Another Pedrad | ✓

By aswordofwords

131K 2.4K 1.7K

What if Tris Prior was dauntless born? What if she was the sister of Uriah and Zeke Pedrad? What if all this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 17

3.5K 70 54
By aswordofwords

Late...again. I'm so so so sorry, I completely meant to update yesterday but I lost track of time. I almost couldn't even update today because I was so busy.

To make up, here's an extra long chapter!


"Hey hot stuff."

I glance towards the source of the voice and roll my eyes at a grinning Eric. He raises his eyebrows in an unspoken question. I sigh and reach down into my bag of spicy chips and hand him one. He crunches happily on it and sits down next to me.

"So, do you always just stare longingly at the wall for no apparent reason? 'Cause I don't think he likes you like that."

"Yeah? Well you thought wrong. Wally's really into forbidden relationships." my words thickly coated in sarcasm.

"Wally? You couldn't think of anything better?" he laughs and reaches over for some more chips. I smack his hand away, "OW! You might not think this, but you hit hard."


We continue to sit silently for what seems like forever as I wait anxiously for Four.

After a few minutes, Eric pipes up "Hey, can I ask you something?"

I nod my head.

Eric and I, we go back a long way. To puts things simply, we have a very complicated history.

Back when we were still in the Middle Levels, Eric and I were actually very close. Back then, he didn't have his reputation yet, he was just another guy.

Miranda approached me one day, for no apparent reason, and we started talking. She and I were friends when we were kids, but she eventually ditched me to become one of the populars. If only I had learned my lesson. But anyways, she started becoming closer and closer with me, as I began to think that we were actually friends. We were a tight group of three.

Then, as Miranda, Eric, and I entered the Upper Levels, was the truth finally revealed to me. During a party of my brother's, I joined in on a game of Candor or Dauntless. When it was my turn, I chose Dauntless, of course, and I was dared to ask Eric on a date. But when I asked him, I was rejected in front of everyone at the party, which was pretty much most of the whole school. I was heartbroken. I was even more hurt when I found out that the reason he rejected me was because of his secret relationship with Miranda.

After Eric rejected me, I became the laughing stock of the school. I managed to hide it from Zeke and Uriah as they were even worse back then. A few months later, Eric dumped a heartbroken Miranda. A couple days after that, all my bullies mysteriously stopped. I had no idea what had happened nor did I really care.

During my second year, I remember sitting alone at my favorite spot in the woods. It was completely serene, and just gave me a sense of peace. That was until Eric came stumbling into it.

That day, we sat. We talked and catched up. Just like old times, before the whole Miranda situation. I still hadn't forgiven him for what he'd done. But then he revealed a secret to me that changed my mind.

Eric told me that he was the reason all those bullies stopped. Every time someone tried to assault me, a couple minutes after I left, Eric would beat them up. Of course I was completely against this, but Eric refused to let me be tortured for what he did. I tried to stop him, but like he said, the fights were happening behind my back. Eric also told me that he was only in a relationship with Miranda, because she knew a secret about me that she threatened to share with everyone.

After Eric told me the truth, I decided to forgive him. Plus, he and Zeke hated each other, so he really got under Zeke's skin. And so eventually, Eric and I became even closer than we were before. He even told me the reason behind his ultimate breakup with Miranda.

And that was a secret I was going to take to the grave with me.

"So what do you think?" Eric's words bring me back to reality as I shake my head to clear away those memories that I don't need.

"Sorry, what? I wasn't listening, at all. You'll need to start over." That's what I love about our relationship, we can be honest with each other, most importantly, blunt. Eric's one of the few people I don't have to tiptoe around, and he definitely doesn't hold back when critiquing me.

"As I was saying," Eric continues in an annoyed voice, "Capture the Flag is tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" I exclaim, "I thought it was next week!'

"It was supposed to be, but a bunch of the leaders need to meet next week to discuss laws and all that. So Max made the executive decision to move up the date."

I groan and bury my head in my hands. "Hey, at least I have some faith in our team," Eric says.

