Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivas...

By VAcademy6

36.6K 785 68

Did u ever wonder what would happen if Adrian Ivashkov and Rose Hathaway were to end up together? Find out in... More

Before : reciving the letter
Before : the first kiss
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five

Twenty Six

1.2K 29 20
By VAcademy6

 I was sleeping in Adrian's room by his side, our hands still intertwined, when I was jolted awake by the presence of someone else. I opened my eyes to see Adrian's mother. "Oh, the dhampir girl." His mother said a distasteful look on his face. Adrian liked to pretend they didn't hate the idea of us together but I knew they didn't like me. "Hello." I said. After giving me another look Adrian's mother returned to him. I had not realized he had woken up. "My baby boy!" She screeched as she ran to him and hugged him. "Not so tight I was shot." Adrian grumbled. "Sorry." She said as she stared at him. "I didn't see what happened but I heard Adrian why on earth would you protect that Ozra." "He's our King mother and my friend." "Awful company." She grunted. "Vasilisa was supposed to marry you, Tatiana left that clear in that letter." His mother yelled. She hated me things much. She hated the idea of her son being with a dhampir. "You knew of the letter?" Adrian asked, anger rolling off him in waves. "Of course we would never let you spend your life with that Dhampir whore." His mother said as she looked at me "Dhampir whore is right here and how dare you try to dictate his life." I said, a clam anger taking over me. "He is my son." She screamed. Her anger clear on his flushed pale skin. "Stop it - both of you." He said with a sigh "Mother, I love rose you can't change that." "But-" "If you love me mother you would be happy for me. You would put away your prejudice." "I will not have dhampirs for grandchildren!" "Just leave." Adrian grunted, he was wallowing in pain and his mother's outburst wasn't helping. I did my best to keep my mouth shut for once but when she passed me on her way out I whisper "bitch." When my brown eyes met Adrian he gave me a pleading look and gestured for me to lay in the bed with him. "I don't want to hurt you." "It's okay, I'm alright." He said as I laid down and rested my head against his chest. I heard his wince I tried to get up to move but Adrian stopped me "No, please don't go Rose." "Fine." I said before laying back down. "You know I love you, no matter what anyone says right?" "Of course, and I love you." "Really?" "Yes!" "For a long time I questioned it, Dimitri he -" "He is gone, you are mine Adrian Ivashkov and I am yours. Don't worry about Dimitri." "He is out there Rose, and he isn't coming back." "Are you sure?" But I wasn't sure. I had no idea what my ex had been up to with Tasha Ozera. If he ever came back what could I do? I swallowed my fear and said "He will never return." I said as Adrian stroked my hair.


Two days Later Adrian moved back in to his apartment. Of course I have tried to refuse to rest and his constant complaining was driving me insane "But I'm fine little dhampir, I love you being a nurse but without a costume it doesn't suit you. If you want to keep babying me you better get one. "Adrian had said after I made him let me feed him soup. "Shut up, if you were shot I would kick your ass right now." He gave me a sly grin. Today I had gone to get us some clean sheets but when I came back Eddie was there, Adrian was dressed out of his night clothes and into regular clothing. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled as Adrian tried to stand. "YOU ARE STAYNG IN BED." "Calm down Little Dhampir, were taking a trip. Eddie here is going to drive us." "No." I said while crossing my arms over my chest. "Yes." Adrian said with a smile. I gave him a death glare before Eddie interrupted "Okay, well let's get going." "Eddie." "Rose for once give in to Adrian's request." "Eddies right, I almost died." "Because you're an idiot and do stupid things." "And that's why I love you Rose Hathway because you acknowledge my stupid ideas and come along for the ride." I rolled my eyes "Fine." Eddie and I helped Adrian to the car. I got in the back with Adrian and Eddie drove "Where are we going?" "Wait and see." "No surprises please." "Let in your side of adventure little dhampir, back to your crazy days." I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest and we drove through the country side. Confusion filled me especially the moment we arrived at the barn I remembered so vividly. Adrian and I had spent the night there, it was where we first made love. Eddie stopped the car "What are we doing here?" I asked as I got out. But no one answered. I went to help Adrian out of the car. Eddie was still inside. "Coming?" I asked but Eddie shook his head. I gave him a questioning look but he wouldn't look at me in the eyes. My suspicion was growing as I wondered what the hell we were doing here. Adrian led me into the barn. I looked around searching for people to make sure there was no Strigoi and that we were alone. "Did you forget someone here when we were here last. As I turned around to where Adrian was behind me. I gasped, my heart gone still. Adrian was on one knee. His face clam and serious but the nervous sweat on his forehead told me he was as scared as I was. "Rose." he said and I step closer to him. He held a little red box in his hand as he tried to balance on one knee. "I am going to make this as quickly as possible so I don't fall over and make a fool of myself." I laughed, tears pooling in my eyes. "Rose Marie Hathaway. I fell in love with you when you loved someone else. I never gave up on the hope that one day you would love me too. And now that day has come where I know you are completely mine. You are the darkest parts of my soul but also the lightest. I may be an idiot sometimes, doing crazy things that get me shot but I'm an idiot because of you, and I'm an idiot stupidly in love with the most amazing, strong, passionate caring woman in the world. You may be a thorn in my side and a constant pain in the ass but I love all that about you. I don't care what anyone says, I love you and I will always love you. I lived alone for so long, in fear of what I was but you were never scared of me. You saw me like no one else has before, you made me believe in a life worth living again. And for that I am entirely grateful, I am eternity in love with you." He said, tears were streaming down both our faces. My heart was now beating rapidly as I soaked in every word he had said. Adrian looked at me with pleading eyes waiting for an answer. I sucked in a sharp breath and said ....


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