This Crazy World (Naruto) COM...

By _nek0_

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Temari and Tenten were adopted because there real family left them behind on there adopted family porch both... More

Our Lives
Things just happened
These bitches and man whore
We're in a different world?
Getting people mad
We're being seperated
Halloween jealousy
Trying to get away
They told me to stay I did the opposite
With her again
Finding us
Catching up

A dessert and them not paying attention

220 12 3
By _nek0_

temari pov

"Are you okay "the blonde girl said
"I'm okay let's just keep going "I said
"But you stil-"she stopped I looked back and saw pineapple head shaking his head say that ' it's no use just let it go'

'I herd her say as I left I really didn't want anyone to worry about me unless it was someone who I know like tenten but not these people they could do something at anytime 'I thought to myself.

We walk a lot and somehow I didn't get tired we were still in the forest and the kazakage or whatever his name is in at the front of the group his brother or whatever he is to him is close to him Blondie is ahead of me I'm close by  lazy ass and Choji are at the back not that far from me.

I looked ahead and there was desert
Nope they might kill me but I walked anyways I felt something poking my thigh and it was in my pocket I put my hand  in my pocket it was the sharp rock the me and tenten made just in case something went wrong.

I won't use it now but if they try anything I won't hesitate to try and kill them.

Tenten pov

'So his name is Naruto and her name is Sakura and now all that's left is chicken butt head and the spandex guy just great 'I thought. 

I got up and walked away from them and sat down at a bench that was there chicken butt is looking at Sakura and Naruto and spandex guy is trying to pick a fight with girly boy.

'What the hell is wrong with these people God what have I gotten my self into wait how the hell did this start' I thought I then looked at my bracelet it was all this bracelet it started this all.

'Now that I think about it temari also had her bracelet she didn't take it off either so this all had something to do with the bracelet' I thought I didn't realized that Naruto had came up to me and pointed at the bracelet and said "what's that"
"Nothing"I answer to quickly
"Yeah it's from here "he said
"How do you know"I said getting annoyed by him
"Because my mom had one like that where did you get it "he said kinda serious
"My mom gave it to me so don't touch it "I said
"Oh okay "he said still looking at the bracelet

'Well he gets over things fast' now I wondering if I was ever related to here and temari I mean this bracelet from here and when I tried to look up the bracelet that my mom gave me I could never find it.

Temari pov

We keeped walking I somehow got a feeling that we were lost but I also had a feeling that I knew where we were going it was weird.

I was going to make someone carry me because I was getting so fucking tired then it came to me.

I looked at Choji he looked like was starving good thing I have chips I reached into my pocket and took out a bag that I might of stole from someone good thing it wasn't open.

I glanced at Choji he was looking my way good and now time to make him carry me
I walked over to him and said "hey there Choji I saw you looking
At these chips do you want some"I said

He looked at the chips then me then at the chips then me then at me again then he shook his head yes

I saw him reaching for it and then when it was close I backed up my hand he looked at me I then said that "you need to carry me "
"Sure"he said
He than said "piggy back ride or on my hand "
I didn't know what he meant by his hand but I wanted a piggy back ride
"I want a piggy back ride "I said
"Okay"he knelt down I got on and I gave him his chip 'hehe that was easy well now I don't have to walk'

I laid my head down on his back I looked next to him it was lazy ass he just looked kinda mad oh well I didn't think that's much of it.

I then pretend to go to sleep then I herd them talking they were all together the Blondie, lazy ass ,the kazakage or what ever ,and that other guy that was with him and of course Choji I can tell we were still walking and kazakage or whatever was still in front and the other guy was next to him and Blondie lazy ass and Choji we next together.

Choji was in the middle I know that because when Blondie stated to talk she was on the left and lazy ass was on the right.

"We're close to the sand Gaara "Blondie said
"Yes we are "he said
"Hey what are we going to do with temari "choji said
"Well were going to see test if she actually is from the sand and then ask her question "the other guy said

"Guys what if she is from here what well happen I'm mean tenten and temari both of those names there like our child hood friends and your sister gaara kankuro and Naruto cousin.

Tenten pov

So if me and temari are actually from this world then I would be related to one of these idiots
Great I get to be related to these idiots but If I'm not I won't be related to their idiots oh well

"Lee stop asking me to fight you because you know you'll lose "girly boy said
I then looked up its been a long time since I started to think
"The power of youth will help me" spandex guy or lee said
"No it won't you always say that but it never works"girly boy said 
"All right if I can't beat you I'll do 5,000push ups"lee said

They fought and lee lost and he stated to do push ups and girly boy didn't look surprised I wonder if this happens all the time.

Then I looked were Naruto and Sakura are at they were with chicken butt I guess something similar was happing because Sakura was hitting Naruto I guess he was hitting on her and chicken butt was just watching then Sakura went to talk to chicken butt.

"Hey Sasuke-kun "she said
"Hn" was all he said
She look like she was going to go on but she didn't he looked at her and then looked somewhere else.

Well while there busy I'm going to go I got up jumped over the bench and started to run then I came up to a tree and jumped I jumped so high then I started to jump from branch to branch I have no idea how but I did and just when I thought I got away girly boy was there behind me I got kinda scared a went faster.

Bad idea because I couldn't stop hen someone grabbed my arm I felt like I was falling then someone carried me bride style.


cliffhanger!!! Once again

Thanks for reading guys






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