Piece of my heart

By sunina_s

693K 42.2K 4K

{ Highest Ranking πŸ‘‰πŸ» #1 in Spiritual/ Islamic love story } I felt hurt seeing him in pain, pain, which wasn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus chapter to all you loyal ones ❀️

Chapter 20

18.9K 1.2K 48
By sunina_s

(The mouth is bored) الفم هو بالملل
(Because the eyes speak)  لان العيون الكلام

I woke up at the sound of the alarm next to the bed. Wait.. I was on the bed ?? Last night I slept crying on the sofa. Then how was I here... When I turned to look around the room, I saw him sleeping soundly on the recliner. I was hurt because of what he did yesterday. But I guess he carried me to the bed... (my unfaithful heart wanted to forgive him) but this time, my brain took over.

It was 4 am in the morning and I could hear the first adhan. I was still in my gown.

I went to the washroom, took a bath and changed my clothes into a simple dress and by the time I finished doing some things like arranging the bed etc it was 5 am already. He was still there, sleeping and I saw his phone but it was switched off, I guess the battery had drained. I charged his phone because my unfaithful heart told me to do so.

And how would he wake up for prayers, the phone wouldn't ring obviously... for the sake of my God and him being my husband I decided to wake him up so that he could go pray Fajr prayer. I prayed first and then went up to him, still in my prayer dress.

I took a deep breath and walked towards him. He looked so innocent while sleeping.. looked because he wasn't !! As I reached there and stood I felt uneasy, my heart was beating faster. It's my first time being so close with a guy... a guy I'm spending my life with... although he was the same I had bumped to so many times...

I called him "Ammar... Ammar..." but there was no response. He would miss the prayer so I touched his shoulder to wake him and I felt a cold hand touch mine and he pulled me making me sit next to him.
I told him with a confident and bold and angry voice, "assalam alaikum, wake up and go pray its fajr time and it's 5 am, you will miss the congregational prayer..." and I looked down with a serious face and I pulled away my hand.

I saw him stare at me silently. And then he spoke, "waalaikum Salam, okay I am going to pray, thanks for waking me up. But Sofia first listen to me, yesterday there was..."

Before he completed I interrupted and told him, "it's okay, yesterday was yesterday, what do you want for breakfast and what time are we leaving."
And I stood up. I saw him a bit irritated and that's when he held my fist firmly pulling me down again making me sit next to him.

He then said, "Sofia, no, you are my wife now, and you have a right to know what happened yesterday. I didn't leave you purposely, there was an emergency at the hospital, someone got an accident and I had to do the surgery... and you can make anything for breakfast..."

And he left my hand and stood up, heading to the washroom. I looked at him as he left. My unfaithful heart left me, left me all in awe and my heart melted at those few words he spoke. I wanted to get angry but I just couldn't, I just couldn't...

He left to the mosque and came back at 6 am and he went back to sleep, quietly because I was reading the Quran. After finishing, it was already 6:30 so I went to the kitchen and started cooking. I just decided to make some omelette but in a different way and I called room service for some bread. And I made tea too.

It was 7:30 when I saw him, all dressed up in his thobe and egal and ghutrah and he looked at me and said assalam alaikum. I said waalaikum Salam and asked him to sit on the table to eat. He sat silently and like a typical wife I sat next to him and served him. I wasn't that hungry so I wasn't eating rather I was stealing glances at him eating.

I leaped in my heart when he asked me why I wasn't eating. I told him I didn't feel like. Well he still continued talking and said, "Eat, because today you won't be spared the whole day..." and he smiled.

I was blown because I had never, never seen him smile except once when he was with my brother, and I chuckled too. And then he told me that the food was wonderful. And I started blushing, my cheeks fully red.

It was 8 in the morning. And Ammar told me to get ready, we were going home. His mom had called and told us to go. I needed to get ready for the function in the evening and we would go to the cottage that night with the whole family...

