The One Who Got Away

By NadineSchadt

5.5K 92 14

Ava Miller ran from every man she got close to. She meets Seth and find it not as easy to run. As she final... More

First Meeting
Streets of New York
Just Fun
New Job
First Fight
Let Go
New Friends
Seth's Birthday Pt. 1
Seth's Birthday Pt. 2
The Ultimate Betrayal
Back to Normal
The Calm Before the Storm
The Final Showdown

Dinner and A Show

298 4 1
By NadineSchadt

Ava yelled, "Come on, Sam.  Please hurry.  Uncle Mark will be here shortly!"

A young voice rang out from upstairs, "Okay, mom."

Just then, there was a knock on her front door.  She quickly walked to the door and opened it.  Mark and Seth, both, stood on the other side.  She stepped aside.  "Come in.  My son is taking his sweet time getting ready."

Mark and Seth walked into the townhouse.  Ava yelled, "Sam, Uncle Mark is here."

"Still always yelling, I see."  Mark joked.

She just shrugged.  Then they heard footsteps running upstairs.  A young boy with blonde hair ran down the stairs and he ran across the living room as he yelled out, "Uncle Mark!"

He basically jumped into Mark's arms as Mark laughed.  "Hey, kid."  The young boy pulled away.  "How have you been?"

Sam just shrugged.  Ava said, sarcastically, "His new favorite answer."  She intimated his shrug.  "I swear, he is already hitting the preteen stage.  God, help me."

Seth and Mark both laughed.  Then Mark told Sam, "Hey, buddy, I want you to met a friend of mine.  His name is Seth.  We worked on a couple movies together."

Seth said to the boy, "Nice to met you, Sam."

"You too."  Sam said to Seth.  Then he asked, "What movies did you do?"

"Uh, probably ones you have never seen."  Mark answered.

Ava then replied, "They did Ted together."

"The teddy bear movie."  Sam asked.

Ava nodded and said, "Seth did the voice of the teddy bear."

"So cool."  Sam chimed.

Seth smiled at the thought a kid thought he was cool.  Mark looked at Ava surprised.  "You did not let him watch that, did you?"

Ava shrugged and said, "I am the cool mom."

"Yeah."  Sam said, happily.

Mark and Seth both laughed.  Then Mark asked, "Are we ready to go?  I am starving."

Sam nodded and Ava quickly grabbed her jacket and purse.  They walked out to a SUV and Mark and Sam climbed into the back.  Seth waited for Ava to climb into the seats in front of the other two and he then sat next to her.  The driver took off.  Ava looked back as she saw Mark and Sam goofing off.  She turned around an Seth then asked her, "So, you seen Ted?"

She said, coyly, "I have to watch every movie Mark does or he gets butt hurt.  So, yeah, I seen it."

"So?"  Seth hinted.

She smiled and decided to mess with him.  "So, what?"

Seth frowned at her and finally asked, "What did you think?"

She really decided to mess with him good.  "Oh, it was horrible.  Just sucked."

Seth looked wounded and she laughed.  "I am fucking with you.  I actually liked it.  It was really funny.  My kind of humor, actually."

Seth smiled and she continued, "Ted two wasn't as good but it was still funny.  I laughed my ass off.  But I felt like taking Mila out of it made it lose it's charm a bit.  Amanda is not nearly as funny as Mila."

Seth asked a bit shock, "You seen the second one already?"

Ava nodded and he asked, "How?  I mean, it doesn't come out for a few more days."

She chuckled. "You seem to forget where I work, Seth.  You know Jimmy has to see the movies before an interview so he knows what the hell he is talking about.  Him and I are buddies and I join him from time to time to watch them with him.  So, sometimes I see movies before they are released."

Then the driver slammed on the brakes as the car in front of him suddenly stopped.  Ava grabbed Seth's leg.  Seth took noticed as his heart began to race, not cause of the sudden stop, but cause she was touching him.  Ava didn't noticed.  She quickly turned to her son and asked, "Are you okay, Sam?"

"Yes, mom."  He replied but seemed slightly scared.

The driver quickly apologized, "I am sorry about that, some asshole just sudden stopped in front of me."

Seth said, kindly, "It's okay."

"The hell it is."  Ave said, angrily.

She opened the door and Mark said, quickly, "Ava, don't."

She didn't listened and got out as she walked to the car in front of her.  Mark said, outloud, "Shit!"

He quickly got out of the SUV but not before Ava hit the other driver's trunk with her fist and yelled, "What the fuck is your problem, asshole!  My kid is in the car!"

A man, who was quiet built, stepped out of the car and yelled, "Look, lady, if I was you, I would be a good little woman and get back in your car."

"Fuck you!"  Ava blurted out and Mark grabbed her.

He apologized, "Sorry about this, man."

He began to move her towards the SUV when the man said, cockily, "Yeah, take your little woman back to the car with your bitch ass."

