Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star W...

By flywithmyjetpack

3.2M 72K 70.4K

*BRITTANY BROSKI APPROVED* RANKINGS: #1 - starwars 6/10/2019 #3 - kylo 6/10/2019 #3 - kyloren 6/10/2019 He ma... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Author's Note: C A S T
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Author's Note
Chapter Ninety-One
Author's Note
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Author's Note
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One-Hundred-and-One
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Two
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Three
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Four
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Five
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Six
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seven
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eight
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred-Ten
Chapter One-Hundred-Eleven
Chapter One-Hundred-Twelve
Chapter One-Hundred-Thirteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Fourteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Fifteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Sixteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Seventeen
Chapter One-Hundred-Eighteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Nineteen
Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-One
Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-Two
Chapter 123 -- FINAL CHAPTER
PLEASE READ -- Final Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty

9.5K 228 240
By flywithmyjetpack

Author's Note: Nira's POV

I was then hustled from the room. The remainder of the stormtroopers parted a small walk-way for me and I walked the criminal way of shame through them.

I took one glance back at Kylo Ren, who was looking after me. His mask lacked emotion but I felt him emotionally reaching out to me with worry and determination.

I looked ahead and allowed the stormtroopers to march me to my trial-pending cell.


The stormtroopers violently pushed me into my cell when we reached it. The cell was dimly lit, had one long bench, and a toilet in the corner. 

I looked back at the door just as the stormtroopers slammed it and was alone. 

I slowly gathered my thoughts and took a seat on the hard, cold, uncomfortable bench. I looked at the ground.

Worry consumed me. I was haunted by the fact that I may have ruined everything. Everything. 

Bringing Leia Organa to the First Order's base seemed like a stellar idea, and it was stellar until after she left. 

When the general left was when my seemingly stupendous plan crumbled before my eyes. 

I was so afraid that Kylo Ren and I were going to be viciously torn apart and possibly killed for having a secret relationship. Perhaps we would only be exiled. 

Most likely, if one of us were to be exiled, it would be Kylo Ren. I figured that my best case scenario for the situation would be to be put in prison for a sentence shorter than my entire life. 

I didn't see how Kylo Ren could possibly win this upcoming trial. I had stolen an aircraft, had private communications with an enemy organization, brought and protected an enemy general at our base, and allowed that general to leave. Just one of those charges alone would be enough to land me a spot in the First Order's massive prison. 

I had already been into that prison once before, and what a dreadful experience that I'd had. I never wanted to enter that place again. 

But here I was, waiting for my imminent conviction and prison re-entry. 

I was kept in my pending trial cell for several hours -- or, at least, it felt like that long. 

I tried to straighten my back because my spine was beginning to clog with aches and pains. Exhaustion from the past few days' excitement was beginning to settle in and my eyes struggled to remain open. All I wanted to do was keel over and allow myself to sleep . . . 


The abrupt sliding open of the door and sound of stormtroopers stomping into my cell awoke me with a jolt. My heart rate slowed as I came out of my post-wake up surprise.

"C'mon, Leven. Let's go." One of the stormtroopers beckoned me with much acidity clear in his voice. 

I stood up, suddenly on alert. All tiredness had been shaken off me. 

It was time for my trial. 

The stormtroopers walked over to me and began to put silver metal shackles around my wrists. The shackles had chains that the stormtroopers held. I was reluctant to allow them to tie me up this way. All I wanted to do was send a quick volt through the chains and shock them. I held back. 

The three stormtroopers and myself walked down a few hallways until reaching a set of black doors. We entered without hesitation. 

Behind the doors was a massive courtroom beyond my imagination. The walls were dark grey and the floors were black. On one side of the room was a long, elevated, black table for the seven judges that were already positioned at their seats. On the opposite side of the room were hundreds of rows of black seats that escalated towards the ceiling. At the front of each of the rows was a strip of bluish-white light that illuminated the room. 

In the middle of the room were two black tables surrounded by seats, a black podium between the tables, and a hologram projector in front of the podium. 

The stormtroopers lead me towards the far table, sat me down, and finished applying shackles on my feet, too. 

They're acting like I committed mass murder, I thought with an eye roll. 

The seats at the back of the courtroom, the audience and jury, began to slowly fill up. As time passed, President Edroth entered the courtroom as well. She sat at the opposite table and flashed me a disgusted glance. A clan of important looking people sat down with her.

The room was filled with the sound of dull chatter, and I was still the only person at my table. I was afraid that I would have to defend myself and I didn't have the slightest clue where to start. 

Just as I was beginning to feel panic rise within me, Kylo Ren pulled the chair next to me back and sat down. I let out a relieved breath. 

"Where were you?!" I asked, looking beyond him to the next table, where General Hux was taking a seat as well. 

Great, I mentally noted, General Hux is fighting for my imprisonment, too. 

