Sleeping Beauty- Klaus Mikael...

By azzie89

10.4M 271K 239K

The tomb spell broke and a Salvatore girl is awakened from her slumber. [Season 1-4 TVD] [Season 1 TO] Co... More

part one: sleeping
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part two: awakening
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part three: love, infinity
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Q & A
Sleeping Beauty Crossovers

47 -3x03

100K 2.9K 4.8K
By azzie89

AN: Remember that necklace.

Eira was sleeping peacefully but she heard a calling of her name. She heard it only slightly but her name got louder as she was awakened from her sleep. Her eyes blinked up at whoever was waking her up. She saw Damon.

"Finally, I thought you'd never wake up," Damon exaggerated.

"Damon, I'm sleeping. Just leave me alone," Eira mumbled into her pillow.

"Fine, don't come with me to bring Stefan home. See ya," Damon said starting to leave her room.

"Wait, what? Where is he?" Eira sprung up from her sleep.

"Windy City. Chicago," Damon answered.

"How did you find that out?" Eira questioned as she got out of bed.

"Katherine called, decided to give us a heads up," Damon stated.

"How is Kat?" Eira questioned.

"I don't know. I didn't ask," Damon rolled his eyes. "Now, start packing and get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs."

Damon left the room and Eira took a shower and she got dressed into casual clothes. She threw some clothes into a bag along with other necessities like a toothbrush.

She raced down the stairs and Damon was waiting for her at the door. She held up finger telling him to hold on. She ran into the kitchen and she grabbed a whole bunch of granola bars and threw them into her bag.

She walked quickly back to Damon and she said,"Okay, now I'm ready."


Damon and Eira were in the car and they were driving on the highway on their way to Chicago. Damon grabbed a book from the back seat and handed it to her.

"Read this. Paints a pretty little picture of Stefan's first experience in Chicago," Damon said as he handed the book to her.

Eira took the book but closed it as she realized what it was. She gasped at what Damon wanted her to do. "But it's Stefan's diary. That's an invasion of privacy."

"You need to be prepared for what you're about to see," Damon stated.

"I don't care what he'll do, Damon, or even what he did," Eira explained.

"Just read it, Eira," Damon demanded. "Or I'll just read it to you."

Eira huffed and opened the diary, flipping to a page. She read the lines that Stefan wrote from when he was in the 20's in Chicago:

"January 12, 1922

I thought about her again. About Eira. Thinking about her reminds of why I started spiraling in the first place. I can never take back what I did, killing her. I would give anything in the world to take it back but I can't. I deserve to spiral, to be destroyed and never be saved...."

Eira flipped through pages again, and she stopped on another page. She read what Stefan wrote:

"February 22, 1922

I got asked if I had any family today. I had sworn off any feelings awhile ago, flipped the switch on my humanity. But as soon as I think about her, I have this irremovable pain. I feel it and I want it gone. I don't want to feel the guilt that will eat away at me if I turn my emotions on. I know it's what I deserve but I can't...."

Tears had sprung to Eira's eyes and she closed the diary. She looked at Damon,"He wrote about me."

"Well, yeah, you were his whole reason for being the way he was. Being ripper Stefan. He felt like he had to be. Each time he thought of you, he spiraled," Damon explained.


They arrived in Chicago and Damon parked on the side of the street where Stefan's old apartment was in the 20's. They were walking down the hallway of the abandoned building to his apartment.

"Why did Stefan live here?" Eira asked looking at how it wasn't the best place to live.

"There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner, but it shut down for attendance issues. Weird," Damon stated.

"I'm not going to give up, Damon. Just stop with the scare tactics," Eira said.

Damon put a finger to his lips, indicating for her to be quiet. Damon put his hand on the doorknob and broke it off. He pushed open the door and she followed Damon inside.

"Here we are. Stefan's second personality home," Damon explained.

Eira saw the dust covered over everything and she spoke,"Well, he hasn't been here."

"Tours not over yet," Damon said and he shut the door to the apartment. Eira set her bag down on the bed as he walked over to a cupboard and he pulled it open, revealing a hidden space behind it.

Damon went inside and turned on the light. There was alcohol littering the shelves in the secret compartment.

"It's just alcohol," Eira stated.

"Look harder," Damon stated.

Eira walked into the secret compartment and she turned her head to look around the wall. She found a bunch of names written on the wall.

Eira's eyes widened,"They were his victims."

"Still handling it?" Damon questioned.

"I can handle it, Damon," Eira said with conviction.

"Okay," Damon held his hands up in surrender and then he walked out of the secret compartment and to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Eira questioned.

"His old stomping ground," Damon answered and opened the door.

"I'm coming with you," Eira started walking to him.

"No," Damon held his hand up. "You stay here and whip up an actual plan. I'll come back when I find him."

"You think it's safe here when the door doesn't even lock now that you broke it?" Eira questioned him.

Damon pondered the thought and then sighed,"Fine. Yeah, you're right. Let's go."

