No Heroes Allowed (student/te...

By whenyouseemyfriends

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What happens when FBI agent Alex Johnson goes undercover? At a high-school? What will happen when she sets he... More

Chapter One - You Won't Feel A Thing
ChapterTwo - Center of Attention
Chapter Four - Time-Bomb
Chapter Five - For The First Time
Chapter 6 - I Swear This Time I Mean It
Chapter 7 - The Way We Talk
Chapter 8 - The Town's Been Talking
Chapter 9 - Give Me Anything
Chapter 10 - Wish You Were Here
Chapter 11 Part 1 - Call Me Hopeless, But Not Romantic
Chapter 11 Part 2 - When You See My Friends
Chapter 12 - Crash
Chapter 13 - My Heroin
Chapter 14 - Have Faith In Me
Chapter 15 - Anywhere But Here
Epilogue - Northern Lights

Chapter Three - Let Go

19.4K 374 48
By whenyouseemyfriends

“But Mark…” I whined softly into the receiver. On the other end, Mark sighed loudly.

“Fine I’ll do it!” He reluctantly agreed.

“Thank you so much Marky! I owe you.”

Since I have detention and can’t watch Carly, Mark is going to. If anything happens, it’ll all be on my hands. He’ll just stay at her house, until other agents relieve me and they’ll take over. Detention is roughly an hour here so it’ll only be an hour for Mark and then he’ll tell me what happened while I was at school.

Wow, it felt weird to say that. I’d never been to high-school and here I am starting off as a senior.

“Yes honey, you do!” He chuckled. “And yes, I love you too.” His accent made me giggle, like always. After saying bye, I hung up the phone and looked up at the sky. Currently, I was outside with Carly after school. Detention didn’t start until five minutes after the bell rang. We were sitting on the bench and talk about the new girl was still buzzing.

My first day of undercover was pretty right below a success. No one was suspected; well Morrison seemed good just because I don’t like him. Carly was safe and we got more evidence. My first day of high-school was horrible. Detention, I shuddered, on the first day! I looked at the time on my cell and rose.

I looked down at the blonde typing away on here phone and cleared my throat. “Hey Carly, since I have detention, Mark, you remember Mark right?” She nodded her head and smiled. “Well, he’s going to be here in ten. You mind coming to Morrison’s class for as few?”

She beamed at me; I was being polite to her because it was my job. I hated it. She was a pretty ditsy girl. And I really don’t think it was because she was a blonde. Someone dropped this girl when she was a baby and sucked her brain out with a vacuum. I waved my hand. “Come on. We’ll be late.”

She got up and we headed back into the building. It was silent, so Carly took that as her queue to start a conversation. “”So, what did you think about Ian?” She asked, kind of resistant.

I smiled. “Ian seemed really cool and nice.” And he was. He wasn’t arrogant, cocky and didn’t smirk. He was very polite and smiled a lot. I immediately crossed him off my list. He seemed to have a lot of patience, dealing with Carly and what not.

“Yeah he is.” She sighed dreamily. We reached Morrison’s door and I turned the knob. I didn’t bother to knock. I never did, it was just the agent in me, I guess.

“Good afternoon Alexandra and Carly.” Morrison smiled and gestured us in. I narrowed my eyes. Why didn’t he question Carly’s presence? “Take a seat and do homework, read, count to a hundred, I don’t care, just no cell phones.” He warned and went back to reading papers.

Carly settled with twirling her hair and popping her gum. Poor Carly, I thought. I never once thought of how she was taking this. People intruding on her and being surrounded twenty-four seven. I know she wasn’t showing it on the outside – she couldn’t, someone would notice, but inside and emotionally, how would you deal with this?

I’d catch this S.O.B if it was the last thing I do. And on that note, I took a seat off to the side and did all my ‘homework’, since only Carly knew who I was. I couldn’t get out of it, but I knew all of it because of Mark.

“Speak of the devil,” I muttered when the Irish stepped through the door. Carly looked at him and smiled. I rolled my eyes. I stood. “Sorry Morrison, but Carly’s…uncle, my dad, is here to pick her up. “ Mark nodded at Morrison, who nodded back.

I walked over to Carly and she grabbed her stuff. She whispered in my ear. “Is this him?” I rolled my eyes but nodded. “Bye Alexandra! See you later Mr. Morrison!” She stood by the door while Mark talked to me.

“Dad, really, could you not lie?” He whispered as he gave me a hug.

