The Dominant Duo (BoyxBoyxBoy)

By --Forest--

1.5M 42.5K 18.6K

Isn't it funny how one minute you're in this perfect bubble, distorted from reality but then like all bubbles... More

Post Completion Author's Note
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch.23 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chalter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42


60.1K 1.7K 801
By --Forest--

Chandler ended up leaving my house to go to the store where he flirted with the employee to let him buy alcohol. His adventures didn't end there though.

He had run into the two boys who seem to do everything together and brought them home with him. To my home.

"Chandler! I thought I told you no visitors! I look like shit!" I yelled into the phone at him.

"You look fine."

"No I don't!"

"Well it's too late so either get ready really fast or live with it." Chandler grunted before talking really sweetly to the guys in which our conversation orbited.

I sighed and ended the phone call before running upstairs.

As fast as humanly possible, I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair so I looked semi-presentable.

I ran back downstairs and cleaned up all the bowls used for ice cream and pop corn.

The doorbell rang once before Chandler entered the house with two teenage boys following him.

"Hey Juniper." Nikolai smiled.

"Niko, Sage, how was school?" I smiled softly at the two of them, sending a sharp glare at Chandler.

"It was okay but it would have been better if you were there."

My face immediately turned red with blush.

"Ah-ha guys... yeah..." I spoke nervously.

"Look, June, one for each of us!" Chandler grinned whilst petting Sage.

"I'm not looking for a relationship, Chandler."

"Your loss." Chandler shrugged then shook his head.

"Umm... well, since you're here, would you like to watch a movie? Maybe we could go out or something?" I asked. 

"We should stay here. I don't feel like getting arrested for public and underage drinking." Chandler said.

I rolled my eyes but a smile pulled at the end of my lips.

"Well, if we're staying in, can I have some?" I asked Chandler, motioning for him to hand me the alcohol.

"It took me a lot of effort to get this! Why should I share?"

"Because I'm your best friend so hand over the alcohol."


I crossed my arms and stomped my foot like a child.

"It's probably for the best if you refrain from the alcohol anyways." Nikolai reminded me of their presence.

"I don't care what's for the best."

Niko tensed and tilted his head.

Chandler cautiously passed me the long bottle of alcohol.

I grinned and took a swig.

"Thanks babe." I winked at my best friend.

"Oh! I forgot, come sit in the living room, I'll put a movie in or something. Chandler, go get some food for these two fine young men." I tipped my nonexistent hat.

Chandler rolled his eyes and I led Sage and Niko to the living room.

I could feel a hot stare at my plump ass.

"Hey, guys, my eyes are up here."

"But you're not facing us so we should have something to look at." Sage countered.

"There are plenty of things to look at other than my ass."


"Pictures on the walls and literally everything else in the room." I shrugged.

"Nothing is as appealing as you." Sage winked and I rolled my eyes.

When we got in the living room I plopped down on the couch.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked them.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever you want." Niko shrugged.

"Why doesn't Chandler pick the movie?" Sage asked as said person walked into the room. A small grin lifted his cheeks as he dropped the food onto the center table and riffled through my movies.

"Worst mistake of your life." I said pointedly at Sage.

Chandler out the DVD in the player and skipped through the previews.

"This again? God damnit, Chandler!"

The two guests gave me a sideways glance before each of them groaned.

"He'll make you watch the whole thing, just wait."

"He can't make us." Sage said eliciting a laugh from me.

"Clearly you don't know Chandler."

"Hey, sorry Chandler but we're switching the movie." Niko tried grabbing the remote.

Chandler glared at them and turned so the remote was out of reach.

"Chandler give me the remote."

"No! We're watching Frozen!" He yelled and clutched the remote to his chest like a child.

Sage grunted and stood to get the remote from Chandler.

His hand reached to grab it, getting too close to Chandler's mouth.

"You bit me!" Sage gasped before laughing.

"Just let him watch the movie because you're not going to convince him to watch something else."

Sage grumbled something before choosing a seat. Rather than sitting in the separated chair that he had chosen earlier, he sat on one side of me on the couch. Niko sat on the other side of my body.

Chandler decided that he didn't want to sit in the chair either and squeezed himself in between me and Niko.

My thigh which was touching Sage's before was now practically on top of his.

I sent a nervous smile towards him.

"Heh, sorry."

"I don't mind." His voice dropped slightly and I looked up at him through my lashes.

"Hey Chandler, can you get me some water?" Niko asked my best friend.

"Sure." Chandler paused the movie and then took the remote with him.

Nikolai sidled up next to me, pressing me farther into Sage. Now all three of us were touching. My skin felt like it had just been set aflame.

