I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 22

10.7K 248 49
By _beaniezayn

Ariana's POV:

"Ariana!" I hear my mother shout up the stairs. I finish putting brownish red lipstick on and go out into the hallway.


"Hurry up, sweetie. Everyone is ready to go now." She said and I shout back a quick okay before grabbing my purse and slipping on my heels.

I flatten out my dress that stops at my feet and take one last look in the mirror. With a nod, I walk out and down the stairs to where my mother, daughter, and Zayn are. Zayn is on his phone so I cough to get his attention. His eyes meet mine for a second and they widen. His eyes travel down my body and I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

"You look beautiful sweetie. I have to go now, I'm riding with Tricia." My mom kisses my cheek before walking to the front door and out it. I guess everyone has already went out to their cars.

"Holy- wow. What- oh my god." Zayn stutters, wrapping his arms, wimply around my waist. I shyly smile up at him, unwrapping his arms from my waist. "You look stunning."

"Thank you. You look really good, too." I said, staring at his freshly shaved face. His quiff looks nice and he smells of cologne. His body fits his tux perfectly and the white under shirt suits it all nicely.

"That dress.." He groaned, the corner of his lips turning up. "I really hate to say this but you may end up winning this bed of ours."

"Ha! I know, right?" I said, giggling softly. He rolls his chocolatey brown, sparkly eyes at me and grabs my hand. I watch him lace our fingers tightly and my heart warms.

"Lets go, shall we?" He raises his eyebrows and I nod. "I'm driving us, Delaney is riding with Frankie."

"Okay, she hasn't dirtied her outfit yet, has she?" I asked, nervously. She is wearing a bright red dress and little black flats. Knowing her, shes really good at ruining outfits.

"I'm pretty sure she didn't. Hopefully she hasn't." He said, grinning. "By the way, love... I really like your hair half up, half down and curled. It suits you very nicely."


Zayn has made sure to keep his distance from me since we arrived at the restaurant. We never know when paparazzi are around so we didn't want to risk them finding out. Yeah, they're going to spread rumors that we are dating, but that's nothing new. There has been plenty of that since he and I were spotted together for the first time. And besides, if we don't give them any good evidence that we are dating, then they won't have a firm logic to backup their accusation.

"Mommy, sit by me!" Delaney pulls on my dress and my cheeks burn up. This dress is strapless and it nearly showed my chest. Zayn smirks at me and I roll my eyes. "Delaney, babe, don't pull on my dress, please. And I will sit by you."

"Okay sorry mommy." She said, taking my hand in her small one. I smile down at her and she drags me to the table where Harry stands, speaking with a women who has many of the same features as he does. That must be his mother.

"Mum, this is Ariana. Ariana, this is mum." Harry smiles, charmingly. She brings me into a warm hug and I know I already love her. Delaney lets go of my hand and goes over to Niall.

"Harry decided to drag us out here to America for Christmas this year and I thought it'd be nice to meet you, your friends, and family while we are here since we have heard so much about you, Zayn, and your little one." She smiles as we pull away. I really love her accent. "My name is Anne."

"Its really nice to meet you, Anne. Thank you for inviting us to this lovely restaurant for dinner." I said, smiling.

"Its my pleasure, love. Gemma, my daughter, and I thought since we weren't home for Christmas, that we'd get to know some new people." She replied, and used her hands to gesture a girl, who must be Gemma, to come over to us. "This is Gemma, Gemma, this is Ariana."

Gemma looks a lot like Harry but in a girlier version. She's gorgeous, just like her mother. "Hello, wow you're really beautiful."

"Aw, thank you. So are you." I replied, grinning. Harry has a nice family.

"Thank you. Oh and mum?" Gemma looks at her mother. "Robin is on his way, he got caught up in traffic on his way from the hotel. He said he called you but you didn't answer."


"The traffic here is awful. I'm either really late to things or I have to leave like 2 hours prior to wherever I'm going." I said and Anne shakes her head.

"Its ridiculous." She replied and I nod in agreement. "This is our table right here everyone."

Anne speaks loud enough for everyone to hear. After she says so, everyone piles into the seats. I smile at Anne before finding a seat next to Delaney and across from Zayn. Zayn smiles at me and sends me a wink.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you but I've been forgetting.." Zayn starts and I put my full attention on him. "When do you start filming for Sam & Cat again?"

"Oh, well I'm pretty sure we start like January the 14th. It's usually 4 to 5 days a week depending on how fast we can get the episodes recorded." I replied and he nods, smiling.

"Actually, Delaney and I love to watch that show whenever you're out." He said, chuckling softly. "It's really funny how clueless you act as Cat."

His eyes shine with amusement and I smile. I love how they're so close. Zayn basically lives at our house now...which has caught the attentions of the paparazzi. They're questioning everything so that's why we plan on telling the world about our child soon.

And of course, the fans are already discovering everything but they won't know for sure until we confirm it. I haven't been on Twitter for a while because of disrespect. I just don't understand.

I really wonder if they think Zayn is cheating. I really really wonder if Perrie has seen photos of us, repeatedly together.

"It's really fun. The cast is amazing and I love Jennette!" I said a little louder so Jennette, who is across the table can here. She looks over at me and smiles.

"I sort of like your hair red, love." Zayn said, grinning.

"It's okay, I guess. I just feel like it makes me more... vulnerable. And I like my hair the way it is now." I said and he nods. I watch and listen as the waiter asks Zayn what he would like to drink. He responds, kindly, and the middle aged lady asks me the same thing.

"What would you like to drink ma'am?"