He went to sign is out and complete all formalities. I wore my abaya and heels, put some makeup and went down. He was there on his phone, I guess he didn't even see me coming, I stood next to him and waited. He was speaking pure Emirati Arabic. I chuckled again. Well I stopped when he glared at me with his so..  cold eyes. He led, and we walked to the car.

In 10 minutes, we reached his house. It was my first time in my inlaws house. I walked in and when we entered, I heard his sister Aisha shout, "Ummi (mom), they have come."

And I saw an excited mother in law come and she hugged me so tightly and I hugged her with the same love and care. She welcomed me so sweetly and I said Salam to everyone and I hugged all his sisters and I met his father who prayed for us and me.

I saw him play with his niece and nephew who were looking at me in awe and smiling. All I did was smile back at them and when their uncle left, they came running towards me and hugged me, oh how cute they were, seeing Ali made me remember my Adeel and I was a bit sad.
Then a sweet voice called me, it was Maha's (Ammar's niece) she said, "Do princesses get sad too? I thought they were always happy, you are a princess too aren't you?"
I smiled and asked her as to who told her I was a princess.

She answered, "We asked خال (uncle) Ammar, who are you and he laughed and told us, didn't we know you are a princess..." and her eyes widened as she said that.
I was shocked, really did Ammar tell them I was a princess... my husband did say something to amuse my heart...

I hugged her and told her, "If the princess has a prince, she never gets sad..."

I heard a soft voice call my name and it was Sofia. I knew it because we were the only ones in the room but I wasn't sure until she touched me and I felt the cold feel, I knew she was hurt by my actions yesterday so I held her hand and pulled her towards me and she sat next to me looking down and pulling her hand away.

She then told me in a stern voice which I had never heard that she woke me up for prayers. She was proving to be a very good life partner. After saying that I answered her and was about to explain about yesterday when she interrupted.

I guess she though there was no justification for yesterday so she stood. But I had to regain her trust. She was now my responsibility, my duty... so I held her by her fist firmly and pulled her back next to me. And I told her she needed to listen to me - she was still interrupting me like before - but I explained yesterday's situation and as I saw her eyes calm down I left her hand and went to the washroom.

Then I silently left to go pray at the mosque. When I came back it was around 6 and I saw her reading the Quran, she looked so beautiful and pious. Deep in a corner of my heart I felt the 'her being the perfect one' and I went back to sleep.

Later I woke up again and I got ready. And as I reached the living room, I saw her dressed elegamtly, and was preparing the dining table. I said Salam to her and she answered calling me to the dining table. I didn't know she would forgive me so easily. She was different.

Usually I am used to my mothers food and I don't like any other apart from hers. But I just went to eat not to heart her and she served me, and was glancing at me. I ate the food and it was really tasty, something I never expected. I was proud I had a wife who cooked amazing food that too using just an egg ! I saw she wasn't eating and I joked with her and the smile on her face just made me feel differently...

I thought of praising her because she cooked with hard work and when I did she blushed her cheeks red. Was she so shy ~

My mom called me later telling me to bring her daughter in law home, they had to do a lot of preparations. I told Sofia to get ready and I went to sign out. I called the hospital to inform them I would be out of town for a week.
And I realized Sofia stand next to me who was laughing, I was talking in Arabic so I guess that was the so humorous thing because she spoke differently. But her shy laugh pierced my heart sweetly. I then led her to the car and we reached home in 10 minutes.

When we reached home, Aisha welcomed us and she called my mom who even forgot that I existed and went to Sofia and hugged her and kissed her and talked to her. And then we went to greet my father who prayed for us. Sofia met my sisters and talked to them and they seemed to love her. I was happy Sofia had accepted my family and loved everyone.

Just then, Maha and Ali came running to me and started asking me as to who Sofia was. They said,"assalam alaikum خال Ammar. Who is that ? Is she your beautiful princess?" And her eyes widened and brightened when she asked me that.

And I told her, yes she is my princess. I don't know why I said that, maybe just to avoid the question which the answers wouldn't be understandable for these kids. I told them the princess was going to live here now. And they turned to look at Sofia and smiled in awes. And I turned too to look at 'my princess'

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