Love Bugs [Nemi AU]

By JennaBubbles

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I didn't think much of her at first. She was plain, dyed hair, nothing out of the ordinary. But her smile, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 *Final*

Chapter 17

1K 18 0
By JennaBubbles

*Demi's POV*

Nick held on to me as I cried in his shoulder. I've been crying for a while now, but he comforts me so well, I just wanted to be in his arms. The sun has been down for a while now, no one is home, though. It's just me and Nick inside my living room. I stopped sobbing, it's just the uncontrollable flow of tears that's left. 

"You’re ready to talk now?" He whispered. I nodded and I lift up my head, wiping my tears. 

"I left a stain on your sweater." I giggle a bit, pointing to his shoulder. 

"Aw, it's alright, it's just mascara, isn't?" He smiles and I smile a bit too. My eyes feel swollen, but I rib them anyways to wipe off the runny makeup. 

"C-can you get a blanket please? It's kinda cold." I rubbed my arms to keep warmth. He just nodded and went upstairs. I stand up and walk over to the photos. I just placed a photo of me and Joe not too long ago. I haven't framed it yet, I just placed it there. I picked up the photo and ripped it where Joe and I are on separate pieces. I ripped Joe's half into smaller pieces until I couldn't rip it anymore. 

"Wow, you’re that mad?" I turn around and see Nick with my blanket from my bed folded neatly in his hands. I smiled then tosses it in the trashcan in the kitchen. I walked back out and sat next to him. He was holding a photo of Alex and I, one my mom took right before he died. 

"Your hair is black here." Said Nick. 

"Yea, my hair is originally brown. I didn't like it all that much so I dyed is completely black like two years ago. I just dyed it blond before coming here." I grabbed a price of hair and twiddled with it in my fingers. 

"Would you ever dye it a crazy color?" He asked, grabbing another piece and observing it. 

"Maybe. I kinda like blue, what you think?" I giggled. 

"You would look awesome! Like an anime character!" Chuckled Nick. I pushed him softly, laughing. 

"You never told me who this was." He pointed at Alex and I sigh softly. 

"He was my best friend before I moved here." 

"Was? What, you guys don't talk anymore?" Asked Nick. 

"He's dead." I was staring at Alex and his smile. How did he hide that hideous depression with that smile?

"Oh. I didn't know, I'm sorry." said Nick. 

"No it's alright. I don't talk about him much." I sighed. He scooted closer to means waited for me to talk. 

"He was my only friend. He had extreme depression, though, and didn't see the brighter side of things for himself. He killed himself last year. I found him too late." We were quiet for a while. 

"I'm sorry for your loss. I bet he was a great person." He said softly. 

"He was. I miss him a lot." I smiled. I got out of the blanket to put the photo back in its place. The house pine rang and I walk over to pick it up. 


"Honey? Sweetheart come over to the Italian place in town! We meet up the Jonas's there, we can have dinner together!" Said my mom cheerfully down the phone. I just hit me that only Nick knows what happened. 

"Alright, Nick and I will meet you there." I said down the phone. Nick gave me a confused look but I kept quiet. 

"Oh what happened with Joe?" 

"I'll tell you later. We'll see you there." I hung up and placed the phone back on the receiver. 

"What's going on?" He asked. 

"Wanna go eat at the Italian place? Our families are there." I smiled. He smiled back and nodded. 

The place wasn't that far of a walk, we just had to be quiet when walking by the Jonas's house. I hear a crash from behind and I clung onto Nick's arm as we walked by, hoping he won't look outside. When we went inside, we saw our families in a huge table in the center of the restaurant. 

"Hi kids! Glad you could make it!" Said my mom. Nick and I sat bed to each other while our families talked gleefully. 

"Demi, this is my dad, Frankie, and the one go of me the death glare is Kevin." They all waved at me, and the one who was staring at Nick, face lightened up with a smile. 

"So your the girl Joe has been going off about. Nice to finally meet you Demitra." Said Kevin, holding out his hand. 

"You can call me Demi." I smiled and shook his hand. Nick whispered something in Kevin's ear and his face changed instantly. 

"I didn't know!" Kevin whispered loudly. 

"No one knows but us, it just happened." Said Nick


"If your talking about Joe and I, you guys suck at hiding it." I whispered back at them. 

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." He said a bit louder. 

"It's alright, it's a long story." I have a sad smile and the waitress came over to take our orders. 

*Nick's POV*

Every one ate and talked happily. I looked down to Demi's hand that was gently laying on the table. 

I wanted to hold her hand, I wanted so much to make her like me as much as I like her. I wanted her to think of me more than her ex-boyfriend's little brother, I wanted to hold her and kiss her, to make her know that everything is alright. I wanted to-

"Don't think about it, Nick." Said Kevin. He was looking at me the entire time and my hand slowly tried to make its way towards Demi. I stop and drop my hand back on my lap. I turn to him as he continue to glare. 

"She just broke up with him, not only that, you’re his brother, do you really think she'll be ready to move on in just a matter of hours?" He whispered. I looked over to her as she laughs at my dad's lame pun jokes. But I could feel how sad she was before we got here, when she was crying on my shoulder. 

"She need me. I can't just back off." I whispered back. 

"She needs you, yes, but as a friend, not a boyfriend. Give her time." Said Kevin. 

"Why are you helping me?" I asked. 

"She's a lovely girl. And your family. I think my younger brother should have a chance to be happy too, don't you?" He pointed at her as she played with her sister and Frankie. I smiled at him gratefully. 

"Thanks. That means a lot."

"Don't mention it." The rest of the dinner went on smoothly. We all had a great time. When we wen home, everything was quiet, guessing that Joe tired himself out and went to sleep. Kevin and I share a room while he visits, so we both changed and went to bed. I hear a knock on the door so I go over and open it. 

"What were you doing with her?" Asked Joe in the dark. The tone of his voice was dripping with anger. 

"Being a friend. I told you your plan wouldn't work, and your hurt her bad." I said, tiredly. He swiftly pins me to the door with is arm up to my neck. 

"How many times do I need to get this through you thick skull? Stay. Away. From. Her." He growled. 

"Get off him. Joe she isn't yours anymore." Said Kevin. He walked over to us and pushed Joe off of me. 

"Kevin, back off, this doesn't concern you." Growled Joe. 

"It does if you hurt my brother." He said. 

"I'm your brother too, why aren't you helping me?"

"Because Nick isn't an asshole, like you." Kevin shoved Joe back off me. 

"Go to bed, this conversation is over." Said Kevin. Joe glared at the both of us before walking down the hall to his room. 

"You too Nick." Kevin ruffled up my hair and walked over to his bed. I walked to mines and sat down. Demi had already went to bed, evident of her room light off. I flopped down and fell asleep. 


I have 5 mosquito bites in a row down my leg. The joys of the tropics if Central America -.-


Comment and Vote Lovelies!

~Jen :)

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