say something | l.s.

By fresharold

575K 23.3K 24.8K

❝Say something, I'm giving up on you. I'll be the one, if you want me to. Anywhere, I would've followed you. ... More

« Say Something »
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -
- Chapter 19 -
- Chapter 20 -
- Chapter 21 -
- Chapter 22 -
- Chapter 23 -
- Chapter 24 -
- Chapter 25 -
- Character's ask -
- Chapter 26 -
- Chapter 27 -
- Chapter 28 -
- Chapter 29 -
- Chapter 30 -
- Chapter 31 -
- Chapter 32 -
- Chapter 33 // Louis' letter -
- Chapter 34 -
- Chapter 35 -
- Chapter 36 -
- Epilogue -
- Lost Memories / NEW FANFIC -
- Thank you! -

- Chapter 1 -

30.2K 793 847
By fresharold



Finally I arrive at the campus from the University.  It’s too familiar for me, I don’t feel the excitement I felt last year when I arrived here for first time. If it wasn’t for the unfamiliar faces I would say it all looks exactly the same.

I stop on the sidewalk to appreciate the view. Half of the boys and girls are saying goodbye to their families and then taking their luggage and walking inside, passing through the big gate. The other half are just like me, we’ve been going here already, we don’t need our parents to come with us and give us thetake care of yourself and the what you should and shouldn’t do conversation, which in the end we won’t follow. We avoid the eyes full of tears and lame goodbyes which are replaced by hellos from our old fellows. I look to my right side and see my two best mates who came with me in my car, based on their expressions, they’re probably thinking the same thing.

"Ready for one more year, Lou?" Liam looks back at me and gives me his warm smile.

"Sure" I shrug, it’s just one more year at university… last year was, erm, okay? I think it was normal, I had good grades - the ones I expected - didn’t get into any serious trouble and I made some friends, Zayn and Liam included. Last year was basically a new start for me.

"Well I’m more than ready," Zayn smiles bright and looks at Liam, putting his arm around his shoulder, "I feel like it’s going to be a great year" he says looking at Liam and me. I hope he’s right.

"Lou, be a dear and bring the luggage please" Zayn smirks, teasing and begins to walk with Liam under his arm. I frown and give him a look, containing my laugh.

"What am I? Your servant?" I half joke and grab my two bags from the floor and walk by myself inside, leaving Zayn with the look I wanted him to have on his face and Liam laughing.

As expected, Zayn shouts at me to wait for him and Liam follows his steps, picking up his bags from the floor and walking towards me.

We greet a lot of friends on our way to our dorms. When we aren’t too much farther from them a familiar blonde head appears in front of us and we can’t contain our grins towards the bloke.

“Hey guys! Good to see those three beautiful faces” Niall jokes and he gives to each of us a quick hug. “So do you know where you’re going to stay this year?” he asks, too excited.

"Yes! I’m going to stay with Liam" Zayn says, somehow proudly.

Liam gives him a look which he answers in the same way. I never understood their relationship, or friendship… I don’t really know what they are because they were already friends with benefits - if I can call them that - before I met them but from what I can see, if this year they’re going to stay in the same room, things are going to change… for good I hope. I don’t really care, it doesn’t bother me at all because I’m gay too and I just want my two friends to be happy and if it’s with each other, that’s even better.

"Great!" Niall winks and I know what he means by it.

“What about you Louis?” he asks now looking at me

"I don’t know who I’m staying with, do you? Maybe we’re together."

It would be great if I stayed with someone I knew so I could feel more comfortable in the beginning of the year. It’s always good to meet someone new, but I think I already know too many people here. Enough at least.

"Hmm I’m afraid we aren’t, buddy" he shrugs

"Oh, are you with," I cough "…Styles?" My three friends laugh and I roll my eyes.

"Nope, I’m with another guy. He seems cool, you guys should meet him sometime," Niall tells us and we nod.

We keep walking, now with Niall, but if it was because of him that the next scene happened then I would’ve preferred for him to stay where he was.

"Guys!" I hear a voice behind us and we all know too well whose it is. Niall turns around to face the curly haired boy and he doesn’t even notice the brunette girl’s presence who has Harry’s arm around her waist. He runs towards him and jumps into his arms. This guy is just too friendly with people and I think it’s what I like the most about him.

"Whoa, mate! Calm down!" Harry laughs and I chuckle too, but it’s just because of the girl’s face looking at the two of them.

"Sorry mate, just missed you." he smiles "I mean I missed all of you to be honest" he looks at me, Zayn and Liam who greet Harry as well.

I keep trying not to look at him, maybe expecting him not to see me but “Hi Louis!” he says smiling, this time showing his dimples and I don’t why I always find that smile… provocative. I just don’t like the dude - I don’t really hate him, hate is a strong word and poor guy -, he’s not rude, he’s actually nice to everyone and for me as well… too nice even, it’s just he’s kinda irritating. I can’t stand guys like him.

Everyone thinks he’s perfect and he acts like he knows it and he’s so freaking proud of his reputation. He gets everything he wants with no effort while I have to work for it. He’s full of charm and I don’t say this as a compliment, thanks to that charm he gets every girl he wants to, and I won’t pretend to be shocked if I get to know that he uses it with guys too. Let’s not start with his jokes. Oh jeez, they’re the worst and he always tells them at the weirdest times, he never takes anything seriously, especially when it comes from me. It’s frustrating, and when he laughs he makes too much noise. I try my best not to be around him that often.

So I just nod and say a quiet “Hey” to him. And when he starts to introduce his new “friend” Matilda I try to rush Zayn and Liam so we can go. I need to organize my stuff and I haven’t even been in my room yet. God I hope my new roommate is tidy and nice. Last year Liam was a perfect roommate, he’s organized and tidy like me, he’s a great friend and respects me at any cost. He’s quiet and he never brought Zayn to our room for things that weren’t talk or study… at least not that I ever knew of. So I’m crossing fingers I have a Liam this year too.

