The One Who Got Away

By NadineSchadt

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Ava Miller ran from every man she got close to. She meets Seth and find it not as easy to run. As she final... More

First Meeting
Dinner and A Show
Streets of New York
Just Fun
New Job
First Fight
Let Go
New Friends
Seth's Birthday Pt. 1
Seth's Birthday Pt. 2
The Ultimate Betrayal
Back to Normal
The Calm Before the Storm
The Final Showdown


274 2 0
By NadineSchadt

They decided to walk through Central Park.  As she did, Seth gently took her hand and intertwine their fingers.  She looked down at their hands and then at him with a small smile.  She moved closer to him and moved her other hand to his arm.  She held onto it.  Seth felt good next to her.  Seth then said, "So, you should let me take you on a real date."

She stopped and looked at him. "What I planned on you wouldn't consider a date?"  She asked.

He laughed.  "Well, did you think it was a date?"

"No, not really."  She sighed as they started walking again.

"I thought so.  So, would you let me take you out?"  He asked her.

She smiled as she looked at him.  "Well, I have to know when and see if I can get a sitter."

"Well, how about tomorrow night?"

"I have to work but I get out at six so maybe seven."  She said to him.

He smiled at her.  "Sounds perfect.  I have some interviews tomorrow anyways."

Then it hit her that Seth was a celebrity and it dawned on her.  "Hey, do you think we can just met there?  Where ever we are going."  She asked.

He looked confused at her.  "Why?"

She simply said, "I just don't want photos of me out there."

"Camera shy?"  He asked with a smile.

She shook her head.  "Easier to find me."

He stopped and looked at her.  He said as it dawned on him, "You are afraid he will find you again."  She nodded.  "That is always why you don't have any social media."

"Well, yeah, but I didn't lie when I told you the other reason.  I really do feel that way."  She replied as they started walking again.

"You really live your life in fear?  Don't you?"  He asked, almost in sadness.

She heard it and reassured him,  "I got use to it, Seth.  I have a routine and know what to do and not to do.  You don't have to be sad for me. I have been doing well and I am happy with my son.  Yes, I am afraid he will find us, but that is why I take precautions.  No social media, no pictures on the internet, we do not allow a lot of new people in our lives."

"Then why do you trust me?"  He asked.

She smiled.  "Remember, Mark is protective of me.  He would not have invited me to dinner with you and him if he thought you were a shady character.  He trust you, especially around me, knowing how careful I am with my life.  Mark just doesn't do that.  He knows I worked too hard to keep a quiet life.  So, when he allows certain people around me, I don't freak.  I trust him.  And if he trust you to be around me, I do too."

He smiled at her.  They walked around a little longer and she sighed.  "I hate to do this, but I really need to get back to Sam.  Brenda is watching him right now.  It has been a fucking crazy day."

Seth nodded and laughed.  "You telling me.  All in one day, I got my heart broken, then mended."

She stopped and looked at him.  She said sadly, "Please, don't do that, it really did suck that I hurt you like that.  It got to me bad."

"It did?"  He asked, a little shocked.

She let go of his hand and said, sadly, "Yeah, it did, Seth.  For the first time, I watched someone break in front of me and it sucked.  I had it happen plenty where guys got upset and it never phased me.  But when I watch it happen to you, I couldn't handle it."

He smiled, cause he knew then, she felt something for him.  Watching him be hurt, hurt her.  He then moved an arm around her waist, pulled her closer to him and took her lips.  She quickly moved her arms around his neck.  The kiss quickly deepened.  Ava wanted more, right then.  Seth could tell.  He pulled away and said, breathless, "Not now, sweetheart.  Like I said, I want to take you on a proper date.  I want to do this right with you."

She just cocked a smile and said, seductively, "You don't want me, Seth."

He pulled her closer to him as he gently grind his erection into her.  She moaned when she felt it as it made her womanhood ache.  He then moved his lips and growled, "I think you can feel how bad I want you.  The things I want to do to you right now.  Jesus, makes me harder thinking about it."  Her breathing became shallow as she became more aroused.  Then he pulled back and changed his demeanor.  "But that will happen in due time.  Right now, we will do it the proper way."

She bit her lip cause she was not one to take no or not right now as an answer.  She took her hand and gently brushed her fingers over his hard cock through his jeans and he groaned.  She was making this impossible.  She smiled at him as she saw his reaction.  She then whispered, "Are you sure there is nothing I could do to change your mind?"  She gently moved her fingers again over his cock.  He hissed as he closed his eyes, trying to control himself.  "I mean, is there anything."

"God, woman, you are making this so hard."  He gritted through his teeth.

She cocked her eyebrows and retorted, "That is an understatement."

