Never Seeing You Again

By jazmin_930

7.1K 169 66

She fell in love with her perfect match only to have him ripped away...How was Rachel supposed to cope? Findi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

242 8 2
By jazmin_930

Hey guys so heres the next chappie and its really long. So i hope to get some feedback.

hope you enjoy it!

please vote and comment!

pic of jamie----->


Chapter 11

Rachel’s POV

“Cassy I look like a poodle.” I said as I lifted the huge cream dress Cassy had thought was the perfect Made-of-honour dress. It was Saturday and Cassy had insisted that we leave work early with Jamie so that we could shop for my dress. So far Cassy has been enjoying putting me in horrendous looking dresses and Jamie; well he was enjoying laughing his butt off at me.

“Seriously, Rach it doesn’t look that bad.” Cassy said studying the back of the dress. Jamie let a guffaw of laughter and looked as if he was about to fall off his chair.

I turned around and gave Cassy a dry look, “Cass I have a very important question to ask you,” I said slowly, “so please answer it truthfully,” I continued looking at Cassy seriously, “What the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted looking at her as if a screw just fell out of her head. This time Jamie really did fall out of his chair. The sight of him made me burst into a fit of giggles.

Cassy huffed and crossed her arms, “Fine! Then why don’t you two find a dress, since my choices are soooo crazy!” She huffed out waving her hands around.

I chuckled and walked towards Jamie who was pulling himself up from the floor. I grabbed his hand and gave Cassy an amused look, “Come on Jams; let’s go find a dress that doesn’t make me look like a grotesque looking animal.” I said whilst shaking my head.

Jamie laughed and tucked my arm under his, “I don’t think that would be too difficult.” he said sarcastically, whilst giving Cassy a wink.

Cassy tried to hold back a smile, “Fine, but if you can’t find one in twenty minutes than we taking that one.” She said whilst pointing to the dress I still had on.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that we could find a better dress than this one, in five minutes.

Jamie towed me over to the other side of the boutique which had less frilly dresses and more casual ones.

After digging through a few racks, I heard Jamie gasp. I turned to look at him and my eyes widened. The dress was perfect. It was a strapless, long flowing dress, the bodice was tight and was decorated with diamantes and bead work. The bodice was a soft silver colour which looked almost white. The dress then flowed down from the bodice, with the occasional ruffle, into a deep grey colour. Overall it was beautiful, it wasn’t overly fancy and it wasn’t very boring too.

I smiled and grabbed the dress from a grinning Jamie and ran into the changing room, earning a few amused looks from fellow shoppers. I tugged the poodle outfit off and stepped into the dress. It fit so perfectly, it hugged my thin waist and flowed so elegantly that I couldn’t do anything but admire how perfect it was.

I stepped out of the change room, and from the look on Cassy and Jamie’s face, I knew that this was the dress I would wear when I graced their wedding as Made-of-honour.

Overall, the afternoon was successful, since I came out with a dress that didn’t make me look like Cassy’s pet and I got to spend time with my two amazing friends. It helped to get rid of the daunting thoughts of my sister, who I still didn’t get the courage to kick out, much to Cassy’s annoyance.

After lunch, Jamie and Cassy dropped me off at home and we were all smiles as we said our good-byes.

I sighed blissfully, as I walked through the front door. I made my way upstairs to stash my dress away in my closet and slip into some comfy clothes. I pulled on a black three-quarter cargo shorts and a blue short sleeved t-shirt. I walked back downstairs bare-foot, needing something to drink.

“Oh you back!” I turned as I heard my sister Lisa say as she entered the kitchen

“Yap” I replied popping the ‘p’.

Just then I heard Mason come through the front door. Mason entered the kitchen looking as if he was about to say something, but he snapped his mouth shut when he saw Lisa standing by the counter. I realized that he was about to shout out his usual greeting but decided not to.

I clenched my jaw, so now he wasn’t going to greet me in his usual way because my sister was in the same room. I literally felt like my relationship with Mason was falling away as soon as my sister stepped into this house.

