Treacherous Affairs [Scisaac]...

By BekkaChaos

2M 45.8K 40.9K

The Sequel to Dangerous Liaisons. BoyxBoy. 2015 Watty Award Winner. This is a story that centres around Scisa... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Seventeen

47.6K 993 834
By BekkaChaos

A/N: Sorry it took so long! Silly Season and all I had lots of family stuff on :) I hope you guys had the best Christmas and New Years ever! I wanted to get New Years chapter up sooner but you'll have to suffer through this for now :)

                                                                      ~ ~ ~


By the time it was nearing midnight everyone was exhausted. For the last few hours they had all just sat around the living room chatting, Derek had retired to the couch to read one of his books, piping up from time to time when he had something snide or witty to say.

When he had had enough of their chattering he got up and tossed his book aside, tugging on the top of Stiles’ shirt before heading to the stairs.

“Well, I guess that means I’m going to bed.” Stiles said with a yawn. “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” He said with a grin and everyone let out a loud groan.

“That’s original.” Erica said, laying back on the floor and closing her eyes.

“You just going to sleep right there are you?” Boyd asked with a smile.

“It’s actually more comfortable than you think.” She said.

“Do you all mind shutting up now? We’re going to try and get some actual sleep.” Jackson said as he curled up with Lydia on the couch.

Allison’s eyes were looking heavy as she sat on the armchair and she just snuggled in a little deeper while Boyd lay down next to Erica on the floor.

“Yeah, it’s not bad.” He said with a shrug.

Isaac nudged Scott in the ribs and bobbed his head in the direction of the stairs so they got up and said goodnight to the rest of them, heading the same way as Derek and Stiles who had retreated to the relative sanctuary of Derek’s bedroom.

As soon as the door had closed behind them Derek had the antlers crumpled between his fingers and tossed across the room. Stiles chuckled as he pulled the fluffy Santa hat off his head and put it down on the dresser.

“Man, you really hated those things didn’t you?” Stiles said with a grin.

“If you ever make me wear something like that again you won't live to see another day.” Derek warned, realising he was still wearing the sweater and pulling it violently over his head.

“You’re such a sour wolf, come on, try and be merry.” Stiles said.

“Don’t push me. I have tolerated every-”

“Calm down! Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have forced you into the sweater and the ears and all the rest of it but it was a good night anyway, don’t you think?” Stiles asked.

Derek sighed huffily. “It was fine.”


“But I’m going to be feeling Erica’s lips on my nose for weeks… not to mention this place constantly smells like all the rest of them.” He grumbled, unzipping his jeans and kicking them off before climbing into the bed.

“You know, you can complain about it all as much as you like but you always say yes to having them over and almost always join in… anyone looking in at this from the outside would maybe think that you actually liked it this way.” Stiles said, the hint of a smile playing at his lips.

He removed the outer layers of his own clothing before crawling in beside Derek who had his arms folded and his eyebrows creased into their usual V shape. Derek just gave him a glare and Stiles shook his head.

“Well either way…” He leant up to kiss Derek’s nose. “Thank you for tolerating them, and me, I know you have to tolerate me at these things too.”

Derek gave a little roll of his eyes. “Well, that’s slightly enjoyable.” He muttered.

Stiles grinned. “Yeah?”

“Don’t push it.”

Stiles laughed before his hands were sliding back and forth on the silky fabric of Derek’s boxers and this time Derek’s lips twitched with a smile.

“You can't help yourself can you?”

“What? My hands? Oh no, these skinny guys have a mind of their own.” He said and Derek laughed before Stiles’ tongue was asking permission to slip behind his teeth and he had one leg either side of his hips.

“For a human you do that pretty quickly.” Derek teased, his hands looping around Stiles’ waist.

“Yeah well for a werewolf you’re pretty tame.” Stiles said, biting hard at Derek’s bottom lip and causing him to wince before letting out a growl low in his throat.