When ten minutes pass and they are still talking I roll my eyes and excuse myself. All besides Harry and the girl laugh and I get what they mean by that laugh. They know how I feel about Harry and they tease me about it all the time. Harry understands too so he doesn’t lose time winking at me and waving his hand when I walk away. I don’t bother myself to offer him my attention so I start finding the number of the door from my room.

I find it easily and when I get there the room is empty and the only sign of existence of my roommate is his bags in the corner. Sooner than I expected I’m unpacking, saving my stuff and turning my part of the room more like myself. The space is the same size as last year, it’s enough for two beds, two wardrobes in each side of the bed, two shelves on the wall above the beds and one desk, kinda in the middle. I hate the blank walls but nothing that some pictures cannot solve it, I like to bring them anyways. There are some from my family, friends, me or other pictures that I like, it makes me feel more like home since I don’t really have one at the moment. But I’m glad this year we don’t have to sleep in bunk beds, I hate those things especially because last year I stayed on the bottom part and it made me think that the upper part was going to fall on top of me.

I decide to finish my book in the time before dinner. I was expecting my roommate being here by this hour, I’m curious about who he might be, but he doesn’t come even when I go out to eat something with Liam and Zayn and then come back. He didn’t unpack anything, his bags are still above his bed and I don’t know when he is expecting to organize this. Tomorrow, when classes start? I bet my roommate will be Jeremy, it is said that he always leaves the things he has to do for the last hour. Ugh I hope it’s not him because he’s rude and when someone greets him in the morning he acts all grumpy… but well we share the last part in common.

I grab my things and go for a quick shower. I think the worst part of this place is the showers because we don’t have the privacy we should and privacy in the bathroom is precious for me. I end up dressing myself in the showers and walking back to my room after some minutes. When I open the door, things had… changed. And I’m faced with a guy walking in circles, for what it seems, lost.

Wait. He’s not just a guy. He’s “HARRY?” I say louder than I should, he jumps and looks at me with a surprised look. I expect I have the same expression.

"Christ Louis" he places his hand on his chest.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask confused and kinda mad because what the fuck?

"This is my room…" he says like it is the most logical answer ever. Maybe it is, but not in my world.

"Oh no." I whisper.

"So you’re my roommate?!" he asks grinning, "How great!" he sounds sarcastic, to be honest.

"It’s great!" I roll my eyes, sighing. I can’t believe I’ll have to deal with him the whole year. This room already looks like a mess and of course I’m not just complaining because of that. I won’t last long here, I’m not a patient person, especially not with him.

"Oh c’mon Tomlinson! Chill out" he jokes and I try to ignore his voice while dragging myself to my bed. I’m gonna sleep now and he’s going to disappear, yeah he will.

He says something else that I’m not able - more like I don’t want to so I’ll not make any effort - to understand. When I’m about to take the clothes off my bed, I notice something that doesn’t belong to me.

"Is this yours?" I raise his jacket and he looks at it

"YES, I was looking for it." he walks towards me so I throw it, hoping that he catches it. "Thanks" he smirks when gets it.

“You look like you’re dead Tomlinson.” he laughs.

"Don’t talk to me please, I’m going to sleep now." I say dryly, laying down, under the covers of my bed. I didn’t miss these beds, for sure.

"It’s only 10," he comments dressing in his jacket. "Do you want to go out with me?" he asks. Oh so he’s going out? Let me thank Jesus first.

"Are you serious? No I don’t want to." maybe sometimes I’m too harsh with him, but by now I can’t change that and he’s already used to it.

"Oh. Fine then, I’m going now. Probably see you tomorrow then!" I seriously don’t get why he has to be always smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay" I answer, resting my head on the pillow and facing my back to him.

"Okay." he sighs "Bye then. Oh and I’m glad that is you my roommate." did I hear it wrong? When I turn around to make sure I heard correctly, the door is slammed and Harry is gone. It might be the tiredness of the trip and the time I took to organize my stuff so now I’m hearing things.

When I lay down again, my phone buzzes on the nightstand so I grab it

So who’s your roommate? :)))


I sigh in annoyance and answer quickly.

Fucking Styles.


I put my phone back and turn off the light. I’m sure it buzzes again but I don’t bother to grab it to check the message.


I wake up with the sound of a door closing, kinda strongly, and someone groaning in pain after a loud noise coming from the furniture.

"Shit!" I hear and at first I get confused, but then I remember. Harry.

"Are you fucking serious?" I protest when I face reality. He really had to wake me up? I don’t even want to know what time is it, or I’m sure gonna be more pissed.

"Sorry. ‘m sorry," he whispers. Oh he whispers now? "Just-ugh I hit my foot against the bed" he groans. I seriously don’t care I just want to sleep now.

"Shut up!" I cover my face with the sheets "Go to sleep and be quiet" I groan

"Sorry" he apologizes again and if I wasn’t so tired I would roll my eyes.

Just after what it seems half an hour - probably it is less but anyway - he finally decides to stop the noise and I finally sigh with relief and enjoy the silence.

Till he starts snoring.

Harry Styles fucking snores, are you kidding?! Okay, I definitely hate him now.


[an:/] So idk how to feel about this chapter I just know I'm excited to write this fic because I already have some ideas so it'll be easier to write it down.
This will be always Louis' POV but maybe , if you guys want to , I can make Harry's once in a while.
And now for the second chapter I need some votes and comments so I can continue. I'll post it when I see it's a good number for me because I already have some chapters done.
See you guys and hope you had all a happy Christmas :)

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