"I was dealing with matters," Kylo Ren spoke in his mechanical voice, "And now I find myself far more prepared for this case." 

I frowned in confusion, and opened my mouth to ask him something, but just as I was about to speak I was interrupted. The head judge stood up and called for order. 

"Attention!" The woman stood in the center of the judge's table and gazed harshly around the courtroom until silence fell. "Today the case of Nira Leven will be discussed."

"Nira is being tried on accounts of treason and theft. Defending Nira will be General of the Army, Kylo Ren. Opposing Nira will be President Edroth, General Hux, Councilman Ostorth, Senator Bak, and Councilwoman Wahiri." The judge paused and observed the courtroom. Every being in the massive hall was silent, eager, and anticipating an excellent trial. I was dreading the outcome.

"President Edroth, as leader of the opposition you may speak first and describe the accounts of your charges." The judge spoke. Edroth stood up and strode to the podium. 

"Nira Leven first acted suspiciously three weeks ago when she took an unwarranted trip to the Resistance's base in order to write out a treaty with the Resistance. The terms of the treaty were eventually discussed and signed by Kylo Ren, but regardless, Leven stole a ship then and flew to the Resistance's base without permission.

"Just two days ago another ship was stolen straight from our hangars by Leven. Leven again flew to the Resistance's base without permission; however, this time she returned with a General of the Resistance -- General Leia Organa."

President Edroth pressed a button and the hologram projector projected two images; a picture of Leia Organa and a picture of the ship I stole. 

"Not only did Nira Leven protect General Leia Organa and walk the general around our base against all orders, but Leven and Kylo Ren both assisted in Organa's escape from imprisonment and helped her back to the Resistance's base against orders."

Edroth pressed another button and suddenly a holographic video of Kylo Ren, Leia, and I walking through the stormtroopers in my protective shield through the hangar played over. 

"I am bringing these matters to the attention of the court not only because Nira Leven has stolen two ships from the First Order's hangars -- which is a federal crime -- but she has also privately communicated with an enemy base and assisted in the escape of an enemy employee, proving her reliability and loyalty to the First Order is weak and barely existing." President Edroth finished efficiently and proudly. 

When you put it like that, I sound like a criminal, I thought to myself. I was actually impressed with how President Edroth had organized her evidence and I was scared that Kylo Ren wouldn't be able to properly defend me. I had no alibi and no reasoning to commit those acts without giving away our relationship. 

"Thank you, President. Kylo Ren, you may now present your defenses to the court." The judge dismissed President Edroth, who confidently nodded and returned to her seat. 

Kylo Ren then stood up and briskly walked up to the podium. He leaned into the microphone and spoke. 

"Nira Leven was working in the interests of the First Order. She was working to better my mental health. The security cameras strategically placed within our base have the entire interaction between General Organa and myself recorded." Kylo Ren pressed a button. 

A video of the exchanges between Leia and himself began playing. The training arena cameras captured the entire thing. 

Every word Kylo Ren said to his mother was played for the jury, audience, judges, and officials in the room. Every hug was examined. Every 'I love you' was heard. 

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open. I was entirely taken aback. I couldn't believe Kylo Ren had exposed his true relations with General Organa to the entire courtroom. I was in awe that he bravely presented such a private moment to such a large crowd. 

People began talking. The sound of voices started slowly as the video clip continued playing, but as it continued, the voices grew into a dull roar, and then everyone was talking. 

"Quiet!" The head judge finally yelled, and the room fell silent once more. 

I was still in shock. Kylo Ren had just revealed a big part of his history to everyone in this room, and why? How would this help my case, and help defend my actions?

"As you can see, Nira was only concerned with the mental health of myself, the General of the Army. Since I am the General of the Army, having stellar physical and mental health is quite important, and Nira Leven was intelligent enough to see the significance in that." Kylo Ren presented. 

"Nira clearly presented no plans of the First Order to General Organa. No information was given other than the fact that General Organa's son, myself, was in need of a conversation with her. Nira committed no treason against the First Order except that she allowed General Organa to escape unscathed." Kylo Ren paused and looked back at President Edroth, and then looked back up at the judges. 

In his deep, robotic voice, Kylo Ren then said, "Nira Leven did not exchange any information with outside organizations regarding the First Order."

Okay, I don't know why he's being so specific. The fact that I didn't give away secret information was already clear before he said that, I thought in confusion. So far Kylo Ren's defense didn't seem to be holding up too strongly. The judges looked unimpressed. 

Kylo Ren had only shown footage of his exchanges with Organa and told everyone that I still committed the crimes I was accused of, just not with bad intentions. 

He also made it pretty clear that I didn't give the Resistance any secret information. 

Kylo Ren then continued speaking in his dark voice. 

