Assistant of Mr. CEO

By badbish34

2M 57.5K 3.8K

"What are you thinking about mia cara" he asks me causing my thoughts to drift back to me kissing his jawline... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chpater 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 16

52.6K 1.5K 68
By badbish34

Ivan's pov.

The sun glaring in my closed eyes through the window disrupted my sleep. I open my eyes and look around confused at the unfamiliar surroundings. I feel weight on my chest and look down to see my angel sleeping soundly, her hair sprawled across her face. I watch her body rise and fall as she breathes, taking the time to admire her.

Her face had a very peaceful expression as she slept comfortably on my chest. Her long dark eyelashes rested on the top of her rosy cheeks and my gaze continues to sweep across her face. My eyes land on her little button nose and I examine the silver hoop that was pierced into her nose. My eyes finally land on her beautifully plump, pouty lips that I crave to have on mine every second of the day.

I slowly lift my hand up to brush her hair out of her face but she stirs and finally her eyes flutter open. My heart warmed as her gorgeous pools of emerald green eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Good morning Ivan" she whispers shyly her voice a lower pitch from sleeping making my lower anatomy stir excitedly.

"Good morning my love" I reply huskily and lean down to kiss her on the forehead. Pulling back, I look into her eyes and watch her expression as a beautiful smile appears on her mouth. She snuggles closer to me and lifts her head up to give me a kiss on my jaw. Restraining myself from ravishing her right here I close my eyes to calm myself down.

"How'd you sleep" she asks me, smiling deviously knowing her effect on me.

"Best sleep I've had in a while" I respond truthfully. Whenever I went to my bed to sleep, my mind kept me up with business ideas and possible alliances making me get up to write the down. It was a constant cycle until I was so exhausted I had no choice but to sleep. With her though, all my thoughts drifted away giving me the peace I needed to sleep.

"Same here" she replies sheepishly before sitting up to pull the blankets off her body. She stands up and my eyes immediately scan over her body stopping momentarily on her neck, my mind instantly filling up with how it'd feel to be kissing her neck. My gaze also falls to her long legs and I close my eyes instantly thinking of her legs wrapped around my torso as I made love to her.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE WE STILL DOING ASLEEP WHEN WE HAVE WORK" I hear her screech making my eyes shoot open to look at her panicked state. Before I have time to answer, she's already rushing to the bathroom muttering about how stupid she was. Chuckling I get up myself and grab my phone to call my chauffeur to bring me a suit telling him to be here in fifteen minutes. I walk over to her bathroom door to knock and opening it once I hear her respond. Walking in, I watch as she brushes her teeth and washes her face rapidly before she turns around to glare at me.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?! Do you not realize I could get fired for showing up late" she exclaims with her hands on her hips and I immediately burst out into laughter.

"Oh mia cara, you're so cute" I reply sobering up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. She gives me yet another glare before responding.

"I don't understand what exactly you find so funny" she snaps frustratedly still not realizing her mistake.

"Considering I'm your boss, I don't think you could get into very much trouble" I respond with a straight face before cracking a smile. Her facial expression changes to one of realization before she reddens in the face. I chuckle and shake my head before asking her a question.

"Do you have another bathroom I could use to get ready" I ask seriously.

"Yeah, it's down the hall to your left. Their should be toothbrushes and such in one of the drawers" she replies thoughtfully before adding "Now get out so I can shower" giving me a soft push out of the bathroom. I chuckle before heading to the bathroom to get ready myself.

Shutting the door behind me, I quickly hop into the shower my muscles relaxing under the hot water. My mind fills with images of Amelia and I smile to myself feeling lucky to have her. She was gentle and kind hearted as well as a little minx when she wanted to be. I'm immediately filled with thoughts of Amelia in the shower, the water cascading down her body deliciously and I'm tempted to go explore every inch of her soft skin. I groan at my thoughts and switch the water to cold trying to calm myself down. It seemed to work slightly but my need to take her was still quite evident.

After my shower, I quickly brush my teeth and run my fingers through my hair before walking down the stairs with a towel around my waist. My gaze falls on Amelia's back as she answers the door and grabs my suit from my chauffeur. She shuts the door and turns around jumping at my sudden appearance. I watch as her eyes rake my body hungrily and I watch her gulp before her eyes land on my own. Smirking, I walk over to her and grab my suit making sure to press myself against her before walking away completely.

"Meany" she grumbles under her breath and I bite back a laugh before walking back into the bathroom to get dressed.

Amelia's pov.

