Secretly Super

By heyitscelina

160K 4.6K 393

"There was no where we could go, it was coming too fast. When I opened my eyes and looked out my window I saw... More

Secretly Super
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 4

4.3K 125 19
By heyitscelina

Angel's P.O.V.


Crap.Crap. Crap.

Come on Angel say something this silence is getting awkward.

"Who? Me? Pfft no I...uh..."

"You, what?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I uh... volunteer! Yeah I volunteer here after school. I um... help the nuns out. Yup that's what I do..." I said nervously.

"Oh. Okay. Wow nerd, for a second there I thought you were ugly, fat, and an orphan," he smirked.

"Whatever. Wait, why are you here Mavor?"

"My mom," he stated bluntly.

"Your mom?"

"And my brother."

"And your brother?"

"Are you just going to repeat everything I say?" he glared at me.

"Are you ju— I mean," I shook my head, " what about your mom and brother?"

"They made me come."

"They made you come?"

"Are you really going to start this again?" he said angrily.

"Just tell me why you're here. I have to get inside!" I whined.

This conversation is too exhausting.

"Whatever. My mom and Tommy made me follow you. Supposedly, you're the one who's saved my brother. Did you?" he asked.


"Evangeline! What are you doing outside? Get in here right now! You're late!" Sister Catherine yelled, but when she saw Mavor she put on her sweet face. "We were so worried about you. We thought something bad had happened to you!" she cried while coming up to hug me.

Oh how sweet. She was so worried about me. Not. That's what she says, but what she's  thinking is how she is going to have to take a shower to get my "evil" off of her.

Whatever. It's not like I wanted her to care anyways.

"Oh hello there young man. Who might you be?"

"My name is Mavor Wallace ma'am."

"Okay Mavor, can I help you with something?"

"Um... no ma'am I just came to talk to Evangeline about something, but if you need her to get to her volunteer work I will talk to her tomorrow at school."

"Volunteer work?" she asked, clearly confused.

"Yes volunteer work. Come on sister Catherine let's go. Bye Mavor. See you tomorrow!" I hurriedly dragged the confused nun next to me before Mavor could say anything else.

"Is he your boyfriend?" she turned to me as we got inside.

"No he is not."

"Oh. Well what is he then? Your friend?" she looked at me skeptically.

She thinks it's impossible for me to have friends!?

"No he isn't a friend. He just goes to my school."

"Oh so you're just whoring around," she slapped her hand over her mouth quickly.

We both just stood there, wide-eyed. She had never said anything like that before. She always thought it but... never actually said it out loud.

"I'm going to tell the other sisters," I frowned.

That must have struck a chord since she proceeded to slap me across the face.

"Don't say anything Evangeline. If you tell any of the other sisters 'll have you kicked out of here," she said harshly.

"You- you hit me," I stuttered holding my cheek.

"So what? The other sisters won't care they hate you too," she smirked.

"But they don't accept bad language. Especially from fellow sisters," I pointed out and her smirk faltered a little.

"I'll deny it. Who do you think they're gonna believe me or the orphan everyone hates? So keep your mouth shut or else you'll be homeless," she said with her smirk still intact.


Mavor's P.O.V.


"Mom, I'm home!" I called out while closing the door.

"Where is she? Where is she? Angel!" Tommy yelled out tackling my leg, looking behind me.

"Whoa, whoa. She isn't here little dude."

"Why not?" he pouted.

"Because— wait. Why do you want to see her so bad?"

"Because I love her," he said simply.

"What? How can you love her? She's fat, ugly, disgusting and—" I stopped because he had pushed my legs and me being distracted I lost my balance and fell.

"She is not! She's pretty and she is so much nicer than you!" he yelled at at me and ran up the stairs crying.

"Um... ouch?"

"Why did you say that Mavor?" mom asked leaning in the kitchen doorway.

"Well, you see, I kind of already know her."

"You already know her?"

"Err... yeah."

"Well then why did you say such rude things?"

"Because a kind of make fun of her at school," I mumbled


"I said, I make fun of her at school."

"Haven't I raised you better than that Mavor?" she asked sadly.

"Yes, you did mom. But I just don't like her."

"Well, that's still no reason to be rude. Just try to leave her alone okay? I'm sure she's a nice girl."


"Well. I'm going to go get your brothers, and we will go and thank her."


"Now tell me, where does she live?"

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't you follow her?"

"Yeah but she didn't go home."

"Where did she go then?"

"The orphanage."

"The orphanage? Why?"

"She works there... I guess."

"Well that's okay I don't think the orphanage will mind us coming around. I'm sure the nuns are nice."

"Okay then..."

"Tommy! Ricky! Come down here we're going to go see Angel."


As we walked inside the orphanage my mom immediately started asking Tommy if he could see Angel. Of course he said no because we had just gotten through the door.

"Ooh Mavor look. There is a nun over there. Let's ask her if she knows were Angel is," my mom said starting to drag Tommy along.

"Excuse me. Hello there may I help you with something?" A nun said.

When did she get here?

" yes! We're looking for someone," mom said.

"Oh. You're here to adopt?" the nun asked happily.

"No, no we are looking for a girl who volunteers here.. her name is Angel."

"Hm... we have a volunteer named that who you're looking for?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe. Can we see her?"

"Of course come with me."

Is that Angels name? I thought it was Evangeline.

We followed her for hours. Well it wasn't really hours it was more like five minutes but it was boring with all the twists and turns.

When we opened the door there were so many kids they all looked pretty young well younger than eighteen or else they wouldn't be able to live here I guess.

