It All Ended With A Text? B2

By elatedjoke

7.5K 390 829

Don't read this, it's an old book and cringy asf More

Chappie 1
Chappie 1.5
Chappie 2
Chappie 3
Chappie 4
Chappie 5
Chappie 6
Chappie 8
Chappie 9 ( i think)
Chappie 10
Chappie 11
Chappie 12 <Imma start naming chpts now>
Chpt 14 <rainy days are when the emos come out>
Chpt 15 <Ha, you fucked up>
Chpt 16 <OTP, OTP, OTP>
Chpt 17 <Insert clever chapter name>
-UNSPECIAL SPECIAL- The sequal: New Years
Chpt 18 < C.U.N.T>
Chpt 19 <I can't fucking see, remember?>
Chapter 20 <Never have i ever sucked cock. hA GOTTI>
Chapter 22/END

Chappie 7

344 21 13
By elatedjoke

[ C A L V I N ]

I had been here sitting on this bench for about 30 minutes now just drawing.

You probably forgot that I had the book.

I know that I did. But whatever.

I felt something wet hit my head. I look up and another one hits my nose.


Well that's just perfect isn't it?
(A/N did any one get that?)

I bring the black book closer to my chest. The I look at what i had absentmindly doodled.

Of fucking course.

I had drawn myself and
Pyro cuddling.

I felt my cheeks heat up just look at the picture.

At this point it was pouring rain. Not that I noticed.

I inspected the drawing further. It really wasn't that bad.

"Mate you all right?" Niall says.  Him standing there in sweatpants and holding an umbrella.

I snapped shut my book and held it to my chest.

"U-uh n-no. I MEAN yes!!" he had surprised me.

He justs chuckles and sits next to me.

He frowns at me.

Did I do something wrong. Do I care? Why am I talking to myself?

"You're getting wet."

I look at him confused.
His next action surprises me.

He uses his own umbrella and shields me from the rain.

Why would he do that for me?

"Now you're getting wet" I protest

He justs shruggs.

"I don't mind"

I open my mouth to say something. Then shut it.
Open, shut, Open, shut.

I felt like a door.

We just sit there staring at the rain.

Due to the lack of talking I started doing what most people believe I do don't at all.


I thought about Niall.

I thought about everything that has happened.

I thought about the times he has hurt me.

Then I thought about the times he's helped me.

I knew Niall trusted me. That was obvious.

Did I trust Niall?

I don't know...

I knew Niall cared about me. That was also obvious.

Did I care about Niall?


I knew that Niall was sorry. That was extremely obvious.

Do I forgive him?

Not yet..

Do I want to forgive him?




Not everyone deserves a second chance.

But some people do right?

I look back over at Niall.

Wait... Brown? He doesn't have blond hair?

I thought that the brown hair made him look cuter.

    Oh c'mon Calvin you haven't even       'forgiven' him yet. But that doesn't stop the gay thoughts does it?

"Look Cal-Leafy..." he corrects himself.

"I know this isn't gonna change anything but I really need to say this."

"I'm really, really, really sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you. I should have told you but there's a reason i couldn't." he sums up really quickly

"W-Why c-can't I know?" I stammer out.

He shakes his head then looks down.

He can't even tell me? How do I even know he's being sincere.

I shake my head and run back into my house.

Once I get there I lock the door then slide down it and end up sitting crossed legged.

I feel the tears running down my face.

I wipe my eyes and just sit there for a minute.

I look towards my left and see the gift bag thrown to the side.

All the things that i saw before where still in there but thats when I notice something else.

There's another snapback in there that says 'Sorry'.

I huff and stick my hands into my pockets.

Then i feel something and pull it out.

The note that I found earlier in the gift bag.

I unfold it and start reading the note.



Hey it's me Niall as you probably guessed by now. As of now there is an 99.99999 percent that you're still mad at me... Which means I've failed in my mission. But I just wanted to give you an actual reason about why I lied.

If you were to ask me this in person I wouldn't have answered you to be honest but the reason I don't show my face is becuase I'm insecure about it.

I didnt want you to make fun of me or be disgusted with. Believe it or not you're one of the only people that I actually if they think I'm a loser.

Well I've probably wasted a good minute of your life so I'm gonna end this note here. Hopefully you like the stuff.


Ps. Fuck you. Faggot... (might never get to say that to you again :-| :-[  :-\   )


My eyes widen.

Niall's insecure? What the fuck would he be insecure about?

Not to exaggerate but he's fucking perfect.

Is this why Niall couldn't tell me face to face?

I had millions of thing in my mind right now.

I couldn't think properly but I was sure of one thing.

I needed to see Niall.

I stuffed the note in my pockets opened the door and bolted towards Nialls house.

Then I nearly tripped over something. I looked down at the ground.

I had forgotten about my glasses.

They had fallen off the first time Martin had slapped me.

I quickly picked them up and put them on and continued towards Niall's house.

When I reach Niall's front door I calmed myself down then knocked on the door.

I heard some shuffling then the door opened to reveal a very depressed looking Niall.

"Cal-Leafy?" Then he seems to stare at me.

"Pyr-Niall?" reply mocking him.                   jokily. (is that even a word?)

He blushes. Then he stiffens.

"What are you doing here?"

"Niall I forgive you" I mutter quietly


"I forgive you"  I repeat equally as quiet.

"Could you say that one more time?" I feel like he's doing this on purpose.

"God! I forgive you okay? I don't want to be mad at you anymore! I miss you.

I lower my voice at that last part yet he still picks that part up.

"You miss me?" he asks.

"Yes! Fuck I miss your voice. I miss talking to you. I miss beating you in Cod. I overall miss you."

I blush realizing what I had just said.

"N-N-Nevermind" I turn to leave but Niall takes this as opportunity to hug me.

"I missed you to" he whispers into my ear.

Before it becomes akwarad we break the hug.

"Does this mean we're back to normal?"  I ask

"Only if you want"

"Well than I want. I want badly"



just kidding this has been way to short! Plus i haven't written smut yet!

Lol jk.

This is moving quickly i know but i didn't want to take months to upload.

If i where to write a chpt bout myself would ya read?


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