"I have faith," I say with indignation. "It's just that we're not ready."

"Good news for you, I have a plan."

"No, not this again."

But Eric paid no attention as he reached into his pocket and started unfolding a piece of paper. He places it on the table and starts to explain his plan for tomorrow. I lean in closer to examine his scribbled map. "Now you see, if we plant number seven over here, he'll be able to distract the others while five can take care of the ones in the back. This will open up about five minutes for us to go in and take the flag."

"How do you know they'll even hide in the old watchtower?"

"Let's be honest, Max always hides his team there."

"How are we going to be able to learn and practice this in a day?" I ask.

"All of us can, except for," Eric points towards a small circle at the corner of the page representing our worst player, "Number Four."

"I know, I know. We've been over this-"

"You have to kick out Uriah."

"Can we please not say his name! He might overhear us, Uriah's always in the cafeteria." Eric gives me a pointed look. "Ugh, this is so stressful," I complain.

"Look, you need to face the facts. You have to get rid of Four."

I sigh. I love him, but as a brother, not a team member. "I know."

"He's weak and he's just dragging us down."

"I know, I know already. But it's just that, he's so clingy, and I didn't even want him in the first place, but I just felt so bad for him." The truth was, Uriah had gone to me, begging to be added to the team. And I couldn't say no to my twin brother, so I decided to give him a shot. What he failed to mention to me though, was that he is absolutely horrible at Capture the Flag.

"Tris, it's for the best. For us." I could not let Uriah cost our team another game.

I sigh, and run a hand through my, now, messy hair. Eric reaches around me to try to take another chip from the tossed aside bag. From behind me, I hear someone say, "Tris?"

I turn around and see Four. My face immediately breaks into a smile, "Oh hey Four, I was wondering where you were."

Four looks from me to Eric, then back at me again. "I can't believe this."

I just stare at him in confusion, "Can't believe what?"

"I can not believe that you're cheating on me!" He nearly shouts, and with that, he turns around and storms away.

I stand there, utterly confused. I turn towards Eric, but he just gives me a shrug. I start to run to catch up with Four's long strides.

"Wait, Four!" I catch at his arm to try to stop him but he easily shake me off.

He slowly turns around to look me dead in the eye. "I can't believe that I ever thought that this," he gesture towards us, "would ever work out. You know, when I first met you, I thought that you were amazing. You were so nice and smart and just outright wonderful. But now, I know that you are none of that. You are just a liar, and a cheater. I would never, in my whole life, ever want to be with such a stupid, little girl anyways."

The second his words register in my head, I can feel my eyes begin to well up. I look away to try to hide the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I am so sorry-"

I look up at him and try my best to keep my voice level as I speak. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you thought this way about me. I guess I'll just go then." I begin to turn around and walk away.

"No, Tris! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it-"

I cut him off with a glare, "Please Four. Just....just leave me alone. Please."

I walk away, and thankfully, he doesn't try to follow. I try to slow my ragged breathing down, already lost hope for trying to control the tears streaming down my face. I tell myself to calm down.

It doesn't work.


I sit on my bed, curled into a ball. I had managed to slow down my crying but my floor is still littered with tissues. But I continue to sit with my arms wrapped tightly around my knees as I stare blankly at the wall across from me wondering, what went wrong?

I hear a faint click, as someone unlocks the front door and slams it shut. Two familiar voices fill the house as Zeke and Uriah begin bickering about whatever stupid thing they decided on today.

"Did you see them?"

"I can't believe it!"

"Why didn't he tell us about it?!"

"Do you think he saw us?"

"No way, not with your quiet voice. Of course he saw us!"

Suddenly, my closed door explodes open as Zeke and Uriah burst into my room.

"Tris, can you please tell Zeke-Woah! Are you crying?"

I try to wipe off any leftover tears, but there's no hiding the red, puffy eyes. "I'm fine," I croak out feebly, immediately, my body is racked with sobs as I break down again.

