The One Who Got Away

By NadineSchadt

5.5K 92 14

Ava Miller ran from every man she got close to. She meets Seth and find it not as easy to run. As she final... More

First Meeting
Dinner and A Show
Streets of New York
New Job
First Fight
Let Go
New Friends
Seth's Birthday Pt. 1
Seth's Birthday Pt. 2
The Ultimate Betrayal
Back to Normal
The Calm Before the Storm
The Final Showdown

Just Fun

215 2 0
By NadineSchadt

Seth stirred and reached out in the bed.  It felt empty.  He opened his eyes to see Ava missing.  He got up and looked around the room.  He noticed her clothes were gone as well.  He looked for his phone on the nightstand and it was missing.  Then he remember he never removed it from his pants the night before.  He moved over the bed to were he dropped his pants the night before.  He grabbed it and took the phone out.  He noticed it was on it last bit of juice left.  "Shit."  He muttered.

He moved back over to the nightstand and plugged up his phone.  He then moved to his text message and sent Ava a text.  'Why did you disappear?'

He sent the text out.  Then put the phone down and laid back in the bed.  He groaned. He was still exhausted, but it was worth it.


Ava was in her living room, sitting on her couch, as she watch Sam sit at the coffee table, drawing.  It was early afternoon and Seth had texted her three times.  Brenda came down the stairs, bouncing almost happy.  Ava asked, "How is it I get home in the middle of the night and still get up before you this morning?"

"Well, you are a mom and I'm not.  Easy explanation right there.  You are use to living off little sleep."  Brenda retorted.

Ava rolled her eyes and chuckled.  She then she moved off the couch and walked towards the kitchen.  Brenda followed.  "So?" She asked.

"What?" Ava tried to play coy, as she really didn't want to talk about it.

They got in the kitchen and Brenda looked at her like if she was really serious.  "Do not play dumb with me.  You know what I am talking about.  How was everything with Seth?"  She asked.

Ava was at the sink, working on a few dishes and shrugged.  "Fine." She simply replied.

Brenda walked over and said, disappointed, "Just fine.  Really?  Seth MacFarlane was just fine.  Did you at least sleep with him?"

Ava didn't respond as she continued with the dishes.  Brenda noticed and said almost high pitch, "Oh my God, something happened?"

Ava sighed and turned to her.  Then she walked over to the small table and sat down.  "Yeah, it did."  She said, uncertain.

Brenda then walked over to the table and sat down.  "What?"  Brenda impatient to get the details.

Ava looked down at her hands then looked back at Brenda.  She said, slowly, "He made love to me last night."

"Oh my God."  Brenda almost gasped.

"And now I am freaking.  I never had anybody do that before.  Scared the shit out of me."  Ava confessed.

Brenda then asked, "Did you at least like it?  I mean, was he good?"

"Oh my God, Brenda.  He was amazing, I never came so hard in my life.  I have never felt an orgasm like that.  It was the most incredible sex I have ever had.  But..."  She trailed off.

"But what?"  Brenda asked.

"But I wasn't suppose to feel anything.  Jesus, I couldn't get out of that hotel room fast enough.  The feelings that came afterwards, fuck!  This is why I strictly fuck.  Cause now this shit is a fucked up mess."  Ava almost whined.

Brenda smiled at her.  "It is okay to feel something.  Not everyone is like Will."

Ava cringed at the name.  "I know but I cannot chance it.  Especially for Sam's sake.  Life is perfect just Sam and I.  I do not need no man coming into our lives and ruining it for us."

Brenda just sighed and looked at her friend.  Then Sam yelled, "Mom, Seth is here!"

Ava eyes widened and Brenda smiled.  Ava looked at Brenda and said, "Get rid of him.  Please."

"No, no.  You have to do it."  Brenda just beamed.

"You are fucking evil, you know that." Ava said, annoyed. 

She got up and moved to the living room as Brenda followed to get a better look at the celebrity that rocked Ava's world the night before.  Ava saw Seth in the doorway of the front door and he smiled, "Hey."

"Hey."  She said, unemotional.

Seth noticed and looked puzzle.  She then said, "Look, I think we should talk."

"Okay?"  He was a little worried.

"Hang on."  She said and went to slip on some shoes.

Brenda looked at Seth and crossed her arms.  She blurted out, "God, you are really hot in person."

