Highschool Relations (Human A...

By Heliodor-Official

31.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Multi-shipping. Contains eventual Amedot, Pearlnet, one-sided Jaspidot, Jaspis, Past pearlmethyst, some Rupph... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter... fuck it who am i trying to impress?
Chapter 45 at long last
Chapter 46
Yo, Update
Chapter 47

Chapter 36

467 29 23
By Heliodor-Official

'What's that light?" Peridot thought to herself as she cracked open an eye and felt it sting from the brightness of the blinding hospital light located above her head. 'Where am I?' She closed her eyes again
"How much longer do you think she'll be out doc?" She heard a familiar raspy voice ask.
"I can't say, could be another hour, or perhaps even a few days. But you said it was only 2 little bumps that caused it?"? A new voice replied. There was a brief pause before the intellectual female voice continued "Then it shouldn't be too long. Don't worry I'm sure she's alright."
"But what about her forgetting what'd just happened?" The raspy voice questioned. "Could she have Amnesia when she gets up? Will she remember me? I'm so... scared."
"Hmm..." the Doctor thought " I don't think it's anything that serious. She may have gotten a case short-term memory loss, but that's not much. In cases like these the problem only lasts a few days tops, and then they'll be remembering recent things left and right. You don't have to worry about her. She'll be alright, I promise."
The sounds of a door opening and closing could be heard as did a new voice. "I've contacted her mother..." the voice was familiar and motherly. It sighed "She's on her way..."
"Ugh, Rose, why'd you gotta do that? Now Ole Yellers gonna be here and pissing all over us about 'kidnapping and injuring her baby' or some shit. I don't wanna a deal with that." The raspy one complained
The unfamiliar voice sounded again "Its mandatory her direct family is here. They have a right to know what happened, even if they're currently not in the greatest of terms with the patient."
"Yes, thank you Doctor Maheshwaren for explaining it to her." The motherly voice, now known to be Rose added.
"Ugh but that's so lame! Look, what happens when Peri wakes up and sees her mom here? She'll lose her shit." The raspy voice continued to complain.
"Amethyst, you're not understanding." Rose replied once again "Imagine this from Yelona's point of view. You're daughter just ran away, was taken in by one of her friends guardians, and now your child is hurt in the hospital. Would you not want to know she's injured, and would you not want to hurry over to see her condition? If Steven, or even Pearl were in Peridots place, I'd be worried sick!"
"Whatever... I just don't see why she's suddenly worried about P-dot now. She didn't Fucking care much about her when she was trash-talking her friends, telling her her thoughts were wrong, and that her sexuality is a phase. She didn't seem to give 2 fucks when she practically told Peridot she didn't want her because she's gay and then let her leave the house without even trying to stop her or apologize. So why the fuck is she so worried now?" The raspy voice, now revealed to be Amethyst said, sounding extremely ticked off.
"Because her only child was just hauled to the emergency room with a concussion after she ran away to join the gays..." Rose's voice deadpanned.
Amethysts voice snorted out a small laugh "Way to make us seem like the bad guys."
"Well we can't always be seen as good, Amethyst." Rose's voice giggled. There was a silence "I wonder what she's thinking about right now..."
"Who?" Amethyst questioned. "Peri?" More silence "Probably nothing much really..."
The doctor butt in, her voice being much closer now, she was probably changing Peridots vitals or something "In all honesty, she's probably just listening to the two of you and what your saying. Her eyes are closed, but her breathing pattern shows she's awake."
"What?" Amethysts raspy voice sounded "Really? Hey Per... you really up?"
Peridots facial features changed from relaxed to confused
"Peridot?" Rose's soft motherly voice questioned. Peridot furrowed her brows and cracked open one eye with a groan. She saw the silhouette of the familiar pink-haired woman above her. "Ah, so you are awake?" She giggled. "Are you feeling alright?" Peridot attempted a nod, but doing so made her head spin. She let out a whimper. Rose frowned "Aw, poor girl. How about you get some more rest while we wait for your mother to arrive?" She suggested. Peridot let out another grunt and closed her eye again. The last things she heard was a brief conversation between Amethyst and the doctor.
"She only communicated through noises... i-is that bad?" Amethyst had asked.
"No, not at all. It's perfectly normal for someone who'd just woken up with a minor head injury to not feel up to speaking."
After that Peridot drifted off again.