He shoved Stiles onto his back and crawled over him, loving the arrogant smirk on Stiles’ face. “You know that if I let myself go wild you won't stand a chance.”

“I don’t know, you were pretty wild when we first got together, all rough and tough when you wanted me.” He grinned.

“If you remember correctly you were also covered in scratches and bruises.” Derek said as he looked down at him.

Stiles shrugged. “I didn’t care about that; I always just wondered why you stopped.”

Derek leant down to whisper in Stiles’ ear. “I stopped when I realised that I was starting to care about hurting you. I didn’t want to do it anymore.”

“Oh come on, I was fine.”

“I was holding myself back even then, I can never lose full control with you Stiles. It wouldn’t be hard for me to do you some serious damage.” He said and Stiles sighed, a little annoyed.

“You don’t need to treat me like I’m a fragile human. I mean, I know, I’m kind of the fragile human in this weirdo pack but a few scratches aren’t going to kill me. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” He said, looking up at Derek and wrapping his arms around him.

“Not intentionally, but if I let myself lose control then it might not be by choice. Scott tried to kill you once, remember?”

Stiles groaned, and not in the good way. “Can we not talk about him while we’re mostly naked in bed please?”

Derek laughed. “You want me to distract you from that?” He purred.

“Please do, like, really please do.” He said.

“Okay… answer me this…” Derek said as he leant down to suck gently on Stiles’ earlobe. “One…” He pulled back and moved his head to the other side, sliding his tongue along the inside of Stiles’ jawline. “Or two?”

Stiles smiled. “One.” He replied.

Derek inched himself further down, placing a soft kiss to one of his nipples. “One…” He turned his head to kiss the other. “Or two?”

Stiles had his eyes closed but pulled a thinking face. “Uh… two.” He said with a smile.

Derek inched himself down again. “One…” He said as he dragged his fingertips over Stiles’ chest and down his stomach. “Or two?” He asked while he stroked Stiles’ thighs with his palms.

Stiles let out a contented sigh, “two.” He said softly and Derek caught his fingers in the hem of his boxers, pulling them down to reveal Stiles’ already hard member beneath them.

As he pulled them down his legs and over his ankles he watched Stiles bite his lip and exhale heavily, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

“Shut up Derek.” Stiles mumbled.

One…” He said, his lips finding the head of Stiles’ cock and taking it between them, his tongue lashing over the moist tip.

“One… yes, definitely one…” Stiles groaned, not even caring what two was going to be.

Derek just looked up at him and shook his head. “I’m not done.” He said. “One…” He repeated as his tongue went back to its merciless tormenting, sliding all the way down Stiles’ shaft and back up until he was taking most of his length into his mouth.

Stiles let out ecstatic moans and gave a few light jerks of his hips, making Derek smirk through his actions. When he pulled his mouth away and Stiles was left cold and wanting more Derek quickly took his hips and rolled him over, holding him up so that he was on his knees.

“Or two…” Derek said with a growl as he ran his tongue over Stiles’ puckered hole and making him sigh loudly.

“Two… oh yeah, two…” Stiles mumbled without breath as Derek lapped him softly, swirling his tongue around him and plunging it inside him with force.

The feeling of Derek’s tongue inside him, hot and not quite filling enough, made him hungry for more of him, to be filled completely by Derek and to feel his hips bracing against him.

“Or one, or both… fuck…” Stiles grunted as Derek gave one last flick of his tongue before pulling himself back and sliding a finger inside him, curling it just enough to make him squirm beneath him. “Oh yeah, more Derek… please…” He begged, pushing back and making Derek laugh.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re far too eager?” Derek hummed.

“You’re just as easy as I am…”

“I said eager Stiles, not easy.” He smiled. “But I’m not going to disagree with it.”

“Shut up and give me something worth bragging about.” Derek laughed again and added a second finger, making Stiles groan again.

He worked him open slowly, reaching over to breathe heavily in Stiles’ ear, letting out the occasional moan that had Stiles biting at his lip and gripping even tighter to the sheets. His fingers reached just deep enough to pay close attention to his weak spot and when he found it he repeatedly pushed against it, leaving Stiles a mess and at his mercy.

