By gracey87

34.8K 1.2K 80

she is leaving.. and i can't do anything.. my love is leaving.. like a fool, I'm blankly standing here.. why... More

Present Day
First Encounter
Unfulfilled Love
Senior Year
Blossoming Love
Secret Love Story
Start of Something New
Jeju Island Trip (Part 1) - Love Hurts
Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare
Jeju Island Trip (Part 3) - I Choose You
Jeju Island Trip (Part 4) - Surprise!
Breaking Apart
She's Leaving
Old Friend
Coming Home
Fluttering Feelings
The Truth
Good News
Where is Suho?
Begin Again
It's Official
Birthday Gift
I'm Sorry
Yes, I Do
You Are My First
I Will Kill You - (Part 1)
I Will Kill You - (Part 2)
Be With You
Kim Jun Rong
Finale (Part 2) - The End
Announcement New story!

Baekmi's Wedding

916 31 2
By gracey87

Yoon's Residence
It was a big day for Bomi and Baekhyun they finally getting married after 6 years in a relationship. The 5 girls except Bomi busy with their bridesmaids dress in the guest room, meanwhile Bomi inside her room with the makeup artist and the wedding helper from the bridal. Done with makeup she's wearing her wedding dress she stand in front of the mirror and the wedding helper touch up her dress for the last time. After all done she take a seat and waiting for her friends to come and see her. The 5 girls also done with their makeup and all dressed up, they went to Bomi's room. Chorong knocked on the door and Bomi ask them to get in. They all looking speechless with how beautiful Bomi looks in the wedding dress. They closed their mouth and walk closely to her, they look at her from top to bottom she look as gorgeous like fairytale princess.
Chorong: wow..bbom-ah you look beautiful with the wedding dress it's beyond my expectations.
Bomi: thank you unnie, I feel shy you all looking at me (blushed).
Eunji: ehh..you are about to become someone wife don't be shy bbom-ah.
Bomi: eunji-yah I'm nervous both my palms sweating is it normal to feel like this?
Eunji: of course it's normal, remember last time I almost fainted when they ask me to go out from my room. You girls encourage and be there with me to calm me down. Relax okay everything will be fine, when you walk down the aisle put the best smile on your face and look at your future husband, you'll be fine trust me.
Hayoung: we will be with you until the moment you walk with you dad on the aisle later unnie.
Naeun: finally Bomi unnie is getting married I'm happy for you unnie.
Bomi: thank you..really appreciate it you girls be with on my big day. I feel touched (tears coming out).
Namjoo: unnie..don't cry you will ruin your makeup (take a tissue and wipe her tears).
Eunji: yahh..bbom-ah..don't cry.

The wedding planner come up and told them to get ready in 5 minutes for the wedding ceremony to start. She ask them to go down and wait at the living room. Chorong and Eunji help Bomi to get up, both walk side by side and the others follow from behind. The living room was empty except 6 of them and Mr. Yoon. They nervously waiting for the wedding ceremony to start. After waiting for 10 minutes the wedding planner ask them to line up in front of the back door that leads to the backyard where the wedding will take place. Baekhyun invite Minho his high school friend and ask him to become emcee of the wedding. Minho start to welcome all the guests and so on, Bomi feel more nervous but her dad come her down.
Mr. Yoon: calm down bomi-ah I'm here with you don't be so nervous okay.
Bomi: don't let me fall dad hold my hand tightly.
Mr. Yoon: I won't let my lovely daughter fall on her wedding day, you can count on me. I'm happy you finally settle down (tears coming out).
Bomi: dad please don't cry, you make me wanna cry too (holding her tears).
Mr. Yoon: okay..okay..it's a tears of happiness bomi-ah. The wedding about to start, smile and walk with full of confident. I love you my daughter.
Bomi: thanks for calming me down, I love you too dad.

Garden Wedding


Best Man

The wedding planner flick the curtains and open the door. They can all the guests looking at them with the smile on their faces. The girls try to calm each other's heart especially Bomi. Baekhyun best man line up outside the door to walk with Bomi bridesmaids. Chorong who is at the front line saw Suho standing in front and waiting for her. She feel nervous even she is not the one who is going to get married. She walk slowly to him, he extend his hand and Chorong held his hands for the first time in 6 years, both can feel the electric shock go through their hands and all over the body. They start walk down the aisle and all eyes on them, both can see their parents smiling while looking at them. He whispered something to her make Chorong blushing.
Suho: you look beautiful rong-ah you make my heart flutter seeing you like this.
Chorong: than..thank you.

