By gracey87

34.9K 1.2K 80

she is leaving.. and i can't do anything.. my love is leaving.. like a fool, I'm blankly standing here.. why... More

Present Day
First Encounter
Unfulfilled Love
Senior Year
Blossoming Love
Secret Love Story
Start of Something New
Jeju Island Trip (Part 1) - Love Hurts
Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare
Jeju Island Trip (Part 3) - I Choose You
Jeju Island Trip (Part 4) - Surprise!
Breaking Apart
She's Leaving
Old Friend
Coming Home
Fluttering Feelings
Baekmi's Wedding
The Truth
Good News
Where is Suho?
Begin Again
It's Official
Birthday Gift
I'm Sorry
Yes, I Do
You Are My First
I Will Kill You - (Part 1)
I Will Kill You - (Part 2)
Be With You
Kim Jun Rong
Finale (Part 2) - The End
Announcement New story!


657 33 0
By gracey87

Seoul, Korea
Suho's Office
Suho busy doing his work on laptop, he received call from his secretary.
Irene: hello Mr. Kim just want to inform you our big boss Mr. Song ask you to come to his office right now.
Suho: why?
Irene: I don't know but he said urgent.
Suho: okay..thank you.

Suho drank his coffee, take his phone with him and straight went to his boss's office. He knocks the door, come inside the office and take a seat in front of him.
Suho: my secretary told me you want to see me, urgent? Any problems with the project?
Mr. Song: hehehe..take it easy Suho. I've got good news for you.
Suho: good news? What is it?
Mr. Song: congratulations! You've been choosen by the CEO to be the project manager for our new project to build the biggest cancer hospital in Seoul.
Suho: what?! Are you sure?
Mr. Song: yes of course! The CEO impressed with your presentation the other day, he likes you Suho.
Suho: yes!!! Thank you Mr. Song, I'm so happy!
Mr. Song: you're welcome, before that I need to tell you something. You will work with other company as well, our CEO one of the shareholders of that company so it was like join project between 2 companies but you will lead this project until it fully completed. Are you okay with it?
Suho: I think I have no problem with it, it's good to have enough main powers to finished this project successfully.
Mr. Song: thank God I thought you didn't like it at first. The first meeting with them on this friday at our meeting room, put that on your reminder okay?
Suho: done!

Suho get out from Mr. Song office with big smile on his face. He went to his secretary and ask her to remind him about the meeting. He walk inside his office and text his friend in a group chat.

WhatsApp Group Chat
Group chat name: Best Buddies👬👬👬
Suho: guys..
Baekhyun: whats up hyung?
Suho: can we go out tonight?
Baekhyun: where?
DO: what time?
Suho: usual place starbucks cafe at Hongdae, 7pm.
Sehun: any special occasion hyung?
Suho: yes.. I have a good news to tell you guys.
Sehun: are you getting married?
DO: seriously?
Suho: yah!! OH SEHUN!
DO: .......
Baekhyun: .....
Sehun: yah..guys I'm joking okay, chill!
Suho: you guys on?
DO: okay..see you guys..
Baekhyun: me too..
Sehun: I'm on..
Chanyeol: I will join you guys too but maybe I'm a bit late..
Kai: hyung, fetch me at dad's office my car break down this morning and I send it to workshop for few days.
Suho: okay Kai..see you guys tonight.

Starbucks Cafe
Suho and Kai reaches 30 minutes early at the cafe, they order drinks while waiting for the rest. 10 minutes before 7pm Baekhyun, DO and Sehun arrived and take a seat with them. They talk about their days at work while waiting for Chanyeol.
Baekhyun: something you want to talk about hyung?
Suho: we just wait for Chanyeol to come then I let you guys know.
Baekhyun: okay..
Kai: hyung, how's your wedding preparation with Bomi noona?
Baekhyun: still in progress, we already set up appointment with the bridal shop to choose the dress and Bomi dream to have a beautiful garden wedding with flowers all over as a decoration.
DO: I'm happy for you hyung, you are getting married with you first love.
Baekhyun: thanks, I'm a lucky guy hehe..how about you and Namjoo?
DO: ermm..I don't know, we both busy with our work. Maybe in few more years, I have no plan yet but don't get me wrong here I really love her just wait for the right time.
Suho: Don't make her wait too long DO.
DO: what you mean hyung?
Suho: what? Nothing, I'm just saying. Sehun how's Hayoung? (Changing the subject).
Sehun: as usual busy with her students and sometimes spend more time at school.
Suho: you both are still young take it easy with her okay?
Sehun: you're right hyung. Owhh Kai hyung when is Naeun coming back?
Kai: I think before Baekhyun hyung and Bomi noona wedding. She said maybe yes or maybe not she will come home together with Chorong noona.

