Pregnant by a thug*urban*

By _moan_nique

283K 7K 752

Javon Hamm cold hearted,He run the school and everyone in it, he don't care about nobody but himself. One da... More

Pregnant by a thug
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Authors note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15-PROM NIGHT
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Sequel out

Chapter 11

13.1K 333 25
By _moan_nique

I'll go ahead and let you guys know there will be flash back all in this chapter so be ready.


Well it's time to go back to school. I look in my closet usually I would dress to impress but today ill just wear my 'I love brazil' sweats with a blue shirt and my yellow converses. I sigh and put my hair up and brush my teeth,shower,and throw on the clothes. I grab my book bag and walk downstairs and I grab my keys I finally got my licenses in America so I can now drive. My car came down I name it faith it's not the best car it have dents in it, it's pretty old, bullet holes but you know what I own it I brought it with my own money. I jump in and drive to school and I pull up and see Kevin in a wheelchair and I look around and see javon with his crew. I walk in school and I open my locker and this girl tap me. She cute she have caramel skin, she really don't have any boobs but the ass make up for it her eyes hazel I smile at her.

"I'm so sorry to bother you. Well I'm new here and I was wondering could you help me with my schedule." She asked me handing me this paper.

"Well the first three class we have together and I'll show you the last one by the way my name is unique." I said extending my hand so she can shake it.

"I'm Syd." She said smiling I think I just made my new friend. She goto her locker which is two down from mine. I guess she know how to open it.

"Maybe you could be my friend here. I was walking in girls was giving me dirty looks." She said coming back to my side. As I'm goin in my bag grabbing books I don't need.

"Well your my only friend nobody really likes me." I said trying to plaster a smile on my face.

"Well Someone must like you these flowers are beautiful." She said looking into my locker I follow it and I see ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia chrysantha). They are in brazil these are like my favorite flowers I take them out and I smell them there yellow. They smell just like home but who could have gotten them for me they must have had to fly to brazil just to buy these.

"O here is a card." She said trying to read it while I'm trying to grab it but she back up and I sigh.

"You brighten up my day even when you don't talk to me. Every time I see you walk it's like in slow motion and the angles start singing. love Javon. Sooooo who javon?"

I take the card and look at it and I couldn't help but smile. "He he just a guy that live by me."

"No no who is the I want to whole scoop girl. By the look of this little card and flowers he like you." She said squealing I'm glad I have her as a friend well as my only friend I get my books and I put the flowers in my locker and I walk to class she sit by me and Javon and his crew walk in.

"Is that him?" she sad looking at me like she just seen a fucking sexy god.

"Yes that's him he the light skin one."

She smile and face the front like I don't see her smiling.

-lunch time-

Me and Syd sitting down at this table and this girl is crazy I barley knew her for a whole day and she is a freak like a freak freak.

"Hell you don't know what I would do to him." She said looking like she about to have a orgasm just thinking about him. This is crazy she is crazy.

I look around and I see him at this table eating and chilling. Then he get up and walk over to my table I start freaking out. Wait why am I freaking out? I don't even like him.

"Hello." He said as he waves at Syd and she look at me and wink and smile.

He look at me and sit by me" you got my flowers beautiful?"

"Yes now bye." I said rolling my eyes and looking the other way and Syd nudge me under the table. I look at her like 'what'.

"Don't act like that beautiful." He said moving a stran hair out if my face and looking in my eyes and he kiss the side of my mouth. Then he get up ad walk back to his table. I can't lie I think I am starting to like him but I just can't let him know this easy.

-after school-

I go to the trap house and I see Kevin in a wheel chair. He have to be in the wheel chair till his knees heal back up. I go to boss office and he throw me a bag so hard it hit me dead in my chest and I hunch over and cough while he standing over me and he put a gun to my head.

"You fuck this up and I'll end your life understand?" his raspy voice said and I nod my head and get the address and walk out. As I'm walking out I see Tina in Kevin lap man I don't care. I walk out and I go make this drop and get the money and I hurry and leave before some shit pop off. I give boss this money then I hit the corner to sell. Man I swer I spent a fortune on those flowers man I had to pay this guy to get them, pay for the flowers, and pay just for him to deliver it. That's damn money but for unique it's worth it I'm trying to get a date with her I mean it might be a hard time trying to do it with her but hey worth a try right.