Arrived at the front Suho let go her hands and stand behind Baekhyun at the right side who is looking charming and handsome as always. Chorong went to the left side and waiting for the rest to come and join her. She look at Suho, it's the first time she saw him wearing in full black tuxedo. He looked attractive, smart and handsome of course. Suho look back at Chorong and smile, Chorong smile back and turn her head to the front. She shake her heads and throw away her inside thoughts, Suho chuckle looking at her cuteness. Next to walk is the married couple Eunji and Chanyeol followed by the shy couple Naeun and Kai, naughty couple Namjoo and DO, the young Oh maknae couple Hayoung and Sehun, last but not least the bride Bomi and her dad. She remember what Eunji told her earlier to smile and look at Baekhyun while walking. She smiling, hold her dad hands tightly and look in front, there he was her fairy handsome prince waiting for her patiently with the smile on her face. Baekhyun on the other side try to control his emotions, it was his first time looking at Bomi in wedding dress. His heartbeat pound like crazy, he suddenly recall back their memories when they still in the high school, the first day he lay eyes on her, the first time they talk, their unexpected first kiss, the day he confess his love to her, the time when he purpose her and when she said yes he was the happiest man alive on earth. Now after 6 long years of ups and downs in a relationship they finally getting married. The memories of them together make Baekhyun tears coming out from his eyes. Suho notice it and give him a tissue, the girls feel touched with Baekhyun reaction when saw Bomi in white dress. Bomi and her dad finally arrived at the front and let go Bomi hands and give to Baekhyun.
Mr. Yoon: Baekhyun-ah from now on I will let go my hands from my daughter and gave it to you. Me, her mom and her brother loved her so much and only God knows how much we love and care for her, now your turn is up, I trust you can take care and loved our lovely Bomi with all your heart. Cherish her everyday, hug her when she needs one, make a jokes when she feel sad and down, laugh with her when she feel happy and guide her to become a good wife to you.

Bomi feel touched with his dad final words to Baekhyun, she cry and hug her dad. Her mom, her best friends and most of the female guests cries hearing Mr. Yoon speech.
Baekhyun: Dad, I will cherish her with full of love, love her endlessly, be with her when she's happy or sad and become a good husband she could ask for. I promise you because I fall in love with you daughter for as long as I can remember. She locked my heart from the first day I lay my eyes on her. She is the one and only one for me. She completes me.
Mr. Yoon: i believes you can make our Bomi happy. Bomi-ah go to your husband, be a good wife, take care of your health and love your husband okay? I love you (kiss her forehead).
Bomi: thank you..I love you too dad.

Baekhyun take her hands and both standing in front of the Father from the church who is responsible to bless their marriage. Chorong wipe Bomi tears and Baekhyun wipe his tears as well. The wedding ceremony started, they exchange their wedding vows and finally being blessed by the holy Father, family members and friends both sides they are now officially husband and wife.
Father: by the power of the church of holy matrimony, I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Baekhyun open the veil, Bomi blush and feel shy, he slowly move his head and kiss on her lips. Everyone feel happy and clap their hands to celebrate the new journey of Bomi and Baekhyun. Baekhyun break the kiss and kiss her again on the forehead and both sides of her cheeks.
Baekhyun: I love you my wife Mrs. Byun Bomi.
Bomi: I love you more my husband Mr. Byun Baekhyun.
Father: everybody please welcome the newlyweds Mr & Mrs Byun.

Bride & Groom

Wedding Reception

After settle with the wedding ceremony they all take a seat and enjoying their meal. Everyone is happy especially the newlyweds Bomi and Baekhyun. The newlyweds sitting in one table with both sides parents, the bridesmaids and best man sitting in one table. While eating Chorong receive a phone call from someone.

Phone conversation
Chorong: hello..where are you?
Onew: I'm here in front of the gate.
Chorong: okay, just wait there I'm coming.
Onew: okay.

Chorong left her seat and go to the front gate, she saw Onew waiting for her.
Chorong: heii..come in.
Onew: hai..wow! You look beautiful.
Chorong: thank you, come let's go see my friend.
Onew: okay.

