Alex Ernst

By nellypenny_

17.4K 416 59

Could David's vlogs actually get Alex Ernst a girlfriend? More

Chapter One: Introducing Adrian
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Seven

1.3K 33 14
By nellypenny_

Adrian's POV.

"Yeah, you were right I had nothing to worry about." I confirm to Alex, I'm still standing in the hall starring out the building down at the city. "These last days have just been paper work which is hopefully the busiest I will be-" I drift off as I catch Melanie from the corner of my eye waving her hand trying to get my attention.

"Break is over sweetheart, we need you in here again." She informs me.

I nod at her and she goes in the door of our meeting room.

"I'll let you go." Alex says, I'm sure he could hear Melanie in the background.

"Remember about Saturday."

"How could I forget."

"Bye Alex." I almost whisper before he says his goodbye and hangs up.

"Finally Friday! We are done with those meetings!" Melanie says throwing her head back as we enter her apartment.

She takes off her shoes and I join her.

"Don't get too excited I'm pretty sure that you will be in one at least everyday when you're in South Carolina."

She groans and plops face down on her white couch.

"Do you have any food?" I lead myself into her kitchen and search her fridge without her answer.

"Don't you have your own apartment? In this very building?" She lifts her head off the couch.

"Yeah, but I want your food." I close both doors of her fridge and lean on it as Melanie looks at me, she already knows why I don't want to go to my floor apartment, she just wants me to say it.

I stare back at her hoping she will look away but when she doesn't I roll my eyes and stump my way next to her on the couch.

"And if I go to my apartment chances are I will see Sasha and I'm not really sure what terms her and I are in right now. I just know that she will ask me about last weekend and when I tell her that I went out with Alex on Sunday she will flip on me again."

Melanie sits up and makes room for me on her couch patting it for me to sit next to her and I do.

"I don't get what the big deal is." Melanie says "Why does it matter so badly if you hang out with this guy? He seems like a nice guy."

"So did Jason..." I mutter.



"No, seriously, A you can tell me. I don't mean to be nosy but I can tell this is bugging you."

I sigh getting ready for what I'm about to do.

"You can't tell anyone," I begin and her eyes widen a bit but she recovers and agrees to not say anything, leading me to tell her the story of Jason and Sasha.

"I remember him, he would come around a lot." Melanie shakes her head. "I thought it was odd he stopped coming all of a sudden, I never knew what happened or why he stopped visiting."

"I always thought that one day he would come back but he never did. I wanted him to show his face once more, at least for Sasha's sake, that way she would find closure."

"Whoa. Jason left thinking Sasha was pregnant. Right now wherever that son of a bitch is he believes he is a father and hasn't bothered to check on his child or Sasha."

"Yeah..." That's all I can manage to say. I know that whatever Melanie will think of I have already thought of a thousand times.

"But what does Jason have to do with Sasha getting all pissed about you seeing Alex?"

"She doesn't want me to go through the same thing she went through."

"That's crazy," Melanie almost half laughs. "She can't protect you. Sure she can try all she wants but if she keeps scarring you with the idea that every guy you encounter is like Jason, you're going to kick all the good guys to the curve and end up alone or with some douche bag she was trying so hard to keep you away from in the first place."

"Maybe... " I manage to say, I don't want to overthink Melanie's words too much. 

She stands up and heads to the kitchen.

"You shouldn't avoid her, but give her space to calm down until she realizes that what she's doing is crazy."

"Then what? Wait for her to apologize?" I laugh. Sasha would never come to terms that any idea of hers is crazy, in her mind shes always right.

"Yeah." Mel says as she walks back with two cold bottles in her hand.

"You don't know Sasha." I tell her throwing my feet up on the table in front of us as she turns on the television.

"Here," she says handing me a bottle "so enough with the fuss, how was your date on Sunday? We have been so busy we've barely had a chance to talk about it."

"It wasn't a date," I laugh "he's more of a friend."

"Oh!" She scrunched her nose "don't do that!"

"Do what?" I look around myself and check if I have spilled my drink or something.

"You don't put a guy like him in the friend zone. What's wrong with him? Is he gay?"

"No, no, he's not gay." We laugh.

"Then whats wrong with you? Are you gay?" She raises her eyebrow at me and I take one of her red squared couch pillow and smack her with it.


"Then what is it child! He's Alex Ernst! I would kill to be in your place."

"That reminds me, since you love Alex and David so very much- and you're the reason why I recognized them the day you were sick- I invited them to the Westwood party we are having on tomorrow. So you'll finally get to meet all of them." I give her the news and she smiles from ear to ear.

"Oh my gosh! Did you really?!" Melanie pulls me in her embrace and hugs me tightly for inviting her favorite Youtuber's to Saturday's party. That is what I had called Alex about earlier this week, we are having a formal celebration in honor of the buildings expansion and to recognize Mel, for all her hard work since the beginning of Westwood and her great promotion. I owed it to her to invite Alex and his friends.

Melanie is passed out on her couch yet again after putting on her favorite show, Friends.

I gently get off of her couch trying not to wake her. I place our bottles on the coffee table in front of us, grab my shoes and bag before closing her apartment door behind me.

I can't say that a part of me doesn't feel guilty leaving her apartment and that the guilt isn't growing as I make my next move of action.

"Hello?" The other line answers.

"Hey, it's done. Melanie completely fell for it and Alex doesn't have a clue." I look back down the hall to Mel's door then back in front of me to make sure no one is around.

I can almost hear the smirk playing on Sasha's lips as she replies "Perfect."


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