Don't Tell (Willow/Spike Fanf...

By StarGirlShining

3.4K 160 73

Spike/Willow fanfiction. When Willow begins to fall in love with Spike, she feels like the floor is falling... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Spike POV)
Chapter 7
Bad news fans
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

183 9 5
By StarGirlShining

Spike POV

"Drusilla, come out!" I shouted, slamming the door to the crypt.
After Willow had stormed off, I turned to yell at Dru, only to find she had slipped away while we were fighting. I decided to go to Buffy's, hoping to talk to Dawn or at least see a friendly face, tell them what I had done, but just as I was about to walk into their yard, I saw the slim figure of a girl on the porch  and as a breeze blew towards me, I caught the scent of freshly washed hair and a slight hint of sandalwood. Willow!

I quickly ducked behind a tree, and as Buffy opened the door, I saw Willow collapse.

Worried voices cried out through the open door. "Willow?" "Wil? Are you ok?" "What happened?" "Is she dead?"

I had rushed away quickly. What if she told them? Buffy would put a stake in me for sure, although it's not like she hadn't been itching to do that for ages. But this could give her a damn good excuse. 

What the hell was I thinking? How could I be worried about myself, after what I did to Willow? What if she was hurt? I couldn't deny that she must have collapsed because of how upset she was from our argument.  Why couldn't I have just have told her how I feel about her that day in the cemetery? I know that Drusilla and I kissing looked bad, but why didn't she just believe me when I tried to explain? 

"Wait, stupid fucking question. Why would she listen to anything you had to say, after the way you treated her?" The voices were rushing through my head as I ran towards my crypt, but more importantly, Drusilla. I shouldn't have taken her in, knowing that something like this was bound to happen. But I couldn't turn her away, not without her harming Willow (not like I hadn't done that myself), and as much as I told myself it wasn't true, I knew deep down that I didn't have it in me to kill Dru, not even after all she had done to me. She was my sire, and we had been lovers for many years. 

I did, however, have it in me to get her out of my freaking house.

"Dru! Where are you?" stormed downstairs, not caring what was in my way. She was sitting on my bed, surrounded by her dolls. There must have been a least 30 of them, some cracked porcelain, some cloth with ratty, matted yarn hair. There was even a plastic baby doll, the left side of its face melted, so drips of blue and peach was smeared down its neck. Drusilla was cradling her favorite, the porcelain antique with white blonde hair that she called 'Lilly'. She was trying to do its "makeup", smearing blood across its white lips and cheeks. She looked up, surprised, as I strode over to her, fury burning in my eyes.

"Back already Daddy? Want to play a game?" She grinned cautiously, looking up at my with her big brown doe eyes.

"Don't call me that, you bitch! Thanks to you, everything is ruined with Willow! Are you happy now? You finally won, didn't you?"

Drusilla jerked back, as if she had been stung. The shock on her face quickly turned to a puzzled look.

"I helped you Spikey. Now the nasty girly will leave you alone, and we can be a happy family. Aren't you happy?" She leaned closer to me, expecting me to kiss her in gratitude or Lord knows what.

"Happy?" I exploded. "How could I be happy with what you've done? First you kick me out of my own bed, move all my crap to the couch, hang dead birds on the sodding walls, and now you've hurt me and 'the nasty human girl', who I happen to bloody love!"

Her confusion turned to rage, then a sickeningly sweet smile. "You don't mean to say you love the disgusting beasty? Well, we'll have to do something about that, won't we Lilly? I think Daddy needs to be taught a lesson, don't you?"

"I told you, don't call me Daddy! In fact, don't call me anything. Just get the hell out! Now! Get out!"

"What?" Her voice was soft. "What did you say?"

"I said get out! You've done enough damage!" Suddenly, I grab one of her dolls, and throw it to the floor. 


She gasps, looking at the shattered pieces of her doll, the pink dress it was in ripped to shreds.

"GO!" I start hurling the dolls at her, screaming "TAKE THEM!", as she calmly walks up the stairs, Lilly in her arms. As she opens the door, she turns back towards me, as I shake with rage, staring at her from the top of the stairs.

"You'll be sorry." She says, and I'm surprised to see a tear trailing down the contours of her face, but as she looks at me, I see a strange look in her eyes.

"Goodbye William. I'll miss you."

And with that, she was gone.


   ***Hey guys! Sorry it's taken so long to update, been really busy at school. Anyways, it's kinda a short, rushed chapter, but trust me, next one will be way better. Love you all!!

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