This Crazy World (Naruto) COM...

By _nek0_

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Temari and Tenten were adopted because there real family left them behind on there adopted family porch both... More

Our Lives
Things just happened
These bitches and man whore
We're in a different world?
Getting people mad
We're being seperated
A dessert and them not paying attention
Trying to get away
They told me to stay I did the opposite
With her again
Finding us
Catching up

Halloween jealousy

308 10 4
By _nek0_

This is not apart of this story just doing this for fun and it's not until the end where the guys got jealousy

Neji pov

I can't believe I let her talk me into this jeez I'm disappointed in my self.

Flash back

"Neji please let's go trick or treating please"tenten bugged
"Why would I want to go trick or treating it's for little kids and last time I checked were not little anymore tenten "I said
"Come on it'll be fun I promise I'll even invited Hinata "she begged
"Tenten I said no now can I go home"I asked because I was in her house telling her about a mission I just went on with kiba and his sister trying to look for something I was about to go until tenten started to bother me about halloween stuff  since it was coming up.

Like what am I doing for Halloween I said I was doing nothing  for Halloween
Then she started to ask if I would go with her to trick or treat I said no then she wouldn't stop bothering me so I laid  on her couch  until she stop asking me she out of no where she got on top of me 😳😳

"Tenten what are you doing "I asked
"Im not getting up until you say yes"she asked this time with puppy dog eyes

"Fine I'll go with go "I said giving up if she keeps using those eyes she might just win all the time or not.

End of flash back

Inner self -well damn I'm sorry I couldn't say no to her she looked so cute
Outer self -wait what no stop thinking like that
Inner self-don't tell me what to do
Outer self -shut up someone coming and there going to think I'm weird
Inner self -😑you barley say thing and when you do there just criticizing every thing
Outer self-............

"Neji"Hinata said coming to him
"Yes lady Hinata "I said
"Tenten said your coming with us trick or treating "Hinata said

"Yeah about that"I said
"Oh are you not going well I could still ask naruto"Hinata said

"NO I NEVER SAID I WASN'T GOING "I said very loudly like hell I'm going to let Naruto be all alone with lady Hinata and tenten

"Oh okay then see I'll you later neji"she said and then left somewhere probably to see tenten

Hinata's pov

"Oh okay then I'll see you later "I said then walked away.

I went to go meet tenten at her house to tell her that neji is coming see the thing is that we really aren't going trick or treating were going to a party to be more exacted its ino's party and she invited all of her friends.

'Tenten probably knew if she asked him if they could go to her party he probably wouldn't come  well just gotta ask tenten myself 'I thought to my self as I walk  to her house.

As I got there I knocked on her door and waited for her to opened her door.

Tenten's pov


Was what I herd from the kitchen

I went to open the door and to no surprised it was Hinata

"Hey Hinata "I said cheerfully
"Hello tenten "she replied
"So is he still coming"I said
"Yup so tell me the really reason why did you trick him"Hinata said
"Um Hinata I don't know how to tell you but it's almost Halloween and when it's Halloween there's THE TRICK AND THE TREAT so that's why I tricked him "I said smiling

"Of course how did I not see this coming so what why didn't you just tell him you want to go to ino's party with him "she said
"Well you know how your cousin is he won't come not even if you begged him to so yea "I said

"Fine I guess your right any ways what are you wearing to ino's party"Hinata said

"I don't know "I said
"Me either "she said
"Want to go shopping "she said
"Uhh maybe later "I said not want to go to the mall
"Tenten when ever you say later we never go so let's go now "Hinata said 'hmm she's really changed because of naruto aww that's cute oh well now I have to go 'I thought

"Fine but your paying "I said
"Okay"she said smiling cuz she knows she won

Time skipped (after there done shopping )

"I guess I'm going to be a a devil (picture above)"I said
"Yeah at least you get to be that "Hinata pouted because we ran into ino and she just picked us the outfits

"Oh well"I said
"Your mean you didn't even help me out "she said
"Yeah sorry about that"I said
"Tenni I have to get going but I'll see you later k" she said opening my door
"Yeah okay "I said closing the door

Next day

tenten's pov

So its was the day of ino's Halloween party and this was the day he agreed to come with tenten to "trick or treat" i'm going to meet with him to day at the training ground so I could tell him that were going to ino's party instead

I saw him coming so I yelled his name

"YO NEJI I'M OVER HERE"I knew he could hear me i just wanted to yell
he came closer

"you know I could hear you "he says
"no I thought you couldn't"I say sarcastically
"anyways what did you want to meet here for"he sais
"well to tell you about tonight"i say
"yeah i'm still coming "he says
"great come to ino's party at 7:00"i say ready to run

"wait ino's party I never sai-"before he could finish I ran saying "yes you did"

neji pov

'she never said were going to a party and now I have to chase after her for answers' I thought while running after her.

I was faster than her so when I caught up to her she stopped because she knew she was no match there was a wall behind her so I went closer to her she backed up like I thought she would and pinned her to the wall.

"now tenten tell me why you said where going to ino's party not that I mind going to that instead of going trick or treating "I said

"Really you would rather go to that oh okay then"she said tring to get out of my arms since  i'm pinning her
"tenten "i said
"fine i knew you wouldn't  come so I lied"

"fine i'll let you of this time 'I said

"yay "she said I let my hands slid off the wall she walked to me and hugged me and quickly ran off and I just sighed

Time Skip

3rd pov

Later was ino's party and half of the the people in the leaf were coming mostly young people

the party started at 7:00 o'clock so everyone can do whatever they want in the mean time when is was about 6:00 the girls all gathered up at tenten's house to get ready and then go to ino's party

As for the boys they just got dressed up at 6:30 because they some how knew it would look okay neji decide to go as him self and naruto forced sasuke to be in costume lee tried to do the same thing to neji well lets just say his stomach would hurt a lot

Time skip to the party

Everyone is having fun some are dancing some are talking and some are drinking away to much beer (cana :beer where me: cana what the hell are you doing in this story cana: well there something called booze so I came as fast as I can Me: -sigh go back to fairy tail cana :after I get my booze me: fine here now go cana :hell yea)

The ones that were talking were naruto and hinata and sai and ino and kiba and some girls some other people the one dancing were tenten and temari and some other people neji and shikamaru were just watching them and the one that were drinking were sakura and sasuke and some other people and lee was not allowed to drink.

Some guys were watching these certain girl first it was tenten and temari these 2 guys tried to dance with them tenten and temari were kinda drunk so they just didn't care let me give you the key word TRIED because once neji and shikmaru saw them she took the boys by there shirt and threw them out and said "if you tried that again i'm going to kick your ass "and with that they ran out of the party.

Now as for hinata and ino they weren't really drunk so they knew what was happing these other 2 guys tried to hit on them right in front of naruto and Sai.

Naruto was mad not cuz they interrupted there conversation but because there hitting on his girlfriend.

As for sai this was a new emotion for him and he had this feeling to want to hit the guy but didn't want the party to be ruin so he slipped his hand around ino Naruto saw this and did the same thing the 2 guys who tried to get there number saw this and went away trying to find a girl without a boyfriend and ino and hinata were blushing madly

Now as for the last one he got farther than any of the other guys well almost sakura was still drinking and sasuke was in the bathroom when he came out he saw a guys arm around sakura and being him made the party end why because the ended up getting hit in the face for touching HIS girl or so what sasuke said

And with that the party ended



thanks for Reading this Halloween special
Hoped y'all enjoyed it





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