Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star W...

By flywithmyjetpack

3.2M 71.7K 70.1K

*BRITTANY BROSKI APPROVED* RANKINGS: #1 - starwars 6/10/2019 #3 - kylo 6/10/2019 #3 - kyloren 6/10/2019 He ma... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Author's Note: C A S T
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Author's Note
Chapter Ninety-One
Author's Note
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Author's Note
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One-Hundred-and-One
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Two
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Three
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Four
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Five
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Six
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seven
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eight
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred-Ten
Chapter One-Hundred-Eleven
Chapter One-Hundred-Twelve
Chapter One-Hundred-Thirteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Fourteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Fifteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Sixteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Seventeen
Chapter One-Hundred-Eighteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Nineteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty
Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-One
Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-Two
PLEASE READ -- Final Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 123 -- FINAL CHAPTER

16.1K 287 478
By flywithmyjetpack

Nira's POV:

I looked up at him. "You have no idea how sure I am. I want to marry you, Kylo Ren. Right now."

"Then let's go do just that." Kylo Ren said, and we began walking out the arena doors together.

Yes, we walked out of the arena doors where we had spent so much time with one another and gotten so close. We walked out of the arena doors technically together in only one way -- physically.

But as we walked out of the arena doors with a plan to marry one another, we were more together than we ever had been before.


I let go of his hand so we wouldn't draw attention and we continued walking down the darkly colored, brightly lit First Order hallways. Kylo Ren lead me down different hallways I hadn't ventured in before. Every once in a while I would glance up at him and admire his sleek, dark helmet and his broad, toned shoulders. 

He guided me to a small hangar that I'd never been to before, and only one ship sat on the dark grey floors. I recognized the ship to be Kylo Ren's slick black private star ship with massively expanded wings and a compact, rectangular center. 

Kylo Ren wordlessly walked down the stairs but when we reached the bottom step he looked at the stormtroopers guarding the hangar and commanded in his deep robotic voice, "Prepare my ship for takeoff."

One stormtrooper stepped forward. "Sir, hasn't everyone been instructed to remain at the base due to security issues until further notice?" 

Kylo Ren froze and slowly turned towards the trooper, who immediately stepped back in line and looked at his white-armored feet. "Prepare my ship for takeoff." Kylo Ren repeated in his dangerous, automated voice. The stormtroopers began bustling about. 

Kylo Ren lead me onto the ship and into the cockpit. We were shooting through space at light speed in a matter of minutes. 

I couldn't help but wonder where Kylo Ren was taking me, so I quietly asked, "Where are we going?" 

He lifted his arm only to take off his helmet. Before he answered I absorbed the beauty his dark complexion. 

"You'll see." He gently stated. I sat back in my seat and enjoyed the ride anxiously. 

Eventually our ship careened out of light speed and quickly glided towards a large planet filled with green spots of land and white clouds in the sky. I raised a confused eyebrow and looked at Kylo Ren. He anticipated a question from me and again said, "You'll see." 

The ship landed smoothly in a large field surrounded by trees. A ramp extended towards the ground revealing bright sunlight to the both of us. I realized that I hadn't been in the direct path of sunlight since when Kylo Ren took me to Beyzuno, and before that -- Tunstead. 

I stepped onto the soft ground, which was composed of delicate dirt hidden behind the greenest, thickest grass blades. This nature's beauty was beyond beautiful, and made me reminisce a land I hadn't ventured on since the era of my life before Kylo Ren. 

I looked around, scrutinizing the familiarizing field full of grass, abundant with colored flowers, and surrounded by thickly leaved trees of all shades of green, olive, and emerald. 

"Where are we?" I slowly asked. A breeze blew my hair behind my shoulders, which was also a sensation I hadn't experienced in a long time. I looked at Kylo Ren. 

He'd left his helmet on the ship. He donned his usual black clothing that was nearly an exact match to the onyx shade of his hair. He stood tall and surveyed the exposed field with much serenity, as if he knew the place. 