Seth slightly chuckled as he blushed and Ava just said to her friend, "You have no filter, do you?"

"No, but you don't either. That is why you love me.  So deal."  Brenda quickly said back.

Ava then looked at Seth and said to him, "Outside."

They walked out the door and she closed it behind her.  They stood on her front steps.  Seth then asked, "Why did you disappear this morning?"

"I had to get back to Sam."  She lied.

"Oh."  Then he beamed, "So, I was thinking, maybe we can get dinner tonight."

She shook her head, "I can't, I need to spend sometime with my son before the weekend is out."

He nodded, "Okay."  But he noticed she was distanced and cold.  "Maybe we can do something before I leave."

She exhaled and breathed out, "Seth, look, I am going to just be blunt with you."  He looked at her as he knew deep down, he was going to get his heart ripped out.  "Last night was fun.  It was.  But that was all it was.  Just fun."

"I don't understand."  He was feeling an ache in his chest as she said what she did.  "I thought..."

"You thought wrong, Seth." She cut him off. "Look, guys love this whole one night stand thing, and that is what I gave you.  We had an incredible night but now it is the next day and we need to return to our lives.  We both got what we wanted so let's not make it into something it's not.  I really did have fun, Seth."

He was getting a little angry as he felt so much pain.  "This isn't right."  Seth said, voice mixed with anger and pain.

She said with a chuckle, "Guys would love a girl to give him the goods and just leave, no attachments."

"I am not like those guys."  He said, with pain in his voice.

She heard it and it got to her.  She had hurt guys before and it never phased her.  But seeing Seth slowly crumble, bothered her, a lot at that.  She wanted to hug him and tell him she didn't mean it, but she knew she couldn't be with him.  "Look, just don't make a big deal of this, okay, Seth.  Just go back to your life in LA and forget about me.  I am not anybody great.  Just one girl in New York.  One girl in the world.  You will find someone, Seth, I am just not her."  She said, kindly.

She turned to walk in.  He quickly grabbed her arm and said, almost broken, "Please, do not let it end like this."

She turned to him and again saw his eyes filled with so much pain.  She turned to him as it sucked for her too.  She moved her hand to his cheek and gently caressed it.  She felt so overcome with emotion as well but kept it down.  She moved in and gently kissed his lips.  She pulled back from him and said, softly, "I'm sorry, Seth."

She quickly rushed back in as she left Seth on the the steps.  He stood there as he felt his heart was torn apart.  He slowly moved off the steps as he began to walk off.  He didn't understand how they went to the incredible night to this.  Why did she push away so quickly?  He walked off, knowing he needed to clear his head.

Ava rushed back in and closed the door as she leaned on it.  Tears build up in her eyes and they streamed down.  The pain in his eyes, the way his voice broke, it got to her.  She broke men before, even had one or two cry.  But this, this was brutal.  And it affected her in a way she never felt.  She watch him deteriorate in front of her and it hurt her to watch.  Brenda noticed Ava crying and slowly walked up to her, "Are you okay?"

Ava just just looked at her, teary eyed and then ran to her room.  Brenda looked over at Sam and said to him, "Hey, you stay here and I will be right back."

He just nodded and Brenda quickly went up the stairs.  She got to Ava's room and Ava sat on her bed.  She looked up at Brenda and still was crying, softly.  Brenda asked, "What happened, Ava?"

She cried slightly harder as she shook her head.  Brenda walked over and started to get angry. "If that fucker did anything, I'll hurt him!" 

"No."  She said in her tears.  "It wasn't what he did, it is what I did.  I hurt him, you should have seen him.  He was in so much pain.  Brenda, what I did to him was so cruel."

Brenda hugged her friend, never saw her get affected like this when she broke a guy's heart.  Most of the time she just shrug it off.  But she sat here crying cause she broke Seth's heart.  Brenda said, softly, "Jesus, Ava, you really do have feelings for this guy." 

Ava nodded and cried, "But I can't, I can't have feelings for him.  I just can't.  But this sucks.  He didn't fucking deserve this."

Brenda never saw her friend like this.  She watch her friend not give two shits about anyone else's heart she broke, but for the first time, it got to her.  Brenda knew Ava felt something for Seth and knew why she was running from him.  She was afraid to get in a bad relationship again.  But Brenda could tell, Seth was nothing like her ex husband, even the little bit she saw of him, she could tell.  She wanted to tell her friend this, but she knew she wouldn't listen.