He just smiled and kissed her again.  Then he said as he pulled away, "We are doing this right, understand.  I refuse to make love to you again, without a proper date.  It's only right."

She was impressed.  She making this very difficult for him.  She was offering herself to him, right then.  Basically telling him she wanted him.  And as bad as he wanted it, he wanted to be a gentleman.  She smiled at his intentions.  She wasn't use to it.  Seth reminded her, "Don't you need to get back to Sam anyways."

She sighed and nodded. "Want me to walk you, I guess wherever you are going?" He asked

She shook her head and said, "I will be fine, remember I live her."

He looked around and said, "I guess I will go back to the hotel and take a cold, a very cold shower."

She smirked and asked, "I am guessing you need to take care of business."

"You have no idea."  He smiled.

Her eyebrows hitched and she leaned forward.  She whispered, "God, I wish I could see that."

It really did turn her on the idea of him going to town on himself.  Seth muttered, "You are making this so difficult."

She bit her lip and said to him seductively, "Maybe I will go home, take a bath and do the same thing as I think about you doing it to yourself."

"Fuck, you are evil."  Seth groaned.

She just smiled and gave him a small kiss.  She was torturing him and she loved it.  She finally said, "I should go.  Before you change your mind.  But text me where to met you tomorrow and what I should wear."

"Okay."  He nodded.  He gave her a smile and kissed her one last time.  "See you tomorrow."

She nodded and walked off, leaving Seth to think about how the day turned one way to another.  He understood Ava more and made knowing how to be with her easier.  He walked off, thinking about getting to spend time with her the next day and how he couldn't wait to show her what she actually deserved.


Ava got home with Sam and told him, "Go do your homework, Brenda will be here shortly."

"Are you going out again, mommy?"  He asked her.

She nodded.  "Will you be home tonight?"  He asked her.

A cringe of guilt overcame her.  She kissed him on the top of his head.  "Of course, sweetie." She said, sweetly.

He smiled and went into the living room.  He pulled out his school work out of his book bag.  She looked at her watch as it read 6:30.  "Shit."  She muttered and ran upstairs.

She quickly grabbed her red dress as Seth told her to get dressed up.  She got dressed and touched up her makeup.  Just then Brenda walked in and said, happily, "Hey, lady, you ready for your date?"

Ava looked at her a little on edge.  "I am so nervous."  She admitted.

"Why would you be nervous?"  Brenda asked.

"I haven't done this in a long time."  Ava said, nervously.

Brenda smiled and walked over to her.  She put a gently hand on Ava and said, sweetly, "It will be fine.  You will do fine."

Ava nodded and looked at the time again.  "Shit, I am going to be late."  She moaned.

She quickly got her high heel shoes and put them on.  She rushed down the stairs as Brenda followed.  She yelled out, "Sam, I am leaving!"

He ran over to her and hugged her.  She hugged him back and kissed the top of his head.  She told him, "Okay, you be good and listen to Brenda."

"Okay, mommy."  He chimed back and went back into the living room.

Ava looked at Brenda and asked, "How do I look?"

"Great, Seth is going to love you in that dress.  You look hot."  Brenda smiled.

Ava smiled and said, nervously, "Wish me luck."

"Everything will go fine.  Now go."  Brenda reassured her.

Ava quickly hugged her and she rushed out the door.

She got to the restaurant and walked in.  She told the hostess, "I am here to met someone, I believe he is already here.  Seth MacFarlane."

"He is expecting you.  Come this way."  The hostess smiled.

The hostess walked forward as Ava followed.  They walked to the back of the restaurant and she saw Seth.  Once he saw her, he stood up.  She walked over and he smiled at her as he gave her a small kiss.  He moved over to her chair and held it out as she sat down.  He then walked to his chair and sat down as well.  The hostess handed her a menu and said, "Your waiter will be with you soon."

Seth told her.  "Thank you."

She walked away and Ava quickly said, "I am so sorry for being late.  I should have told you later.  I forget sometimes how crazy it can be to pick up my son and get him home and settled."

"It's quite alright.  I understand.  I am just glad you are here."  He said with a smile.

She smiled back and then noticed the three piece black suit he worse.  She admitted to herself how handsome he looked.  Seth then said, "I have to say, you look quite beautiful."

Ava slightly blushed and smiled.  Yeah, she was definitely not use to it.  She said, softly, "Thank you."

"Not use to compliments?"  He asked.

"Not like that."  She replied.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"Usually it is, hey baby, you look hot or damn woman, you look banging.  Stuff like that."  She explained.

Seth smiled.  "Sound like boys to me, if you want me to be honest."

