Can't Say - Jung Hoseok

By park_pabo

132K 7.5K 6.9K

"you're not going to tell her, it's something you shouldn't say. it's something you shouldn't even think twic... More

part zero - preview
part one - introductions
part two - the destroyer of geometry
part three - parenting class
part four - flower boys
part five - a secret admirer
part six - the librarian
part seven - the three dollar bet
part eight - friendship
part nine - bad things
part ten - a date with a friend(s)
part eleven - heart beat beat beat
part twelve - company
part thirteen - make it up to him
part fourteen - nothing to fear, nothing to hide
part fifteen - daydream daydream
part sixteen - new parents
part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops
part eighteen - regret
part nineteen - boundaries
part twenty - the punch of a lifetime
part twenty one - the comfort of a nurse bed
part twenty two - the universe picks favorites
part twenty three - bright lights
part twenty four - a true friend's heartache
part twenty five - a sister's suspicion
part twenty six - a word of advice
part twenty seven - a false identity
part twenty eight - stay by my side
part twenty nine - another incident
part thirty - heal
part thirty one - together forever
part forever - epilogue
10k + #9

part thirty two - a happy ending

3K 196 135
By park_pabo

the students watched as the parenting teacher speed his way down the hallway, earning some chuckles from the girls in school. they watched as his blonde hair jumped up and down in excitement to show how exactly ecstatic the teacher was feeling.

a group of girls watched as he zoomed past them, earning some concern as one yelled, "be careful, mr. kim!"

seokjin turned his head to his side and yelled in assurance, blowing a kiss to the girls making them fall to their knees.

one particular group of girls however had noticed seokjin running past them. one of them was yuri, her long hair shifting because of the wind that he created from running. she watched as he made his way into his classroom, and realized why he was doing so.

(your name and last name), jung hoseok, park jimin, jeon jungkook, and kim taehyung were all here today.

yuri at first made a stank face, hating that you had returned, after all, she did spread the rumor that you were the one who purposely ran over a student. but in a way, yuri couldn't help but feel somewhat bad.

if anything, she was relieved.

maybe over jimin, because she knew she still loved him. yuri sighed and walked away, stuffing her hands in her skirt pockets. her friend noticed her sadness and wrapped an arm around her.

"hey," her friend looked at her with concern, "what's up? are you good?"

yuri was about to reply but was soon stopped as she saw two guys walk down the hall laughing and hitting each other. she looked up as her eyes met up with very dark brown ones, she gulped as she had made eye contact with jimin. of course she couldn't help but to smile as she realized how patched up he'd looked, yuri was relieved he was okay.

everyone in the school knew of what happened to you all since someone had reportedly saw you all at the hospital, that being jackson and baekhyun.

apparently the two boys didn't take such good care of their robotic child for parenting class that they had left it crying, this caused the baby to heat up because of the energy it was fueling and caused a small fire in their house. luckily, they were able to put out the fire but suffered some minor burns.

jungkook looked over at what jimin had stopped for, and was a bit taken back to see that it was yuri. jungkook nudged jimin to go talk to her, which he did as he cursed at his friend for shoving him in that general direction.

yuri's friend left as soon as jimin had approached her, making jimin a bit confused.



"he told me to go talk to you," jimin turned his head back at jungkook, whom crossed his arms and nudged his head at him, " i am."

yuri only smirked as she playfully punched jimin's arm, "i'm glad you're okay."

jimin wasn't shocked, he knew she still liked him. jimin however didn't feel the same way, not because he moved on from you, but because he never really found feelings for her. it was sad, but the truth can be harsh sometimes.

"thanks." jimin smiled.

well, maybe he just didn't know if he was developing feelings for her yet.

yuri smiled as she shifted her weight on the side, placing her hand on her hip, "so now that you're back to yourself, wanna go on a date?"

jimin was shocked at the sudden request, but only replied by biting his lip, looking as if he was putting deep thought to it.

yuri felt her cheeks rose up as she took note of this, "n-not that you have to or anything, it was just a joke. yeah, h-haha! just a joke-"

"i'll go."

her eyes widened at the agreement, her cheeks finally turning red as she was screaming on the inside. "really? i mean- whatever, shorty."

yuri pulled one of her signature smirks as jimin chuckled and scratched his hair with his small hands. "let's go this friday, i'll pick you up at eight."

jimin walked back to jungkook, looking like a proud man. jungkook laughed and hit him back, congratulating him on the date. of course he was happy that jimin was finally starting to move on, since all he ever wanted was hope for his friend. and now, he finally thinks it's arrived.