They both walk side by side like a couple, both looks beautiful and handsome. While they walk inside the garden all eyes on them especially Suho. He felt hurt and jealous at the same time seeing Chorong with someone else, she looks happy with him. His face from happy change to serious and he make a fist with his both hands due to feel anger. His both hands feel cold because of feeling angry and his heart about to burst watching them together. He saw her introduce him to Bomi and Baekhyun.
Chorong: bbom-ah this is Lee Jin Ki, he is same aged with me and attending same high school with us.
Baekhyun: oh..I know you, you same class with Suho hyung, right?
Onew: yes, just call me Onew. Congratulations to both of you, you two quite a famous couple in our school back then, finally you end up together. Happy for both of you.
Baekmi: thank you for coming.
Bomi: how do you know rong unnie?
Onew: we talked few times back in high school and recently we accidentally met in London. If I'm in London and she's not busy we usually go out for dinner and movies. I'm happened to be in Korea and she invited me to your wedding, I hope you don't mind.
Bomi: we don't mind at all please enjoy and make yourself comfortable.
Onew: thank you.
Chorong: come I'll introduce you to my other friends.
Onew: okay.

Chorong and Onew is on their way to the bridesmaids & best man table. They all looking at Suho who is not happy and feeling uncomfortable. They whispered with each other except Suho, he looked very angry and about to punch someone face in anytime.
Eunji: oppa, who is that?
Chanyeol: I have no idea but he looks familiar to me, I've seen his face somewhere but I can't recall.
Namjoo: Suho oppa must be upset with Chorong unnie.
DO: but they are not together anymore, right?
Kai: yes, but I think hyung still waiting for her.
Naeun: I know him, he always go out with rong unnie. There is one time unnie drunk, he is the one who send her back home that time.
Hayoung: seriously unnie?
Sehu: guys..please lower down your voice Suho hyung might hear this.
Namjoo: ahhh..now I remember him, he is the famous boy on the football club right? I admire him last time.
DO: wait..what?!
Namjoo: it was long time ago oppa now I'm with you and only you.

They all laugh at Namjoo cute act and DO shocked face. On the other side Suho actually heard their conversation very loud and clear. His heart burning when he heard Naeun story about Chorong is drunk and that guy send her back home. His body suddenly feel hot and he loosen up the bow tie.
Chorong: guys..let me introduce you to old friend of mine Lee Jin Ki.
Onew: hai..just call me Onew.
All except Suho: haii onew..nice to meet you.
Sehun: please have a seat.
Onew: thank you. Hai..Naeun how are you?
Naeun: hai oppa, I'm fine thanks for asking.

Kai jealous when that Onew guy talk with his Naeun, he hold her hands tightly make everyone laugh out loud.
Onew: did I say something wrong?
Sehun: my friend here jealous when you talking with his beautiful girlfriend hahahaha..
Kai: hyung! Shut up!
All: hahahahahaha..
Onew: ohh..I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I be more careful next time.
All: (laugh out loud)

Chorong who is sitting next to Onew and in front of Suho laugh with them. She stopped laughing when she sees Suho angry face looking straight to her face. Chorong try not look at him and join the conversation. Chanyeol notice what is happening between Chorong and Suho. He told Eunji want to go to toilet with Suho.
Chanyeol: hyung, let's go to toilet.

Suho not replying Chanyeol just quickly stand up throw his napkin on the table and walk away. All eyes on both of them, Chanyeol followed him from behind and leave the others with questions marks. Chorong confused and don't have any clue why he is behaving like that. She just keep silent and watching him disappear from her sight. Sehun suddenly make a funny jokes to break the awkward situation, everyone is laughing except Chorong. While chasing Suho, Chanyeol text Baekhyun to do something. Baekhyun read the text and told Bomi about it.
Baekhyun: Suho hyung is upset with Chorong noona.
Bomi: because of that guy right? If I'm in Suho oppa place I will feel the same way too.   Baekhyun: yes.. I need to do something.
Bomi: do what?
Baekhyun: help him to express his feeling.
Bomi: how?
Baekhyun: wait and see..