I sighed, “Hey Mason.” I said refusing to use my nickname for him, since my sister decided to make it hers.

He looked at me and I saw his gaze soften and something flash through his eyes, “Hey Rachel.” He said and I smiled, hearing him say my name.

Am I crazy? Since when did I get happy when someone said my name?

I shook my head, trying to relieve it of its conflicting thoughts.

“Soooo I was thinking.” Lisa said in an overly cheery voice and I knew that I probably wasn’t going to like this.

I looked at her with a stern look, hoping that she wasn’t about to say something crazy.

She ignored my look and carried on, “Why don’t we go out tonight. You know to a club or something. Because one thing I realized while living here is that you two are all work and no play,” she said giving us both looks.

I rolled my eyes since I knew that Mason and I were never bored when we were together. We were always doing something fun, whether it was at home or out. We knew how to have fun together. But since my sister arrived that changed, well practically everything changed.

“Lisa, you do remember what you got arrested for right?” I said looking at her as if she was crazy, “do you really think that it’s the best idea for you to be partying?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

She shook her head, “That’s why you guys will be there. To make sure I don’t go over-board.” She said enthusiastically.

I scrunched up my face, I was over the whole drinking and partying stage in my life. I was a doctor for god’s sake. My motto was; you didn’t need booze to let loose!

“Lisa, I don’t really feel like getting drunk and dancing with strangers.” I said with a sigh. Plus shopping with Cassy and Jamie can be really tiring.

Lisa dropped her head and sighed over-dramatically, “Rachel; still the party-pooper I see. Well then why don’t you take a long bath and relax whilst me and Mason go out. I doubt Mason minds some liquid courage.” She said whilst smiling seductively at Mason.

I clenched my jaw to stop myself from lashing out at her slutty ways. Mason looked at me as if he was asking for my permission. Why the hell would he need my permission? I wasn’t his girlfriend, so I didn’t care if he went out and got drunk and maybe danced with a hundred strange women and maybe even bang my baby sister whilst he was at it. No sir I didn’t care!

I shrugged and tried to ignore the part of my brain that was saying that that was all a load of cow crap. “Yah, sure go ahead.” I said trying to sound calm and unaffected.

Mason frowned at me and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but closed it when he saw the dry look I was giving him.

Lisa squealed, “Yes! Finally time to have some proper fun.” She squeaked whilst bouncing up and down.

Before me or Mason could say anything else, she was towing Mason out of the kitchen, “Come on Mase! You can help me choose my outfit.” She said whilst dragging Mason away.

Mason glanced at me and I saw so many emotions in them, but I didn’t have time to figure out one because he was already out of the door.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. Lisa was turning my world upside down and I had no idea how to turn it back the right way.

I walked up the stairs and I stopped as I heard Lisa laughing as if she’s never laughed before. I shook my head and stormed into my room, banging the door close behind me.

I flopped onto my bed and looked at the picture on my bedside table. It was a picture of Mason, Dylan and me. We were all lying on the bed I was currently on, Mason was on my left and Dylan was my right. I was lying on Dylan’s shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

I looked at his smiling face and for the first time in a long time I felt my eyes tearing up at the sight of his green eyes. I ran my fingers over his face, I really did miss him. I turned my attention to Mason and I couldn’t help but smile at his laughing face. His bluish grey eyes were twinkling and at that moment I realized that I needed him more than anything. As soon as we started drifting apart, I felt that longing for Dylan again.

I put the picture back on the table and sighed. I buried my head in my pillow and tried to figure out how my life got so crazy. I day dreamed for I don’t know how long, until I heard Lisa say that they were leaving. I looked at the watch and saw that it was only six o’ clock. Why on earth would they be going out at six? I probably didn’t want to know the answer to that question.

At that moment I realized that I couldn’t let my sister just come in here and take over my life. I replayed Cassy’s words in my head and decided that somebody needed to put Lisa in her place or else she was going to carry-on like this for the rest of her life.