Seth got back to his room.  As soon as he walked in, he went to the mini bar and got him some Jack.  He needed a stiff drink everything everything that happened.  He got himself and poured some in.  He drank it down.  He poured again and grabbed the glass.  Then there was a knock on the door.  Seth walked over and Mark stood on the other side.  Seth said, softly, "Hey."

Then walked away from the door as he went to the couch with his glass.  He sat down and drank it down.  Mark noticed the alcohol.  "Really, Seth, it is only like two in the afternoon, starting early."

"Funny."  He said, clearly not amused.

"What the hell is going on?"  Mark asked.

Seth shook his head as he lied, "Nothing."

Mark looked around then looked at Seth.  "Do not say nothing.  I can see it in your face, it looks like you just got your hear..."

Then it dawn on him and he asked, sternly, "You saw her, didn't you?  After I told you to stay away from her, you didn't, did you?"  Seth looked away and nodded.   "You slept with her too?  Huh?"  Seth nodded again.  Mark covered his face with his hands in frustration.  He groaned as he was frustrated at the fact she did this again.  He moved his hand down away from his face. "God, damn it, Seth.  I told you she would do this to you.  I knew she would break your heart.  Fuck!  Why the fuck didn't you listen to me!"

Seth shrugged, then he leaned forward as to hid his face as a tear slipped down his face.  "I am so fucking done with her shit!"  Mark yelled.

Seth composed himself and looked at Mark.  "Mark, don't get mad.  I am just as at fault, you told me this would happen and I didn't listen.  I should have listened to you."

"Yes, I did.  I told you to steer clear of her!  She was bad news!  But you had to!  God, damn it!  But she still is an adult and needs to take responsibility for what she has done!  She knows her intentions and just doesn't give a fuck."  Mark said pissed off.

He exhaled and then headed to the door pissed.  Seth asked, "Where are you going?"

"I am going to give her a piece of my mind.  This isn't okay!"  He said, angrily.

Seth said, as he stood up, "Don't!  I am just at fault.  I don't want to cause any issues with you and her."

"You aren't.  This has been an ongoing problem with us.  Just now she has severally pissed me off!"  Then he walked out of Seth's room.

Seth sat back down and sighed.  He didn't want to cause issues but now he thinks he did.


Brenda was downstairs as Ava wanted to be alone after everything.  For the first time, her heart hurt too.  It worried Brenda a little bit as she never seen Ava this way.  Just then, Mark walked in and yelled, "Ava!!!!  God, damn it, Ava!!!  Get your ass down here, I want to speak to you!!!" 

Brenda rushed over to him and tried to calm him.  "Mark, now is not the best time.  Please."

"I don't give a shit.  I want to talk to her."  Then he yelled up the stairs, "Ava, bring your ass here!"

"Mark, please, stop.  She doesn't need this.  She is in pain."  Brenda quickly said.

Mark looked at her confused. "What?" 

Brenda sighed and explained, "Look, things happened between Seth and her."

"I know that, that is why I am here.  I just talked to a heart broken Seth and I am sick of this shit with her."  He said, angrily.

"It is not that simple.  She is hurting too.  When she told him the same old speech she gives every guy and she watched him deteriorate in front of her.  It got to her.  Bad.  I have never seen her like this.  She cried afterwards, for like a half an hour.  She is actually beating herself up for hurting him.  She also has feelings for him, so him walking away in pain, was the most painful thing she did.  Mark, this is different.  I promise, she is different.  Seth got to her, in a way I have never seen before."  Brenda explained.

Mark sighed and asked, "What do we do?"

Brenda shrugged and said, "I don't know.  But I feel this is one person she shouldn't let go, but she is so afraid, afraid that he will be like Will."

Mark shook his head.  "I have worked with this guy twice and spent a lot of time with him.  He is nothing like that fucker.  He is a great guy.  That is why I even warned him about Ava when I noticed the way he looked at her.  Cause I knew he didn't deserve the shit that Ava would put him through."

"Well, Ava is feeling it too.  She has been in her room, crying off and on.  I have never seen her like this, Mark."

"We have to do something."

"But what?"

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