
By rawr1234

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What would happen if you found out you were extraordinary? What would you do if people wanted you dead becaus... More

Chapter one - Eighteen
Chapter two - Mate issues
Chapter three - Go with the flow
Chapter four - Finding out
Chapter five - Full moon
Chapter six - Frustration
Chapter seven - Wake up damn it!
Chapter eight - Visions and magic
Chapter nine - Welcome and training
Chapter ten - Dinner and a plan.
Chapter eleven - Partayyy!!!
Chapter twelve - Acceptance.
Chapter thirteen - Emotions run
Chapter fourteen - start training now!
Chapter fifteen- schoolwork and babies
Chapter sixteen - lockdown
Chapter seventeen - Runaway
Chapter nineteen - Nephew
Chapter twenty - Eighteen might not be long enough

Chapter eighteen - Revealed.

50 1 0
By rawr1234

Lucas's P.O.V

According to alpha Ken Rachel wouldn't be able to shift to run. If that's so why haven't we found her yet. She only had a couple of hours head start. It's been two days and we haven't found her. We're currently in the town outside of Red Rocks Park.

"Alpha when are we going to stop and get food? like cooked food?" I linked alpha Ken.

"Luke soon we need to get there before Rachel does." Alpha Ken replied, I groaned.

This isn't fair! just because he is alpha he thinks he is mr. macho man. I'm only a few weeks younger than him! we equals! well not status base but on a human level!

"Holy shit!" A human girl screamed. All our wolf heads snapped to her.

"Poppy are you okay?" a human boy yelled from behind her running to her side. "Baby go back to the camp and tell your dad."

I didn't like how he talked to her.

"Okay" she kissed him on the lips. "be careful trevor!" she yelled and ran off. I growled at her behavior and Vernon jumped off scared. I charged at the boy pinning him to the ground.

"Get off me!" he struggled to get his arms out of my paws hold and he spit in my face. Is he an idiot what kind of person spits in a wolfs face.

"Enough!" Alpha Ken yelled making me stop and get off him whimpering.

"Thankyou! wait where did one of the other wolves go?" The boy asked.

"Oh I don't know probably wondered off you know wolves." Alpha Ken said doing his nervous tick everyone knows about.

"No I don't. Anyway thanks for saving me. oh! we should probably get away from the rabid wolves." I growled at his comment.

"No I'm-" alpha Ken got cut off my the girls father I suppose, shooting at the warriors and myself. While Wes and Vernon ran to alpha Ken.

"Stop!" Vernon shouted. The man holding the gun of course didn't listen and continued to shoot. We all scattered once he got close enough to actually do some damage. That's when I saw her, running towards the boy and then all I saw was red. I charged towards them.

"Dad!" the girl shouted and then a sharp pain went through my left leg. I dropped to the ground slideing to a halt at the girl and boys feet. I was furious by now. First this boy and now this man. I shifted.

"You idiot you could of killed me!" I shouted at the man.

"Lucas!" Alpha Ken shouted running past the shocked father, grabbing me by the throat and dragging me towards the rest of the group. "Lucas you just exposed werewolves to those people. Do you know what the consequences are?" he shouted at me.

"No" I answered ashamed.

"Because no one does it, but all alphas and betas children know because they have to do the consequence. IM SUPPOSED TO KILL YOU!" he shouted in my face. I submitted and whimpered, for two reasons my alpha was yelling at me and my leg fucking hurt like hell and was starting to heal with the bullet in it.

"Uh alpha I think we should get the bullet out of him, and not to be rude but we shouldn't kill him because we need him to find Luna Rachel." Ben the top warrior said.

"Fine." Alpha Ken said walking away.

"It will only hurt for a little while okay?" Celia said and started digging around in my leg.

"Holy shit!" I screamed.

"Shut up!" Celia hissed at me. I bit my lip and did as I was told. "There now you can start healing and out these on." She threw pants at me and I put them on.

"That was quite a show Luke." Brian another warrior said.

"What?" I asked

"Don't play dumb, I know you only did that because she's your mate." He said then it clicked.