"i'm proud of you, hyung," jungkook patted jimin's back.

"thanks," jimin laughed.

yuri told her friends the news, and they replied by squealing in glee as they had waited for this for so long. yuri saw jimin walk away and suddenly remembered something.

"wait, jimin!" she called, watching their footsteps go further, "do you still remember where i live?"

jimin stopped and turned, looking at her for a few seconds before smiling, "of course i do, that's why i offered to pick you up, right?"

yuri felt her cheeks rose to a soft pink color, her naturally pale face losing it. she gulped as her friends elbowed and cheered her on, making her smirk. "just as long as you don't use me to make some other hoe jealous!"

jimin flipped her off laughing as jungkook wrapped his arm around him.

"stop getting more action than me."

"oh please, you can't even look at a girl."

"wanna bet?"

jimin watched as jungkook made eye contact with one of the female teachers of his class. "that's not what i meant!"

jimin shoved jungkook, pushing him to a locker as jungkook let out a chuckle. jimin then proceeded to walk forward to his class, leaving jungkook to stand by the locker looking at him. after all this time, he was glad he finally had his friend back. he let out a smile, his heart feeling relieved over the change. jungkook soon entered his classroom, feeling not like a total failure to his once fallen friendship.


"i can't believe you two failed this class."

seokjin sighed as he rubbed his temples, looking down at you and your boyfriend at your seats. seokjin eyed the both of you, seeing your dumbfounded and awkward laughing expressions. he was glad you were back, but even happier that he saw you and hoseok walk in hand in hand into the class.

"i don't know how you two can make this up, since you just left the baby unattended." seokjin reasoned, his arms still crossed. the girls behind him were dying, seeing as their teacher looked pretty hot strict. "but i guess because of your recent incident, i'll let it slide."

you and hoseok exchanged pretty relieved expressions at each other upon hearing it. of course what happened was still horrible, but on the positive side, it helped you not have to do any make up work.

"but there is one thing that you can do."

hoseok gave you confused eyes, whispering, "what do you think it is?"

"i don't know." you shrugged, looking back up at your parenting teacher.

"and what would that be, mr. kim?" hoseok asked politely, like the well mannered boy he is.

seokjin eyed you two down like a hawk, making the two of you crawl in your seats. his gaze was so fixated on you two that everyone in the classroom took note and even feared for the both of you.

hoseok gulped and so did you.

the teacher still kept his arms crossed, his turtleneck hugging his neck as noticeable veins could be seen. after a short silence, hoseok spoke up.


"you have to tell me how you two ended up together!" seokjin grinned widely as he placed his elbows on the desk, his delicate hands meeting his cheeks.

"what?" you felt yourself blush over the fact your teacher wanted to know such details.

"please!" seokjin begged, grabbing your hands, causing the girls around to scream. "i have to know!"

hoseok laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck, "why do you have to know sir?"

seokjin pouted his luscious lips, making the girl's fawn over him and his attractiveness. seokjin knew he was handsome, and so did everyone else. he didn't mind the girls screaming behind him, because he simply appreciated them for praising him. seokjin's personality was like that though, he loved making others feel happy.

"well why not?" he asked, his tone more innocent.

you raised your brow at your teacher, your hands practically shaking, "because that's private?"

"oh no honey," seokjin laughed, "i gotta know the full story, and you're telling me all about it at lunch tomorrow in the teacher's lounge!"

you and hoseok's jaws dropped after watching him skip back to his desk, and taught the class as if nothing happened. of course you were a bit confused as to why your teacher wanted to know more about it, but then you smiled as you realized why.

mr. kim seokjin was one of those teachers who ships their students, and loves to gossip about them. you were a bit shocked you found this out now since it would've been totally obvious. no wonder he kept looking at you and your boyfriend like that one time at the library, he was silently cheering you two on.

hoseok's gaze faltered on you as he realized that you were smiling, and like the angel he is, he couldn't help but place his hand on his chin and stare at how gorgeous you looked just smiling. his back didn't hurt much since he's recovered, and his relationship with jimin was definitely more positive.

it was a rather beautiful thing that you've changed hoseok's life inside and out.