Mark turned to him and asked, angrily, "What did you say?"

Mark started to walk over to him.  Ava quickly rushed in between the two men and said to Mark, "Come on, Mark.  He's an asshole.  He is not even worth it."

Mark looked at her and back at the man.  The man said to Mark, "Listen to your woman.  Go back to your car like a good boy."

Mark walked away, pissed.  Ava got in first and quickly told her son, "Sam, cover your ears."

He did so just as Mark got back in and said, angrily, "Can you believe that fucking asshole?"

"It's okay, Mark.  It's over."  Ava tried to calm him down.

"No, fuck that dude.  You should have let me fucking hit him, Ava."  He said to her.

She turned to him and said, calmly, "First of all, Rhea would have killed me if I let you get in a fight and second off, you are a celebrity, he would have sued you."

She sat back around.  "I don't give a fuck.  He probably just use the money to buy more steroids anyways.  I mean, that fucker had so many muscles, he didn't have a neck."  Then he said to Seth, "Did you see that no neck motherfucker."

Seth laughed and nodded.  Mark then said, angrily, "Ugh, I should have just punched that fucker."

Then he punched the headrest in front of him that Ava was sitting at.  She felt it and quickly turned to him.  "You have one more fucking time to punch this headrest and I will slap the shit out of you, understand."  Ava said, pissed herself.  Mark just nodded.  "Now, calm your ass down or I will punch the fuck out of you, cause my son has been sitting here covering his ears cause I knew you would get like this.  Now chill the fuck out, Mark."

Mark put his hands up.  "I am calm.  God, I forgot how mean you can get."

Then Ava looked at Sam and gently touched her son.  He looked at her as he removed his hands from his ears. "It's okay now."

She smiled at him then turned back around.  Seth then looked at her and said with a smile, "You are one tough cookie, huh?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Not that tough."

"You sure as hell fooled me."  He said impressed.  Then he asked, "And how was it okay for you to go out there and curse the muscle head out and Mark had to stand down."

"The difference was I was just using my words.  He wanted to actually hit him.  And he is a celebrity, and I am a no body."  She pointed out.

"I wouldn't say you are a no body.  You are somebody to your son."  Seth said, sweetly.

Ava looked at him a little surprised, then smiled.  "Also, why did you make your so close his ears?  I mean, he has been hearing you and Mark cursing up a storm already."

She shook her head.  "It wasn't cause of the words he used, but the tone of his voice.  When people get that angry, it can be scary, especially to a child.  I just don't want my son to hear that anger."

Ava looked out the window as Seth looked at her, wondering if there was more to it.  He felt like a sadness overcame her  He didn't know why he did, but he reached for her hand and gently took it.  He gently squeezed it and Ava looked up at him, a little shocked.  He just gave her a small smile.  She smiled back as the small gesture did make her feel better.  Then it was like she saw him for the first time.  She noticed he was quiet attractive.  She dealt with so many celebrities, she didn't get attracted to them as she saw them as regular people.  But now she noticed Seth.  His smile, his eyes, his charm.  Then she quickly shook it off and pulled her hand away from him as she looked back out the window.  Seth felt rejected as she moved away.  But he did realized she didn't at first, even smiled at him.  He felt like there was something deeper going on  He need to find out, he was drawn to her.  And even Mark's warning couldn't keep him away.  He was intrigued by her.

The got to the restaurant and quickly ate.  They decided to go to Central Park to walk.  Mark and Sam goofed off as they walked ahead.  Seth and Ava walked closely behind.  Seth then asked, "So, how does a girl like you met someone like Mark?"

"Fate."  She shrugged. "He came along when my life was a mess and helped me pick up the pieces.  He was my saving grace, you can say.  He starred in a few movies at this time, but nothing too big yet.  But he helped me.  Actually he put me through college so I can get my nifty job.  Of course, I was against him doing that, but Mark wouldn't take no for an answer.  Told me it was not just for me but for Sam as well.  So, I did it.  Mark has always been protective of me.  He is like an older brother, you can say."

Seth nodded, then asked, "So, I guess celebrities don't phase you, since you big bro is in the biz."

"That and my job.  I deal with celebrities all the time.  It is extremely rare I get star struck."  She answered.

"But you have?"  Seth asked.

She looked at him and asked, "Haven't you?"

"Well, yeah."  He answered.

"There you go." She smiled.

Then he asked, "Who?"

"What?" She was confused.

"Who made you star struck?"  He asked again.

She stopped walking and looked at him. "You first."

He looked at her and hesitated.  He then said, "I don't want to."

"Well, if you won't tell, I won't."  She said with a smile.

He rolled his eyes and said, bashfully, "My answer is going to make me sound a bit like a nerd."

"Can't be that bad."  She said, sweetly.

He then looked at her and sighed.  "Pretty much anybody I met that played on Star Trek Next Generation."