"I'm such an idiot." I slapped my self getting up and following her sent back to her camp.

"Dad!" she yelled when she saw me.

Her dad ran out and punched me square in the face knocking me flat on my ass.

"I'm sorry okay!" I yelled standing up again glancing over at my mate being embraced by the boy I so badly wanted to rip to shreds. "Mine." I growled pushing past the confused father to the frightened couple.

"Leave us alone!" the boy shouted.

"She's mine!" I shouted.

"You'll have to get through me first" he puffed up his chest trying to intimidate me.

"Fine." I pushed him to the floor hard, picked her up and flung her over my shoulder and walked back towards the group.

"Let me go! you, you dog!" she kept hitting me in the back.

"I'm not a dog!" I yelled. "Stop struggling."

"Lucas put the poor girl down." Alpha Ken ordered.

"Yes alpha." I had to put her down but that didn't mean I had to let her go. I placed her on her feet and pulled her back to my chest.

"Lucas let her go." Ken ordered.

"Yes alpha." I muttered disappointed I wouldn't get to hold my mate. I let go and she just stood there.

"My mother talked about you. Well not you specifically, but your kind." She calmly said.

"What's your mothers name sweetheart." I asked.

"Karen." She said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Poppy Franklin." she said. I looked her in the eyes looking for what's ahead for my mate.

I couldn't see anything.

"That's odd." I said looking to Ken.

"What Luke?" he asked.

"I didn't see anything." I said.

"That's probably because she's your mate." He said careful about his words.

"Mate? Why is that familiar?" she asked.

"Poppy is there anyway we could get in contact with your mother?" I asked.

"No. She died." She said tears brimming her eyes.

"Shh" I hushed pulling her close and stroking her hair.

"And she was perfectly healthy she just started to sob uncontrollably then plunged a knife through her heart. I don't know why I'm telling you this. I barely know you" she chuckled a sad one. "She mumbled a name I've only heard once before." She shook her head.

"It's okay do you want to talk more about it." I tried to comfort her.

"No, but I have this feeling you could help me find the mans name my mother mumbled." She said looking me in the eyes.

"What's his name?" I asked hopeful that I could help.

"John Soul." She said looking determined. Shock covered my face and probably alpha Ken's too.

"He's dead." I said, She frowned.

"We need to find Rachel. Luke see where she is."alpha Ken ordered.

"Her and Ethan will be talking at the cliff, she gives in to him and it's not good from there, we need to go now it's not far from here." I said continuing to look at Rachel's future. Nothing good comes from it.

"Let's go!" Ken ordered shifting Wes hopped on his back holding on for dear life.

"Grant take Vernon!" I yelled.

"Alpha Grant to you." he growled shifting, Vernon hopping on his back.

"Hop on sweetheart." I smirked shifting. She hopped on, my wolf howled with joy and darted off towards the others.


"Vernon, Wesley and Luke go in the trees you know what to do from there." Alpha Ken commanded.

"Yes alpha" I linked back helping the boys and Poppy into the tree.

The warriors Grant and alpha Ken all took their positions.

Rosalyn and Ethan appeared shortly after we arrived. Rachel then walked out from a hiding spot in the trees.

"Just you?" Ethan asked.

"Yes." she dully replied.

"Good." Ethan sneered grabbing Rachel in a choke hold. She didn't even protest as he crushed her throat.

"Vernon now!" I linked the scared boy.

"Okay" he linked back. Clouds formed above the three, snow and ice poured down on Ethan and Rosalyn.

"I thought you said you had no one else here!" Ethan roared throwing Rachel to the side shifting and charging at her for the kill.

Ken burst through the tree cover tackling Ethan to the ground.

"You bitch!" Rosalyn screamed at Rachel. Rachel got up and Rosalyn very heavily pregnant ran towards Rachel sucessfully stabbing her in the stomach.

"No!" I yelled out loud leaping down from the tree shifting again ripping Rosalyn's head clean off her body.