Eira went with him and he drove them to a place called Gloria's Bar. He told her to wait in the car while he found out if Stefan was there. Eira waited in the car and she read more of Stefan's diary.

"April, 1922. Lexi found me last night. Dragged me off the train tracks. Thinks she can make me care again."

Eira flipped through the pages and she wondered who this Lexi was. She seemed like a good friend.

"June, 1924. Lexi's driving me crazy. More animal blood, more misery."

Eira flipped through more pages, trying find out how long it took Stefan to come out of his ripper phase.

"1935. Cravings are there, but it's easier. Lexi's on to her next project: getting me to laugh."

Eira jumped when the car door opened and Damon got in. She looked at him, expectantly and he said,"He'll be here tonight with Klaus. So I'll distract Klaus and you deal with Stefan."

Eira nodded and Damon looked at her. He was a little worried. He continued,"Are you sure you can do this?"

"I'm sure," Eira nodded, determined.


Damon had his car parked in the back where the back entrance was so no one would see them. They had been waiting until nightfall and it finally was. They got out of the car and Damon walked around to her.

Damon put his hands on her shoulders and said,"It's all up to you, now."

Eira nodded, a little nervous with so much pressure put on her. But she was determined to get Stefan and bring him home. She wouldn't fail.

Damon went inside the bar and Eira paced outside. She was worried she would fail. That she wouldn't get her brother back. That thought scared her.

Damon walked back outside and then Stefan flew at him with vampire speed and pinned him against the car.

"What is wrong with you?" Stefan shouted.

Damon pushed Stefan off,"What is wrong with you? You almost kill Elena one day, you save my life the next. What are you good, bad? Pick one!"

"If Klaus is driven back to Mystic Falls, he'll figure out Elena is alive, that she's the key to everything," Stefan said, worried for his friend.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked.

"She was supposed to die in the sacrifice and she didn't. Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids. His witch is seconds away from figuring that out. You have to get out of here," Stefan explained.

"No can do, brother," Damon said and he looked off to the side where Eira was standing.

Stefan looked in that direction and he saw Eira. Damon left and walked back into the bar. Stefan's eyes filled with tears as he saw her.

"You shouldn't be here," Stefan stated, walking towards her.

"You're here, Stefan. So, I'm here," Eira said.

"What do you want? Damon won't be able to distract Klaus for long," Stefan stated.

"I want you to come home," Eira pleaded and she hugged him. Stefan closed his eyes, saddened by what he had to do next.

Stefan pushed her away from him. Stefan closed his eyes as tears filled them. He opened them again and he pulled out a necklace. He held it out to her.

"I saw this in a store front and I remembered you liked roses," Stefan smiled as he remembered but then he frowned. "I keep holding on to the thought that I'll see you and everything will be alright. I can't do that anymore."

"I can't go back, Eira," Stefan stated in a small voice and he clasped the necklace around her neck.

Eira grabbed the necklace with her hand as it hung around her neck and held it for comfort. "Yes, you can. You can still come back, Stefan," her voice broke. "Please."

"What do you expect if I do? I've left bodies scattered from Florida to Tennessee. Innocent people. Humans. It's never going to be the same," Stefan stated.

"Lexi found you like this before. In the twenties, and...and she saved you," Eira's eyes were teary.

"And you know what I did after that? I spent thirty years trying to pull myself together. To a vampire, that's nothing. To you? That's half your life," Stefan said and the tears flowed down Eira's face.

"Then, I'll turn. I'll be a vampire," Eira said through her sobs.

"Go home, Eira," Stefan denied coming back home with her and her heart broke.

The wind whipped around them as her emotions were all over the place. Eira was heartbroken and she refused to give up on Stefan. Her mind whirled as she decided what to do next. Lightning flashed through the sky as her emotions switched to fury. She had thought about Klaus and at the moment, she wanted to take her emotions out on someone, make them feel the pain that she was feeling. So, she did something drastic and most definitely stupid.

"No, no," Eira started walking to the back entrance of the bar. "I refuse to accept that."

"Eira, no," Stefan shouted as she entered the bar with tears rolling down her face.

As soon as she walked in, Klaus could smell the scent of her blood. He smirked as he stood over Damon with a stake.

"Well, it seems you Salvatore's decided to have a family reunion," Klaus smirked.

Klaus let Damon go and he looked at the direction Klaus was looking in. He saw Eira enter into the part of the bar they were at.

"No, no, no," Damon started.

As soon as Eira saw Klaus, her eyes blazed with fury and without even meaning to, the wind blew and threw Klaus in the air and into a wall. A part of the wall cracked from the force.

"I'd watch it, love. I've quite a temper," Klaus threatened as he stepped away from the wall and he had a glare set on his face.

"Well, I have a temper, too, and you pushed it," Eira shouted at him as she came closer.

Stefan and Damon followed behind her and they tried to get her to stop, but vines came out of the ground and held them in their place.

"Eira, stop," Stefan said.