"Uh guys? What are you doing?" I laughed nervously.

"We just want to get to know you." Sage whispered from behind me, since I had turned slightly to face Niko.

"I-I'm not looking for anything other than a friendship so can you back off a little? P-please?"

Sage looked over to Niko who nodded and they backed off in synchronization.

"Thank you." I muttered, feeling slightly cold without them.

Chandler came back in the room not long after with the remote in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

He handed Niko the water before sitting back down on the couch.

"How convenient." I rolled my eyes before snatching a blanket from Chandler.

"Hey! You could at least share." Chandler pouted.

"Nope!" I chuckled and curled myself up into the warmness.

"Friend! Please!"

"You're forcing us to watch Frozen! You don't deserve this blanket."

"Just because I like Frozen doesn't mean I want to be Frozen!"

Two laughs halted our argument.

"That-that was good!" Niko laughed while speaking breathlessly.

"I know, thank you." Chandler bowed and I rolled my eyes.

"Go home!" I threw a throw pillow at him. That's what they're for anyways.

"You go home!"

"I am home you dumbass!"

Chandler threw me a nasty look before throwing the pillow back. Sage caught it before it hit me.

"Thanks Sage," I blushed. I sure as hell would not have caught that. Then again, my hands are tucked into a blanket.

Chandler glared at Sage who just smiles innocently in return.

"I feel attacked." Chandler huffed, turning the movie back on and ignoring us.

I shrugged not caring and watched the movie as well. Chandler will start talking once the movie is over.

Sage had somehow moved closer to me and wrapped his thick arm around me shoulders.

"Heh heh, umm... Sage..." I poked his arm.

"What? This is friendly." He shrugged, smirking.

"Not really." I muttered but didn't make any move to remove his arm.

Sage chuckled while his thumb stroked my shoulder. It was relaxing and the motion calmed my tense nerves.

Eventually, the movie ended and Niko got up to choose another. My head rested on Sage's chest. In a friendly way, of course.

Chandler had managed to steal the blanket I had but Sage's body heat kept me warm.

My legs were tucked underneath my body and rested against Sage's. This was possibly the most comfortable I've been in my entire life.

Something about being in Sage's arms makes me feel safe and secure but I couldn't help wondering what it was like to be in Nikolai's arms. Would he feel the same?

There was a rumor that filtered around saying that the two shared everything. Even love interests.

It's a package deal of sorts.

I chuckled at my description of their relationship.

"What's so funny?" Sage asks. His voice was so husky that it sent shivers down my spine.

"I just thought of something Chandler had said one time." I lied. I knew that he caught it by the look he gave me but he didn't press.

I moved to get up but Sage held me still.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To my bedroom. I want to ask you something privately." I admitted.

He relaxed and let me lead him to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind him and pressed him against it using my fingertips.

"I just want to clear this rumor up. Do you and Nikolai share?" I asked, trailing my fingers on his hard chest.

"Share what?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Sage."

"What if we did?"

My cheeks turned red at the thought of- no, no you can't be thinking about this! Just friends!

"Why do you care if we share or not?" He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Oh, no reason..." both my palms rested on his chest now. I could feel his soft heart beat.

"You sure?" He gently nibbled on my earlobe. This was not just friendship. But who cares?

"Mhmm." I gulped and pressed my body a little closer to his.

"So you don't mind?"



Sage's mouth moved down to my neck. I tilted my head to give him more access.

"W-we should probably go back downstairs."

"You're right." He pushed away from me and opened the door. Sage waved his hands to motion me through the door.

I stepped past him and walked downstairs with Sage not far behind.

Before we reached the last step, he gripped my shoulder and forced me to turn. Sage's slightly chapped lips met mine.

He dominated the kiss almost immediately.

When Sage pulled away, he looked into my eyes and winked.

"Let's get back to the living room." He smirked and picked up my hand.

I'm sure my face was more red than a freaking tomato.

Chandler looked back, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he sipped from the bottle of alcohol that I had forgotten about.

I shook my head no slightly and he rolled his eyes.

We sat on the couch and took turns sipping the bottle before Sage suggested that him and Niko leave.

"Bye, thanks for coming over, you really took my mind off of Devon for a while." I smiled at the two of them. Sage pecked me on the cheek and Niko mimicked his action.

"Call us any time you need anything." Niko smirked.



"Alright. Goodnight guys, see you tomorrow." I waved them off before entering back into my house.

"Tell me everything! I want every little dirty detail!" Chandler demanded once the front door closed behind me.

"Sit your crazy ass down!" I command before beginning to explain the details.

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