By gracey87

34.8K 1.2K 80

she is leaving.. and i can't do anything.. my love is leaving.. like a fool, I'm blankly standing here.. why... More

Present Day
First Encounter
Unfulfilled Love
Senior Year
Blossoming Love
Secret Love Story
Start of Something New
Jeju Island Trip (Part 1) - Love Hurts
Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare
Jeju Island Trip (Part 3) - I Choose You
Jeju Island Trip (Part 4) - Surprise!
Breaking Apart
She's Leaving
Old Friend
Coming Home
Baekmi's Wedding
The Truth
Good News
Where is Suho?
Begin Again
It's Official
Birthday Gift
I'm Sorry
Yes, I Do
You Are My First
I Will Kill You - (Part 1)
I Will Kill You - (Part 2)
Be With You
Kim Jun Rong
Finale (Part 2) - The End
Announcement New story!

Fluttering Feelings

740 31 0
By gracey87

*cont from the last chapter..

After few thoughts he brave himself to greet her, with his shaky voice he finally say something..
Suho: haii..

He feel happy and his heart start to flutter again when she reply his greet. It was long awaited day that finally come..
Chorong: haii..
Suho: how are you?
Chorong: I'm fine as always, you? (Smile form on her lips make Suho nervous).
Suho: ohh..goo..good to hear that, I'm fine too. Wow..you look even more beautiful and gorgeous (heart fluttering)
Chorong: (nervous) thanks, you too. Ermm..I mean you look matured from the last time I saw you.
Suho: owhh..it's been long time.
Chorong: yeah, 6 years..
Suho: 6 years and 7 days..I'll count.

Chorong look at Suho she actually can't believe he remember the exact number of days they not seeing each other and that make her heart flutter.
Chorong: oh..okay..
Suho: i guess you are a doctor now, right?
Chorong: yes..and you? Engineer, right?
Suho: (smile) yes..
Chorong: congratulations and sorry for the late wish.
Suho: thank you and congratulations to you too, happy that you finally achieved your ultimate dream.
Chorong: same goes to you.
Suho: you finally home, happy to see you here.
Chorong: yeah, the last time I'm here during Chanie and Eunji wedding which is 3 years ago and now Bomi and Baekhyun wedding. I'm happy and glad I'm able to attend their big day.
Suho: talking about Chanyeol and Eunji wedding I still feel guilty because I didn't attend their wedding due to my final exam same date as their wedding ceremony.
Chorong: no worries I'm sure they understand your situation that time.
Suho: yes but still I feel guilty. How long you will be here?
Chorong: 1 month.
Suho: wow, the girls must be happy because I'm sure they miss you like crazy. I miss you.. (shock with himself and trying to act cool).
Chorong: (fluttering and more nervous) ye..yes..I'm happen to be lucky my boss approves my leave for that long. You?
Suho: 2 weeks and after I will be busy handling my new project to build biggest cancer hospital here in Seoul.
Chorong: wow! Congrats!
Suho: thank you, it was my dream and I'm working very hard for it.
Chorong: I know you can do it, believe in yourself.
Suho: hearing you said that make me happy and excited.
Chorong: (blushing)

They sitting side by side on the guest chair at the garden where the wedding will take place 2 more days. Without both of them realize they been sitting, talking and laughing for more than 2 hours. When suddenly things become silent and awkward they both silent and don't have any idea what to talk about. Look down on the grass, when they finally talk at the same..
Suho: Chorong-ah..
Chorong: Suho-ah..

She look sexy and hot with her dress on, he look at her bare shoulders make him even more nervous. Facing each other faces, their eyes meet and heart start to beat like crazy. Suho miss her like crazy and long her lips for a kiss, he brave himself and slowly move his head towards her. Chorong saw Suho face moving slowly near her, she can hear her own heartbeat, Suho breath is getting near her. She stay in that position and not pushing him, she don't know what comes into her mind for letting it happen. Maybe she also long for his kiss, she feel confused, when their lips inches away from each other someone is calling them and make them startled and distance their position from each other.
Bomi: rong unnie! Suho oppa! Finally I found you guys, they all asking where you two at (she can smell something fishy) ermm..did I disturb you? I'm sorry..
Chorong: what? No..nothing we're just sitting here and talked.
Suho: yeah..yeah..just talking that's all.
Bomi: hurmm..just talk huh? (Cheeky smile)
Chorong: yah! Bomi!
Bomi: relax unnie I'm just kidding okay. Come let's go inside.