Klaus looked up at her and he saw the tears running down her face. His glare disappeared as he didn't like seeing her cry. Klaus vamp sped in front of her and she looked up at him with a glare.

"Now, now, love, there's no need for tears," Klaus wiped away her tears as he gently caressed her face with his thumbs. "Not when there's a simple solution to your problem."

Eira calmed down and the vines holding Stefan and Damon went away. "What solution?"

Klaus smirked,"You want to be with you're brother. So, it's simple. Join us, love."

"No, Eira, don't," Stefan protested.

"And to ease you're worries, I promise you'll come to no harm by my hands," Klaus stated and she looked into his swirling blue eyes.

Eira just wanted to be with her brother and her brothers tried to protest but before they could she spoke,"I'll do it. I'll join you."

Klaus smirked again. Stefan frowned in defeat. Damon was angry but he vamp sped away so he didn't get killed. Eira took a step back from Klaus, thinking about what she just got herself into. It probably wasn't good, at all.

Gloria came out and she saw what was going on,"What is going on here?"

"We just had a little spat," Klaus smirked. "Nothing to worry about."

"Tell that to the wall," Gloria stated, angry that her bar had been damaged.

Eira looked at Gloria with sincerity,"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Eira looked down in guilt at what she had done. She felt bad. Gloria looked at her and a look of realization came to her face.

"I can't believe it," Gloria stated in awe and Eira looked back up with wide eyes. "You're the one all the witches talk about. You're famous."

Stefan and Klaus looked at Eira and she was just at a loss for words. "What do you know about me?"

"You don't know what you are," Gloria said in surprise. "You had a spell placed on you. The spell clung to you, it wasn't supposed to. You are that spell now."

"But what does that mean exactly?" Eira asked.

"You're Mother Nature."


After Eira had been told what she was, she was introduced to Gloria, officially. Eira was a little in shock. Eira was told that spells were Nature's way of speaking and since Eira was a spell, she was Nature's voice. She was Mother Nature. Gloria told her that she held great power, more than anyone ever could.

Klaus needed to go check if Rebekah was awake yet. Eira and Stefan went with him. When they got there, Klaus grabbed Eira's wrist.

Eira looked up at him as he spoke,"Wait, here. Rebekah can be a little... dramatic."

Eira waited with Stefan until Klaus gave them the signal that they could enter. Stefan seemed to be listening to what they said with vampire hearing but she just waited.

"You can come in," Klaus called for them.

Stefan held onto Eira's hand and she followed him into the warehouse where Klaus was with his sister, Rebekah.

"Stefan," Rebekah said in surprise but then she looked down at their entwined hands and she glared.

Klaus walked in front of Stefan and he compelled,"Now, you remember."

Stefan had a faraway look on his face and Klaus pulled Eira away from Stefan as he remembered what he was compelled to forget.

Eira stood next to Klaus as Stefan took a step towards Rebekah. He called her name as he remembered her. Klaus called Stefan's name to get his attention and Stefan looked back at Klaus in shock.

"I remember you. We were friends," Stefan stated.

"We are friends," Klaus walked towards Stefan.

Then Klaus walked around Stefan as he said to Rebekah, "Now, the reason you're here."

Klaus walked to Rebekah and said,"Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."

"The original witch?" Rebekah stated.

"What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus questioned and Rebekah reached up where a necklace used to be, finding that it wasn't there.

"Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!" Rebekah shouted.

Stefan has a look of realization and Eira walks up to Stefan and wraps her arm around his, giving him a questioning look. He just shook his head at her.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it," Klaus answered.

"We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back!" Rebekah raised her voice.

"Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!" Klaus shouted.

Rebekah went and looked in the coffin that she used to be placed in, searching all around for the necklace. She couldn't find it and she flipped the coffin threw the air in anger. Eira gasped and Rebekah looked at her.

"Who is she?" Rebekah glared at Eira's arm wrapped around Stefan.

Stefan stepped in front of her, protectively,"She's my sister. Eira."

Rebekah calmed down at the fact and Eira smiled at her, hesitantly,"Nice to meet you."


They were staying in a hotel for the night and Eira had to go back to Stefan's old apartment to get her bag. Rebekah wanted Stefan to stay with her and Klaus insisted that he go with Eira.

They walked into the old apartment and Eira fumbled with her hands nervously. Klaus noticed it the whole way they came and he turned to her.

"Spit it out, love. You clearly have something to say," Klaus said.

Eira still fumbled with her hands and she looked up at him with an apologetic face,"I'm sorry I threw you into a wall."

Klaus half-smirked,"It's alright, love. All is forgiven."

Eira breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she didn't have to feel bad about it anymore. Klaus looked at her in curiosity.

"Did you really want my forgiveness?" Klaus questioned.

"Yes. I let my emotions tell me what to do and I felt bad that I took it out on you," Eira answered and Klaus looked down with a smile.

Author's Note: Okay, so here this is. I hope you like it. I was so not planning to reveal all that I did about Eira but whatever.

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