liar liar •• sf9 [completed]

By keemche-stew

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her life wasn't as easy as she thinks. secrets that she had to hide, people that she had to protect, reputati... More

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Christmas and New Year Special
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491 28 0
By keemche-stew

A groan left her lips when she didn't see the familiar backside of him. The broad shoulder and black hair was nowhere to be found, even though it was in the crowded place, she knew what his backside looked like and he knew it well the difference of his hair color with the others.

The pain, hurt and betrayed was on his eyes, seeing the girl he loves kissed another guy and what makes it worse, Hanna didn't have the time or the chance to  explain Juho or either Rowoon; the guys that she cared.

The kiss took her by surprise and if she knows what Taeyang good at is kissing someone by surprise.

It was sweet, romantic, but she didn't like the fact that why out of all people she knew, cared, it has to be Juho appeared, seeing her kissing with Taeyang!

Hanna can't believe that she let Juho walk away like that and then followed him when he was—yet again male can run faster than female—and disappear quickly before she saw a glimpse of him again.

She walk as quickly as she can while slapping her both cheeks so that she knows that she wasn't in the same dreamlike she experienced not long ago. The slap was hard enough that a pattern of her own palm stuck on her right cheek.

A 'no' went out from Hanna's lips that she knew that she wasn't dreaming and all of this was true, this is reality.

Juho will hate her more than he already does, she can't let that happen. Craning her neck and eyes wander around the crowded place, she still can't find Juho.

"Where are you going?" Taeyang took her wrist again turning her to face him.

Hanna harshly shook the grip glaring death stare towards the taller male.

"Please, I just need to find him!" she said and about to turn around but Taeyang was fast enough to catch her wrist returning the glare that she gave to him earlier before gritted his teeth.

"why, why do you need to find him when he's nothing to you?"

"I care about him, Sunbae. As much as I want to spend time with you, I have something to take care of, I need to explain what's happening to someone I really, really care." She said tears threatening to spill any second, the scene where Juho looked at her with teary eyes.

Hanna winced when she felt that Taeyang tighten his firm hand around her wrist.

"Why do you care about him so much, why don't you care about me?" Hanna scoffed, rolling her eyes at him.

"The last time I check we were "fake dating"," Hanna said and shot Taeyang right in the heart.

"I never said that!" Taeyang said, "But still! Your my girlfriend and I tell you not to care about hi—"

"You can't tell me what to do!" Hanna manage to free herself from Taeyang's grip and quickly ran as fast as she can out from the carnival and went straight to the side of the street, waving her hand to stop a taxi and went inside before telling the driver Juho's address.

Taeyang kick the road in anger. He didn't know what got into him that he feels so mad, like fire burning up his whole body seeing Hanna cared another guy that totally Taeyang's rival.

And he got pissed when Hanna said that they dated just to cover Hanna's little secret. And he realized that all this time he bring himself into another bigger mess, if he didn't interrupted Hanna's life, if he didn't ask Hanna much about what she knew on that year book, he wouldn't feel a pang on the chest right now.

He didn't think further as he sprint to his car and drove off to the Kwon's mansion.


Hanna presses the bell on the side of the double gate at Juho's house before a maid appeared and let her in the house.

Hanna was escorted in to the living room and the maid said to wait for Juho as she called Juho in his room.

Her fingers can't stop fiddling the hem of her bomber jacket and biting her bottom lip.

She scared that if Juho didn't want to talk to her but to her surprise, Juho walk down from the stairs with the maid tailing him from behind before excuse herself.

Hanna stood up from the sofa with a weak smile on her face, hoping that will melt his heart and forget about what happened earlier and approach Juho. Well obviously, he won't forget it; he can see from his own eyes.

"Hey, Juho, sorry for barg—"

"Cut the crap, Hanna, what do you want?" he said bitterly makes Hanna widen her eyes in reaction.

Juho never acted that way to Hanna, even though he's mad about something because of her, he wouldn't talk bitterly and make her feel bad.

The pang on her chest tightens, like someone get a hold of her neck suppressing her from breathing normally and weld up on her eyes.

