Together In A&E {Casualty}

By _X_Sammii_X_

3.9K 172 30

(Sequel To Romance In A&E) Ainsley and Madi survived the crash that almost killed them. Now, things have chan... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Sixteen

128 7 1
By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - This chapter is raising awareness of Still-borns and the effects it can have on the parents.
This has never happened to me so it won't be accurate.
There is support you can get if this has happened to you. You won't be alone.
It had been a five months since the camping trip. Ainsley had been throwing up for a few weeks. It was worrying her as she knew if she were pregnant, then there were three potential fathers. Cal, Iain and Sam. She didn't know who she could confide in.

That morning, Ainsley woke and saw Madi sitting on her bed. "I heard Iain say he be going see Wita," she mumbled.
Madi nodded. "Yeah. But he no say why," she said. She climbed off the bed and ran downstairs. "He taked Angel too!" Madi yelled.
Ainsley sighed. She felt sick but kept it down for Madi's sake. Evie woke up. She called for Ainsley. Ainsley got her and lifted her up.

They went downstairs and Ainsley got them breakfast. She text Iain to see when he was coming back but he never replied.
"Madi, do you wanna spend the day with daddy?"
Madi giggled and nodded. She loved spending the day with Sam. "Daddy always let's me eat ice cream," Madi said.
Ainsley smiled.
Evie was going with Cal for the day. Layla was at Connie's as Grace wanted to help her learn to draw. 

When the girls had gone, Ainsley went to lie down. She was feeling ill and had stomach ache.
She had such a bad pain in her stomach. It felt like she was in labour. She whimpered and rang an ambulance. She knew she needed to.

Ainsley got herself ready as the paramedics came in. Ainsley told them everything and they got her into ambulance.

Elle and Duffy were waiting for Ainsley. Jez and Dixie arrived with her. "This is Ainsley Beauchamp. 24 years old. Severe abdominal pain," Dixie said. She knew that Elle and Duffy knew who she was but it was professional.

Ainsley was taken to HDC. Elle began an ultrasound. "Ainsley, I'm so sorry but I can't find a heartbeat," Elle said.
Elle sighed. "Your baby boy has died."
Ainsley was confused. "I-I'm pregnant?" She asked.
Elle nodded. Ainsley went motionless. She didn't care anymore. She wanted her baby.
"You can make him better," Ainsley said. Duffy took her hand.
"Sweetheart, you're going to have to give birth to him," Duffy told her gently.
"So you can make him better?" Ainsley asked.
"I'm sorry honey."

Ainsley was asked if she wanted anyone called. She didn't know anyone.
"Jordan," Ainsley finally said. Elle nodded and got Jacob to call her.
Jacob had contacted Jordan. She would be there as soon as she could.

Duffy took over as she was a midwife and knew what needed to be done. "Ainsley sweetheart, I'm going to give an injection that will bring on your labour. You'll go through the child birth but your baby won't be alive," Duffy said.
"C-Can I hold him? After he's been born?" Ainsley asked.
Duffy nodded and she got the injection ready for Ainsley.
Jordan ran in once the injection went in. Ainsley broke down crying. Jordan kissed her head.
"Shh sweetie. It's gonna be okay," Jordan said. Ainsley felt contractions starting. She told Duffy.
"Okay. That's gonna happen for about an hour until you're ready," Duffy said. Ainsley nodded.

Ainsley and Jordan sat alone in the room.
"I'm scared," Ainsley said. Jordan squeezed her hand.
"Who's the daddy?"
"I don't know Jordy," Ainsley sobbed. Jordan laid on the bed beside her and held her. Ainsley squeezed her hand every time there was a contraction. They were very far apart. Soon they became closer together. Jordan got Duffy.

Duffy examined Ainsley and sighed. "You're fully dialated. You can begin pushing now," Duffy said.
"I-I don't want to say goodbye to my baby," Ainsley sobbed. She looked at Jordan. "We can have a funeral for him can't I? My baby boy?"
Jordan smiled. "Of course we can," she replied.
Duffy looked at Elle. "It's time," Duffy said.

Just as Duffy finished speaking, Connie walked in. "Mummy," Ainsley sobbed.
Connie held Ainsley's other hand as she began pushing.

Eventually, Ainsley had given birth to a tiny baby boy. "He looks like me," Ainsley sobbed.
Everyone felt their hearts breaking for Ainsley. "This is the first and last time mummy will get to see you. You had to go and be an Angel," she whispered.
Duffy cut the cord and wrapped him up for Ainsley. She set him in Ainsley's arms. Ainsley held him close and cried.
"He's beautiful," Ainsley sobbed. Jordan had tears running down her face.

Duffy and Elle left the room. Connie went to speak to them to see if Ainsley needed anything else done. Jordan laid on the bed beside Ainsley.
"Do you want to hold him?" Ainsley asked. Jordan nodded. She held him and smiled. She was crying just as much as Ainsley.
"He didn't deserve this."
"I know. But he's my angel now. We can have a funeral for him. I want him to have the best. He's gonna get the prettiest headstone and coffin," Ainsley sobbed. Jordan handed him over again. She kissed Ainsley's head and held her close.
"What's his name?" Jordan asked.

Ainsley looked down at her baby. "His name is Jake," she mumbled. She held him close not wanting to let him go.
"Where's Iain? He should be here," Jordan said as she held Ainsley close.
"M-Madi said he took Angel to see Rita this morning," Ainsley mumbled. She was trying so hard to stay strong but it was destroying her. "He doesn't deserve this."

Connie walked in. "Darling, here's an outfit for him. So he's not naked," Connie said.
"Thank you mummy," Ainsley mumbled.
Jordan helped Ainsley dress him. Connie had small pants made for him too. Ainsley put on his little hat and held him close.
"I don't want him to go," Ainsley sobbed.
"She can keep him for the night can't she?" Jordan said to Connie. Connie nodded.

Ainsley cuddled into Jordan.
"He looks so peaceful," Ainsley mumbled.
"He went peacefully. He died while he was close to his mummy. He loved you because you kept him alive for as long as he was meant to be alive for," Jordan said. Ainsley nodded.
"I didn't know about him though," Ainsley said.
"That's okay. You still kept him healthy. All that healthy eating and exercise," Jordan said.

Iain finally returned home with Angel. They'd been spending the day with Rita. "Ains! I'm home!" Iain yelled. He got no reply. "Ainsley!"
Iain frowned. Jordan's phone was off when he tried to contact her. He then rang Connie. Iain paled when he heard.

Iain got Angel into the car. He strapped her in. He drove to Holby Hospital. He got in and was taken to Ainsley's room. He seen Jordan lying with Ainsley. Ainsley was asleep and holding a lifeless baby in her arms. Iain put Angel's carrier on the chair. He went over.
"Where were you?"
Iain sighed. "Angel and I were with Rita."
"Madi told me."

Jordan was holding the baby. "We lost our little boy?" He asked Ainsley.
"Baby Jake died in me today," Ainsley mumbled.

Connie walked in. "Ainsley, he needs to be weighed for the birth and death certificate," she said.
"He's mine though. You can't take him," Ainsley said. She began crying and holding onto her baby tight.

Connie got the scales brought in. Ainsley watched as he got weighed and Connie wrote it down. She gave Jake back to her.

Ainsley held him.
"You want Rita don't you?" Ainsley said. Iain shook his head. Ainsley just nodded.

Ainsley knew this would set her back with her mental health. She didn't know how strong she could stay. Ainsley had lost her baby boy and she didn't know how she could go on. She needed a reason.

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