you've healed his broken self, from when he was bullied to now, where he was getting ridiculed for liking you. but that didn't stop your kind and rebellious heart from getting closer to him, after all, who can ever resist keeping themselves away from a guy like hoseok.

you knew from this day on that a new chapter was going to be rewritten for the both of you, well, more like it was continuing off from the previous chapter you two had. someone had just swiped away the pen from the two of you, ending your chapter abruptly on a cliffhanger.

you suddenly felt a warm hand hold your's on the desk, looking over to only meet hoseok's kind, brown, and endearing eyes. your lips formed into a smile, your cheeks turning into a clear shade of pink.

the only sound could be heard from the room was a screaming seokjin, who's mouth was closed and a book covering the lower half of his face as the students laughed out loud.


you and hoseok stood next to each other, your faces looking north as you held hands tight. school had just ended so both you and hoseok decided to walk home together, since you two did walk to school together in the morning. there was just something about walking together in town that made it look cute, plus you two were still in your uniforms so others can compliment on you two about young love.

the weather had been colder as the months had gone by, so hoseok of course had his jacket on. you being the stubborn girl, decided not to wear one since your school uniform would compensate for it.

oh how you were wrong.

"goodness, it's cold." you cursed, holding onto yourself with your hands.

"i told you so, aish!" hoseok scolded you, pitying you over the fact that you were freezing. though it was always colder in korea, you couldn't help but feel a bit dumb over it since you should've known.

your teeth were chattering and your cheeks turning red as did your nose. you were surprised to feel a sudden warmth envelope you in a hug, you look to your side to find a cold hoseok as he had lended you his jacket.

"wha-hobi!" you whined, "now you're cold!"

"aww, (your name)," hoseok pouted, "i was just trying to be a gentleman."

you rolled your eyes, smiling like an idiot. it was a cute gesture, plus, hoseok's jacket was fluffy and warm. the best part was that it smelled just like him, and you enjoyed his scent. sweet, pure, and delicate.

"and.." hoseok looked away and coughed awkwardly, his cheeks evolving to a pink tint, "you look cute in my clothes."

you smiled and wrapped your arms around your boyfriend, rubbing noses at first then a quick peck on the lips since you two were in public. you knew hoseok loved being spoiled with affection, he was naturally loving and it was calming to his senses.

you and hoseok both laughed, your breaths emulating fog as the weather was cold. other people and couples looked at you guys with envy, laughing at your cuteness.

your nose perked up as it sensed a very welcoming and sweet smell. you turned around and noticed a very cute pastry shop. the shop being pink, blue, and all sorts of pastel colors. you noticed how the pastries were on display, showing many cookies, cupcakes, and cakes.

but what caught your attention was what was read on the window.

"first timer's get discounts! please come in and try it out!"

your mouth opened in a perplexed reaction, you turned back to your lover boy who looked at you with a confused look. you opened your bag and were relieved to find your wallet inside.

"hey, hobi?" you smiled.


"remember when i said i would owe you that time when.." you trailed off, remembering when you left him in the rain, "we didn't go on that date?"

hoseok looked quite sad thinking about it, "oh..yeah?"

"well," you grabbed his hand and pointed at the shop behind you, "how about we have that date i owe you right now?"

hoseok's eyes met with the colorful shop, your heart beating as you watched his lips formed into the biggest smile you've ever seen. by his expression, you can tell how touched and loved he was, and that made you feel even better.

you were definitely girlfriend material.

"(your name)!" hoseok pouted, squishing your cheeks. you had made him the happiest guy in the world, who was now laughing at your gesture.

"c'mon," you dragged hoseok inside of the pastry shop, "let's make up that date and get that discount!"

hoseok laughed behind you, falling for you even more.

the only thing that lasted in that moment was you and hoseok smiling genuinely at each other, entering the pastry shop looking like total lovebirds. although it was obvious that you two were together, it was something that didn't need to be said.

it was something that didn't need a say.

it was something anyone can't say out loud, but it was something that people could be certain of when they saw it.

and it was that you and jung hoseok were most definitely, totally, and were beautifully, going to last for a very, very long time.


thanks so much for making it to the end of the story!! make sure you stay in touch with this for the epilogue will be released soon along with a very special announcement ;) ~ thank you for voting, commenting, and just giving hobi so much love! have a wonderful day c: ❤️💕💝🍥💟

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