"Okay there she is talking to one of the children," the nun said breaking me from the my thoughts.

"Oh good," mom said pulling Tommy and Ricky along.

"Angelica? You seem to have some visitors."

When she turned around it wasn't Angel it was a lady that was maybe thirty or something, she was the same height as Angel though.

"Tommy is that her?" mom asked.

"No mommy," he said shaking his head.

"Hmm. Well is there another person with a name close to Angel?" mom asked the nun that brought us here.

"No I don't think so," the nun shook her head.

"Mommy! Look over there!" Tommy yelled out while pointing at the bed in the corner where a girl was sitting.

"What about her?" mom asked.

"That's Angel," he said happily.

"How can you tell? Her hair is covering her face," I asked

"I know it's her. Watch. Angel! Hey angel over here!"

She looked up and it was her. What the hell? Why was she sitting there? And why does she have a hand print on her face? What's going on? More importantly, why do I care?

She stood up and took a step forward to come over to Tommy but he had a different idea. He ran up to her and jumped into her arms which sent her falling to the ground with Tommy wrapped around her torso. Crap.

"Tommy! Get off of her! I'm so sorry honey. He's just so happy to see you again. C'mon up you go," mom apologized and helped Angel up while holding Tommy back.

"Hello i'm Rachel Wallace and these are my three sons Mavor, Ricky, and well of course you already know Tommy."

"Hi I'm Evangeline Vitson. It's nice to meet you."

"Hi Angel," Tommy said. Again.

"Hey little buddy," she smiled down at him, and quick as a flash Tommy grabbed on to her leg.

"Tommy. Get off of her leg," mom scolded him.

"No!" he yelled burying his face in her leg.

"That's okay ma'am he isn't hurting me."

"Hey, speaking about hurting, what happened to your face?"

"Mavor!" mom gasped.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Why are you being rude? I know that you kids use that word as slang for unappealing. I'm not that old you know."

"I was just talking about the hand print on her face," I muttered.

She immediately put her hand on her face and when she took it off it wasn't there anymore. What the hell? Did I just imagine it?

"Mavor there is nothing on her face. Don't lie. Now apologize for being rude."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm not trying to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

"Oh dear, I forgot to mention that to you didn't I? So sorry, we're here to thank you for saving Tommy."

"Well it was nothing really. I was just at the right place at the right time."

"But you risked your life and you're so young. Your parents would have been devastated if you had gotten hurt."

"We don't have to worry about that," she mumbled.

"What did you say?" mom asked.

"Nothing ma'am."

"Okay, well anyways, where do you live? We can give you a ride home since it is pretty dark now."

"No it's okay I—" Angel started saying but was cut off by a nearby nun.

"What do you mean ma'am? The orphans live here," the nun said.

"But she's not an the orphan. She's working here isn't she?" mom asked the nun before turning back to Angel and directing the question at her, "Aren't you?"

She didn't say anything. She just looked down as if ashamed. She should be. I mean I would be if my parents didn't want me. But I couldn't blame them she was ugly.

"No, ma'am I am an orphan here," she said, glaring at me.

What did I do now? I didn't even say anything.

"Oh honey," mom sighed sympathetically and hugged her.

"Mommy? What's an orphan?" Tommy asked.

"It's a person that doesn't have parents," Ricky answered.

"Oh... well then where does she live?"

"She lives here."


"Yes, I live here Tommy," she said with a small smile.

"Do you like it here?"

"Yes," she said a little too quickly.

She was obviously lying. She was unconsciously touching her cheek. I'm guessing that's her tell, and I guess Tommy knew it too.

"No you don't," Tommy glared.

"Yes I do."

"Nu-uh, you're lying."

"Tommy, why do you say that?" mom asked.

"Because it doesn't look like she likes it here, and I saw the ladies over there looking at her in a weird way. I don't think they like her. So I don't think she should live here."

"Well where do you expect her to live?" I muttered.

"With us!" mom, Tommy, and Ricky said excitedly at the same time.

"What?" Me and Angel faltered.

"It's perfect. It will be like a thank you from me, and she gets to get out of here. Everybody wins," mom grinned.

"That's really nice of you but—"

"Nonsense, you're coming home with us. End of story. Now, who do I have to talk to," mom said walking away with my brothers.

What. Has. She. Done.

Angel's P.O.V.

 I was hesitant in leaving the orphanage not because i liked living here but because I hated the thought of sharing the same roof with Mavor. He's going to make my life miserable. The rest of his family seemed nice so I hoped that he would be too, at least at home. But little did I know how badly my hopes would be shattered.

When we got to his house his mom made him show me to the guest room, and on the way he warned me not to get in his way, and that this doesn't mean we're friends, or that I can talk to him at school, and that I cant tell anyone, and that he won't give me a ride, and blah blah blah.

 Its not like I was going to ask him for anything anyways...

Now I'm just sitting in the middle of the bed with my chin on my knees, staring at my small bag of clothes on the floor. I guess I should get a job to maybe buy some clothes so I can fit in around this nice house.

The nuns hadn't even put up anything close to a fight when Rachael asked if I could come live with her. They basically threw me out. I'm just glad she hadn't adopted me. I would never want to be Mavor's sister.

My thoughts were broken by a knock on the door.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "C-come in," 

"Angel? What are you doing?" Tommy asked, poking his head in.


"Oh, so since you're not busy do you want to come play with me and Ricky?"

"Yeah, sounds like fun."

"Yay, c'mon!"

I couldn't help but smile as he dragged me towards the living room.

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