A Cruel Jest?

By ShelbyWinds

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The world is ruled by vampires and has been for known history, they are our masters and we their food, but so... More

Epilogue 44


337 38 14
By ShelbyWinds

Nocturne holds Mori close to him hating what he'd put her through even as he gloated at what he was finally able to do. The only thing keeping him from being completely exultant, other than Mori's reaction, is that he still doesn't have his damn brother's location. He needs this to end now. Mori is in far too much danger until that bastard is dead, and the only  way he'll believe that bastard dead is if he kills him himself.

"Nocturne?" Mori says waking up. His arms tighten around her keeping her still. "I need water or something to drink." Mori is irritated that he won't loosen his hold on her.

"Jerus said that he wasn't able to distract you sufficiently last night." Nocturne says even as he cut his wrist for her to drink his blood. He's not yet willing to let her go. He's afraid to even look in her eyes to see what she thinks of him now.

Mori grabs onto his wrist and drinks deeply of the blood. She hadn't said anything to Jerus the night before because she wouldn't have been able to keep it down, but she was starving. She finds herself even gnawing on his wrist when the wound closes. "Enough Mori." Nocturne has to force her off his wrist.

Nocturne looks at her wondering what is happening to her. He'd never heard of anything like this happening before. Mori had actually gone into a small blood lust again. "Do you still desire more blood Mori?" Nocturne asks as he caresses her bare arm.

Mori is more than a little ashamed at her lack of control and from the night before so she refuses to look at Nocturne as she answers him. "Yes, even more than human food at this point. Although I am starving and would eat that as well."

"Go get ready then and I'll take you to the cafe in town. We both need to eat and after I eat I'll give you more blood if you still wish." Nocturne says now kissing her shoulder. Mori shudders in desire.

Nocturne stops Mori as she goes to get up, "Did Jerus help at all last night?" That's what he asked but it's not what he wants to know. Never before has it mattered but now it does, he's dying to know if Jerus was better in bed than him.

"For a few minutes only Nocturne. And no, he isn't better than you." Nocturne lets her arm go that he had held to stop her in shock. Had she just read his mind? Just how deep did this damn bond go and why wasn't he able to get the same benefits as she was. Or at least an inkling of what the hell she was thinking.

Nocturne slides out of the bed and slips into the bathroom. He quickly gets rid of his clothes and joins Mori in her shower. More than pleased at her words Nocturne gives her the sexual pleasure he'd felt last night as he tortured the traitors. By the time he's done he needs to hold Mori up completely and even sends a little blast of healing through her so she isn't sore.

"I'm sorry you had to see my dark side Mori. I was hoping to keep that from you until you had to witness it at court." Nocturne says as Mori gets dressed. He's unhappy with her selection and changes it to clothing more fitting her station. Mori frowns at the feel of the silk and high quality cotton clothing but doesn't say anything. She does like how it feels on her, even if it is better than she's ever had before. These kinds of clothes don't fit in with her life here in the cabin.

Mori shrugs at Nocturne's words. "I was bound to see it sooner or later. Some of them you were not just angry with. The one you cut his dick off and let bleed to death."

"Bellus." Nocturne hiss's out the name. 

"Yeah, that one. He wasn't just a traitor, he'd done something more. When you find your brother, we will have to have a way to sever this bond. I won't be able to watch what you have planned for him, not after what I saw last night..." Mori says and looks at Nocturne. "I'm ready, or did you change your mind? I don't mind I can cook my own-"

Nocturne cuts off her words, "I'm ready, let's go. And Mori don't even think of trying to break this bond until I have a chance to study it. Doing so might just kill us both."

"Just how the hell do you expect me to break a bond forged by the damn vampire king?" Mori demands more than irritated with him. She is angry at his words and the memory of the previous night and all that went with it. She can't hold back her anger any longer. "Just because you are the freaking vampire king doesn't mean you can freaking control every damn thing I do." The words aren't near enough, she is beyond angry and wants to hit and hurt him, but knows that not even she will be able to get away with that kind of disrespect.

She doesn't expect what happens next. She finds herself on the ground and her face throbbing as she tastes blood where her teeth cut her cheek. "I see." She slowly gets to her feet refusing to look at Nocturne. She goes back into the bathroom and takes out the first aide box she keeps there. She doesn't bother locking the door, Nocturne will just open it or get rid of it if he's irritated enough.

Nocturne tries to heal her. "Don't touch me." Is all she says and he backs away from her.

"Why are you still here? Don't you have some feeding to do?" Mori keeps her voice absolutely monotone. She finishes with cleaning up the scrapes on her face and arms and puts the kit away before silently brushing past Nocturne.

Mori goes to her clothes and changes out of the fancy ones Nocturne put on her and put on her second best hunting clothes. Then she leaves the cabin without saying anything more.

Mori quickly wends her way through the forest to one of her old hide outs from her father. She figures that it won't take Nocturne long before he comes looking for her or sends one of his vampire's out. She doesn't want to talk or see anyone. Those were her last thoughts before she passes out.

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