It's almost midnight they all say their goodbyes and start to leave the house one by one. Suho and his parents on their way back to the car when suddenly Chorong parents approached them. While they talking Suho and Chorong standing beside their parents and silent.
Mr. Kim: how are you Mr & Mrs Park? Long time no see I think since Chanyeol and Eunji wedding last time.
Mr. Park: yes..yes..finally here we are again for another wedding to be celebrate. Hei..Suho how are you? You look more matured and manly now huh..nice to meet you again.
Suho: (startled) I'm fine Mr. Park.
Mrs. Park: you never come to our house anymore since Chanyeol already have his own house with Eunji and Chorong..
Chorong: eeherrmmm..mom please.
Suho: (awkward situation) ohh..I'm busy with work Mrs. Park.
Mrs. Kim: same goes to Chorong she never come to our house since she further her study and work there. You become more beautiful young lady now, how I wish you and Suho..
Suho: (fake cough) uhuk..uhuk..mom stop it (whisper to his mom).
Mr. Kim: please come by anytime you want Chorong the door always open for you.
Chorong: okay..thank you.
Mr. Kim: it's getting late so I think we should make a move now. See you all at the wedding.
Mr. Park: okay see you..

Inside Suho's Car
Suho feel happy because he finally meet Chorong after 6 years, it's not what he expected to be. They talk and laugh like friends, it was a happy day for him. When he saw her for the first time today he really want to hug and kiss her but he refrain himself from doing that. He misses her so much and only God knows. He need to take it easy and not rushed her to build back their relationship hopefully.
Mr. Kim: you still like her right Suho?
Suho: (look at his dad face from the back mirror) huh? Ermm..I don't know dad.
Mr. Kim: the way you act and look at her when we first arrived at Bomi house I knew you still like her. We like her too (looking at his wife).
Suho: dad..
Mr. Kim: you are grown up son, if you really like her make a move and be a man that she can count on.
Mrs. Kim: she is beautiful, polite and respect to other people especially the olders. She can make people feeling comfortable around her, I really like her a lot Suho. I think Kai and Namjoo also like her since they all know each other.
Suho: yes mom, dad..I love her but..(sigh)
Mr. Kim: don't gave up son, win her heart back I know you can do it.
Suho: I don't know if she still love me or not, it's been 6 years we're not seeing each other. I don't if she already have a boyfriend or not.
Mr. Kim: she is your first love right?
Suho: (blushing) yes..
Mr. Kim: Suho-ah the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.
Mrs. Kim: first love is always pure and real Suho, don't gave up and we will support you from the back.
Suho: (feel touched) thank you mom, dad for your advice. I feel grateful to have a wonderful and understanding parents like you, love you both.
Mrs. Kim: we love you more Suho-ah..
Suho: I will try and win her back, make her fall in love with me again just like the old days.
Mr. Kim: that's my son!

Park's Residence
She feel tired, she lying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling. She suddenly remember him, she feel happy and her heart flutter when seeing him today. Smile form on her face, she get up and take something from her luggage. One square middle size box, she open it and inside the box got lots pictures of Chorong and Suho when they still together and the necklace. She took the necklace it was a gift from Suho when they go for a holiday at Jeju Island, she hold the necklace and look at it, she look at the ring and written Suho name on it. It reminds her of their old days, she still remembered Suho ask her to wear the necklace no matter what happens between them but she take it off one day before she fly to London 6 years ago. She actually keep the necklace inside the box and bring it with her to the London, it's just she never wear it. She wear the necklace and look at the mirror, tears coming out from the corner of her eyes. She look at all the pictures it was the memory of them she keep inside the box for 6 years and finally she brave herself to look at it. While looking at the pictures she received a text message.

Text messages between Chorong and..
Onew: heloo..how are you? You busy?
Chorong: hai..I'm not busy and actually I'm in Korea.
Onew: Korea?! Are you serious?
Chorong: yes, it's been 2 days already.
Onew: why you not telling me? I also in Korea right now, I'm coming back from Dubai last night. I'll be here for 1 week before I go to London again.
Chorong: really? I didn't know that you are here. I'm coming home to attend my best friend wedding, I will be here for a month.
Onew: wow! Dr. Park Chorong on holiday? At last!
Chorong: don't tease me my boss approves my leave that long because I never once go for a holiday.
Onew: okay..okay..we should hangout while I'm still here.
Chorong: sure can..ermm..how about you become my partner at my best friend wedding?
Onew: you invite me to the wedding?
Chorong: yes, if you're busy it's okay.
Onew: when is it?
Chorong: two days time, you wanna come?
Onew: if PARK CHORONG invite me of course I will come.
Chorong: what you mean?
Onew: nothing..so I fetch you or how?
Chorong: it's okay I need to go there early because I'm one of the bridesmaids, I give you the address and will wait you there.
Onew: okay..see you there. Good night.
Chorong: okay..good night.

She end the conversation and put her phone aside. She take off the necklace and put back inside the box together with all the pictures. She close and keep it inside the drawer. She off to take a shower and finally sleep.

Author: hello readers! Sorry to keep you waiting it was a busy week for me at work and finally I got my day off on Sunday which is very rare happen to me..here is the new update for you guys..
happy reading!✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️


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