She laughed as they began to walk again.  She said, "You're right, it does make you sound like a nerd.  But I have to say Sir Patrick Stewart is a really cool guy.  Doesn't he do Bullock on American Dad?"

He was impressed. "So, you know my show?"

She shrugged. "Family Guy and American Dad are my type of humor.  They are funny.  I know if I need a good laugh, I just have to put one of them on."

"You keep impressing me.  If you are trying to win me over, it is working."  He said, jokingly.  She just chuckled.  Then he said, "Okay, now your turn."

Ava just sighed, "Johnny Depp."

"Wow, that was a typical chick answer.  Next you are going to tell me, " Then said in his girly voice, "It's cause he is so hot."

Ava laughed and retorted, "Actually, no, it's cause he is truly an amazing actor.  He can be like anybody.  They can throw any role at him and he pulls it off.  He is a fucking genius.  Kinda like how you are with your voice."  He looked stunned at her and she noticed.  "Come on, like you didn't know your voice is the shit.  First of all, you pull off all these different characters from all these different shows.  And your singing, I mean, your singing is incredible."

He smiled and said in his Stewie voice, "I am glad you approve."  She laughed and then he said with the smirk still in play, "I didn't think you were the type of girl to listen to the kind of music I sing."

She shrugged.  "Well, I like the Rat Pack.  Loved when Sammy, Dean, and Frank were together.  They were just amazing when they were together.  But I have to say, I am particular to Dean myself."

Seth put a hand on his chest and acted wounded.  He said, playfully acting hurt, "That hurt.  Frank is way better."

"He is okay." She simply said, "Dean was funnier, his voice was more amazing and he was hotter."

Seth laughed.  Then she pointed out, "I think you are more like Dean then Frank anyways."

"How so?" He asked.

"Well, both of your sense of humor are the same.  Your voice is more like Dean's then Frank's.  You have dark features like Dean where Frank had lighter features.  Always have a drink in your hand when you perform just like Dean did."  Seth was impressed with her knowledge of the Rat Pack.  Even more impressed with her knowledge of him.  Then she added, "Plus, you are easy on the eyes like Dean was."

Seth's eyes darted at her, a little unsure if he heard what she said correctly.  She looked ahead with a smile, knowing he heard her and got under his skin.  Seth had no clue how to respond to it.  Then Sam ran over and said, excitedly, "Mom!  Mom!  Look there is a band playing, can we check it out?  Uncle Mark said I had to ask you."

"Uh, yeah, sure."  she answered.

He ran off, grabbing Mark's hand and pulling him with him.  Seth and Ava watched as they slowly followed.  Seth became nervous around her.  He was unsure how to react to her.  Then she broke the silence. "So, how long you in town for?"  She asked.

"A few more days."  Seth answered.

She then asked, "Have you done a lot of site seeing?"

"You know, I have been here so many times, but never really get to fully check out the city."  He answered, truthfully.

She stopped walking and looked at him.  She then said, "Well, you should let me show you a few places, I mean while you are here.  Since this is my city."

"Uh, yeah." He said with a smile.

"Give me your phone." She said as she held out her hand.

He reached into his pocket and pulled it out as he said, a little unsure, "Ummm....okay."

He handed it to her.  She looked at it and then gave him a look.  She held it up and said plainly, "It's password protected."

"Oh." He took it from her and unlocked it.  He felt a little embarrassed as he couldn't think straight as she had an effect on him, he couldn't explain.  He handed it back to her as he said, "Here."

He watched as she played on it for a few minutes and said to herself, annoyed, "Damn, iPhone."

"What is wrong with the iPhone?"  He asked playfully.

"I am an android girl.  I can't stand Apple.  So many downsides and annoying to use."  She simply replied.  Then she handed it to him. "Here, now you have my number.  Just text me when you are free."

"Uh, yeah, I will." He said, nervously.

She smiled as she noticed his nervousness.  Then she added, "Oh, and do not let Mark know you have my number or that we plan on site seeing.  He wouldn't be too happy about it."

Seth just nodded.  They walked over to Mark and Sam as they finished talking.  Finally, Ava said, "We should go home.  I have to get a little boy to bed."

"Awww, mom, just a few more minutes."  Sam begged.

She shook her head. "No, it is already way past your bedtime."

Mark then said to Sam, "Come on, you heard your mom."

They got back to the SUV.  Mark and Sam were in the back again as Seth and Ava sat in the middle.  Ava noticed Seth glancing at her from time to time and she just smiled.  They pulled up in front of her townhouse and Seth told Mark, "I am just going to wait here."

"Alright man, I'll be right back." Mark replied.

Sam and Mark got out.  Ava looked at Seth and said, "Well, I hope to hear from you soon."

"You will."  He said with a smile.

She then gently touched his leg and gave him a small kiss on his cheek  She quickly got out and Seth gently touched his cheek.  He smiled to himself.

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