"If you want to explain, no thanks. I've seen enough," he continue when Hanna didn't reply anything from earlier and went pass her not forget to bump her shoulder on the way.

She quickly turns around and follows Juho to where he's going holding his shoulder.

"Please, I didn't—"

"Save it Hanna! It's obvious that you don't care about my feelings towards you, you picked Taeyang—well he's your boy—you know what, why do I care," he said and walk out from his house towards his car not even care that Hanna was tailing him.

"I like you Baek Juho!" Hanna yelled stopping Juho from sliding inside his car and drove somewhere.

Hanna bit her lip after what she said, in situation like this, how Juho could reply her confession even though she knew that he has the same feelings as her.

But still, she thinks it was stupid pouring everything out when something worse is getting more difficult to finish.

Juho closed his eyes for a second before taking a long inhale and turnaround from his door facing Hanna who was clenching her hands into tight fist and her jaw dropped.

Rather than an answer that she wanted to hear, she heard a laugh, a loud one that she never heard it from him, a laugh that really mocks her and squeezes her heart hard enough to make her hard to breath.

From there, she knew that she messed up things with Juho. The tears are threatened to fall and she tried her best to keep it in place and then blink it away.

"Do you think I will believe that, after what I saw?" he said under a laughter and look at her with a disgust eyes.

Hanna can't hold it, the tears finally left her eyes like a heavy rain. 

"Juho... let me explain—"

"Like I said Hanna, save it." It was the last word that he heard from Juho.

Facing the whole weekdays without Juho by her said was kind of—well extremely lonely, but Rowoon was slightly angry at her but still talking to her a little bit.

There's no more inside jokes that only Hanna and Juho knew, no more driving home, no more rooftop chill and other things that they like to do together and what's more worse is Taeyang didn't talk to her either, didn't spare any stare for her once, even a bit.

Taeyang went to Hanna's house after they had a fight near the parking lot, when Hanna about to run after Juho.

He waited for her almost an hour or more and decided to go home when Hanna isn't home after 1 o'clock in the morning.

Worried? He is. But as much as he wanted to search for Hanna, his heart was stabbed that he thought that she had feelings for him, he hoped that the relationship between the two of them isn't fake anymore.

He hoped that Hanna finally fall for him, for real. But she cared for someone else beside him and it hurts him.

He just realizes how precious Hanna is to him, but he can't have her all for himself.

That day when Juho said mean things that make her heart hurt that she never felt before; when Juho left her on his house parking lot with jaw dropped and tears repeatedly rolling down her cheeks.

She walked home after Juho left her, slowly walking down the sidewalk towards her house. She didn't care if it took her an hour or more to get to her house, the walk was a perfect time for clearing her minds and let her cry out.

It was unpredictable that he was there at the carnival. Juho once told Hanna that he didn't really like crowded place, he prefer quite, soothing place where he can concentrate on one thing and just talk about something that popped on his head.

Hanna arrived home longer than she thought it would be and got scolded by her brother; saying that girls like her can wander around 1 in the morning.

She nodded her head in answer and walks towards her room like a zombie and locked herself until Monday.

In Seong was confused of what happen to Hanna and he wanted to ask, but as long as he could remember what Hanna is like, he let it slide and ask another time when her emotions is settle down, then he asked.

Sunday was hell, she didn't have anything to do; Rowoon have a family gathering, In Seong is out with Dawoon and his other friend, Chanee, Taeyang? Wasn't the best option especially Juho. They were the only close friends that she knows aside them, only Hwiyoung.

Then there's Monday. She walks inside the school with heavy steps and snoopy eyes. Hanna used to walking inside the school, meeting either Juho or Rowoon or Taeyang beside her locker and went to class together, but now, there's no one.

Seeing no figure standing next to her locker was kind of sad.

Taking her books out from her locker she found the eyes that she want to see since Saturday night. Those eyes boring at her soul from across the hallway, it wasn't glare—no, it was soft, pitied, misses, and love.

Hanna was about to walk towards him but he quickly left the scene and disappoint her.

Leaning against her locker, a long sigh left her lips before pushing herself off the locker and walk towards class, didn't forget to bump into the mean girls who knock her books down.

Can't this day get even worse?

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