Saviour || A Naruto Fanfic

By KhaulaMujahid

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At some point, she saved everyone. Everyone had something to thank her for, for bringing her out of the darkn... More

Chapter One : Disowned
Chapter Two : Naruto Otsutsuki
Chapter Three : Nawaki
Chapter Four : Tobirama
Chapter Five : Training
Chapter Six : Attacked
Chapter Seven : Godaime
Chapter Eight : Not Letting Go
Chapter 9 : She Saved Me [Tobirama]
Chapter Ten : The Uchiha Jutsus
Chapter 11 : Your New Teacher Is...
Chapter Thirteen : A Friend In Need is a Friend Indeed
Chapter Fourteen : She Saved Me [Tsunade]
Chapter Fifteen : Madara Uchiha
Chapter Sixteen : Realisation Dawns
Chapter Seventeen : The Villagers' Attack
Chapter Eighteen : The Godaime Instated
Chapter Nineteen: A Violent Reaction.
Chapter Twenty: The War of Truth
Author's Note: Important
Author's Note: Important

Chapter Twelve : Genjutsu - Accomplished!!

8.2K 293 20
By KhaulaMujahid

The tall teen with long black hair held back in a ponytail, two long locks of hair falling over his temples, with coal black eyes smiled down at his new pupil, his eyes curious.

The blonde was looking at him, with an unreadable expression in her huge eyes, which were the only of their kind that he had seen - deep, beautiful sapphire tinted with dark purple.

"He's going to be teaching you from tomorrow on," Tobirama said. "Until you master the doujutsu ninjutsu and taijutsu that the Uchiha scpecialise in. That okay, right, Itachi?"

"Of course, Nidaime-sama." Itachi turned back to his pupil with an interested expression. "What time do you usually train?" he asked, trying to get a grasp of her schedule.

"Um after breakfast?" Naruto said. She liked the brotherly aura around the tall, raven teen.

"Well then I'll see you at the Valley of the End, tomorrow after breakfast," Itachi smiled as he bowed to the former Hokages and left, probably to find his little brother.

The Senju brothers took their new little protege home, discussing what she would be learning with her new teacher, though they had decided to leave that to the intelligent teen's discretion.

The next day, the clan members were amused by how early their newest member rushed around. It had been before sunrise that she woke up, accidentally waking up the Second Hokage who had fallen asleep next to his adopted daughter. Since then, she had taken a shower and gotten ready, spending a couple of minutes choosing her outfit (which, for her, was an incredibly long time to spend on that) before deciding on the blue suit that resembled the Nidaime's. 

"You're down really early," Hiruzen commented, when she came down for breakfast at six, with her father following, doing his best to stifle a yawn. It had been well past midnight when he slept, having stayed up to discuss recent happenings with his elder brother.

"I'm starting to train with Itachi-sensei today," Naruto chirped happily, as Tsunade handed her a plate. "Are you going to watch me train today, Nii-chan?" she asked Tobirama.

"Sure, if you want me to," Tobirama said, inwardly delighted that she had asked. Now he would get to watch her train, and woe betide if that Uchiha dared to push her too far.

"Of course I want you to watch!" Naruto looked ecstatic. "Will you come too, oji-san?" 

"Ah, but Homura and Kaoru need to be dealt with today, and I promised Tsuna that I would get rid of them for her before we officially announced her as the new Hokage," Hiruzen apologised, though he would rather have gone along to watch; he was curious about her abilities.

They ate quickly and went to the Valley of the End. Itachi had not yet arrived, which made the little blonde slightly disappointed. Slightly amused, Tobirama agreed to work on her wind affinity, chakra nature manipulation, until the oblivious teen arrived to teach her.

When Itachi turned up, he was more than a little shocked to find Naruto trying to maintain the Rasengan's spherical shape while she added nature manipulation to it. A small, yet clearly obvious, shape of a shuriken was whirring around the Rasengan, but it was nowhere near the desired strength of an S-rank technique, though she was surely, steadily getting there.

Tobirama called her off when he noticed Itachi watching them. The Uchiha teen was slightly at a loss to know exactly how to teach her the Uchiha jutsus - most of them relied on the Sharingan, which he wasn't sure that she had activated.  So when he stepped forward, he wasn't entirely sure whether to start with simple shuriken throwing, or to try activating her Sharingan.

"I have to activate my Sharingan to work with you, right, sensei?" Naruto asked, bobbing up and down in front of him, stunning her now dumbfounded teacher an her adopted father.

"Y-Yeah." Itachi didn't remember the last time he stuttered. What had the child been through that she had actually awakened the Sharingan at such a young age? She was barely four!

Naruto closed her eyes, and when she opened them, the three-tome Sharingan was revealed in them. Itachi activated his own Sharingan as he stepped forward; Tobirama stepped back.

Itachi certainly was a capable teacher. He let her get used to seeing more than just her normal vision, which didn't take much time, before moving and attacking. They sparred for some time, before Itachi taught her how to cast genjutsu with her newly activated doujutsu.

Wanting to see how good she was, he deactivated his Sharingan and allowed himself to get hit by her well-aimed, spot on genjutsu. He found himself in a large volcanic land, with small erupting volcanoes everywhere. The intimidating aura felt real, he could have sworn he felt the lava that formed small pools at his feet. The air felt hot and humid, and he was more than surprised to encounter such a hostile environment. Just then, he caught sight of something bright blue - no, pink? OR was it a mix of both? - at the base of a volcano. He walked towards it, curious, and found it to be a beautiful flower, with blue and pink petals, its center was a deep honey gold tinged with red. Then, before he knew it, he was back in the real world, and found a smirking blond staring at him, except that she was upside down? No wait, he was?!

"I already know how to cast genjutsu, sensei," she smirked, pretty proud about having gotten the better of him. He groaned; the blood was rushing to his head, and he was on a high tree branch. Below him, he caught sight of the Second Hokage grinning up at him.

"Looks like it. Good job, you had me going. Now let me down, and I'll see you tomorrow. I have to report for my ANBU mission right now," Itachi said. Snickering, Naruto cut the ropes, making him fall headfirst to the ground, but he swivelled midair and landed nimbly on his feet.

"See ya tomorrow, sensei!" She might have acted glad, but she was really happy about her new accomplishment. Tobirama grinned, as he took his new daughter out for lunch.

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