danti story/one shots

By spookyeevee

72.9K 1.3K 1.3K

so I have decided to do my first fan fic YAY and its a story with a few one shots there and then so I hope yo... More

ch1: from evil to good
ch2: cuddles
ch3: finding out
ch 4 :the visit
ch5: the fair
ch 6: an unexpected event
one shot/side story thing
ch 7:a fun time
ch 8: a new look
ch 9: hope
ch 10: revenge
ch 11: young love
ch 12: a life changing suprise
hey guys
ch 13: the wedding
ch 14: the after party
ch 15: the honey moon part 1
the honey moon part 2: exploring
honey moon pt 3: an adventure
honey moon part 3: the last day in paradise
ch 16: the life of the neighbors
ch 17: hanging out
how they met part 1
how they met prt:2
ch 18: demon cupids
chapter 19: to the partay
ch 20: at the party
ch 21: adorableness
ch 22: hating on somthing amazing pt 1
hating somthing amazing pt 2: sweet revenge
ch 23: truth or dare
ch 24: surprise visit
ask ,dares and truths
how they met
when they realised
in the future
ch 25: cuddles and kisses
ch :26 teasing
ch 27: familiar faces
ch 28 : freindly gaming
ch 29: trick or treat
ch 30: a horrid discovery
ch 31: comfort
ch 32: caught
ch 33: lost, found and caught
ch 34: love hurts
ch 35: I still love you
ch 36: sepiishu wedding
ch 37: amyplier wedding
ch 38: a sweet thought
ch 39: date night
ch 40: cuddles and kisses
ch 41: sibling visits part 1
for a friend
ch 42: siblings part 2
ch 43: a strange change
ch 44: curing friendship
ch 45: arriving at pax prime prt 1
gotta catch em all
pax prime prt 2: looking round
ch 46: guys night
first date
the prince and the peasent boy
I was tagged
ch 47 : a revealed memory
ch 48: a horrid familiar face
ch 49: starting a career
ch 50: beat it
the merman
a gender swapped
ch 51: the plan to ruin the world
ch 52: a new companions
53: plan in motion
ch 54: how they do it
ch 55: the horrid truth and a plan
ch 56: the escape prt 1
ch 57: the escape prt 2
ch 58: the play
ch 59: romeo and julian
ch 60: loving music
a lil message
ch 61: the first signs of snow
wizarding world
ch 62: decorating
the bet
the punk and the pastel
ch 63: dress up fun
musical love
dangerous love
the nutcracker prt 1
the nutcracker prt 2
firat ask
a lil announcement
ask /dare prt 2
ch 64: christmas eve
ask / dare prt 3
ask / dare prt 4
ask / dare prt 5
the boy and the beast prt 1
the boy and the beast prt 2
ch 66:darks birthday
ask /dare prt 6
crazy love sneek peek
punk and pastle part 2
ask/dare prt 7
ask/dare prt 8
loving friendship
chapter 67: compliments
chapter 68: long distance relationship
Ask/dare prt: 9
Chapter 69: first time for everything
Ask/ dare part 10
Ask / dare prt :11
Ask/ dare prt :12
a life changing suprise
Chapter 70:finding out
Nerdy love
Chapter 71: the accident prt 1
The accident prt :2
Chapter 72: soon...
Chapter 73:asking for advise
Chapter 74:the day..
Chapter 75: the girls wedding
Lil character update
Nerdy love prt :2
ask\dare prt:13
Chapter 76: furbabies
Ask/dare prt:14
Chapter 77: recording with the alternates prt 1
Recording with the alternates prt:2
Chapter 78:drawing lessons
Ask/dares prt :15
Chapter 79:he...he...
Chapter 80:ill be with you
Chapter 81: suprise motherfucker....
Inportant update
Chapter 82:sad thoughts
It has been decided...
Chapter 83: energetic smol bean
Ask/dare prt: 16
Idk what to call this
For a friend
My little neko
For another friend
Chapter 84:first fight...
My conterpart prt 1
My counterpart prt:2
My counterpart prt:3
Hey peeps
Chapter 85:sing song
Chapter 86:pouty
Pastel and punk prt:3
Pastel and Punk prt:4
Chapter 87:Teases and tickles
Chapter 88:The 2nd Anniversary
Chapter 89:stutters and snuggles
Chapter 90:Yoga
Darks Day out
Coming out
Chapter 91: I fell for...
Chapter 92: Pool party
Chapter 93: powers
Chapter 94: Massages and moans
Chapter 95: giggles and laughs
My little neko prt: 2
Chapter 96: the calling
One shot contest!!!
Chapter 97:The Maker..
Chapter 98:no worrys
Chapter 99: strange happenings...
Strange happenings prt: 2
Chapter 100: No mistake
Life..and Death
Chapter 101: he's here.....
Chapter 102:The End of fear itself
Chapter 103: i love you....
I love you to ....
Go choose