I jumped up from the bed and stumbled a little as I tried to balance myself. That’s what you get for jumping like a crazy person. After the dizziness passed I ran to my laptop and switched it on.

I opened the internet window and typed in University of Minnesota. If Lisa wasn’t going to take an interest in pulling her life together, then I was going to do it for her.

Mason’s POV

I smiled and nodded my head at Lisa, pretending to listen to her ramblings. We were now on our way to dinner, which meant that I had to spend an extra 3 hours away from Rachel, because my stupid friends decided that it would be a nice idea to spend the entire night together since this was the first time that I was actually going out without Rachel. My heart twisted as I thought of what was happening to mine and Rachel’s relationship. Ever since Rachel laid eyes on Lisa, she hasn’t been the same. I feel like every time I agree with Lisa or spend time with her, I’m just adding fuel to Rachel’s already burning anger. She doesn’t even call me Mase anymore. God how I miss hearing her call me that. I miss her smile and her twinkling laugh which always made my heart go crazy. I wanted her more than anything in this world.

Lisa’s chuckling brought me back to earth. “What you thinking so hard about?” She said in a seductive voice. I glanced at her and thought about how different she was to her sister. Right now she was wearing the shortest, tightest dress I have EVER seen, making her breasts stick out. You want to know what the funny thing is. That when I looked at her, I felt nothing! Not a wisp of desire towards this woman who many men might find extremely attractive. Whilst I was sitting here with this girl who had basically thrown herself at me since the word go I still couldn’t stop thinking about the girl who has plagued my dreams for so long.

I didn’t answer her question because we arrived at the restaurant, where we were to meet my friends and there dates.

I really didn’t want to do this. I much rather be at home with another little lady, who can make my heart go into hyper drive with just a smile.

I sighed and walked towards the restaurant, not bothering to see if Lisa needed help. I scowled as I saw my three friends and fellow agents, smirking at me. Soon enough there attention was diverted to the girl behind me who as I said could make any man drool.

“Nice!” Mikey said, lifting his hand up for me to high five. I scowled at his hand and walked past him.

I heard Liam chuckle as he followed close behind me. He was the only person here who knew how I felt about Rachel and apparently seeing me like this was hilarious. Some friend he is!

I remained silent throughout dinner, my mind not losing the picture of Rachel’s smile.

“That’s one nice piece of ass you’ve got there Mason.” Jake, the sex-crazed dip-shit said bringing my attention back to the table. That’s when I realized that the women had all left to probably powder their noses. I thought sarcastically.

I scowled at Jake, “I never noticed.” I said snidely.

“Wow, dude, what’s wrong with you today?” Mikey asked, glancing at me curiously.

I sighed, “Well dude! Obviously I don’t want to be here!” I said sarcastically.

“Come on Mason, you can’t tell me you can’t survive one night without her?” Liam asked furrowing his eyebrows, obviously, his never being in love.

 I threw Liam a glare, did he have to mention Rachel in front of these idiots.

“What? Is there something you’d like to tell us Mason?” Jake asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

I groaned and stood up, “Nothing you need to know about Jake.” I said as I walked towards the washroom. If the night went on like this, I would probably kill myself before the night was over.

I groaned as picked up Lisa from the backseat. God why did I agree to this. It was by far one of the worst nights of my life. I decided not to drink in case I totally lost it and went over-board. I basically sat by the table the entire night, shooting down Lisa and any other women who even thought of joining me. Eventually, Liam rescued me from Lisa since he knew that I was not going to join that crazy girl on the dance floor. Unfortunately I was left with getting her drunk ass home and into bed.

I opened the door as slowly as I could, afraid that I would wake Rachel. That’s when I realized that Lisa slept with Rachel and I couldn’t get Lisa to bed without waking Rachel. I groaned as it dawned on me what I had to do. I walked to my room and placed Lisa on the bed and pulled a sheet over her. I grabbed a shorts and t-shirt from my cupboard and made my way downstairs. I was definitely not sleeping in the same bed as that crazy girl.