The next time she awoke was to some not-so-friendly sounding words.
"I hope you know I blame you all for this! Especially you, Amethyst " a voice peridot couldn't help but recognize instantly as her mother's had spewed in anger.
"Hold on Yelona." Rose's soothing voice replied. "You can't blame anyone but yourself for this."
"Excuse you?! I wasn't the one who drove my daughter's head into a hardwood floor was I?!" Yelona sounded offended.
Rose continued where she'd left off "No, but you did however make your daughter feel uncomfortable in her home and drive her away from your household by not supporting her and making her feel unwelcome. If you hadn't been so bigoted she'd feel no need to come live in my home, and therefore this wouldn't have happened. You can only press blame upon yourself, not on us."
There was a sneer "If she hadn't started hanging out with your daughter's gang of queers her sexual orientation wouldn't have been an issue. She wouldn't be going through this phase and would've still been straight if it wasn't for them!"
"Whoa!"A chuckle "Ok, Amethyst, can you kindly leave the room for a second?"
"Ugh, aight..." Amethyst was heard leaving the room as the door clicked open and closed.
"First off..." Rose's voice started again "Pearl isn't my daughter... not officially. She's over the age of child adoption and has been since the incident... if anything I'm a foster parent or a Guardian. Secondly sexuality does not change, it is found out. You're daughters always been gay, and she'll always be gay. She would've figured it out sooner or later regardless of Pearl and her lovely group of friends."
Peridot cracked open an eye to see her mother crossing her arms "Don't give me that crap. I fell in with the wrong crowd when I was younger and went through a gay phase too. I grew out of it, and so will Peridot. If it wasn't for those delinquent children, Peridot wouldn't be in this situation."
Rose visibly smirked "Who was your 'gay phase' exactly?"
Yelona appeared flustered "Wha-? Why would I give out that information to you?!"
"Could her name have been Rainbow?" Rose's arms crossed.
Peridots mothers jaw-dropped. "N-no... no way... I-I thought nobody- Where'd you get this information?!"
"You really think that Rose Quartz and Rainbow Quartz would have no association?" Rose giggled "she's my cousin. And she told me all about how she broke your heart so she could go off with her ex-fiancée Sugalite. Is that why you're so against it? You got your heart shattered by a lesbian and another lesbian stole your love?"
Peridot saw her mother's brows furrow "Rainbow was an experimental teenage phase, not my love. My love was Peridots father." She shifted in her seat.
"What if I told you, She's single again. Completely alone with nobody but me, her younger cousin to vent to?" Rose said.
"Hmph" Yelona sat up straighter "I'd say that's good for her. Serves her right." She shook her head "now back to the matter at issue... I plan to take Peridot back to my place when she's awoken. It'd be much safer for her under my roof."
"That's a debatable subject, however the decision is left to her. If she's not comfortable going with you, she comes with us back to the new home she's made with us." Rose said hands clasped together in her lap.
"Forget that! She's my child and she's staying with me!" Yelona almost shouted.
"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to!" Rose argument.
"You're getting on my nerves!"
"Oh what are you going to do? Shatter me, like you've shattered your daughters spirits?" Rose chuckled.
"Oh, don't tempt me..." Yelona crossed her arms tighter, and more tense than before.
Peridot decided to groan out a "Shut up."
Both adults jumped, as they were not expecting the girl to be awake, let alone speak. "Peridot?!" They said in unison.
"You're awake... how long have you been up?" Yelona asked her daughter.
Peridot just glared at her mother and then glanced over to Rose "Why's she here?" She never answered her mother's question.
Yelona replied regardlessly "I have the right to come see my baby while she's injured."
"Ew. Look, I'm gonna be really blunt here. I wish I forgot who you were. Get out. Rose take me home." Peridot was in no mood to take shit from anyone. She just wanted to lay under her own blankets and heal in peace.
Rose sent an 'I told you so' type of smirk towards the other woman, whom of which look visably hurt and more than a tad offended, before she looked to Peridot with a small frown "I can't do that Peridot. I'm sorry. The Doctor wants you to stay here until tomorrow."
Peridot let out a groan "isn't that greeeaaat..... Where's everyone else? Pearl and Garnet? Your family?"
"Pearl and Garnet stepped out for a bit, to go get something to eat. Greg's at home with Steven.... and... Amethyst is out in the hall."
"Amethyst? Why's she here? You'd think she'd gone to get food with the others..." Peridot questioned.
Rose bit her lip. "Well she's very concerned about you... do you remember what happened before you passed out?"
The small teen girl thought for a second before hesitantly shaking her head. "I just remember getting my room set up and sitting down to play some games..."
"Oh well-" the Pink-haired woman paused. Should she tell Peridot what happened now, or wait for her to remember it on her own? Which would be best for her mental health. She decided to give Peridot a very vague outline of what happened "Amethyst stopped by, because she wanted to play with you. You hit your head and went out... she was so worried about you..."
Yelona rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, which caught her daughter's attention. Peridot looked her in the eye and said "I thought I told you to leave? Get out. Tell Amethyst to come in when you go."
Yelona stood with a huff, arms crossed "You have no right to speak to me in that fashion."
"Yeah? But I do have a right to love and support. None of which you're giving me. Goodbye Yelona." Peridot said, he voice laced with salt and hatred.
Peridots mother's eyes widened, shocked that Peridot had just called her by her first name instead of by 'mother' "W-what?"
"I said get the FUCK OUT YELONA! You friggan deaf-ass BITCH-CLOD! I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME!" Peridot tried to yell, but her voice faltered and so it came out as a squeal instead, a comprehensible squeal, but still a squeal.
However nobody laughed or found it funny. Peridot's mother just swiftly turned on her heel and hurriedly left the room, slamming the door behind her. Rose sat, jaw dropped. "Peridot.... I think you may have.... she looked really... that probably really hurt her."
"Good! That was the intention! If she's able to hurt me and my feelings, than I'm perfectly able to crush hers! I tired of her dumb attitude, and her pretending to care crap..." she said. "Ugh, yelling like that gave me such a headache.... I need another nap..."
Rose wanted badly to comment on what Peridot had said about her mother, sure She also said some mean things to Yelona, but none of it was truly serious, and definitely not to the extent Peridot had gone to. Rose only said what we felt was needed to get the other woman to reconsider her views and perhaps become a little more accepting of her daughter, but Peridot had full on cussed her mother out. Rose however decided she shouldn't say anything to the crabby little patient right now other than "Alright... sleep well... I'll tell Amethyst you'll talk to her later." She stood from her seat and exited the room as well.

An: well that was long... hope you liked it tho... tell me what you think

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