I giggled. “Well, you know,” I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. His eyes shined with amusement and I knew I would have to involve him somehow. Mark would be seen, so he had to set his presence and identity.

Mark ruffled my hair, I scrunched my face up. “See you, munchkin’!”

I patted my messed up hair and waved. “Be careful!” I warned, dead serious. Mark mocked me but he knew I was worried. He smiled once more and shut the door. He walked away with Carly by his side. He arm was around her shoulders, keeping up his part.

A throat cleared. “Uh-hmm,” I jumped in surprise. I clapped a hand over my racing heart, trying to calm its fast beating.  He smirked, clearly pleased. “If you’re done,” he gestured to my seat. “Sit. You have fifty minutes left.”

I frowned. “What’s your problem? You don’t know me! It’s my first day!”

“Just sit,” Morrison sighed and ran his hand through his hair. I obeyed, plumping my butt in the seat. What crawled up his butt? “Same rules apply! No cell phones.” He opened his closet door that I just noticed and flicked the light switch. I rubbed my hands over my face, just fifty more minutes of this.

Morrison came back into the room, papers in his hand. He walked over to the filing cabinet and unlocked it. My eyes traveled down to his lower backside before I could prevent it. I quickly looked away. He’s my teacher, and I’m undercover! I can’t get distracted; someone’s life was at stake.

“Are you okay?” Morrison asked from the closet. He poked his head out from the light room and looked at me. “That’s the eighth time you’ve sighed.”

Puzzled, I frowned. Was it? Was I? No, I wasn’t okay. I got three hours of sleep last night, but I’m used to. FBI agents have horrible sleep habits and even messier eating habits. The case was weighting on my shoulders and I’m here, at school, in Morrison’s classroom while I could be getting the guy who made the threat.


I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. Morrison’s hand waved in my face.

I looked up at him. “Huh?”

He frowned deeply. “What’s wrong?” His voice was gentler, caring. I almost snorted at the idea. Morrison doesn’t care.

“Yeah, I didn’t sleep at all last night.” My reason was true. I didn’t. What was I supposed to say? I took down an arms dealer, a lot of men, all while under cover, single-handedly.

“Are you sure? I would let you leave, but, I need help. Do you mind?” I sighed. I wasn’t going to worry any more. Carly was with Mark, safe.

“I’m all yours!” A faint smile spread across his lips.

“Good, now, you see those papers? I need you to sort them by test subject.” I nodded and went to work.

Sorting these tests was like desk work at the FBI. It’s no fun, tiring, and just boring. If I got lucky, I didn’t have to do a report after a case was completed.

My mind wondered back to what Morrison said to me earlier. Wouldn’t want cousin Carly alone for more than five minutes, now would we? Did he know something I didn’t? Or was he just really good at observing people? I hadn’t left Carly alone all day, but those couple minutes I spent in the restroom. I thought since I was technically new, I would stay with her and not cause suspicion. Did the guy who did this notice? Was Morrison the one? I always had that thought in my head. He hated me and I didn’t know why. But I knew from experience assuming someone did something would end up bad.

“I’m done!”


“Mhmm, here.” I set the papers on his desk and walked over to my stuff. I looked at the clock there was only twenty minutes to go.

He nodded. “There’s some extra corn starch and water in the closet. Go, play.” He shooed me away with his hands.

I chuckled and walked into the closet. There were shelves, floor to ceiling, full of boxes of papers. There was only one lab table full with labs they must have done in the past. There was also a locked cabinet on the far side of the room.

I got a bowl and poured the water and corn starch in and mixed. I walked back out into the classroom and Morrison’s lab table in the front. I pulled out a stool and sat down. I played, mixed, made figures, and other things with it for ten minutes. I giggled like a school girl the whole time. My cell phone vibrated in my bag. I cursed myself for letting time slip by. Time flies when you’re having fun.

I silently played it wasn’t important and could wait. It continued to vibrate.

“Stop that vibrating,” Morrison muttered. He finished grading papers by now and was on the computer. We haven’t spoken in a while and the room fell silent again.

When I reached the phone, it said 6 missed calls. I gasped. I didn’t hear them…

I called Mark back, trying to soothe his worries. If he called six times and didn’t reach me, he’d probably of searched the whole world by now.

“Hello?” Mark’s worried voice met my ears and I instantly felt guilty. I sat on the table where my bag was and ran a hand over my face.

“Thank god!” His Irish accent was thick now, hard to understand. “I’ve been calling you! I got so worried!”