All eyes look at Suho, her name too sensitive for him to hear. DO who sit next to Kai kick his leg tell him to shut up. Kai only realize his mistake when DO ask him to keep his mouth shut.
Kai: hyung..I'm sorry I didn't mean to..
Suho: (clear his throats) it's okay.

At the same time Chanyeol arrived and take a seat beside Suho.
Chanyeol: I'm sorry guys just come from home, Eunji not feeling well I brought her to clinic and send her back home after that.
Suho: it's okay Chan. Since you guys are all here so I'm going to tell you the good news. My boss appointed me as the project manager to lead our new project, to build the biggest cancer hospital in Seoul.
Chanyeol: seriously? Congrats hyung!
Baekhyun: daebak hyung! You working hard to get this project, congratulations!
Suho: thank you guys, I feel happy and grateful.
Sehun: I'm so proud of you hyung.
DO: guys lift up your glass, we're so proud of you hyung we hope you will complete the project successfully. Cheers!!!
All: cheers!!

First Meeting
Suho with his secretary and Mr. Song waiting for the workers from other company to come. Suho go through his slide again while waiting, suddenly someone knocking on the door and Mr. Song ask them to come in. 3 people come in and one of them is women. Suho look at her without blinking, mix feelings appear angry, heartache and he's not feeling comfortable. Three of them take a seat and start to introduce themselves.
Guy 1: hello my name is Mr. Tee I'm a Assistant Manager.
Guy 2: hello my name is Mr. Lam I'm a Senior Executive.
Women: hello my Ms. Hyolyn I'm a General Manager, nice to meet you (smiling while looking at Suho).
Mr. Song: well nice to meet you too, my name is Mr. Soo I'm a General Manager here. This is Mr. Kim Junmyeon our Head of Engineer and she is Irene Mr. Kim secretary.
Hyolyn: I know Mr. Kim we go to same school and we call him by name Suho.
Suho: (silent and look down on the table)
Mr. Song: really? what a small world, good to hear that. It's mean you two can work and spend time more together since you know each other, great! Suho you got anything to say?

Suho still not talking and just look down, his face getting red, he hold his anger and fist form on his right hand. His secretary call his name and stop from his day dreaming.
Irene: Mr. Kim are you okay? Mr. Kim?
Suho: yes..yes..I'm okay. Sorry I'm just feeling nervous a little.
Mr. Tee: it's okay, we understand.
Suho: hope we can work and go through the difficulties together.
Hyolyn: looking forward to work with you Suho.
Suho: (silent) shall we start our meeting for today?
All: okay.