"Nira committed no true, actual treason. Nira Leven did not in any way endanger anyone on this base. What would endanger the people of the First Order would be if Nira had exchanged private information with outside sources." Kylo Ren said. 

I could see the confusion on the judge's faces and all I could think was, where is he going with this?

"Why are we concerned with a plain soldier who has committed unintentional, unfocused, insignificant treason when our base is lead by a president who is communicating and exchanging information with outside sources?" Kylo Ren questioned the judges. 

What?, I thought, now completely confused. The room was silent as everyone tried to process the claims Kylo Ren had just made. 

"President Edroth has not been the leader of the First Order for very long, so our base's trust with her is shallow. We don't know this president, and we don't know her political limits and boundaries." Kylo Ren stated. 

Voices began to rise again in the courtroom, and I knew they were talking about how misleading and confusing Kylo Ren was acting. 

"Evidence was brought to me before this trial proving that President Edroth is exchanging secret information regarding the weaknesses and advantages of our base with outside sources for payment." Voices began rising in anger and rage in the crowd, and Kylo Ren continued, "If you turn to the holographic projector you may view the contracts President Edroth holds with an outside group called Anarchic Galactic."

The head judge interrupted with a resounding, "Quiet!", and silence fell within the court. I looked over at President Edroth, who stood abruptly out of her seat, outraged. Her fists were balled at her sides and her face was as red as a blaster beam. 

"The Anarchic Galactic is wealthy government based many parsecs away that aims to target and destroy organized governments, take their armies and weapons, and leave those governments utterly destroyed. The Anarchic Galactic is lead by Commander Zark Alqi. If you view the documents, President Edroth has been receiving nova crystals and galactic credits in exchange for information regarding the First Order's base." Kylo Ren informed the audience in the courtroom. All faces were full of surprise and horror. 

"This audio clip is a private message recorded by President Edroth meant for the leaders of the Anarchic Galactic, but intercepted by one of our very own communication moderators." Kylo Ren said before pressing a button of his own. Everyone fell silent to listen to the audio. 

It was President Edroth, all right. Edroth said on the audio, "If the nova crystals aren't delivered within the month then I will be destroying the contract and you will not learn the grade, type, or manufacturer of the base's southern-most cannons."

The room was silent, and all eyes were on Edroth. 

"As you can all see, President Edroth is the true betrayer of the First Order. I'm sure we can all recall the last time a First Order base's information was secretly given away." Kylo Ren spoke, referring to Starkiller Base.

Finally I could see the great intellect in Kylo Ren's plan. I just wanted to know where he'd gotten the evidence. 

"Kylo Ren, if I may intercede," The head judge requested before asking Edroth, "President, is this information true?" 

President Edroth was glaring at Kylo Ren, and then looked up at the judge. "I've got no idea what you're talking about." She stated. 

Kylo Ren scoffed and said, "Then explain this audio."

He pressed another button and a second audio was played. 

"Commander Alqi, I promised I would get you the information, and I will. I understand you delivered the payment early, yes. I am waiting for a response from the reactor crew. It's not like the president's job is to know if there is an outside entrance to the main reactor. I have to go, a senator wants to speak with me." Edroth spoke in the audio. 

An immediate uproar in the courtroom occurred. I turned around, and all of the citizens watching the trial were up, screaming in their seats. The judges looked entirely appalled. I then looked at President Edroth. 

She reached for her leg and pulled a blaster out of a hidden holster. The president aimed the blaster at Kylo Ren. The roar of the audience and jury was deafening.

"No!" I screamed, yanking my hands upwards -- I planned to electrocute her before she could shoot, but my shackles held me down, and the screams of the outraged, betrayed citizens easily drowned my shout. 

The next events happened too quickly to process.

I watched Edroth pull the trigger, and I saw the red blast in the air, traveling straight for Kylo Ren; however, with the speed of lightning, Kylo Ren turned around, raised an arm, and used the Force to stop the red laser in midair. The bullet froze as a jagged, floating, shuddering red light.

In an instant, guards were on top of Edroth and she was tackled to the floor. Not only did evidence point to Edroth being a spy and traitor, but she had just attempted to murder the General of the Army. Sure, she was the president, but that doesn't give her the right to kill people. 

Citizens were screaming in the stands louder than before as Edroth struggled to get away from the guards, but Edroth was quickly shackled up just as I was and hustled from the room. 

The audience began to flow from their stands, jeering and screaming louder than before. There was a constant stream of furious First Order citizens at the door. I watched with wide eyes. 

Kylo Ren left the podium and walked towards me. He sat at my table and watched as people streamed out. 

I looked at him. "Whoa," I said, completely in awe. 


Author's Note

I got a new, way better cover for my story!! It's at the top of the screen! I hope you all like it!

I really enjoyed updating this :) I'm glad I'm back at it!

See you all later :)

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