I chuckled. “Mark, calm your horses, or goats or whatever. I’m fine. I’m still in detention.” I mumbled.

“We have breaking news in the case. We need you here, now.”

My heart rate picked up. “Really, right now? See you in fifteen and tell him not to start without me!!”

“Hurry! I love you baby! Be careful,” he teased.

I laughed. “When am I not?”

“Uh – always.”

“Sure, whatever. I love you too, bye!” I looked at the clock on my phone. Surely he would let me leave with five minutes left!

“Going somewhere?”

I looked at Morrison. “Yeah, leaving.


“Nothing, Mr. Morrison. I have to leave, like right now. It’s urgent! Can I please leave?”

He nodded. “Yes, but that’s two days added, plus you broke the rules. You’re looking at seven days.”

I started. “What?” He couldn’t do this! I had to be somewhere! This was important! Way more important than some stupid detention! “Wait, I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do! What rule could I have possibly broken?”

He smirked, a wicked look. “You had your phone out.”

“You said I could answer it…”

He tsked. “No, correction; I said for you to stop that retched noise. You were by no means allowed to answer it.”

I sat back down, defeated. “This is so fucking unfair.” I whispered. Did he treat everyone like he treated me? Was it because I was new? Or was it because he knew something? Why did I keep coming to that conclusion? I needed to speak to Director Lewis, fast.

I sat quietly for two minutes, starring off, looking at the wall. I was obviously irritated. No, he didn’t treat everyone this way.

Morrison cleared his throat. “You are free to leave.”

I glared at him. Two fucking minutes? Unbelievable! I gathered my things quickly and raced out the door.

“Bye Alexandra! See you tomorrow! I hope you had a nice first day!” His cheery voice shouted back at me. I stopped in my tracks and thought, was it mean if I walked back in there and shot him? I shook my head and started running again.

I started my Land Rover and looked around. There was only one car in the parking lot. I wouldn’t technically call it a car…but a motorcycle. Of course Morrison drove that.

The traffic was horrible. Rush hour was in full progress and in the city it was unbearable. Horns were honking and lights were changing. After thirty minutes in that mess, I finally reached FBI’s headquarters. I unbuckled my seatbelt as my cell phone’s ring tone filled the car.

I quickly grabbed it out of my pocket and answered. “Hey, sorry –“

“Alexandra Marie Johnson! Where are you?” Mark demanded.

“Chill, damn. I’m right in front of you.” I chuckled and ended the call. Mark was pacing the foyer, worriedly. He sighed.

The foyer was crowded with agents and others coming and going. The guards were stationed at the elevator and also at the front door. A couple trees were placed here and there while the receptionist desk was in the middle. Revolving doors constantly turned and squealed.

“Lad, you scared me! You didn’t answer your phone again! You’re late.” He frowned and draped an arm over my shoulder and led me through the crowd. “I’ll fill you in. We’ve got another threat. Carly’s safe, she’s in her Uncle’s office.”

I sighed in relief. “Thank god!” Mark nodded and walked into the elevator after we flashed out I.D.s.

Mark stayed silent until the doors closed. He pressed a button and the whole elevator stopped moving. “Now tell me why you were late.”

Ever since Mark took me in, he was protective. It doesn’t come in handy with this job, but he managed to keep his thoughts and protests silent. It’s not that he didn’t trust me, he completely did. He just didn’t trust other people.

“Traffic, you know how rush hour is in the city.” I shrugged and pulled my hair up in a bun and shook my head. “Listen, I’m fine. I’m here now. Jerk teacher wouldn’t let me leave early, I swear. I’m sorry. I offered reassuringly. He didn’t look convinced and pressed the same button again.

“You know I’m just trying to look after you.” His arm wrapped around my shoulder and squeezed. “I love you Alex.” He smiled down at me.

I gave his waist a reassuring squeeze. “I know Mark, I appreciate it. I really do.” I looked up. “I love you too.”

“I know who couldn’t?” The elevator stopped abruptly and the doors opened. The offices hummed with life. Doors lined the wall, agents of all ages and size walked around with goals set to solve. Desks were in the middle of the room, cluttered of paper and coffee cups.

“Ah, home.” Mark sarcastically replied. I chuckled. This was home, a very busy home. Claps erupted from the fellow agents. They all stopped what they were going and stood and clapped.

I smiled automatically. “Who’re they clapping for?” I whispered, barely moving my lips.