After 2 hours they wrap up the meeting and say their goodbyes leaving two of them inside the room. Suho take his files and quickly go out from the meeting room but before he could leave Hyolyn stop him by closing and locked the door.
Hyolyn: hei..are you running away from me?
Suho: I'm busy I've got something else to do.
Hyolyn: wait..wait..not to fast Suho (walk slowly towards him)
Suho: sorry I've got no time for this.
Hyolyn: (grab his necktie and push him back on the seat) it's been long time we're not seeing each other.6 years have passed now we will work together, Isn't that great? Hurmm..I miss you oppa (bend down and whisper to his ear).
Suho: (push his chair back from her) don't do like this Hyolyn other people might sees us please be professional.
Hyolyn: professional? Hahahaha!!! You know what your CEO is my uncle so I can do whatever I want including... (walk and stand behind Suho) seduce you oppa (she whispers at Suho and kiss his cheek).
Suho: stop it! We are not high school students anymore, grow up!!!
Hyolyn: hahahaha! I am growing up and become beautiful and successful women oppa. Beautiful women just for you to kiss me, hug me and sleep with me.
Suho: enough!
Hyolyn: you don't like it? You did sleep with me last time.
Suho: I didn't do anything to you Hyolyn! You ruin my life! Because of you Chorong left me, I know that night you put something inside my drinks. You trapped me big time in front of her and my friends. I suffer for 6 years Hyolyn! 6 damn years!!! You must be happy right?! Right?!
Hyolyn: hahaha..! Clever boy..very clever (clap her hands) Yes! I put sleeping tablet inside your drink that night, you happy? But listen to me Suho whose gonna believe you anyway huh?! You don't have any proof to show and tell them especially that b****! She left you because you slept with me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me hahaha! If I don't get you in my life so is she. Remember oppa I will do anything to get you back even involve with other people's life. I will never stop because you are mine! One more thing is don't you ever try to let go this project because you know what happen to you.
Suho: you crazy women! Don't call her b**** she's got name and her name is PARK CHORONG! You know how much I love her, I thought you change I was so stupid for believing in you. I'm begging you please don't disturb me..please..
Hyolyn: you make crazy over you oppa! I love you so much but you never gave me a chance. Am I not good enough for you? Tell me oppa, you want me to change? I can change for you.
Suho: Don't act like this Hyolyn, don't force yourself you know how I felt about you we're just friend not more than that. There is no one can replace Chorong, in fact I still love her she is the only one for me Hyolyn. Please stop all this nonsense.
Hyolyn: Chorong..Chorong..Chorong..!! I really hate that name, I hate her for taking you away from me! I can't accept that.
Suho: I'm in love with her since our first day at school, even she left me I still love her you understand? She is not taking me away from you or anyone else so stop the crap! I'm losing my patience on you Hyolyn!
Hyolyn: owhh really? Okay..let me warn you Mr. Kim Junmyeon I don't care what happened you are mine! No one will take you away from me as long as I'm here, I will make them suffer oppa mark my word!
Suho: Don't you dare Hyolyn!
Hyolyn: try me!

She move her body close to Suho, grab his collar she move her face near, their lips almost touch but Suho quickly stand up and leave the meeting room. Suho back to his office and loosen up his tie. Due to anger he throw away all the things on the table, he take a seat and try to calm down. He slammed the table and scream to release his stress.
Suho: you really are one crazy women Hyolyn! How can I work like this? This is my dream to build the hospital but now I don't know..I really don't know..argghhh!!! Damn it! Why you appear again in my life after what happened? You ruin my life, you destroyed our relationship, you make Chorong hate me, you make me almost become a crazy person and the worst thing is now I'm going to work with you, I really don't know what to do (talking alone).

Bar Paradise
He went to the bar and drink to forget what happened and to release his tension. He drinks until he drunk, he talking alone, crying and laughing. It was already 11pm he still there continuously drinking nonstop. He take his phone and dial Chanyeol number.
Suho: helooooo..who is this?
Chanyeol: hyung this is chan, what happen? Helooo hyung..
Suho: (crying) chan.. I miss her..I miss her so much..
Chanyeol: hyung, are you drunk? Where are you?
Suho: (crying) why she's comeback and disturb me again chan! Why! I hate her!
Chanyeol: you drunk hyung it's already midnight, are you driving?
Suho: (silent)
Chanyeol: helooo..hyung you still there..hyung..

Chanji's Residence
Eunji: oppa who is that calling you?
Chanyeol: Suho hyung, I think he's drunk.
Suho: drunk? What happened?
Chanyeol: I have no idea honey but he said he misses someone.
Eunji: must be Chorong unnie.
Chanyeol: he also said someone he hate comeback and disturb him, I'm confused. Come we go and fetch him. I don't trust him driving like this.
Eunji: you know which bar he went?
Chanyeol: yes i know, come let's go.