"Hey can I get a dime bag?" I looked at this guy he was in black and we dapped each other he gave me the money and I give him the bag and I check my pocket for more but all i feel is money. I smirk and walk back to the trap house and I get my cut and I go home and get on my computer and go to the Versace clothing store and go to women dresses. I find this sexy black dress it's strap less hit about to a mid thigh and I smile and order it i pick what shipment I want in I chose the 3 to 4 days but i need it now. I sigh and call the manager and i make some arrangements. It should be here and just a few minutes I close my laptop and go shower. See when you got money like me you can do that b


I go shower and get dressed I been talking to Syd on the phone I told her everything that happen I mean might as well if she going to know a part of the story might as well know it all. She said that was fucked up of him but its sweet he trying to make it up. I mean she right it is sweet but I can't just you know let him have it so easy I have to play hard to get I have to make him want me even more. I smirk and go to my closet and push all the clothes back and go to this black outfit and my motorcycle keys. I bite my lip o yeah he going to want me even more.

No wait maybe I should save this for another day just keep playing hard to get make him want it.

"Hey what you thinking about?" my mom asked as she sat on my bed. I haven't told her about me getting rapped or nothing.

"Nothing ma just what I'm going to wear in the morning." I said knowing I'm lying through my teeth I couldn't even turn around and look her in the face.

"Ok well me and your dad going to bed. Hope you had a good family night." I nod my head and smile while she walk out. We watched movies ate a great dinner It was special just like old times.

I sit on my bed on my phone looking at a picture of me and Jason. I am not going to lie I do miss him we been together for some years and that's years worth of feelings. I jut am wondering what is he doing? I wonder if he with that hoe also know as my ex bestfriend June. Ugh I just dislike her I can't believe her she did me dirty. I sigh and I get this box on my side table and take this locker in my hands and hold it close to my heart. I remember te first day I met him he was such a shy guy.

🌟Flash back🌟

"Who is that freakish guy right there?" this girl said a few lockers down I decide to look and there is this guy he have braces he so skinny and he trying to open his Locker the bell ring and these guys come knock his stuff out his hand and I sigh and help him up. We both reach for the same book and our hands touch it's like fireworks went off. I look at his green eyes an he look in mine.

"H-hi" he said sounding so nervous I couldn't help but smile at his shyness

"Hi you must be new?" I said as we both getting up.

"Yeah and everyone here been real mean and I'm lost and I-" I cut him off by telling him to calm down.

"Listen I could help you I could be your friend you just met. By the way my name is unique."

"I-I'm Jason" he said smiling then we walked off to class.

✨Flash back over✨

He was such a shy boy but over the years his braces got off, he been going to the gym, and we got together. I thought he would never hurt me or betray me I guess I was wrong.

-in brazil-


I'm in my room in the same spot I was in when I got back from America. I lost her I lost the love we had. I look at a picture frame of us it's green it say true love in blue letters and it have our Brazilian flag on the sides. We were kissing in front of the beach it was the happiest day if my life.

🌟Flash back🌟

I'm joking with unique and we laughing and eating out picnic I packed for us.

"Baby you know I love you?" I said smiling looking into her eyes.

"Yes baby i know and I love you too." She said smiling her pearly white teeth.

"Ok well I know what you waiting for?" I said looking at her I told her I have a surprise for her. See I got her a locker with our picture in it so I will always be with her even when she thousands of miles away. I tell her to close her eyes and she did and I took the necklace and put it around her neck and she look at it and open it looking at the picture of us two.

Then she look up at me with glossy eyes like she about to cry.

"Baby I love you I will never cheat on you or hurt you. You my heart and soul mate if anything ill be praying you don't leave me." I said caressing her face. The sun setting with purple orang set and I turn and kiss her with so much passion and this photographer come take the our picture so you know I had to buy it.

✨Flash back over✨

I see tears dropping on the frame. I hold the frame close to my heart and I lay down with my box of Kleenex tissue and I just think about all the times we had. I chuckle thinking about the time we was making sweets for my mom and it got a little out of hand.