“Yeah… yeah Derek that’s it… right there…” His breathing grew shallow and escaped in strangled grunts as he felt the pressure inside of him building, his crescendo so close it was almost upon him … when Derek stopped moving and removed his fingers with a cruel laugh.

The pressure Stiles had felt began to sink back inside him and he whimpered as his frustration began building instead.

“That…” Derek whispered into his ear, “… was for the sweater.”

“Oh come on you can't do that… that’s just pure evil.” Stiles said, shoving Derek back and collapsing onto his stomach.

“Maybe you’ll think twice about putting me in a festive sweater next time.” Derek said.

“Never, you’ll be on me again in two minutes tops.” Stiles chuckled.

Derek scoffed at him. “You want to bet?”

“As I recall we did have a bet to that nature… and I won if I remember correctly.” Stiles said.

“Don’t push it.” Derek said, remembering that the bet ended with a rather explosive argument and did not leave Derek in a very hospitable mood.

“So why don’t you push it, huh? Asshole.” Stiles grunted and Derek laughed.

“I had to pay you back somehow.”

“Well find another way!”

Derek turned away, pretending that he wasn’t grinning madly at the frustration in Stiles’ voice. He shrugged and turned back to him.

“Fine.” He said, grabbing Stiles’ shoulder and flipping him flat on his back and swiping his hand down over his stomach and leant in to pull the head of his cock into his mouth and taking all of him in.

“Holy-” Stiles said in a sharp inhale and threw his head back as Derek’s relentless tongue circled and swiped and his cheeks hollowed with perfection.

Derek’s hands reached underneath him to cup his ass and pull him in deeper, making Stiles squirm and the sweat began to bead on his forehead. He switched between long slow strokes that made Stiles’ head spin and the quick pull of his lips that had his stomach tightening and his jaw going rigid.

Derek could feel the tension building inside him and smiled, bringing him once again to the point of release and pulling back just in time. Stiles let out a pained whine and huffed loudly as Derek sat back against the bed frame with a smile.

“And that was for the antlers.” He said, slightly out of breath and his lips red from their exhausting efforts.

“This is not funny Derek Hale.” Stiles said.

“I think it’s well deserved actually.”

“You know one of these days I am going to… I swear you are going to pay…” Stiles said, sitting up beside him and glaring at him.

“Oh I’m going to pay am I?” Derek asked, still smiling.

“Yeah, you’re going to pay.”

“What are you going to do?” Derek challenged and Stiles just narrowed his eyes before lunging at him, tackling him down.

Derek laughed as he tried to win this little wrestling match. Of course he never would on raw strength but his determination was impressive so Derek let him pin him to the wall, his hot breath fanning the side of his face as his lips drew closer to Derek’s ear.

“Shut up and listen; I’m going to fuck you right now, I’m going to fuck you so hard it hurts and I’m not taking no for an answer.” He growled, his body through with Derek’s teasing.

“What are you waiting for then? Fuck me.” Derek said submissively, reaching over to the side of the bed to hand Stiles the bottle of lube.

Stiles growled as he slicked himself up, Derek pulling his boxers down to sit around his knees, and aligned himself perfectly as he forced himself all the way into Derek in one go, making him let out a loud yelp.

It didn’t seem to deter him though, lifting his body back up so that Stiles could ram his hips back into him again and again. He was sure that if Derek was human he would definitely be bruised but if there’s one good thing about dating a werewolf it’s that you can be as rough as you like and you still won't leave a scratch, not to mention Derek seems to enjoy it, like, a lot.

Derek’s hands braced against the wall as Stiles held one hand firmly on Derek’s hip and the other snaked up to entangle with Derek’s fingers. Derek let his other hand pull away from the wall, reaching back to hold onto Stiles’ waist.