Kylo Ren didn't answer me, however. I watched him for a few more seconds before giving up on receiving a reply and began treading around the ship. I was tempted to bend down and just touch the grass, because I hadn't felt anything under my feet besides metallic base material in so much time. 

I reached the back of the ship and took in more of my surroundings. 

What I saw nearly made my heart stop. 

In the midst of the glorious field stood a rusted, two-floor gray building that seemed extraordinarily out of place. I stared at the building with parted lips, wide eyes, and stuttered, weak breaths. 

But so much was missing -- the wooden huts, the lightly-colored dirt paths, the irrigation system, the gardens -- the rest of it was gone, besides the seemingly everlasting government building. 

That government building was the only remaining piece of my home. 

Kylo Ren had taken me to Tunstead. 

Suddenly he was beside me. "What do you think?" He asked. 

I could barely tear my eyes away from the sight of my homeland, but I did so to look up at Kylo Ren. He had a look of strong concern in his shadowy eyes. 

I looked back at the remains of my ravaged, broken home. I blocked out all memories of the last time I was here and focused on the pure nature my home had reformed to. 

Where the huts used to be stood waist-high, blooming flowers with bright green stalks and an array of colored, silky tops that contrasted each other in the most exquisite way. The gardens had entirely grown out of hand without tending. Vegetables and fruits of all colors pooled over the wooden confines where they were once contained. The paths had been overrun by healthy, thick grass, and the one thing that remained was the government building. 

"I really do think it's beautiful," I began, uttering quietly, "And I've missed it. A lot more than I thought I did." 

I was weak with surprise. Never did I think Kylo Ren would take me here, to Tunstead, of all places in this massive universe. 

Several minutes passed where we allowed the sounds of thriving nature to consume our minds and both of us were entirely at peace. All drama and danger of the First Order was forgotten as we stood and took in the graceful environment around us. 

Kylo Ren broke through the silence eventually. "I have to confess something to you, Nira." 

I tore my eyes away from the scene with great difficulty once more to look at a beauty that I realized the nature surrounding us could never match. Kylo Ren's charmingly serious countenances, his authentically midnight irises, his determined personality, his hands on me, his lips on me, his passion . . . 

I realized that my thoughts had gotten off track and I refocused. 

"What is it?" I asked, referring to his confession. 

"I . . ." Kylo Ren looked off into the remains of Tunstead, took a deep breath, looked back into my eyes, and continued, "I hope you know that I feel so much regret. Every minute of my life is devoted to regretting the sins I've committed over my tremendously dark years. I hope you realize that I know what I've done is abhorred and I am a cruel being.

"I feel like you think that I think nothing of what I have done in the past, but that isn't true. I think a lot about what I've done and I know I deserve eternal pain . . . I could never forgive myself." He admitted, looking at me. Kylo Ren still seemed worried as if he wanted me to accept his self-hatred. 

"What are you talking about? What sins have you committed?" I asked in confusion. 

"I've destroyed entire populations simply by running the First Order. I am only slightly aware of all of the lives I've taken, and I don't want to know the exact number but I have an estimate. I am always thinking of all of the souls that I've murdered and that I've damaged by my murdering." Kylo Ren breathed in a shaky, uncertain breath. 

"I've also killed my own father while he looked me in the eyes and told me he would help me overcome myself, because we both knew how malicious and villainous I'd become. He wanted to help me. But I killed him.

"And Nira, I killed your mother. I can never forgive myself for taking away your source of happiness. I will never allow myself to forget that I wiped out your source of love in this cruel, killing universe." Kylo Ren shut his eyes and held tightly onto my hands. He shook his head. 

I watched a tear slip out of the corner of one of his shut eyes. The tear quickly slid down the middle of his face but held tightly onto the corner of his chin. 

"It's -- " I started, but he interrupted me immediately. 

"Can I take you somewhere?" Kylo Ren asked, looking at me again. His voice sounded muffled with sadness. I nodded easily. 

We walked to the only side of the ship I hadn't ventured to and I finally saw the purpose for being at Tunstead. 

