Choke me » Joshler/tysh

By shipitwithmysoul

366K 13.1K 34.5K

Slutty Joshler pørn...with a story line built around Josh's dick. It's just a big pile of gay kinky shit in a... More

1• The unspoken communication between two gay boys
2• Milk (bet you hoes are all thinking about the milk fic now)
3• So gay, oh so very gay
4• A bathroom sink to you, is not a bathroom sink to me
5• #Nohomo
6• Josh Dun is Josh fun
7• Games in the bedroom
8• Sometimes quiet is...frisky
9• Not a chance
10• sWeET dreams
11• A deal to quench the thirst
12• Mr. Devious charm & grace
14• Succ™ess
15• Hot & Cold
16• Not the kind of boy action we wanted
17• & the boy action we didnt expect
18• Aye give me that sexy sin
19• Inconveniences
20• Random acts
21 (pilots) • Playful & Disobedient
22• Sweet sugar, candy man
23• Double sided
24• Uncomfortable events
25• Nothings better than a pretty little twink
*Author slides in like a lube covered ....*
26• Ink poisoning
27• But I like it when you..
28• No longer 'extra virgin' olive oil
29• Failure of a James Bond
30• Dont stroke your friends
And I oop-

13• What the frick frack snick snack

11.2K 399 1.2K
By shipitwithmysoul

A/N: In this zack is older than Tyler, around 18-19

Fun fact: I used to be apart of a religion a few years ago and have read the bible and studied it. Weird right?
With that being said...continue reading my gay fic stuff.

Tyler's pov

I was struggling.
Life was difficult.
It's impossible.
How can I get through this.
I'm never going to be able to do this.
Lord help me.

I carefully lowered the silver object down and with one swift movement I drove that fork straight down only to completely miss the pea I was trying to capture.
I repeatedly stabbed the fork about my plate trying to get the peas on it only to have some of them fling off the plate.

After deciding I had failed for the final time I just mixed the peas in with my mash potato. Take that peas boom I win!

I stuffed a big mouthful of it into my mouth and looked up at everyone at the table to see zack was looking at me weirdly.

'What?' I asked only using facial expressions as my mouth was full.

He shook his head and went back to cutting up his steak so I tried to shrug it off and kept shovelling more food in.

Well that was weird, wonder what his problem is.
What if he can hear my thoughts?
What does he know?
He knows something.
Am I being too obvious that something's up?

I slowed down my chewing before swallowing thickly and cautiously peeking over at zack. He was happily eating away and not paying attention to me anymore.

You see I've been a little on edge this afternoon.
You know when you've done something that you know absolutely no one can know about, so then you're just super paranoid that somehow someone's going to find out or they're just going to be able to tell you're hiding something by looking at you?
This has been me all afternoon.
It's not the first time I've felt like this, and normally this all comes about with the aid of a certain punk looking hot douche bag.

I'm always super concerned that somehow they're going to suspect I've been being gay, hence why I overthink stupid things like 'maybe they can hear my thoughts'.

But what if they can?
That's why they're all being quiet right now because they're all listening in to my brain activity.

I looked about at everyone, trying to see if they were giving off any indication that they could be listening to my thoughts right now.

Mom I know you can hear me.
I thought in my brain as i stared at mom.
She didn't flinch or make any moment, which relieved me because now I know she can't hear me.
Unless she's a really good actor...

What if parents can actually hear their children's thoughts..
Oh god no that would be the worst thing!

Why am I even thinking about this, is this how paranoid I am? Yeesh.

I became aware of a little elbow that kept nudging me, it was madi's who was sat beside me and was trying to eat her dinner as quickly as possible so she could get back to playing.

I snicker a little and nudged her in the side as pay back.

"So is she cute?" Zack asked casually not looking up from his plate.

I paused and looked up him, at first thinking he was talking about madi, but then I very quickly realised he wasn't.

"Who's cute?" Mom piped up from the other end of the table.

"No one, I was just asking if Tyler's new lady friend was cute." Zack replied to mom while looking at me.

"Uh, I don't have a lady friend." I said sounding confused.

"OOO a lady friend." Mom squeaked in a high voice as if she was about to get ready for some teenage gossip.

"There's no lady friend." I repeated, sounding a little too defensive which made zack raise his eyebrows at me.

"Sure sure." Zack rolled his eyes not believing me. "Well then if there's no 'lady friend', what kind of extra curricular activities have you been up to at school then?" Zack said getting all smitten.

"I don't know what you're carrying on about." I passed off what he was saying and shoved a piece of broccoli in my mouth.

"Oh come on, you've had this permanent blush on your cheeks and you've been giving way too much attention to your peas. Not to mention you've been acting overly awkward this afternoon." Zack explained. "Don't think I don't know what's going on. For example, it's so obvious to tell when one of my friends has gotten laid, trust me I'm an expert at picking up on these kinds of things." He boasted.

What has peas got to do with this?
"I still don't know what you're carrying on about." I shook my head trying to maintain an innocent exterior.

"Zack, are you saying Tyler's being sexually active?" Mom asked sounding kind of shocked.

I cringed at the question.

"What's getting laid?" Madi spoke up.

"What big people do for fun." Zack told madi.

"Tyler's not big." Madi said as she looked at me.

"You're absolutely right he's not big, he's too small to even be thinking about those kinds of things." Mom snapped at zack who just shrugged.