Inside the toilet he punch the wall many times to released his anger. He cry and sat on the toilet floor feeling hopeless and useless. He take off his bow tie and throw it away. Chanyeol come in and shocked to see Suho like that.
Chanyeol: hyung, your hands bleeding. What are you doing? Are you trying to hurt yourself?!
Suho: who cares if I hurt myself huh?! Go! Don't disturb me.
Chanyeol: how about your own best friends? Come on hyung don't act like this. We should be happy, it's Baekhyun special day.
Suho: yes of course I'm happy for him Chan, it's just I hate myself for being stupid. You know what all my colleagues keep saying "Kim Junmyeon is a one of the best engineer in Seoul Korea" but what they don't know is I'm actually a useless person and failed in own love life. I feel lonely and I have no one to share my success with other than my family and friends. I feel shamed on myself but I have to endure it, I have no choice.
Chanyeol: hyung, you feel angry and upset with my noona right?
Suho: I don't know how to answer your question Chan-ah. We're not together anymore so I don't have the right to feel angry, upset, jealous or whatsoever.
Chanyeol: why you act like this?
Suho: I told you I hate myself for not being able to erase her from my mind and my heart, for still waiting for her even though she already have someone special, for loving her even there's no more love between us, for caring her even she don't give a damn about me anymore! Isn't that enough proof to show you how pathetic my life is? Well, here you go I told you everything that i keep for myself for long time. I'm done with all this..I gave up..
Chanyeol: don't give yourself up just like that hyung, I can see there is a hope between you two. Don't let your emotions control your mind.
Suho: it's okay Chan I'm sure she already find the right guy. If she's happy, I will be more happier.

Chanyeol help Suho to get up, he wash his face and comb his hair. He unbutton 2 buttons of his shirt, he wipe the blood on his hands, applied the medication and cover with the bandage.
Suho: do I look okay?
Chanyeol: you look fine hyung. Come let's go and join them.

Chanyeol and Suho join them and act like nothing happened back there. Suho put his straight look on his face and just keep silent and not talking. Chorong  saw his right hand covered with bandage, he's not wearing the bow tie and unbutton his shirt. He doesn't look in a good mood, he look mess. She wondered what happened to him with Chanyeol just now.
Baekhyun: heloo..I have something to say. I have a surprise for all my guests today, I want to call my best friend to come up here. Suho hyung come here.

Suho startled with Baekhyun who is suddenly calling him to go there, everybody clapped their hands. He try to put smile on his face and walk to Baekhyun. Baekhyun: His name is Kim Junmyeon but his close friend call him by name of Suho. We've been friends since high school and it's already been 9 years and still counting. We know each other very well happy, sad, in love, frustrated just name it. My friend here still feel guilty for not attending one of our best friends Chanyeol and Eunji wedding 3 years ago due to his final exam. He keep on talking about it until now how bad he felt for not attending the wedding. So hyung it's payback time, to make you feel not guilty anymore me and Chanyeol already discussed about it. We want you to sing one song, you can sing any song you want. Express you feeling from this song. Is it okay with you?
Suho: (shy) okay I take the challenge and pay my debt to Chanyeol and Eunji.
Guests: yeahh...sing..sing..sing..

Suho told the live band what song he want to sing and using what key to play. He take the mic and put back on the mic stand.
Suho: in our lifetime sometimes we will experience the feeling of loving someone you love and being loved by someone who you fall in love with, feeling heartbroken and down, unexpected situations happened without you knowing and ruin all the dreams you build together just like that..to forget your soulmate is very hard to do because the memories always there with you forever..so keep on try until you can move on..sorry for talking that much, this song is called "Stand By Me" this song I dedicate to Chanyeol and Eunji sorry for not attending your wedding, for Baekhyun and Bomi congrats to both of you, you made it!

The guests feel touched listening to his every words, Suho and Chorong stares with each other's eyes, she can sense Suho wanted to tell her something.
Suho: this is gonna be the last time, I gave up. I'm happy you finally found you love and able to move on after all this years. I will still love you endlessly but sadly I will try my hardest way to forget you forever..this song is for you..I LOVE YOU PARK CHORONG (talking inside his heart).

*play the audio..
If I see you again by chance
Will I be completely fine?
Even if someone is next to you
Will I be able to smile?
Back then, saying goodbye
Why was it so easy?
I guess I thought this would pass quickly

Without you, nights have grown longer
I'm waiting for you, but you keep getting farther away
So I can't sleep at all night
When you're gone from my awkward end of the day
Will I be able to see you with a smile?

Stay by my side a little longer
Stay a little more so I can smile when I see you
If there is no one next to you
I'll just be behind you, just stay by my side

If I closed my eyes without thinking
I was afraid you'd get erased
My heart aches, I can't forget you, like a fool
Break up songs that I hated comforting me
I'm thinking of you a lot right now

Stay by my side a little longer
Stay a little more so I can smile when I see you
If there is no one next to you
I'll just be behind you, just stay by my side

Sometimes, I want to talk to you
Sometimes, I want to hug you
Moments that were filled with you
Days I couldn't open my eyes
Because they were so filled with the spring
Like those days, can't we love again?

If there is no one next to you
I'll just be behind you, just stay by my side

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