Far off, clearly separated from both Kylo Ren's ship and the remains of Tunstead, was an arch of hundreds of purple-shaded flowers -- violet, lilac, mauve, lavender, plum, magenta, periwinkle, and everything between. The flowers were rested on a flawlessly carved and aged white wooden fenced arch. In the middle of the arch stood a person. As we walked closer, I realized that the person was an elderly man. 

Tall grass grew waist high and surrounded the entire arch, but the grass was cut short in the immediate vicinity of the flowers. A walkway was also shaved into the ground. Kylo Ren and I strode up the aisle together. 

I was in complete shock. My body and mind could barely process what was happening, yet I was more aware than I ever had been. I focused on every minor detail around me as I tried to remember the moments preceding my marriage to Kylo Ren. 

I felt his fingers slip and grab mine and I easily, thoughtlessly held tight to his hand. 

We reached the arch. From far away the flowers had been stunningly brilliant, but upon closer examination, the flowers were unimaginably dazzling. I stared in awe at the beautiful array before Kylo Ren gently tugged me back into the reality that was my marriage ceremony. 

The words sounded foreign in my mind. Marry, ceremony, marriage, I thought; however, no words had sounded so fitting before. 

"Nira, this is Salvor Tavik. He is a bantha herder from nearby. Salvor will be the witness and initiator of our marriage ceremony." Kylo Ren introduced. I looked gratefully at the old man Salvor, nodded, and looked back at Kylo Ren. We stood facing each other underneath the flowers. 

"You may say your vows." Salvor spoke in a withering, gravelly voice. I didn't take my eyes off of Kylo Ren. 

I decided to start. Even though I hadn't prepared any vows, the words just spilled off my lips so easily, which made me realize just how much I did love Kylo Ren. 

"Kylo Ren, I was aware of everything you had done previous to this trip. I had forgiven you for Tunstead and I had forgiven you for everything else. I loved you no matter what because what you do and how you act is what makes you you, Kylo Ren. That's who I love -- you," I started. 

"I don't care how anyone else perceives you or your actions. I see you in the way that I see you. We both know the type of person you are. 

"You are selfless. Kylo Ren, you lead an entire nation and a nation's army and the last person you would think of is yourself in a crisis. Especially in this relationship I never feel as if I am being put last. I always feel as if I am the treasure and you are an explorer who makes me feel valued and protected. You make me feel entitled and you create a sense of worth for me. I recognize how hard you try to make me feel that treasured feeling.

"You are prideful. You lead your nation and army with self-respect because you hold yourself at such high standards; self-assurance because you are aware of your limitless limits; self-confidence because you are always so sure and steady for your troops; and proud of your troops because you are aware of how elite they and yourself are. Your pride restores hope in your soldier's hearts, creates a feeling of bravery in the First Order's army, and instills a determined foundation underneath the entire First Order, which is why this organization is the most successful of all. I appreciate your pride and that is one of your most enticing aspects. 

"You are trusting. You have entrusted me with some of your darkest secrets and feelings. You have never been afraid of me or anything I could do, regardless of the situation. You've made me feel as if we've been united forever and we have a lifetime of faith and honesty behind us when really we only have a little over a year. You create that honest aura around us and you strengthen our relationship with it. 

"You are also trustworthy. I have never questioned your ability to keep my darkest secrets and feelings. I have always believed that you would make the right decision in any situation, no matter the difficulty. I have always depended on you for loyalty and truth. I have never doubted your capability to make me feel as if you could save my life at any moment, and that is how much I trust you. Your trustworthiness has always been one of the strengths in our relationship and that's why I love you.

"You are caring. I can see the determination in your eyes when it comes to protecting me and I know just how much you do care for me, Kylo Ren, when I feel you touch me or kiss me. The things you do prove how you treasure me above all else and you make me feel more loved than anyone else has before. 

"You are strong. You never falter in any tough situation and you never give in to any threat. Kylo Ren, you are the perfect man to lead an army, to lead the First Order, and to be in a relationship with. You are flawless at retaining order and holding steady. You are superbly skilled at instilling trust in a relationship. You are secure and sturdy and you make me feel absolutely safe." I took a breath. 