I sighed as I laid down on the couch, all I really wanted to do was walk up to Rachel’s room, climb into bed with her and hold onto her for dear life.

Rachel’s POV

I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust them to the sun peeping through the curtains. I rolled over and stretched my muscles out. I sat up on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through my hair. After waiting for Mason and Lisa to return, I had managed to fall into a dreamless sleep at two in the morning.

I sighed and looked at the clock on my bedside table, it was already pass ten. This meant that Mason was probably awake. That’s when I was struck by a very nerve wracking thought. Where was Lisa? Why didn’t she sleep in here last night? The thought that jumped into my head at that moment made my blood run cold.

I snapped my head towards my room door as I heard sounds coming from downstairs. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. There was probably a good reason as to why she did not sleep with me last night. I walked into the bathroom and went through my morning routine. I changed into a denim shorts which came to my knee and a loose fitted grey top. I walked towards my room door, preparing myself for what I might see or hear. I opened my bedroom door and stepped out. Mason’s room door was open but there was no one inside. I heard noise coming from downstairs, following the sounds I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen.

I took a deep breath in and stepped into the kitchen. Mason turned towards me as I entered and he had a deep frown on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at my sister who was standing by the counter in nothing but one of Mason’s shirts.

I felt my breath get stuck in my throat.

“Good morning.” Lisa said, giving me a smile.

I just stood there in the doorway, staring at her; I didn’t even have the guts to look at Mason. God why did he this have to happen to me. First my boyfriend is taken away from me and now the guy I’m falling for has been ripped away from me by my own blood.

And that’s when I felt myself snap.

“What is so good about this morning Lisa?” I said each word slowly through clenched teeth.

Lisa’s smile fell, “W-what?” she asked her eyes wide.

I closed my eyes, “Is this your goal in life Lisa?” I asked, looking at her, “Did you wake up one day and decide that your new goal in life would be to ruin my life?” I asked, not needing a reply. I saw her flinch but I was far from finish. “All you’ve ever done for me Lisa is use me and drive me insane. When are you going to realize that I don’t live my life for you! When are you going to realize that I can only stand your stupid ways for so long! Do you even give a crap about me? What I want? What I need? Or is it always just about you. What am I saying; it’s always been about you Lisa! For once will you just stop! Stop and think about the people around you! Because I swear if you don’t stop hurting the people that care for you, you’ll have no one left in this world Lisa, no one!” I took a deep breath as I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. My sister was looking at me with tears running down her cheeks.

“Rach, I’m sorry, I know I’m selfish but since mum died.” Lisa started saying, but I raised my hand to silence her, “Don’t! Don’t you dare say that you’ve been behaving like this because of mum’s death, because we both know that’s a complete lie. I can’t believe you’d still mention mum after everything that’s happened. I might have fell for it before Lisa, but not anymore. God Lisa!” I said running my hands through my hair.

“Rachel?” I heard my sister choke out. I looked at her and she was sobbing.

“I only want what’s best for you Lisa.” I said as I looked at her. I shook my head and grabbed the papers from the counter behind me. I dropped the stack of papers in front of Lisa.

“That is your second chance,” I said whilst pointing to the stack of papers, “you going to return to university and you are going to complete your course. Then you going to return to LA and start your life again.” I said, standing strong and looking at my sister.

She looked at the papers, then at me and nodded.

“Good, the semester has already begun but I got them to accept you if you get there by tomorrow.” I said slowly, knowing that this information would get a response from her.

She looked at me with wide eyes, “Tomorrow?” she croaked.

I nodded my head, “I’ve booked the first flight to Minnesota, which leaves in four hours.” I said looking at the watch on my wrist.

Lisa let out a sob, “okay.” She said whilst nodding her head.

I sighed and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my shoulder.

“I promise you, that everything will be okay. I just need you to promise me that you going to try this time. Show daddy that you love him. Make him proud.” I said whilst stroking her back.

Lisa sniffled, “I promise Rachel.” She said and the conviction in her voice made me smile.

At that moment all I cared about was my baby sister and the fact the she needed my help right now.

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