Who Says I'm Nice?

By Wandering_Revenant

91K 3.9K 1.2K

A cold cat girl who hates humans because of what a human has done to her. Team 7 tries to get her to open up... More

Reika's Cat Summonings


1.5K 87 11
By Wandering_Revenant

Aimi's POV

I watched Reika as she was unconscious. Sasuke Uchiha was next to her as she slept. It's beyond my power to get her out of the genjutsu. All I can do is wait until Tsunade gets here and heals her.

I sighed before turning into a cat and jumping out the window.

Sasuke's POV

I was in the hospital with Reika. Before I left, Naruto asked me to keep Reika's head cover. Why? It's not like she has anything to hide under her hood. Is there? I raised a brow at Reika before I saw something moved under her hood.

What was that? Does she have a pet or something under there? Whatever was under her hood moved again. Now, I'm really curious. I slowly moved my hand towards her hood, then took it off her head.

My eyes widened when I saw cat ears. Are those things real? I gently touched one of them. They felt soft and warm. No doubt these are real. So... Reika's a cat? Was she afraid to tell anyone on the team?

(Time skip) Naruto's POV

I couldn't wait to see Reika. I wanted to see if she was okay. I practically had to drag Tsunade to the hospital so she could heal her. "Reika! Reika!" I burst into the hospital room and saw Sasuke by her side.

"This is her?" Tsunade asked as she walked in behind me. "Yeah, that's Reika!" I said. "Stop yelling." She said before walking over to Reika. She placed her hand over Reika's and it began to glow green.

After a few seconds, Tsuande's hand stopped glowing green and Reika's eyes opened. Reika grunted slightly as she sat up. "Are you okay?" Sasuke asked her. She stared off into space. "Naruto..." Her gaze went from the wall to me.

"Hey, Reika. How do you feel?" I asked her. She didn't answer as she stared at me. "Reika, your hair got longer." I noticed. "Naruto... Naruto!" She lunged at me and tackled me in a hug. "Oof!" I said when I hit the ground.

"Are you all right? I was so worried about you." Reika said as she rubbed her face on my chest. I blushed because she was doing that and everyone was staring at us. "Uh... Reika. They're looking at us." I mentioned.

She sat up and looked at me, smiling. I smiled back, then gasped when I noticed her hood was off, exposing her ears. "So, you're a cat." Tsuande said. Reika looked at her ears as they twitched before gasping.

"Reika, calm down." I said before she could into panic. I stood to my feet as Reika hid behind me. "I can explain." I said quickly. "I'm scared," I looked back at Reika as she actually had a bit of fear in her eyes. "I... I'm scared." Reika said softly.

Something's not right. Reika isn't usually like this. She's usually not this... innocent. "Reika, go back to the house and wait for me there." I instructed. Reika gave a nod and jumped out the window, heading home.

"Naruto, what just happened? Why were those things on Reika-san's head?" Sakura asked. "OK, let me explain." I said. "Because she's a cat." Sasuke answered for me. "You took her hood off her head, didn't you? You had no right to do that!" I snapped.

"I got curious. Why was she hiding the fact she was a cat from us? And you knew she was a cat, so why didn't you tell us?" Sasuke demanded. "Well, because Reika asked me not to. She wanted me to keep a secret." I answered.

"But that's not my real concern right now. I want to know why Reika was acting the way she was just now." I said, facing Tsunade. "You said Reika was placed under a genjutsu, right? Well, from what I observed, Reika's personality might be out of it for the time being." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You said Reika has a cold personality." Tsunade said. "Yeah, but now that she's opened up a bit, she's actually kind of nice." I explained.

"Right. So, when Reika was trapped in that genjutsu, she must've been seeing something of her past, when she was a child. Because she's been there for a while, Reika's mind might think she's still somewhere in that genjutsu." Tsuande explained.

"Let me get this straight: Reika is acting like this now because of how she acted in the past? And her mind thinks she's all innocent?" I said. "That's right." She confirmed. "Hmm... Okay, got it. I'll see you guys later." I said, quickly leaving the hospital.

"Wait! Naruto! You still have a lot of explaining to do!" Sakura called. But I was already out of the hospital.

"Reika, I'm back! Sorry I kept you waiting!" I called as I entered the house. I spotted Reika sitting on my bed with two pocky sticks sticking out of her mouth. Her hair had two braids in it and she was wearing a new outfit.

Her tail swayed freely as she looked at me. I blushed because she looked so cute like that! "Naruto!" Reika cheered as she jumped on me. She rubbed her face against my cheek, purring. "Reika, where did you get those clothes?" I asked her.

"I bought them at a store. Are you angry with me? I'm sorry! Please don't be angry with me!" Reika apologized, hugging my neck. "Reika, I'm not angry. Really." I said. "Thank goodness! I'm so happy!" Reika said, smiling.

I petted her head. I wonder how long she's going to be like this? I'm not complaining or anything. I just never seen this side of Reika. "Naruto! Naruto!" Reika said, tugging my sleeve like a kid.

"What?" I asked. "Can I have some sake?" She asked. "Sake? You're too young to have something like that." I said. "Aww! Please? Pretty please?" She asked. I chuckled. I've got to admit. Having a childish Reika is pretty fun.

Reika jumped to the ceiling and looked at me upside down. "You look funny." She giggled. I looked at her shoulder, noticing a small scar. "Reika, what happened to your shoulder?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Reika asked, returning the question.

"There's scar on your shoulder. Come on, I'll show you. Get down from there before you get hurt." I said, walking over to my bed. "No, I don't want to." Reika said childishly. I sighed. Maybe I can trick her.

"Reika, if you don't come down from there, I'm leaving and never coming back." I warned. "No!" Reika whined. When she did, she accidentally let go of the ceiling. I gasped and quickly got her. "Please don't leave, Naruto! I'm sorry! Please don't leave me alone! I don't want to be alone again!" Reika begged as she began to cry.

I think she took me too seriously. "Hey, it's okay, Reika. I was just kidding. I'm not going anywhere. Don't cry." I said, hugging her close to me. She looked at me and sniffed. What did Reika mean when she said "again"?

Did someone she care about leave her? Who? Her mother? Her father?

Reika wiped her tears away as she sniffed again. She looked at me and I saw her eyes chane from purple to red, to purple again. She blinked her eyes, then looked at me. "Naruto?" Reika raised a brow at me.

"When did you get back? Are you all right?" She asked frantically, moving closer to me. "Huh?" I asked. Wait, is she back to normal? "I'm fine, Reika. I'm just glad you're okay." I said, smiling. Reika raised a brow again before looking at herself.

"What the hell? Why am I in this?" Reika shouted. I sighed. "It's a long story." I said. "Whatever. I'm changing out of this." Reika said as she got off the bed. "I'll be right back." She informed before leaving the house.

I wonder when I'll get to learn more about Reika?  

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