Castle | b. blake | 2

By -enamoured

274K 7.7K 4.8K

"Every Queen needs her castle." "I thought every Queen needs her King." "That's debatable." Sequel to Queen. More

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By -enamoured

There are no heroes. No villains. Just people with different agendas.



I thought we were done when Clarke killed Finn but as it turns out there is a death ritual for murderers in their village. Clarke had agreed and quickly came to me and Bellamy to tell us to come with them. Without question we went. The sun was shinning bright today as we walked to the village the massacre took place.

As we were walking with the grounders and some of our people, I look ahead to see Clarke as white as can be, as if she has seen a ghost. It seems Bellamy had noticed it too because he sends me a look. We both walk up to catch up with her.

"Hey, you doing alright?" Bellamy asks the girl. She clears her throat and nods

"You did the right thing, Clarke." I tell her.

She nods, "Now I have to live with it."

"You still think this truce is a bad idea, don't you?" She aims her question towards Bellamy.

"I think we're wasting time with politics while our friends are in trouble." Jasper and Monty immediately pop into my head and my heart aches to see them again.

"We need their army to get to Mount Weather, Bellamy, and you know it." She tries to convince him.

"Their army has been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather forever. What we need is an inside man, someone to be our eyes and ears." Bellamy suggests. I think it's not a bad idea, but who would we send in?

"Forget it. It's too dangerous." Clarke shakes her head at the thought. 

"Clarke, if you can make it out, I can make it in." As soon as I hear the sentence fall from Bellamys lips I stop walking. They do as well seeing me stop.

"You're not freaking serious right now, Bellamy." He can't be serious, he can't go. He could die, I can't lose him. I desperately want to get my friends out but sending Bellamy in is out of the question. It's extremely dangerous, the chances of him coming out alive are slim and I don't want to take that chance.

"Taylor-" he tries to speak but I cut him off in anger.

"No. Don't. You could get killed, Bellamy. I can't believe you didn't even talk to me about this." I shake my head. he must have been thinking about this for awhile, an idea like that doesn't just pop in your head randomly.

Bellamy doesn't say anything and Clarke looks uncomfortable. I huff in humor, he has nothing to say. I shake my head and walk past them to catch up with the others.

Night falls quickly as we walk to the village and we all decide to set up camp. Everyone quickly gets fires going and tents sets up, I take a seat by the fire. I hug my knees to my chest as I try to clear my head.

Bellamy wants to put himself in danger to get our friends out. I should be grateful but the selfish part of me wants him to stay because it's too dangerous and I can't imagine losing him. I want our friends out of that mountain more than anything, I want my best friends back, I want Miller back. I want things to be okay for once but they aren't. We constantly face problems that have negative solutions. I remember it being hard back on the ark but it's so much worse down here.

I wonder what would happen if we never got sent down. I probably would've got floated by now of course. I remember accepting that I was going to die. I probably wouldn't of got to see Jasper or Monty again, nor would I have got to meet Miller. I would've never met Octavia, a girl I see as a sister now. Nor would I have met Raven. Lastly, I wouldn't have ever met Bellamy. Thinking about it makes my head spin.

If we didn't get sent down here, I wouldn't be who I am. Who I am now is because of everything we've had to face down here. I'm not the same person I was when I was back on the ark. I've changed, we all have. Bellamy has definitely changed, he's willing to put his life on the line to save our friends when before he could care less. I guess I should praise him for that, he cares so much. I don't doubt Bellamy would be able to get the job done but I'm still scared at the slim possibility of him not coming back.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice Bellamy take a sit next to me. I ignore him, I don't want to talk to him right now. I'm still upset. I may be overreacting but when I thought I lost him once it hurt so bad and I just don't want that to happen again.

"Taylor?"He tries to get my attention but my eyes stay focused on the bright flickers of the flames.

He sighs, "Taylor, please talk to me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, I just was afraid you would be upset."

"Too late for that." I mutter.

"T, this might be our only chance to get them out. I have to try." He grabs my arm and slides his hand down the length of it till it slides into my palm and intertwines with my fingers. I take my gaze off the fire and look at our hands. I squeeze his hand and look into his eyes.

"You know after the grounders attacked our camp, I thought you were dead. I was so broken the next day, I didn't know what to think, all I could think about was you. I assumed everyone else was okay because I knew mostly everyone made it back to the drop ship. But you, I saw you before the drop ship fired and I really thought you were dead. It hurt, Bellamy. I don't know whether realizing our feelings foreach other before that happened had anything to do with it hurting a lot but I think it would've hurt either way. Even if that kiss never happened, I would still be as hurt from your supposed death. I care for you, Bellamy. I had cared for you regardless if we were together or not.