"I know you are a caring, strong, trustworthy, honest, prideful, selfless, and amazing person, Kylo Ren. I could continue talking about the pros of being with you and I could die before I could even begin speaking about the nonexistent cons. You have made me feel loved for a lifetime.

"You fulfill any desire I have for love. You exceed anything I could ever need. I am in love with you and I wish there was a way to express how much I love you in a shorter amount of time because I just want to call you my husband already." I finished smiling uncontrollably wide.

I felt relieved to have finally let Kylo Ren know exactly how I felt. He was unsmiling, but not in an upset way -- Kylo Ren had wet eyes and looked purely astounded. He was speechless. 

"Well, I -- I don't even know how to respond." He admitted, finally releasing a small smile and chuckle. I sighed happily. 

"I'll start now, I suppose," Kylo Ren said, glancing at Salvor.

"Nira, when I first came to Tunstead to get you I was entirely empty. I was void of emotion. The thought of my father dying at my own fault was constantly on my mind and I was consumed by my assumption that my mother abandoned all of her love for me when she received the news. 

"Most nights I spent alone. I felt as if no one in existence loved me or even liked me anymore and that thought constantly ate away at me, draining me, leaving me with no energy or motivation. I was cold, all of the time. I felt like a living dead person. The only thing that kept me alive was my job, which I cruelly continued out of force of habit. In that state of emptiness I didn't care who I hurt or what I did. I had no conscience. 

"The first time I looked at you I felt that warming sensation that I described to you so long ago. It was as if I walked inside after a freezing day or drank a warm, satisfying beverage. Your presence started in my chest and slowly spread gentle waves of heat throughout me, ending with my fingertips. It was exhilarating and foreign, and I needed more of it." Kylo Ren looked deeply into my eyes and continued. 

"As I continued getting to know you, you gave me purpose in life separate from my job that only consisted of torturing, fighting, and killing. As we got closer I began to feel more like my old self. I felt more determined, more motivated, and more alive. In the time where I felt abandoned I was void of feeling, but I began experiencing strange emotions such as happiness, and excitement, and jealousy, and anger when I met you. I welcomed all sorts of emotions, good or bad, because just feeling anything inside was so refreshing.

"You are my restoration, Nira. When I was empty of life in my depression you were the only thing that could replenish my spirit. When I am infuriated, as I so easily and often am, you are the one thing that bring me back to tranquility. When my cold, cruel self was in dire need of love you supplied me with plenty of affection. You revive all warmth that I lack, you bring back my common sense in times of fury, and you gave me meaning when I was meaningless. Nira, whatever positive characteristics I am missing, you fulfill." Kylo Ren glanced down at our holding hands and back up to me. 

"You are the sole object of my affection." He finally stated, finishing his poetic vow in his gorgeous voice before looking at Salvor for a conclusion. Salvor nodded. 

In his old, leathery voice, Salvor stated peacefully, "I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Kylo Ren leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I was elated. My chest felt like it was expanding with excitement and my mind was whirling with thousands of ecstatic thoughts. I clutched onto Kylo Ren's black cloak and pulled him close to me. He gripped my waist in response and pulled me tighter to him. Everything in that moment was perfect. 

Eventually we pulled away from the kiss and I looked at Kylo Ren in a different, better way -- as my husband. I felt proud to be his wife. We both needed each other to no end and we finally, completely were each other's. I was his -- he was mine. 

"I will love you as long as the universe exists and far past that." I whispered, gently weaving my fingers through his midnight-colored, thick hair. He looked down at me with much adoration. 

A smile slowly grew on his utmost attractive features; not a full smile, but a sexy half-smile that made me need him even more than before. He pressed his forehead against mine. I took one glance at his full lips and closed my eyes in peace. He pulled me close to him. 

The next words Kylo Ren spoke louder than a whisper. The words sent chills down my spine and made being his wife feel even more dignifying.

"You, Nira Leven-Solo, are one impressive woman."


Check out author's note on next page!

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