"He's 17 mom." Zack pointed out.

"Doesn't matter. Does he even know what any of that stuff means?" Mom asked sounding a little panicked before she turned to dad "should we give him the talk."

"Mom they have sex ed at school." Zack said.

With a hand over my face I winced away at how awkward this was growing, also..what the hell was my mom even carrying on about?

"Well you better be using protection." Was all dad said as he kept enjoying his meal despite my moms overly loud talking from beside him.

"Why would you say that? It's not like he's doing things with other girls." Mom scowled at dad.
"He has more important things to focus on, Like basket ball. Isn't that right tyler?" Mom asked as she nodded in my direction.

"Exactly." I agreed with mom as I glared at zack in a way to say 'so shut up'.

"See." Mom said looking about at everyone seeming pleased with my answer. "So that'll be enough from you zack."

"I wasn't saying he did the do with some chick, he could've just kissed someone or gotten a girlfriend or something. You're the one jumping to conclusions." Zack commented under his breath, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'm sure if tyler got a girlfriend he would tell me, wouldnt you son?" Mom asked looking at me kind of scarily.

"Uhh..." I let out as I looked between zack and mom. "Sure."

"Pfffffffffffffffttttttttt as if he would actually tell you. Guys don't share that sort of stuff with their moms." Zack snickered.

"Well Tyler's different from other guys and we share a special bond so Of course he would."

Once again everyone was talking about me and I do not want to be apart of it, I just watched the conversation go back and forth as me and dad both shared the same awkward expression.

"Tyler, have you got a girlfriend?" madi asked quietly from beside me as mom and zack yabbered on.

"No." I shook my head.

See, madi knows how it's done. Ask quietly and not within moms ear range, because weird shit will go down if mom hears anything to do with 'gossip'.

"If you do get one you'll tell me right?" She whispered without looking at me so no one suspected we were having our own private conversation.

"Of course. But I doubt that's going to be happening anytime soon." I almost snorted.

Later on that night, after I had escaped the cripplingly awkward dinner conversation, I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom when zack jumped out from behind the door almost causing me to inhale the minty foam in my mouth.

"Jeeshush crishtt!" I cried with my toothbrush in my mouth.

"Don't use the lords name in vain." Zack joked.
"Anyway little bro, I know who it was." He said with that voice he does when he's trying to get on my nerves.

"Who was? Wait, what?" I mumbled in confusion.

"Jenna." He grinned mischievously.

I rolled my eyes and kept brushing my teeth.
Here we go. I thought to myself.

"Some rumours have been going about your school that you and jenna hooked up." He said smuggly.

"And how would you know what rumours go on at my school?" I questioned, turning to face him and almost spitting toothpaste everywhere as I talked.

"I get around." He shrugged. "Anyways just wanted to let you know that I know. She's a total babe by the way, don't know how you ended up with her." He tried to tease, not knowing that it wasn't going to work because I barely even knew jenna let alone have any interest in her.
But whatever floats his boat.

"So if you heard all this from my school then what was with all your bullshit boasting about how you 'can tell when people have gotten some action' and so on?" I asked after I spit into the sink.

"I was just trying to see if I could get you to say something about it without me having to say that I knew." He explained as he leant on the doorframe.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I wiped my mouth.

"Anyway! I have a fun thing for us to do!" He said suddenly with enthusiasm.

"And that would be..?" I questioned with one eyebrow raised.

"Doesn't matter, just meet me in my room. It's like a celebration because you've become a man now, getting all the ladies and stuff. You're finally cool now like me." He laughed before walking off down the hall.

"You? Cool? Hah you wishh!" I called out after him.

"Well we'll see about that." He said as he appeared at the door again.
"But you and I both know I got the moves."

"The moves?" I pulled a face of confusion.

A few moments later I was in zacks room trying to figure out which cap to wear as zack was setting up his laptop.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yah." I replied.

(Still dying from that video, I cant go on)

Hours later after mine and zacks battle of dancing and lip syncing to Justin timberlake to prove who was cooler, we had both taken a break after mom yelled at us to do some things.

So here I was sat on the floor of my room folding up my clean clothes so I could put them away.
Mom always does the 'room check' where she makes sure everything is neat and tidy.

As I was halfheartedly grouping together my matching socks I found myself deep in thought.

You know how after you've gone out to a social event or something and you come back home and go over all the things you've said to people and how you acted so that you can kind of judge yourself and see how cringeworthy you were being?

I'm the kind of person who always does this, this way I can correct myself for the next time and make sure I don't do that cringe thing again.

Currently I was face palming myself at the thought that I actually grabbed the front of a guys pants...and not only did I just randomly grab their junk, I did it IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS!

What was I thinking! What part of me thought that would be a good idea?

I mean sure it did have a pretty fantastic outcome if you ask me. But oh my gosh!

I don't even think I was thinking as I did it, not until josh said something and then it kind of occurred to me that I was casually fondling him in class!

Although there was a small thought process, that being-
'Josh is always teasing me and getting all frisky, so why can't two play that game' so with that as my motivation and teenage hormones, I just fricking dove right in there and basically 'did what a josh would do'.

A good lord please help me.
I think I'm far beyond help now though, as josh said, I apparently made a deal with the devil.

What have I gotten myself into..and with a guy I don't even really know..
And to think, the school year has only just started..

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