So, imagine now, imagine how completely devastating it would be to lose you. After all the kisses and touches we have shared, imagine how it would be for me. I can imagine it and let me tell you it sucks just thinking about it. But I realized you offered to be the inside man because you're brave, Bellamy. You're also so concerned for others that you put everyone else before yourself. You are so strong and I respect that. I'm just scared to lose you, Bellamy. I don't want to lose you, not again."

"Princess, you won't lose me. You won't have to feel that way again because I'm going to get in there, get our friends out, and come right back to you. T, I thought you were dead as well. I had finally kissed you and then you were gone. When I saw you that day that the guards and Abby found us, I couldn't even began to describe the feeling if I could. It was like I could breathe again knowing you were alive. I know the feeling and you won't have to feel it again. But I can't do this if you're not okay with it." By now tears are streaming down my face. Like I've said before, he always knows the right thing to say. I know I can't be the person that holds him back from this, this is possibly the only chance we will have to get our friends back.

"You're really making this hard on me." I say as another tear falls down my cheek.He grabs my face with his hands and wipes the tear away with his thumb.

"Bellamy, if you think you can do it, then I know you can." He smiles and kisses me softly.

"I'm not leaving so soon, we still have to come up with a plan. You're not getting rid of me that quickly." He jokes. Hearing this comforts me a little, I still have time with him. I lean my head on his shoulder and he places a kiss on my head.

"Well, until then, you are all mine."

As we walk up to the village entrance, Lexas right hand man speaks, "weapons."

Lincoln comes up from behind us and puts his knife in the basket, "We need to disarm before we enter."

Me and Bellamy look at each other and then to Clarke putting hers in the basket. I place my gun in the basket along with my sword.

After everyone puts their weapons in the basket we all start to walk with Lexa into the village. As we enter the grounders in the village start to shout at us, from what I can understand none of it is good things. We stop walking when a man stands in front of Lexa. He says something in trigedasleng that I roughly translate to "Sky people take everything, my wife, my child." I sigh, this is bad. Lexas man tells him to step aside but he doesn't listen. Lexa nods at the grounder and he walks up to the man in our way and he knocks him to the ground. He repeatedly hits him in the face. Clarke breaks through me and Bellamy to get to Lexa.

"Commander, stop him. They'll blame us for this too." She pleads. Clarke has a point, they will only hate us more if they see how violent Lexa will get because of us.

Lexa tells her man to stop and he quickly complies.

Lexa turns to look at all of us and the grounders, "The sky people march with us now. Anyone who tries to stop that will pay with their life." No one dares to speak after that. She swiftly turns around and continues walking.

"Warm welcome." Bellamy mutters.

"People of Tondc, in fire, we cleanse the pain of the past." Lincoln translates for us as we stand before the grounders and the stack of wood they set up. Finns wrapped up body lays on top. Indra, Lexa's right hand, hands Lexa a torch, the flames flickering vibrantly. She hesitates and calls on Clarke, "Clarke." She hands her the torch and Clarke slowly takes the torch away as Lexa stands down and lets Clarke take her previous position. Clarke hesitates to do it but she looks to her right and starts to lower the torch. That was odd. She's been acting strange all day. I can't blame her though, she stabbed Finn. The wood and the body quickly catch on fire as Clarke speaks, "Yu gonplei ste odon." Your fight is over.

As the flames grew bigger people started to walk away seeing as it was over and they could finally have their 'peace'. I was about to speak to Bellamy till hands covered my eyes, knowing I was safe with everyone here, especially with Bellamy by my side, I didn't panic.

"Guess who?" I knew that voice anywhere. Liza.

"Liza!" I turn around immediately and bring her into a hug. I pull away to asses her, "Are you okay?" She nods her head with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." She answers me. She looks behind me, "Hey, Bellamy."

I smile warmly as Bellamy stands by my side now, "Hello, Liza." He sends her a nod.

"This isn't your village, Liza. So where's lover boy?" I smirk as she blushes.

"Over there." She points across the area and I recognize him, he's standing talking to another grounder but I see him looking over here every once in a while. How cute, he's watching her.

"You two are adorable." I tell her and she glares playfully at me.

"Yeah, well, what about you and Bellamy?" She crosses her arms trying to make me blush.

