles and seems to know everything except me.

"Honestly you must be blind." He laughed. I gave him a hard look and he shut up. "Mate what I'm trying to say is that it's pretty obvious what's going on. You don't know why Liam's angry at you and Liam doesn't know how to handle situations, which I now know. No one should be telling you what's going on because if you opened your eyes a bit more you would know. Actually you should know, because so many girls at the school look at you the way Liam does except not as intently."

I listened to what he said but I still didn't know what he was going on about. How the girls look at me. Some of the girls look at me as if they want to kill me at any given moment but others are the complete opposite, so it's hard to know which look he's inferring about in this situation.

"Just go with where you thinks right and what makes you and hopefully in the process, Liam, happy. Got it?" He asked and I nodded. Again, he patted me on the shoulder, picking up his bag he brought with all his things in it and throwing it over his shoulder. "Well I really do need to go now." He smiled sheepishly. "I'll be questioning Liam tomorrow so don't think you can get away with anything bad Malik." He threatened. I nodded again. Niall would't be able to do anything to me if he tried but it is sweet that his protecting Liam.

"Niall." I called before he could get away completely.

He turned. "Yeah?" He said.

"I would never hurt him." I told him. "Not intentionally anyway." I mumbled.

He smiled huge. "Yeah I know that. I think he does too." He nodded his head towards me as a silent goodbye and left. I heard the front door open and close and was officially left out here alone. It was starting to get cold so I stood up and walked in the house, closing the back sliding door behind me. I walked into the kitchen, not knowing what to do with myself, so I hummed. Trumpets by Jason Deluro, has been stuck in my head all day!

My eyes scanned the room, falling on a phone. Well Niall's not here anymore so it must be Liam's. I walked up to it, picking it up and unlocking it. He didn't have a lock on it, lucky for me. I went to his contacts and scrolled through them until I saw the familiar name and number on the screen. Pressing call, I brought the phone to my ear. I hope Liam won't mind me using it.

"Liam?" Harry answered on the third ring.

"No actually, it's Zayn." I replied.

"Oh." He said. "Why are you using Liam's phone? Is everything alright?" He asked, worry starting to be heard through his voice.

"Yeah yeah everything's fine. My phone went flat and I'm at Liam's and I really needed to call to apologize for everything. I really didn't mean what I said and I don't know why I was getting so defensive, I should've just told you about Mariah..."


"and I'm sorry for making you walk, I should've at least took you home and-"

"Zayn!" He said again, making me stop talking. "Calm down yeah?" He laughed and my shoulders relaxed. "It's alright, honestly. Like I'm sorry too! I said things I shouldn't have but what's said is said, so let's just move on shall we?" He suggested and I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me.

"Yeah. Yeah that sounds good, thanks." I smiled. At least we aren't fighting anymore.

"Actually we can't move on..." Oh no. "...because your with Liam." He finishes in a playful tone. I sighed in relief. I thought he was still mad at me. Wait.

"Don't start that bullshit with me again Styles." I said naturally. "It's because of you I'm thinking things about Liam that I shouldn't be."

"What things? Oh my god, you are finally coming to your senses and realizing you like him!" He nearly screamed into the phone. I heard shuffling and what seemed like a squeal come from his end of the phone.

"Who are you with?" I asked, purposely not replying to what he just said.


"You're with Louis aren't you? You son of a bitch." I grinned. I had sat on one of the stools on the kitchen isle.

"Yeah I am. Actually I have to go." He quickly says.

"Come on Haz, give me the details."

"I will tomorrow, or tonight. I don't know but I will, I'll talk to you soon Zayn." He said and hung up.

"Well goodbye to you to." I muttered after pressing home and locking Liam's phone. I accidentally pressed something and the phone lit up again, this time I got a better look at his screen background. It was a picture of him, Louis and Niall. Niall was laughing at something and Liam was looking at him with an amused smile, while Louis took the photo, in the way of a selfie. It's a pretty cute picture if the three of them.

I heard a cough from behind me and nearly dropped the phone on the bench. "Is that my phone?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. Sorry for not asking to use it. See Harry and I got into a fight and my phone went flat but I really had to apologize and your phone was sitting there so I thought it was the best option. Sorry for not asking." I apologized. "Here." I extended my arm with his phone in hand towards him. He was trying to hide his amusement but I could see his lip curl up slightly. He took his phone from my hand, placing it in his front pocket.

Wow. He was now wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a maroon long sleeved jumper. Really simple but extremely effective. He looks fit. I'm allowed to say that right? Like it's not weird for a guy to say another guy looks fit; it's just saying a fact, or thinking one.

He seemed to realize why he was mad at me and his tiny smile went back into a straight line on his face. "No it's fine, I get why you had to apologize, I heard the fight." He said walking into the lounge room. I followed him.

"You- you heard the fight?" I asked. He nodded and sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. I remained standing "What exactly did you hear?" The colour has probably drained out of my face.