She laughed a little.  "You have no idea.  It's been a long time since someone called me beautiful."

"Well you are."  Seth told her sincerely.

She blushed again.  She looked around and said, a little in awe, "This place is a bit fancy, huh?"

Seth shrugged. "I have been to fancier.  This place is okay."

"So, Mr. MacFarlane, is this how you usually treat your women?"  She asked.

"Only the special ones."  He said as he leaned over the table. 

He sat back and smiled.  Ava again blushed.  She didn't understand how this man had this much of an affect on her.  It made her nervous a bit but she knew Seth was different.  She looked over the menu and then a waiter walked up and asked, "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Bourbon." She replied.

The waiter then asked, "Do you know what you would like to order or do you need some more time?"

"A little more time, please."  Seth quickly said.

The waiter nodded and walked away.  Ava looked over her menu and said, "Everything looks good."

"Well, order whatever you want.  Tonight is about you.  Whatever you want."  He simply replied.

After a while, they ordered and ate.  They jumped into conversation and laughed as they had a good time.  Ava felt so comfortable with him, so relaxed.  She could tell Seth meant it when he said he was different.  She could see he was different.  They kept talking as the restaurant got empty.  Ava took noticed when they were the last people in there.  She said, "Uh, everyone is gone.  Should we leave?"

Seth shook his head.  "It's fine."

She smiled.  Then he moved his chair around the table to be closer to her.  Her heart skipped a beat when he did.  He then took her hand and intertwined it.  They were alone, he knew he could show her some affection now.  He brought their hands up and gently kissed her hand.  To feel his lips on her hand made her shutter.  He noticed and smile.  "How did it go from me being the nervous one to you?"  He asked.

"Before, everything was different.  This is new to me.  So, I am a little out of my element."  She admitted.

"Hmmm."  He said as he moved their hands back to the table.

He caressed her hand with his thumb as he watched it.  Then she said, "Seth?'

"Yeah?"  He responded as he looked back at her.

She shifted slightly and asked, "I have been meaning to ask.  How will this work when you go back to LA?"

He put his elbows on the table and leaned to her.  He already thought about that and already made a decision.  "Well, one of the advantages of being rich is having the means to travel.  I will make it work if I have to."  He answered.

She smiled.  "Am I really worth that?"  She asked.

He quickly answered, "Of course."

She blushed at his answer.  No guy never put as much effort into her as he did.  It was new to her.  Then Seth added, "Look, Ava, I may have not known you long but I know I want to pursue this.  You are so different to the other women I have meet.  You are really down to earth and you don't treat me like a celebrity.  Which is so refreshing.  You look at me as another person.  May be cause of the relationship you have with Mark or your job, but either way, it makes you see me in a different light.  Most women get like oh my god around me cause of who I am.  But you don't, you joke with me and quick to roast me.  I like that.  I hate women I date who get like uber nervous around me." 

"If you haven't noticed, I am."  She pointed out.

"Yeah, but not the same way they do.  They get nervous around a guy like me cause of who I am.  You are cause of the situation.  I mean, like this seems like your real first date in a long time."  He said.

"It is, honestly."  She admitted.

"So, you have a reason to be nervous.  You probably be just as nervous with some regular joe." 

She smiled.  "So, I think that also might answer the next question I was going to ask."  She stated.

"Oh, yeah, what is that?"  He asked.

"Why me?"

He nodded and said, "I guess it does.  But I could add that you are just amazing in bed."

She laughed and so did he.  Then she looked at him as her laughter suppressed.  He noticed and moved closer to her.  He gently brushed his lips against hers.  Then he said softly, "And you are an amazing kisser."

She smiled against his lips and quickly took his.  The kiss deepened as she grabbed him by his jacket.  She felt her body get warm and felt electricity in her lower region.  He kissed her harder as it became hard for him to stop.  Finally they pulled away to get some air.  He moved his forehead on hers as they tried to catch their breath.  He said, still breathless, "So, do you want to get out of here?"

She pulled back and smiled.  She wanted to so bad but then she remembered her promise to her son.  She got a little somber.  "I would love to, but I promised Sam I would come home tonight.  I never break a promise to him."

"Oh." Seth said, a little disappointed.  Then said with a smile, "Well, we do not want you to start  to break your promises now."

She smiled but also felt disappointed.  Then she said, slowly, "You know, I don't do this usually, but I know he is asleep, you could come to my house."

"Yeah?"  His eyebrows raised.

"But if you do, you have to be quiet and I get up early cause I have work and to take my son to school.  So, you would have to get up with me and leave so Sam don't see you.  You understand?"  She asked him.

He nodded, enthusiastically.  He grabbed her hand and said, "Come on."