I look at Bellamy and he has a smirk on his lips from our banter.

"What about me and Bellamy? I know we're cute. Especially him." I slid my hand down his and intertwine our hands together. Sending him a wink which he responds with a chuckle.

Liza rolls her eyes. Before she could speak her boyfriend walks over.

"Hello, Noah." I say remembering his name from last time. He smiles lightly, "Liza." He nods.

"This is her boyfriend Bellamy." she introduces Bellamy. My heart skips a beat hearing that.

"Nice to meet you." Noah says. He's just as sweet as Liza, why can't all grounders be like that?

"Bellamy, Taylor, they are ready for the dinner." Rave says limping over to us. Her eyes are red from all the crying she's been doing. My heart aches for her.

As part of the truce Lexa had decided for us to eat with them and to toast.

"Okay, we're coming." Bellamy tells the girl and she nods and walks away.

"We have to go but I want to see you again soon. I missed you." I tell her and she smiles.

"Well you know where I live."

"I don't know... you seem to always be here though..." I tease and she blushes.

"Okay, bye Taylor." She says and I let out a laugh and pull her in for a quick hug.

"Bye guys." I say and Bellamy gives them a nod before I pull away and we walk toward the entrance of where the meal will be taking place.

As we enter there's a set of steps and our people follow us down. As we hit the bottom the gate is open and we enter. Lexa and her people stand on the opposite end waiting for us. In front of them is a long table filled with foods and candles. It looks amazing but I'm not going to lie, even though we have a truce, I'm still a little weary of the food being edible.

Clarke stands right in front of the table and me and Bellamy follow and stand to her right along with Raven. Kane and Abbey follow suite.

"Please accept this this gift, Commander." Kane hands over a blue bottle to Lexa's man, "we drink this at special occasions, I believe this qualifies."

"Thank you, Marcus of the sky people." She nods.

"You're welcome, Lexa kom trikru." He replies.

Lexa looks at Clarke, "Clarke, let us drink together."

Clarke nods, "It would be my pleasure." Lexa pours the drink into two goblets while we all silently watch. She hands one to Clarke and then Lexas right hand man says, "Lexa, allow me." She nods and gives her cup to him to test. Do they really think we would poison them? Actually I'm not one to talk because I was questioning the food. He slowly brings the cup to his lips and takes in a sip. We wait, when they see its okay Lexa takes back the cup.

"Tonight we celebrate our newfound peace. Tomorrow we plan our war. To those we've lost and to those we shall soon find." She says and raises the cup as does Clarke. But before they could take a drink Lexas man falls over on the table groaning. My eyes widen, we didn't poison them. This wasn't us.

"Its posion!" One of the grounders yelled out as they try to help the man as he was now on the ground.

"Save him!" Lexa tells her guards.

"Lexa, you have to know this wasn't us!" Clarke yells as the grounders push away the table in front of us so there isn't a barrier to get to us. Bellamy immediately pushes me back and gets in front of me while putting his hand out to the side. I appreciate the protectiveness but I can take on grounders. Nonetheless I find it comforting to be safe as long as Bellamy is with me.

"Everybody out! Search them!" Indra yells.

"No! We didn't do this!" Clarke tries to tell Lexa as most of the grounders help carry the man outside.

"Gustus warned me about you, but I didn't listen." Lexa spat as she walked up to Clarke.

"Lexa, please." Clarke begs.

"Tell me something, Clarke. When you plunged the knife into the heart of the boy you loved, did you not wish that it was mine?"

Clarke stays quiet. Bellamy finally puts his arm down seeing as no ones threatening us right now.

"Heda." One of the grounders called to Lexa. He holds up a vial as he grips Ravens arm. Oh crap.

"Thats not mine!" She explains. He says something that I roughly translate to her coat. I guess he's saying he found it in her coat.

"I'm telling you thats not mine!" She tries again. I think I believe her but it wouldn't be a stretch to think she did this, she wanted to kill Lexa because she was going to kill Finn, and now Finns dead and she's hurting.

"He put it there when he searched me!" She says looking in disgust at him.

Lexa glares at her, "No sky person leaves this room!"

She storms out along with her people behind her.

I turn to Bellamy, "What now?"


Hey loves! So I was finally able to update after my busy few weeks! I still have a 10 page essay that is due soon so I'm lucky I got to post this now. Thank you guys for being so patient and not throwing "update!" comments in my face. I appreciate you all and I love you all.

Thanks so much for reading and for all your cute comments.

Much love, xoxo.

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