A Black Girl Story

By Uzique

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It started with a kiss and ended with a bang. Copyright© 2013-2014 by Uzique More

A Black Girl Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

1.9K 83 2
By Uzique


              "Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with

          the life you're living? "   -Bob Marley

I was placed in Eli's car, well limo after we left out the police station. Many things kept roaming through my mind at the moment. The most important thing that was standing out from all the others was is he going to kill me?  It just wouldn't leave my mind. He had no reason to kill me right? I lied mostly about everything to the police. Well mostly when he kills someone who snitches he'll kill them right when their in their cell. He was sitting right across from me staring. He just wouldn't stop staring at me. Infact it was kind of scaring me.

Why would someone as busy as him take time out of his schedule to bail me out? He must want to kill me personally. Again I couldn't think of any reason why he would want to. I thought his staring was scary until he began smiling. I mean his smile is perfect its just scary because of the position that im in.

To take my mind off of him I started staring out the window. Ghetto was all I could think of as we drove through the damage streets. It was ghetto from the town all the way down to the people. Their was trash in uncut grass, broke down buildings, homeless people, thugs, and just plain rachet females.

Im talking straight up rachet. The ones who wear tacky outfits and colorful weave. They just read taste the rainbow. You would mistaken them for a bag of skittles. Sadly this is were I grew up. It wasn't the best enviroment to live in but its home, even though I want nothing more but to leave. That's why I do the drug business. Im saving as much money that I need to leave this place.

I have so much bad memories just as much I have good. Like most people I want to be happy and get married one day. I want to get an actaul job and have my own family. Most of my family lives here but I dont really talk to them. My parents, well me and mom mostly talk all the time. My father left me and my mother when I was only 12 years old.

So it was just me and my mom if you don't count all the times she was gone. Well my mother was a prostitute sadly. She did what ever she could to keep a roof over our heads. I love my mom to death I guess you can say im a mama's girl. That's why it hurts me so much that she sold her body for money. My mom tried her best to keep the men that if she did bring into the house away from me.

Even though my mom wasn't the best at parenting she loved me as much as I loved her and tried her best to keep me safe.

Im not saying that she was able to keep all the men from harming me because  I have been raped about four times. I didn't tell her because I knew she would blame her self. Its already bad enough that she hates herself for what enviroment she put me through.

I been forgave her and I am still trying my best to move on from the rapes but its hard because I still have nightmares. Sometimes they get so bad that I don't even go to bed for two days straight.

The limo stopped at this huge building. It was a nice building and I guess it held an condo along with it. Elias signaled for me to get out and I did exactly what he wanted. When we got inside their was people talking I guess you can say they were other major drug lords. When Elias stepped in everyone got quiet.

"Everyone I would like you to meet Zaira." Eli said. Everyone faced me and I had no idea what in the world was going on. So yeah I was scared but no way in hell am I going to show it.

One thing you must know about the hood is you never show that your scared. That's how you give your enemy an advantage. Trust and believe I wont go down without a fight. "I have a question?" Eli smiled at me. "Your wondering what your doing here and if I may kill you." he said That's exactly what I was thinking. "So are you going to tell me why im here?" I said boldly. "Well you see Zaira you being arrested was a test." he answered "A test?" I questioned I was confused why was I being tested.

"I was seeing if you were a snitch because I want to make a partnership with you." That's when I thought why would he want to make me one of his partners. Im not into the drug business like he is. I am simply just a black girl who sells to make a living. Infact I don't really want to be deep into the drug business because of the consequences that it has. One of those major consequences is death.

Last time I checked im trying to stay alive. "Why would someone like you want to make a partnership with me?" I looked at him with curiosity. "Because I have heard a lot of things about you and you do as your told and smartly. Also I know now that I don't have to worry about you snitching." Eli stated. That's another thing out here that you must not do if you want to stay alive, which is snitching. Everyone dislikes a snitch. "Well what do you think?" Eli asked. I knew he was asking if I wanted to be his partner.

"Im sorry but I cant." Was the only thing I could say even though I know I can get killed for just saying no. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. There are tons of people who would kill to get an offer like this but im not one of those people. Again Eli grinned at me like I didn't even say no at all. "How about I persaud you?" I thought about it and still was not agreeing. "I guess." I said still not positive.

" Zaira I know a women like you wants to leave a place like this. How about for just 3 years you will be my partner then you can leave."

It was still not clicking in my head for me to say yes. "What's the catch?" I asked. "You have to be loyal and do what ever I say and if you do neither than you will be killed. But I promise you that you would have enough money to not only go where ever you want, but to get you luxury items even for you to pay to go to college." It sounded like a good deal but still I could be killed or arrested. Who knows what he would have me doing. What surprised me the most is what I said next.

"Deal!" I said. I don't know why I said it either maybe because I just wanted to leave so bad. Wanted to do something with my life when I leave. "Welcome!" he said. After that Eli smiled even bigger but this time I saw just a little of evil implanted in it.

But what I didn't know by just saying that one word I would be changed forever.

Vote and comment what you think so far. Also I want to thank the people who have supported me so far. Also follow me for newly updates about when I will update my books or news about other good writers. And much more.

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