“You dumbass!” Mark snickered. He let go of my shoulder and clapped also. His smile was full of pride, love and admiration for me. After the mission last night, I came in late. I was debriefed. By that time, four in the morning, only a handful of agents remained. They all congratulated me.  Of course, Mark was around somewhere, he might’ve gone to the lab. Director Lewis called me into his office and told me about Carly and her case. Still, no matter what you did, it still felt great to have everyone cheering and clapping for you.

“Just the agent I was looking for.” Director Lewis stepped out from the middle of the crowd. The clapping stopped but they all remained where they stood. Mark moved over to the glass window and watched from there.

“We’ll take it in my office, you and Mark.”

Director Lewis led us to his office that was at the end of the room and down the hall. It was more secluded and quiet. As I walked past the other agents, a lot congratulated me in person and smiled. I replied kindly and respectfully. Due to the case involving Carly, my name was kept out of the papers. For this undercover operation they didn’t see I change my name, just my appearance. I wasn’t put on the front page about the arm-dealers killing, nor would I be until they saw fit.

Lewis shut his office door and motioned us over to the seats. He sat behind his desk, cleared his throat and clasped his hands in front of him on the desk. “Another threat came in today. This once was different though. Instead of paper, he called.”

He looked from me to Mark and back again. “His voice was disguised, of course. His message was short and demanding.” He clicked something on his computer and played a recording.

The voice was definitely disguised. At first, the recording was filled with static, and then the voice became clear.

                “I will kill that bitch Carly. There’s nothing that can stop me. It will be when you least expect it…”

Goose bumps were on my arms, it suddenly became cold. Lewis’s eyes slowly lifted from the computer and met mine.

“You will find out who is doing this.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand. What did he think I was doing then? I certainly wasn’t going to high-school for my own good. I was protecting Carly. Speaking of Carly…

“Where is she?”

“She’s in the conference room. Her mom and my brother don’t know about this one.  I’d like Carly not to know.”

“Of course sir,” I stood up, along with Mark. Oh yeah…

“Sir, do you have an idea who did this?”

“It has to be a student. Be suspicious of anyone who pays to much attention to her. This guy is smart, so he’ll make good grades. He might even have a grudge against here. I don’t know why anyone would, who could hate her?”

I agreed reluctantly. Besides, it couldn’t have been Morrison. He was in the room with me the whole time and never touched his cell. Then why was he so suspicious? He knew something, no matter what Lewis said.

Lewis stood. “I appreciate it if this stays between us.”

“Yes sir,” Mark and I said automatically.

“After you get done talking to Carly, we have some evidence you need to look at.”

I nodded and left the room with Mark. “Did you think someone did something?” Mark asked curiously.

“Yeah, the teacher who gave me detention, Zack Morrison; he might not have done anything, but he knows something.”

“I’ll run a background check on him.” I nodded and walked down the hall and into the conference room.

“Mr. and Mrs. Lewis,” I acknowledged. They both stood and asked questions. I shh’ed them and sat across Carly. “Carly, has anyone said mean things to you lately?”

She shook her head. “No, no one.” Pop.

I started from a different angle. “How do you like school so far?”

“Oh, it’s great! I love senior year so far! It’s really fun and easy. Everyone’s nice to each other and well except – never mind.” She shook her head and looked down. Finally, we’re getting somewhere! Before I could question it, her parents did.

“Carly, come on babygirl. Finish that,” Mr. Lewis pleaded. He was a middle aged man with brown, short hair. His eyes looked tired and sad, this must be hard. He ran his hand in his hair and sighed. He looked over at me, asking with his eyes to help.

I cleared my throat. “Carly, sweetie, who’s been mean to people?”

She lifted her eyes and met mine. “The kid in our physics class, the one who was out, he’s been mean and has said hurtful things to my friends.”

“Jeffery? Okay Carly, that’s a great start. What did he say to them?”

“He’s just calling them mean names. But he’s been nice to me.”

Mrs. Lewis spoke for the first time. “Ma’am, you will keep my baby safe, right?” Her eyes were glassy, like she was about to cry. This family, this perfect family was being torn apart. All because of one man, man who was trying to kill what they loved, their sweet, nice daughter who has done nothing wrong.

It was my duty to protect them. But right now, I’d do anything to help them. I looked straight into both parent’s eyes. “Ma’am, sir, your daughter will be safe if it’s the last thing I do.”


Picture on the side is Zack Morrison!

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