"Um, she will have a sprite.." I spoke for Delaney and then for myself. "I will have just a water."

She writes it down on her notepad and moves on, asking the others whay they would like.

"Water.." Zayn snickers, rolling his eyes. "You should've just said diet water with your appetite!"

I frown as he continues to laugh in my face. He notices my expression and speaks up again. "Sorry love, can't take a joke, eh? What's even more funny is that you made us eat your strange vegan Christmas eve dinner."

He keeps on laughing and my frown deepens. I sure hope it was tasty to the others or else I will be so embarrassed. Well, I already am. And I feel bad about it. I really liked it, but maybe everyone else didn't. That just makes me want to cry because of embarrassment and hurt feelings.

Zayn must've noticed my hurt look because he immediately stops laughing and frowms back at me. "I was joking, babe."

"So, that doesn't mean it didn't hurt my feelings!" I snapped at him and he pouts. I'm happy that no one is paying attention to us or else I would be even more embarrassed.

"Sorry, baby." He replied, softly and I roll my eyes at him. He was being an ass. Why? Because he can.

"I- Just- Just don't talk to me for the rest of the night." I said, looking down at my fingers. I look up for a brief second to see that he looks angry.

"Why? Because you can't take a fucking joke?!" He growled and I scowl at him.

"Just shut your mouth until we get home."

"Oh, you're going to fucking get it."

I roll my eyes at him. He's really good at pissing me off but then again he can be a real gentlemen. Not right now though.

I make eye contact with Harry and he smiles. I watch him scoot out from his chair and he walks over to me. He sits in the empty chair beside me, on the opposite side of where Delaney is.

"Hey love, how are you?" He said, smiling, showing his deep dimples. I try to smile back but I can't stop feeling bad about the fact that everyone might have not enjoyed my dinner last night.

It's not that big of a deal Ariana, I thought. Get over it, Zayn was trying to get under your skin.

"I'm doing alright, how are you?"

"I'm good, too. Just came over to ask if you're doing alright. You look a bit upset.." His smile fades away and a frown takes upon his thin lips.

"I'm okay, Harry." I said, reassuringly. He sends me a little nod and a smile starts at the corner of his lips.

"Okay love. I'll talk with you in a little bit. My mom is telling stories of my childhood to everyone on that side of the table so I better get over there and make sure she tells is correctly." He said, chuckling. I giggle because mothers always do that sort of stuff.

He pecks my cheek and walks off. I turn back and look at Zayn who just shakes his head with a glare. I lower my eyes to the table cloth and focus on that. I'm really not ready for Zayn to argue with me when we get back to my house.


"Thank you so much Anne." I said, hugging her tightly. She is super sweet and I really like her.

"Oh you're most definitely welcome, beauty." She said, grinning as we both pulled back. "I really hope to see you again soon."

"I'm sure Zayn and I can come visit sometime. We will already be in Bradford sometime in a few weeks to visit. His family hasn't met Delaney so maybe we can stop by on the way home." I said. She already knows about the whole Delaney situation.

"That would be fantastic! Just give us a ring!" She said, smiling widely. I say one last goodbye before lifting my nearly asleep child and walking out of the restaurant. Zayn already said goodbye and went to get the car.

Delaney lays her head on my shoulder and within seconds, she's asleep. She is really small for her age.. She looks about four years old, not six.

I spot Zayn's car driving up to the entrance, where I am at. I walk over and gently lay Delaney in, earning a high pitched whine from her. "Oh hush."

I buckle her up in her booster seat and shut the door. I take a deep breath before opening the passenger side door and hopping in. I quickly buckle myself up and look out the window. I smile at my mother who waves briefly before getting into Tricias rental car, the one she's using while she's in America.

I'm pretty sure Jennette and her family are going home now but Lexi's and Zayn's are still staying until after new years. It's nice to have them around.

"We have to talk about this sometime, you know.." Zayn's voice is calm and raspy. I sigh, louder than I wanted.

"I know."

"I'm really sorry, darling." He said and I know he means it.

"You really hurt my feelings, Zayn." I said, still staring out the window, admiring the Christmas lights all over buildings.

"I know I did. I didn't mean to and I guess I just got mad at myself for doing so. So I took it out on you." He places a hand on my thigh and I place my hand in his, instead.

"It's okay, I guess."

"I love you.." He gently squeezes my hand and I finally let a little smile play on my lips. I feel him glance at me.

"There's that beautiful smile."

"I love you." I replied to him from a moment ago. I look over at him as he stops at a stop light. He stares at me before he leans in, pressing his lips onto mine. I kiss back until someone from behind us honks their horn. I smile, pulling back and Zayn grins, and speeds off. I laugh loudly when he sticks his hand out the window and flips the person who honked off.

Zayn laughs as well and I just laugh louder. But not all at what he just did...

"I win!" I laugh in victory. Zayn briefly looks at me with a confused expression that only lasts one second. He gasps and I laugh even louder.

"Dammit!" He laughed, smacking the steering wheel.

"Should I get you a maids outfit?" My face is probably flushed from laughing but I honestly don't care. I'm having fun.

"Oh don't you even start!"






I finally updated after 5 days lol sorry!

I've been working on my other Fan fiction Misconceived (Harry Styles vampire Fan fiction) !

Please check it out!

I also wanted to ask you guys something!

Okay, so I am wanting to start my 4th story (that's enough for a few months! 1 is completed though!) !

It's going to be a Liam FF and it's going to be about a Zombie Apocalypse !

Comment if you liked this chapter AND




Btw do you like my new cover? (:

Kk bye bye vote pls ily.

-Mackenzie xoxo

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