Instantly, Zeke and Uriah come running to sit next to me. They reassure me with their soothing words and gentle squeezes. After a while, I manage to maintain a few seconds of calm, steady breathing. I suck in a slow breath before speaking again, "Really, guys, it's nothing."

Uriah snorts, "Yeah right. This ain't nothing. Nobody and I mean nothing messes with our sister."

Zeke shoots him a glare, "Tris," he starts in that calm, sensible voice he used when trying to show how responsible he is, "what happened?"

"Nothing," I murmur silently.

Zeke gently turns me towards him, I look him in the eye and all I can see is worry. "C'mon, you can tell us."

I let out a long breath. Talking with Zeke and Uriah has helped slow down my crying to a stop. I quickly wipe away a stray tear, leaving my face dry. "Promise not to freak out?"


"I make no promises."

Zeke reaches across the bed and slaps Uriah across the arm. "OW!" He yelps and jumps off the bed, cuddling his arm.

A small smile grows on my face. Who needs Four? I've got all the men I need in my life. But still, incidents like this one have happened before. If I've learned anything, it's that Zeke and Uriah never respond well.

"My friend has a serious head injury and the doctors aren't sure if she's going to be okay." I try my best to sound natural, not used to lying to Zeke or Uriah, or anyone at all in fact. Even though I'm nowhere close to a Candor, I was still taught to value honesty.

"Really?" Uriah asks, sitting back down on the bed. "Who was it?"

I wave off his question, "Oh, no one you know."

Zeke looks at me, suddenly suspicious. "Are you sure we don't know this friend?"

"Yea, I just met her."

"And you're already crying over her, or him?"

I nod my head, "Yeah?"

Zeke raises his eyebrows questioningly. While Uriah point-blank blurts out, "Tris, you are a horrible liar."

"I am not," I say indignantly.

Zeke nods his head, "Yes, you are."

"Okay, fine. I was lying-"

"Which means something's definitely up."

I suck in a deep breath, "You swear you're not going to go into full-on protective brother mode?"

Zeke glances at Uriah warily before saying, "Promise."



I close my eyes and blurt out, "It was a boy." I wince and open my eyes to see just what I expected.

Zeke immediately jumps off the bed and shouts, "A BOY?!"

"WHO WAS IT?!" Uriah grabs me by the shoulders and screams.



After a few minutes of screaming, they finally settle down. Zeke pinches the bridge of his nose, "I can't believe that you could be so stupid Tris, haven't you listened to anything we've told you? Boys aren't worth it."

I stand up in shock, "Stupid?"

"Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that," Zeke says.

"You're right. They aren't worth it. And you guys aren't much better. For once can't you just let my live my own life? I don't need you hovering over my shoulder telling me what and what not to do! You're not my dad, so stop acting like it. No matter how hard you try, you don't own me. Let's face it, you're not even my real brother." With that, I turn around and walk out of the house. I slam the door shut, rattling the walls as the vibrations echo out into the hallway.

I walk down the hallway, trying to get as far away as possible. I don't need Zeke or Uriah in my life. And I most certainly don't need Four.

So I keep walking.

I walk and walk until I'm lost in a maze of hallways. But still, I know that I'm far, far away.

I lean against the wall and slide down. I curl up into a tight ball and lay on the floor. Sniffling, I close my eyes. But still, no tears come out of my eyes.

I tell myself to calm down.

It doesn't work.

Words: 2417

So now that you know the story from both sides, you have different opinions now? Who do you think was right Tris or Four? Personally, I'm #TeamTris. Actually, scratch that. I'm #TeamEricFTW, lol jk.

It hasn't been that long since I've updated, right? Right? But...YAY THANKSGIVING...soon. I should be able to update more often now, but I will mostly likely forget so you'll have to remind me.

Oh, and this was a pretty long chapter, huh? Yeah? Well, I think so. My friends all write like 100,000,000,000 word chapters, but I have a very short attention span. What do you think? A lot of short chapters? Or a few long chapters?

Anything else? Nope, I think I covered it all.

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