Stiles was in ecstasy at even just the slightest touch from Derek and he let out a breathy moan. “Damn it if I don’t love you Derek fucking Hale.” He said, his breath getting louder with each thrust of his hips.

“You really do have a name kink thing going on don’t you?” Derek laughed, his eyes closed and lips suspended in a perpetual part.

Stiles growled a little. “Only yours.”

“Good,” Derek said, “Keep it that way.”

Scott and Isaac had rushed up the stairs not too long after the other pair, hands entwined and smiles impossible to remove from their faces. They paused at Isaac’s door and Scott gave him a quizzical look.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Just, give me a second.” Isaac said, sliding in through the door and shutting it back in Scott’s face.

He chuckled as he heard him moving things around inside before opening up the door again to let him in.

“You know, you can be a little weird sometimes.” Scott chuckled and Isaac rolled his eyes.

“It’s part of my charm.” He grabbed Scott by the wrist and pulled him into the room, stealing a kiss as he passed him.

Scott smiled as he looked at the layout of blankets and pillows on the floor by a couple of lanterns against the wall. He shook his head as Isaac collapsed down into the middle of it all and patted the empty space beside him.

Scott knelt down and crawled over to Isaac, ducking his head down and kissing him softly. He ran his tongue over Isaac’s lips, his eyes closed as he savoured the touch, the taste, everything about Isaac in that moment.

Isaac’s entire body hummed in reply, his own tongue stretching out to meet Scott’s, pulling their mouths in together and making the both of them sigh. When they finally broke Scott made himself comfortable, lying on his side and propped up on his elbow so he could see the beautiful lines of Isaac’s face as he held his hand.

“What’s with the lanterns?” He asked with a smile and Isaac shrugged.

“We don’t have a fireplace, candles would be a bad idea, and even when the pack isn’t here I don’t think Derek would appreciate us … cuddling… like this downstairs by the actual fire.” He said. “He sure as hell didn’t appreciate it when I walked in on him and Stiles-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not information I need to hear!” Scott laughed.

“Sorry, sorry.” Isaac said, closing his eyes tight and wishing that he could get that image out of his head.

“So…” Scott said softly, “Was this the best Christmas ever or what?” He smiled.

Isaac nodded. “I can say that honestly, yeah, yeah it was.” Especially considering the last few years Christmas hasn’t really existed in his house.

Scott looked guilty for asking, only thinking about how terrible his father was to him after the words left his lips. “I uh-”

“No, don’t be sorry. What could you possibly have to be sorry about? I just said this was the best Christmas ever.” Isaac said, smiling gently and stroking the soft skin on Scott’s cheek. “I mean sure… I miss my dad sometimes, he wasn’t always an asshole.”

“What… I mean when did…” Scott started, the words only a whisper leaving his lips.

“It’s okay,” Isaac assured him. As much as it hurt to think about his father, to talk about him, he had been building up the nerve to talk to Scott about him for a long while now. “It was after my mom left us, right after he got me out of foster care.”

“You never really explained that whole thing.” Scott said.

“Well, my mom left us when I was about ten or eleven, I think, my brother was already away and she used to drop me off at school. One day she uh… she never showed up after the final bell.” He nodded to himself, his eyes looking down and away from Scott’s, who was silently transfixed. “It was something like seven o’clock before I made it home. I waited for a while but she never showed so I had to walk. When I got home dad was tearing through the whole house trying to find any hint to why she left but she’d cleared out all her stuff.

“He started yelling things like ‘what did you do’ and ‘why is she gone, tell me, tell me’ and I didn’t even know that she had gone until he sort of… screamed in my face ‘the bitch is gone and she’s not coming back so shut up’ and I guess I had never seen him so mad and I hid in my room the rest of the night. I didn’t know what he was going to do, all I heard was slamming doors and cursing and crying. I couldn’t call my brother because I didn’t know the number and dad had the phone anyway.