She stopped him.  "First of all, I drove myself here and second of all, I do not want to leave together and possible get seen together.  So I will leave first, give me ten minutes and you follow.  We will met at my house, okay?"

He smiled and nodded.  Ava gave him another kiss and got up.  She left quickly.  She got into her car and raced home.  Not only did she make him wait a bit cause she didn't want any rumors started, but she also wanted to get Brenda out of the house before Seth got there.  She pulled up in front of her house and got out.  She walked in and walked into the living room where Brenda sat on the couch.  She looked up at her. "Wow, home already, I expected you to stumble in, in the middle of he night."

Ava raised an eyebrow.  "Really?"

Brenda laughed.  "So, how was it?"  She asked.

"Good, it was great."  Ava quickly answered.

"Just great.  Come on, details.  Like did he take you to a fancy restaurant?  Was he just as much of a gentlemen as you thought?  Did he kiss you goodnight?  Come on, tell me."

"Brenda, I have to work in the morning.  I need to go to bed.  I will fill you in tomorrow, I promise."

Brenda pouted and got up.  "Fine."  She said as she moved to the door as she grabbed her jacket and keys. "But I want details tomorrow, understand me?"  She added.

"Fine."  Ava quickly answered, trying to get her to leave.

"Okay, love you.  Get some sleep."  She hugged her.

Ava hugged her back.  "Love you too and I plan on it."

Brenda smiled and walked out the door.  She walked down the steps and to her car.  She was situating everything in her car.  She put her key in the ignition, when she noticed a black car stopping in front of Ava's townhouse.  She watched as a driver walked out of the front seat and moved to the passenger back seat door.  He opened it and Seth stepped out, still in his black suit.  Brenda smiled as she realized what was going on.  She thought it was a bit unusual that Ava rushed her out.  But now she saw why.  All she knew was that she better get more details the next day, about everything.

Seth walked up to the door as he felt a bit nervous.  He has made love to her before but she was a hell of a woman and made him feel nervous.  He didn't knock as he knew Sam was in bed, but he texted her as they pulled up to let her know he was there.  She opened the door a few moments later.  He looked at her as he stood there and smiled.  Then quickly she grabbed his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss.  She kissed him roughly as he walked in and closed the door behind him.  They kissed passionately as his hands were all over her.  She moved her hands in his hair and ran her fingers through his hair.  He then moved his lips down to her neck and kissed and sucked on her neck.  She closed her eyes as her breathing hitched as his lips worked her.  His hands moved to her thighs and he picked her up.  She giggled as he did.  He pulled away. "Shhhh."  He said, softly, "Remember, we have to be quiet."

She nodded and he slowly moved them up the stairs.


It was 5:30 and Ava's alarm went off.  She quickly woke up and Seth groaned as it went off.  She smiled as he did.  She quickly shut it off.  She turned to him and moved her fingers through his hair.  "Seth, it is time to get up."

"Ugh.  I don't want to."  He complained with his eyes still closed.

She just kept smiling.  "You made me a deal, Seth."

He opened his eyes and looked at her.  "Well, I am retracting on it."  He said as he moved his arms around her and pulled her close to him.  "I rather stay here with you."

She slightly chuckled.  "That sounds like a wonderful idea but I have to work and have to get Sam to school."

He groaned again.  She kissed him softly and moved out of bed.  He laid back in the bed and complained, "It is way too early."

"Oh, quit your whining."  She joked.

Seth slowly sat up in the bed as he rubbed his face.  He got up and moved over to her as she dressed.  He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a small kiss in the crock of her neck.  He said, sweetly, "Last night was amazing."

She smiled as she leaned into him.  She said, softly, "It was."

Then he began raining small kisses on her and she closed her eyes as he did.  He asked in between kisses, "Do you....think...we have....a spare?"

She turned to him and smiled.  "As great as that sounds, no, we don't.  I really have to get ready for work and you have to go."

Seth just pouted, "You are no fun."

"No, I am a single mother trying to work hard to take care of her son."  She said back.

He just smiled and said, "Okay, okay.  I will get ready to go.  Let me call a driver real quick."

He called his driver and got dressed.  They walked down the stairs, quietly, and they walked to the front door.  Seth opened the door and turned to her.  He put an arm around her waist and asked, sweetly, "You know I leave tomorrow, will I see you before I leave?"

"I think we can try to arrange that.  I will text you later and we can talk about it, okay?"  She said.

"Okay."  He said, then kissed her deeply. 

They pulled back and he said with a smile, "See you soon."

"Okay."  She said, softly.

He then gave her another small kiss then walked out the door.  Ava closed it as she leaned on it, smiling.  She definitely had it bad for this guy. 

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