I walk into the kitchen flustered at the sight of Ivan in only a towel but shake my head to rid the mental image. I make myself a cup of chai tea and Ivan a cup of plain coffee knowing he liked it like that. I open the fridge to see what I could make and decide on some scrambled eggs and sausage, scrambling around to make it. I hear footsteps behind me as I'm flipping the bacon and turn to see Ivan fully clothed much to my disappointment. He looked sexy as hell wearing his suit that hugged his strong physique nicely and I walk up to him before stopping. His eyes stare into mine intensely before he leans in to capture my lips with his.

The kiss was soft and sweet but still left my head reeling with the need for more. He tenderly caresses my cheek and I smile against his lips.  He pulls away and I slowly open my eyes to see him looking at me with such want. I blush before turning around to plate the food, fully aware of Ivan's gaze on me. I grab the two plates and set one in front of Ivan before handing him his coffee as well. I sit across from him at my counter and we both eat in a tense silence knowing fully well how much both of us wanted to jump one another. I slowly sip on my tea trying to distract myself from the very man whom I craved.

Finishing our breakfast I grab both our plates and set them in the sink before going to grab my heels as well as my purse. I was dressed in an all black dress with a red belt in the center. The dress was almost a bodycon but looked very professional. I paired it with nude heels and I kept my make up light only adding concealer and lip balm. I curled my hair very lightly to give it some texture and left it to cascade down my back.

"I'm gonna drive myself to work" I say over my shoulder, prepared to leave.

"We're going the same way, I don't understand why you can't ride with me mia cara" he replies confused to which I sigh.

"What will people think when they see me stepping out of a limo with you? Word will get out fast and pretty soon I'll be headlined as Ivan's new toy" I say voicing my insecurities. He gets off his stool before coming over to me and tilting my head up so I was looking at him.

"Mia cara, you're not just some toy to me and you should know that. I get that my reputation gives you some doubts but I can assure you, that you're important to me" he replies softly while leaning down to kiss my forehead in reassurance. I nod reluctantly before speaking.

"Do you think I could drive myself today? I'm not ready for people to know about us yet" I respond hoping he complied. Looking into his eyes, I could tell he was struggling to give me an answer. After a few moments of silence, he finally sighs before answering.

"If it'll make you feel better then fine but you have to promise to let me touch you even if we're at work" he reasons with me and I smile before nodding and kissing him on the cheek.

"If letting you touch me was all it took for you to say yes, then I'll be getting my way more often" I joke and open the door to leave without waiting for his response.

Getting into my car, I start the engine before driving in the direction of Stone Industries. It takes me about ten minutes to get there before I'm pulling into the parking lot. Cutting the engine, I hop out of my car and begin walking into the building towards the receptionist to check in. I greet them with a smile and head to the cafeteria wanting to see Connor before work started. To my luck he was sitting by himself, his back to me and I take this as my chance. I tip toe towards him before I'm standing behind him before whispering.

"Guess who bitch" I whisper creepily and I watch as he jumps in fright. Giggling, I take a seat next to him waiting for his response.

"Jesus Amelia, would it kill you to walk up to me like a normal person instead of nearly giving me a heart attack" he exclaims in fake anger and I giggle once again.

"What's the fun in that Conny" I ask with a smile and he glares at me before cracking a smile.

"How's life been without me" he asks genuinely interested and I blush at the thought of Mr. Stone.

"It's been amazing not having an overbearing presence constantly nagging me" I reply pretending to be interested in my nails.

"Well damn, way to bruise a guy's ego" he says feigning hurt while clutching his heart.

"Knocking down an arrogant ass a few pegs is my specialty" I sass before adding "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get upstairs before Mr. Stone has a fit. Bye Conny" I say over my shoulder hearing a faint bye from him. Getting into the elevator, I wait patiently for it to reach the top floor before exiting and walking towards his office. I walk in without knocking and see Ivan typing away at his laptop not noticing my presence.

"Good morning Mr. Stone" I say seductively getting his attention. He gives me a once over before instructing me to shut the door. I comply and walk over to him, stopping at the end of his desk.

"Can you please call Jason and set up another appointment for this afternoon at the restaurant across the street" he instructs while guiding me over to his lap. Sitting down, I lean against his chest and nod before responding.

"Wasn't he the one that was flirting with me last time while I was with you" I question knowing the answer.

"Yes" he grumbles before peppering small kisses on my neck.

"He was cute but not my type" I reply sighing in pleasure. He snaps his head to look at me and I smile at him innocently.

"You're mine mia cara" he says possessively before capturing my lips in a dominant kiss. We fight for control but he wins and I moan as he continues his assault on my already swollen lips. Pulling away, I lean my forehead against his before responding.


Chapter 16 complete. Thanks for voting,commenting and sharing!!! It means the world and I love you guys:) If you have any ideas for future chapters make sure to message me!!
Love y'all<3

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