“The next day he apologised and hugged me and said he was going to find her and dropped me off with this old woman who used to babysit me. When he wasn’t back that night and she couldn’t contact him she got worried, and a week later he wasn’t back so I was put with a foster family while the state tried to track him down. That’s where I met Cassie; she was one of their permanent foster kids. She was a couple years older than me and I guess she liked to play mom for a while.” He smiled to himself, one of the few cheerful memories from that time. “When they got my dad back he had to go through the courts to get me back and they were sympathetic because he was looking for his wife and… well the rest of it doesn’t matter. After that is when he started to get angry at me, I think he blamed me for her leaving. Then my brother stopped calling for some reason, I mean maybe it was because my dad refused to let him talk to me, I don’t know, I never caught the whole story, and eventually he stopped trying. I don’t think he ever knew about what dad used to do to me. I was almost fourteen when we got the call… we hadn’t talked to him in two years and I hadn’t seen him since before mom left, he kept extending his deployment.

“Dad got a lot worse after that. He needed my grades to be perfect, made me work the graveyard shift… literally… and basically tried to get me to ‘do some damn good’ and told me ‘not to piss away my life doing nothing because that juts wasn’t going to be good enough’. Maybe it was the whole losing his wife and then his son… I don’t know.

“Either way, it doesn’t really matter now. Let’s hope dying early doesn’t run in my family.” He joked morbidly.

“Hey, don’t say that. Besides, you know what you’re up against now, and your mom didn't die.” Scott said.

“She might as well have.” He said coldly. “I never even… I mean I don’t know what…” He shrugged and sighed before turning his eyes back up to rest in the gorgeous brown of Scott’s.

“Well it’s her loss.” He smiled, trying to make things a little better.

“Damn right it is.” Isaac smiled, the thoughts slowly weaving out of his mind.

“I uh… I have something for you.” Scot said with a smile, trying to deflect the dampened mood.

“You didn’t have to get me anything.” Isaac said, unable to hide his growing grin.

Scott squirmed about trying to pull a little wrapped box out of his pocket. “Here.” He said, handing it to Isaac.

“How did you keep this hidden in there all night?” He laughed.

“Just shut up and open it.” Scott said.

Isaac slowly picked at the wrapping, doing it just so to annoy Scott before pulling it all off and tossing it aside to reveal a small black box. “It’s not a ring is it?” He said with a smile.

Shut up and open it.” Scott said again, ears going slightly pink.

As he pushed the box lid up his face dropped all expression and he knew that Scott could hear his heartbeat getting faster.

“So what do you think?” Scott asked, biting his lip.

“I… uh…” Isaac said, completely lost for words.

Inside the box was a small silver key, and he didn’t need to ask to know what it was for. It was the key to Scott’s front door. It’s funny how such a tiny little key could have such a big meaning.

“I know it’s stupid, I mean you never even use the door anyway and it’s more just a gesture thing but-” He was cut off when Isaac slammed his lips into his, scooting closer and just breathing in everything that was Scott.

“It’s the most perfect gift I have ever been given, like, better than my batman suit when I was six.” Isaac said and Scott laughed and kissed him again.

“What are you doing?” He asked as Isaac began furiously tugging at his clothes.

“What does it look like? I’m getting rid of all these clothes and I’m going to let you do anything you want to me and then I’m going to let you do it again and again and basically I’m your bitch from now until the New Year.” Scott laughed again but didn’t complain.

“Speaking of, what are we doing for New Years?” Scott asked, pulling his jeans off and kicking them away.

Isaac gave him a cheeky smile as he pressed his naked body into Scott. “Well me and Erica were thinking of going to this rave happening at an old warehouse.”

“Remember the last time we went to a rave?” Scott said, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s okay, I promise this time I won't kiss Erica… or Jackson.” He grinned again.

“You better fucking not.” Scott laughed as he made good on Isaac’s word to do with him as he pleased.

                                                                      ~ ~ ~

A/N: Okay, hit me with your comments, what do you think of Isaac's backstory? And what about the idea to the pack going to a rave?

Also ... WHO IS PUMPED FOR 3B ??

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