Being Me.

By dream95a

185 10 12

One girl. One life. One dream. Follow Alex on her amazing journey that is life. She lives in a bubble, scare... More

The Cocoon
The Stumble
The Approach
The Frenaissance
The Disclaimer
The Journal
The Confession
The Gift
The Stroll
The Disaster
The Clouded Hope
The Restoration
The Recovery
The Surprise
The Uncertainty
The Expectations
The Dinner
The Departure
A New Day
The New Guy
The U-Turn
The Trip
The Flight
The Silence
The Break
The Dress
The Big Day

The Titanic

9 1 1
By dream95a

She came home earlier than usual. Her mom had gone for a trip with her friends to "Zenland" as Alex called it. They were going on a spiritual tour - the kind that old people took. It was for a week's time. They would do yoga, go on a picnic trip, visit ancient monuments, learn the art of truly enjoying life. This clashed with Noah's going away to his hometown.

They couldn't pick a more perfect time to leave! All at once! What am I supposed to do with myself?

Alex was usually comfortable being alone. She liked cozying up with her pug and books in bed. She could cook perfectly well whatever she wanted. She was a very creative person according to her mom. She always loved drawing and painting, writing and reading, music and dance, food. Anything that didn't involve the use of text book knowledge!

But this time around she wasn't so happy. She wanted someone to be there. She wanted Noah to be there.

"Oh you'll do fine honey," her mother had said.

But she knew she was in for a tough week. She was cooking her favourite dish of all time - baked corn with melted butter on it, spicy chicken wings and some favoured rice. She was also reading at the moment. Well it was just an article on a fashion website, but she considered it as reading.

The meal turned out perfect as usual and she was bored now. She went up to her room to get some shut eye. She couldn't sleep. It was just not the same when her phone wasn't buzzing with Noah's texts or calls. She lay down replaying the events of the previous day in her head. It was making her stomach churn. She could feel her eyes flicking. She cleared her throat and tried to sleep. But sleep wouldn't come.

She sat down in the floor and looked outside the window. She could see the grey gloomy sky that was perfectly symbolic of her inner self. It started pouring very heavily - outside and inside. It wouldn't stop. It was as if the Gods had summoned the rain to pour till it couldn't do anymore. The room turned dark. And Alex lay on the floor the whole night, clutching her Snoopy dog stuffed toy, and cried. She cried so much she couldn't breathe. She felt like she was being swallowed by a terrible storm. She missed him and couldn't say it out loud.

But there was something else.

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