"Not much. We left after Harry accused your girlfriend of just being a distraction, didn't want to ease drop and it was obvious the yelling and the fighting was just going to get worse." Liam shrugged it off.

"And you didn't hear anything after that?" I asked. I had to know because if he heard about why I became friends with him in the first place then he will never talk to me again.

"Nah." He said, eyes glued to the TV.

"You're so frustrating!" I nearly yelled throwing my hands in the air. He turned to me with both confusion and anger written across his face. He turned the TV off and stood up.

"I'm the frustrating one?" He asked amazed.

"Yes as a matter of fact you are!" I told him. Seems like the best and maybe only time to get everything out in the open.

"Well enlighten me Zayn." He said. "Tell me. Tell me how I'm so frustrating." He was getting really annoyed at this stage. His hands were formed in fists beside him. I don't know why he is so angry, I'm the one that should be. Maybe he just really doesn't want to have this conversation with me.

"Do I really need to tell you?" I asked him. "All of a fucking sudden you stop talking to me. You seem angry at me and I have no fucking idea what about." I yelled. He's eyes softened but his hands remained in fists. Like I was saying before, his eyes tell you what he's really thinking. He isn't that angry, he just wants to seem it. "Am I the one Louis was talking about in art today? When he said 'just talk to him'?" I asked. He didn't say anything and I took that as a yes. "Well here's your chance Liam. Talk to me."

"You should leave before I do something that I'll regret." He whispered, now avoiding my eyes.

"What?" I laughed. "Liam you couldn't beat the shit out of me if you tried." I told him.

"That's not what I meant." He said quietly, so quietly I don't think I was meant to here it, but I did. What else could be possibly regret? Maybe he'll just say something he regrets. Which I'll probably also do if I stay but I'm not going to leave.

Truth time. "Look Liam." I said. No more yelling. "I have to tell you something." I said. A spark of hope lit up in those chocolate brown eyes of his and I wondered what he thinks I'm about to say. "Harry wanted to get close to Louis, which I didn't realize until recently." I began. I saw his eyes sadden slightly and I couldn't bring myself to say the rest. I have to tell him about the plan; I know but now is not a good time. Especially when we aren't even on speaking terms. I'll tell him the second part to what I was going to say. With Liam angry at me, I probably wouldn't have gotten this far anyway.

"Well Harry was focused on Louis and you were there, and we became friends." He stood in front of me, his eyebrows knotting and unknotting in confusion as I spoke because even I have no idea what I'm trying to say. "I don't know how it happened but we became actual friends." I said, earning a small laugh from Liam. "I'm very reserved and don't make a lot of friends, it's really only been me and Harry. So I'm not very good at this type of thing. Normally I couldn't give a shit if someone stops talking to me but for some reason, you not talking to me bothers me much more than it should." I admitted.

It's so out of character of me to say things like this but it seems Liam brings out this side of me. "Stop please." Liam spoke.

"No just let me finish." I said and he nodded. "And I pretty much attacked Harry with words because I guess I was upset that you stopped talking to me. Anyway what I'm trying to find out is why. Why Liam? Why have you stopped talking to me? Just tell me so I can fix it." I pleaded. I shouldn't care so much but I do. There's just something about Liam that I can't lose. If I just let this go and forgot about him, I could be missing out on a friend like Harry. Harry is the best friend I could have asked for, he's like a brother but even though I could spend all my time hanging out with him, I know I can piss him off sometimes and he probably doesn't want to hang out with me so much.

"Okay just stop!" Liam said and now I was the confused one. He walked back and forth, lightly pulling at his hair in frustration. "Stop! Don't say things like that. Stop being nice to me! Just-just be angry at me or be mean. Tell me to Fuck Off or hit me but don't say sweet, nice, caring things especially after I've treated you like shit." He yelled.

"Why?" I asked calmly. Is this his weird way of trying to get rid of me? If I'm mean to him he has an excuse to not talk or spend any time with me anymore.

"Because it just makes it so much harder." He groaned. His eyes were pleading me to leave but I stayed put. I couldn't leave, not now. "It would be better for the both of us if you leave Zayn. Honestly don't make me ask again." He begged.

"I'm not leaving." I stood my ground.

"Please. I can't contain it any longer." I'd prefer him to hit me then for me to leave. I have to show him I'm not leaving because I need to know the reason he won't speak to me.

"Then don't contain it. Let it out." I shrugged. It's a known fact anyway that it's not healthy to keep things bottled inside. He looked at me speculating, biting down on his lower lip. "Just do it Liam" I smirked and that must have done it for him.

I was pushed back into the wall beside the door. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of his fist hitting my face but instead they opened wide at the contact of his lips on mine.

Sorry if it was suckish but I've been really busy and haven't had much time to write. This is what I wanted to happen in this chapter but I'm not sure I really wrote it that well :/ Anyway though...cliffhanger! Tell me what you think or want to happen with Ziam next ;) Vote/comment/share please, it would mean so much! Love you all x

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