pax prime prt 3: the panel

118 1 2
By spookyeevee

Marks pov

It was the last day of pax and me and jack had a panel it was only me and him cuz the others had to go but we decided to invite some more on the panel , we wer backstage with dark,anti,amy,singe , sam, tim,midnight and clara tom and sami were looking round the town but they'd be back in a min "holy shit I knew yo guys were famous but not THIS famous " dark said surprised as he looked at the audience it was MASIVE (thats what she said) .we had to wait for the camras and technology to be set up and wait for the audience to all get in as we wait sami and tom appeared I bring jack over to a corner so no one else can here us "ok so did you ask if they had stage fright?" "Yea non have any except mabye midnight and sami but they said aslong as theres other people on it with them" "ok good now let's get started" I say as we walk out onto the stage "HELLO EVERYBODY MY NAMES MARKIPLIER and this is ""JACKSEPTICEYE" jack shouts back the whole audience cheers "now as you can probably see its only me and jack but we have quite a few gest with us would they like to come out" I say looking towards the gang they look behind them and all around them when they realise were talking to them the planners give them all microphones "ok so me and jack are going to introduce each one one at a time ok so first of we have my beautiful wife amy" she walks on waving and smiling and then stands my me holding my hand "then we have my amazing wife singe " jack says as he beckons her she walk up waving slightly and stands by jack they hold hands "now me and amys child tim"he walks in aaving his arms *hello everybody my names tim" he shoust cheerfully the whole audience awwws at him "then we have sam me and singe child" jack says as sam walk on "um hey everyone" he says shyly the audience awws again "now we have 2 gest that you would never know we knew so we would like to introduce.." "ANTI AND DARK" jack shouts they walk up the whole audience screams and shouts "they go wide eyed "hey everyone " they say waving "now we have there sort of kids sami and tom" I shout as the walk on the audience awws yet again "now are last two gest "clara and midnight" clara walk on and midnight follows shyly the audience gasps at her but some cheer for her "welp this is a pleasant surprise" amy say cheerfully "tell me about it" clara says chuckling "dont worry its scary at first but then its a delight when ya get used to it" jack says reassuringly .

Claras pov

We started answering some questions one for each of us like jack and mark got asked what it was like to propose to singe and amy yhey said it was scary but at the same time so happy , singe and amy got asked what ws the wedding like the said it was beautiful and amazing and sam , sami, tim and tom were asked if they had a crush on anybody they said each other wich the audience just fangirled over . " question for dark I notice you and anti have a ring by any chance are you married" the person asked "they nod "yep and I couldn't be happier" he says the audience cheers and fangirls ""DANTI AWAY" a person screamed "YES RANDOM PERSON I AGREE" anti shouted  "OMG DARK YOUR SO HAWT a girl screamed anti huggd dark "AINT NO ONE GONNA TAKE ME DARKY AWAY" he shojted back dark chuckled and kissed his head "um I have a question for clara I notice you and midnight were quite close when you entered so does that mean your ya know a thing or not" they asked shyly "yes we are a couple and we couldnt live without each other" I say as I wrap my arms around midnight she does the same "heya midnight just a queation are you a demon oe what happened to you sorry if that sounds rude or anything .you look cool btw" a boy asked "well a potion was dumped on me and 2 other of my friends and we had a cure but there was only enough for 2 so I gave the remedies to the others nowmi have to stay like this forever but its ok actually its pretty cool" the audience cheers and I kiss her cheek "UUGG DISGUSTING FAGGOTS GET OF THE STAGE" a man and a woman shout "Dont be so rude these people are so much nicer then you are and so what if there not straight there still happy " singe shouted "GAY IS A CRIME AND A SIN" they shout I look over at midnight and hr eyes have turned black again "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" she booms "WE DID NOTHING TO HURT ANYONE WE JUST WANNA BE HAPPY SO STOP WASTING YOUR TIME TRYING TO MAKE EPEOPLE MISRABLE" she shouts we all stare wide eyed at her the crowd cheers at her and the man and woman left I kiss her "THAT WAS SO BRAVE WELL DONE" she looks a little dazed but she smiles and we continue the panel.

Tims pov

It was late when we got back to the hotel "rest up all of you were leaving tomorrow" mark says stretching we all aww and head up to bed ready to leave tomorrow

|welp that was so fun to write and shits going down with midnight whats happening to her I wonder anyays ill see you in the next chapter bbaiii|

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