Ethan howled and Ken took the sudden distraction to his advantage and snapped his neck cutting off the howl. Another wolf came out of nowhere and jumped on me. Grant pulled the wolf off me snapping his neck. Then it was calm for all about three seconds, all of a sudden an arrow came out of a different tree piercing through Grant's scull leaving him dead.

He saved me and then died. Ken shifted and ran to Rachel as she fell to her knees. My gaze directed to the tree line where the warriors came out their heads bowed in respect for their injured alpha.

"Rachel please. Baby don't leave me!" Ken held her head in his arms.

"Alpha we need to remove the blade." Celia said. Alpha Ken carefully took the blade out.

"Behind you." Rachel said raspy before passing out.

Alpha Ken looked behind him and Joshua one of the warriors was holding Ben the top warrior by the neck holding a silver blade to his throat.

"Joshua let him go." alpha Ken commanded. He didn't budge.

"You killed my brother!" Joshua shouted.

"Let him go." Ken stood walking towards him.

"No!" he began to slice his throat when I snapped into ninja mode. Well Wepwawet did. I took the knife through it to the ground and kicked Joshua off the cliff.

"Whoa." I said

"So, you really can move like a ninja." Alpha Ken said smirking slightly. "let's get Rachel home." He walked over to a mumbling Rachel picked her up and started to walk.

"Luke who's that woman?" Poppy asked.

"I can only tell you if you promise to never leave me." I said.

"Why?" she asked, then had this adorable face which I presume is her thinking face. "is it because of what that blond man said about the mate thing?" she asked.

"Yes sweetheart." I said grabbing her hand.

"You shocked me." She pulled her hand away. I just laughed at her flustered face. "What's funny about that?" she crossed her arms.

"Nothing it's just that's what mates feel when they touch. It didn't hurt right?" she nodded "that's because it's meant to show us werewolves who our mate is." She nodded again and gabbed my hand.

"This is weird, but really cool. But what does that have to do with the pregnant woman?" she asked.

"Well were all werewolf's and we need leaders, for each pack there is a leader, she's our leader. We call her Luna and the man carrying her is her mate our alpha. They have tremendous amount of power." I tried to explain.

"Oh okay can we make a quick pitstop? My dad's probably wondering where I am." She asked squeezing my hand.

"Yeah you hop on my back it will get us there faster" I said taking off my shorts and shifting. I nudged my shorts for her to pick up. She did and hopped on.


"Poppy!" they boy she was with yelled running towards us. I growled. "Poppy get away from that thing!" he yelled.

"Trevor stop!" she yelled back "he's not gonna hurt me."

"You don't know that!" he yelled at her. Poppy jumped off tossing me my shorts.

"Thanks" I said grabbing my shorts and putting them on. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close.

"What the hells going on!" Trevor yelled clearly getting jealous.

"Where's my dad?" she asked pretending to be unfazed by my actions.

"Right here. Trevor go home, I have a feeling you and Poppy are no longer." her father said placing his hand on Trevor's shoulder.

"What!" he screamed and stomped his foot. He was too flustered to say anything and left.

"Now that that things gone." I said happily squeezing my mate close to me.

"Dad I'm gonna go live with Lucas here, I know it sounds weird." she said shaking her head.

"No it's okay poppy you mother would of wanted that. I just want you to know that I'm not your actual father. You mother was with me at the time. She went to the club with her friends since I wasn't into that. She met a man, He explained everything Lucas here is to you, to your mother. John Soul. I've never forgiven the bastard for making her fall for him with one touch. But they're soul mates I couldn't do anything. But he's your actual father. Your mother learned to forget I thought until a few days ago." He explained.

"Oh my god." She started. "Both my birth parents are dead." She started to cry.

"Shh" I cooed.

"Bye Pop, I hope you get the happy ending your mother didn't." He waved and headed home I presume.

"You know they say when you lose your soul mate you die shortly after." I said thinking about the days events.

"At least their together now." She said wiping away some stray tears.

"Yeah" I paused realizing that because Grant died, Abby might. " Let's go." I said letting go of her shifting and running back with poppy on my back.

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