Bar Paradise
Chanyeol knows Suho always go to this bar for drink if he stress or got problems. Chanyeol and Eunji arrived at the bar and searching for him. They saw he fall asleep at the bar table.
Chanyeol: hyung, wake hyung. Come let's go home.
Suho: (half conscious) who are you! Go away! I still want to drink.
Chanyeol: they going to close the bar come let's go.
Suho: I said go away!
Chanyeol: (brab his collar and slap Suho) I'm sorry hyung let's go.

Eunji taken aback with her husband sudden act to Suho, she never saw him beat Suho except that night when Chorong caught him sleep with Hyolyn. Driving back home was silent between Eunji and Chanyeol , Suho at the back seat unconscious.

Chanji's Residence
Chanyeol piggyback Suho and put him on the bed at the guest room. He removed his coat, socks and shoes. While doing all that they heard Suho mumbling in sleep.
Suho: rong-ah don't leave me, I miss you baby.. I miss you..

Eunji give blanket to Chanyeol, he put on top of Suho , switch off the light and left him alone.
Eunji: you heard it oppa?
Chanyeol: yes, I thought he already forget noona.
Eunji: he still remember unnie oppa, she's still love her.
Chanyeol: hurmmmm...(long sigh) yeah, I know that. It's okay let him sleep and rest, I will ask him tomorrow. Come let's sleep.

Suho woken up by the sound of someone cooking, he slowly open his eyes and look around him. He was not in his room, he feel headache. He get up and sit at the edge of the bed, he try to remember what happened to him last night.
Chanyeol: (open the door without knocking) owhh..you up, good morning. Here's your towel and new clothes go take a shower and have breakfast with us.
Suho: what happened?
Chanyeol: later we talk you go shower first.
Suho: okay, anyway thank you.

After done shower he wear Chanyeol's clothes and join Chanyeol and Eunji for breakfast. They all eating in silent, Suho start the conversation.
Suho: chan-ah I'm sorry.
Chanyeol: sorry? For?
Suho: troubling you and Eunji. I didn't mean to disturb you guys.
Chanyeol: I'm sorry too hyung.
Suho: why?
Chanyeol: you're a bit aggressive last night when you drunk, so to stop you I have no choice hyung. I slap you on your cheek.
Suho: really? (Rubbing his cheek) I don't feel anything. It's okay.
Eunji: How's your headache oppa?
Suho: much more better after you giving me the medicine, thank you Eunji-ah.
Eunji: you're welcome oppa.
Chanyeol: so hyung you got anything to tell us?
Suho: (silent)
Chanyeol: come on hyung, you are my best friend since high school I know when you've got problem. I know you will drink until you drunk to forget your problem, right?
Suho: Hyolyn, you remember her?
Chanyeol: that crazy girl of course I remember her, why?
Suho: (sigh) she is my CEO niece we will work together until the project finish.
Chanyeol: what the heck! for how long?
Suho: I don't know chan. She is very dangerous woman I've ever known. She even threaten me if I don't accept her love. How can I work like this? I feel stressed and sick with her attitude.
Chanyeol: she still disturbing you?
Suho: yes chan, it could be worse.
Chanyeol: you try it first just do your own work, be professional and just don't give a damn about her okay hyung. She will get tired of you.
Suho: hopefully chan, thank you for your advice I really need it.
Chanyeol: what friends are for hyung.
Eunji: oppa can I ask you something?
Suho: yes, what is it?
Eunji: last night when you drunk we heard you mumble something about Chorong unnie. You still wait for her?
Suho: (little smile on his face) Yes Eunji I'm still waiting for her. I really believe in love that won't die between us, I can feel it. Honestly I still love and misses her everyday for the past 6 years, I never stopped loving her. I don't know maybe it's a God's willing that we need to be apart to understand how much we truly love each other. No matter how hard I try I can't erase her from my mind and my heart. When I miss her I will look back at our picture together, reminisce our good and sweet memory. The reason I hold on to our memories because memories is the only things that don't change, it stays with us forever.
Chanyeol: I really hope you and noona can get back together hyung, I really do.
Eunji: me too Suho oppa, I hope she will comeback to you.
Suho: one day maybe..


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