🌟Flash back🌟

"Ok guys I'm off don't forget to bake that cake!" my mom yelled at me and unique while we in the kitchen I'm watching th game.

"Jason baby! aren't you going to help!" I could hear her yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah." I grumble while trying I watch the game.

"Run nigga run!" I screamed at the tv then I felt cake batter hit the side of my face I whip it and lick some and I look at unique.

"Girl what are you d-" I then felt more being thrown at me and he run in the kitchen I guess this was left over batter because I see a cake in the oven. I look at her and my nose flare up.

"It been like 30 minutes you haven't helped once!" she yelled as she throw flower at me that get all on me. Then I had enough and I throw vegetable oil at her and eggs that hit her mid thigh.

Afte a while we on the floor breathing hard then I smell something burning.

"Baby you smell that?" I said while looking her and she sniffing the air and we look at each other like dumb deers in head lights then we take off and get the oven mitts and I take the now burnt cake out the oven while she open the back door and then the window.

"Guys I'm home!" my mom yelled me and her standing in front of the burnt cake that's on th table and we fake smile.

My mom look at us and shake her head.

"Look where is the cake I have to go?" she asked me and unique looked at each other and gulped.

"Ma tha cake I-"

"It's coming along fine how about we just bring it by ok." Unique said convincing my mom and she shake her head and leave and I kiss unique my baby is a genius.

✨Flash back over✨

Man that day was amazing we had brought a cake that day. I cry harder remembering all the good time we had together and I cry myself to sleep.


I see a package my mom left on my bed I look at it and I smile and I make sure it's the right one and I put the dress on the hanger and I put it in the back of my closet. I smile and I shut my blinds and I start counting my money.


I look out my window and I see unique jumped in her pool.

"What's up my nigga?" Travis said walking in my room.

"Nothing man I need you to call the crew up I got a plan for unique." I told him as I'm grabbing this folder. I turn the page to my next plan.

"Look man the guys you know we have no problem about who you date but you know the crew got to meet them for the test."

"Yeah man I know I just need to at least get her to like me then you guys to meet her." I said looking at him and I grab the money I'm putting aside for this other plan I put a rubber band around it and I put it in the box the dress came in and I put It in my closet.

"O the girls said they wanted to apologize to her they never really wanted to bully the girl you know Tina the leader man and-"

"Yo look i know but listen call the crew like I asked before man this plan have to be perfect." He nod at me and leave to call the homies. Yes we all have this thing where we meet them you know have a little test but hey I bet they will like her she easy to fall in love with well I mean love is such a strong word lets just say like a lot.


I'm in my room rocking back and forth. Javon hasn't called me and the girls telling me I'm a bully and shit. Like they wasn't there bullying her too.

"Come on Tina time to take your medicine." My parents said as my dad grab me from behind while my mom trying to stick the needle in my neck but I kick her and I run backwards causing my dad to hit the wall. I then try to run but my mom trip me and crawl on me.

"Nooo! I don't want no more medicine!" I yelled at her but I felt a needle enter my neck and she push the top down and I feel my body start relaxing and I fall asleep like a new born baby.


"Ok now Chanel I need you to call the relatives up. Here is the paper with there names and numbers."

"Travis and Trevor you guys in charged with getting the food here is all the food I need you guys to get."

"And china I need you to buy the ticket off all the relatives coming first class ok."

They all nod and I smile and check it off my list.

"Now me ill be getting the decorations and everything else." They go off and do there jobs. I close the folder and put it in my hiding place. I seen how unique was when she smelled the flowers and I be seeing her looking at her photo album.

I get up and strip to my boxers and I look into her window. She looking at her photo album again and I smile and cut off my lights and I lay in bed. Soon she will be in my arms.

Well I wrote this is one whole day. Wattpad deleted some of it but I recovered it so we good. I hope you guys like this my thumbs hurt like I don't even know what.

-javon sent unwise flowers.

-unique final made a friend.

-she a freak right?

-Tina is a physco right?

-why you think javon plan is this time?

-who he buying ticket for?

-unique an Jason remembering the good times.

-javon brought unwise a Versace dress.

-what you think about Tina.

-how do you feel about Jason

-how you feel about javon and unique might be getting together.

This chapter needs at least

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