Broken || h.s. AU (old versio...

By uhohregrettio

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"Isn't it funny how it's the boy from the dark that helped me see the light?" - Unedited version. Go to my bi... More

Prologue- Angel
Chapter 1- Harry Styles
Chapter 2- Complications
Chapter 3- Motives
Chapter 4- Attacked
Chapter 5- Saved
Chapter 6- Dreams
Chapter 7- "Pips"
Chapter 8- Giving Up
Chapter 9- Apologies
Chapter 10- Guilty
Chapter 12- Fire
Chapter 13- Dazzled
Chapter 14- Crackers and Cheese
Chapter 15- Rain
Chapter 16- Lavender
Chapter 17- Broken Glass
Chapter 18- Alright
Chapter 19- Lullabies
Chapter 20- Circles
Chapter 21- Reunion
Chapter 22- Cracked Toys
Chapter 23 - Family Time
Chapter 24 - Sketches
Chapter 25 - Shampoo
Chapter 26 - A Surprise Destination
Chapter 27 - Musicals and Roses
Chapter 28 - Prom
Chapter 29 - Lies
Chapter 30 - Reflections
Chapter 31 - Clinic
Chapter 32 - Loving, and Being Loved
Chapter 33 - Forgiven
Chapter 34 - Take Two
Chapter 35 - PB&J's and Dancing
Chapter 36 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 37 - Impact
Chapter 38 - Hourglass
Chapter 39 - Wishes and Pinky Promises
Chapter 40 - Rainbows
Epilogue - Falling Asleep

Chapter 11- Flowers

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By uhohregrettio

Chapter 11- Flowers

I walk into the cafeteria, sitting down on a bench in the opposite corner from the table Harry and I shared. The cafeteria chatter seems to be louder now that I'm not focusing on dissecting Harry's every action. Now that I'm not reveling in his beautiful, dimpled smile that was so far and in-between.

But I should've known better than to allow myself to get lost in his emerald eyes. Because no matter how beautiful, an emerald was the still the same thing: a cold rock.

I look down to my hands, tracing my fingers along the swirls in the wood. I soon grow bored with this, looking around the lunch room instead.

I feel my heart skip a beat as I notice the familiar curly haired boy sitting at our table. He's staring intensely at me. When he sees he's caught my gaze, a small, shy smile spread across his pink lips, revealing white teeth.

His eyes sparkle hopefully, the dimples appearing in his cheeks. His hand raises in a friendly wave, his eyes silently asking for me to join him.

But I quickly look back down, my arm throbbing in an effort to remind myself of the last events. I quickly busy myself with the task of scraping at a small, stiff spot on my sweater where glue lingered from my last class.

I hear the old bench of the table creak across from me and I resist the urge to look up. "Diana...?" A musical voice inquires.

I don't reply, not stopping as my hair falls to hide my face. "Diana... I'm sorry I hurt you..." I hear him murmur sincerely. Again, I remain silent.

I can only see half of his chest and down from the corner of my vision. His hands are folded together on top of the table and he leans heavily on his elbows, so he's closer to me. His hand moves quickly towards my face and I flinch, jumping backwards as my eyes flick to Harrys face.

His eyes are alarmed at my sudden movement and after a moment he blinks, lowering his hands to the table. His long fingers slowly raise off the table, trying not to startle me as he gently brushes a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

My stomach turns into a cage of butterflies, fluttering in multiple different directions as they struggle to lift me into the sky.

I shy away from his touch, but his confused eyes follow me. Again his large hand raises slowly, letting his fingertips brush my arm so lightly, it sends a delicate chill down my back.

"Please, forgive me.." He pleads quietly. He doesn't bother to slow himself as his hand grips both of mine in his with ease. For a brief moment, I'm torn out of my anxiety by the wonderful feeling of his warm, rough hand enveloping mine.

His eyes linger on mine and the way he watches me so intently, it makes me feel as if he thinks I'm the most precious jewel on earth. His hand is so gentle and protective, trying his best not to frighten me.

"Harry.." I choke, forcing myself to break eye contact.

The bond seems to have broken, and I can think clearly again. How it feels for him to hold my hands fogs my mind still, but I push that aside as I regain my thoughts.

"Diana.. I am so very sorry..." He murmurs again, and I can feel his warm breath dust across my forehead.

A shudder runs down my spine but neither of us acknowledge it. I shake my head slightly and half-reluctantly pull my hands from his. He looks up at me with a childish hurt, and then I walk away.

∘∞∘ ∘∞∘ ∘∞∘ ∘∞∘

I walk towards my locker at the end of the day and I can't help but notice as I stop in front of it, a sweet smell drifts through the halls. But it seems the closer I lean to my locker, the stronger it gets.

Cautiously, I lean forwards, inhaling shallowly. I was right. A pleasant floral scent is drifting through the edges of my locker.

I sigh deeply and quickly scroll the combination in, opening it up. As the door opens, a strong, sweet smell wafts into my face as it slightly dazes my senses. Then I blink quickly, seeing the source of the smell.


There's flowers in my locker.

A little stick note is stuck to the side of the rusting, pale green metal and I peel it off.

"I'm sorry.


A childish excitement bubbles up in my stomach and I can't help but let out a tiny squeal. He sent me flowers. He gave me flowers. I hear a couple girls whispering to my sides and I can't help but feel a small sense of pride.

I look around when Harry comes sauntering around the corner towards me. A broad grin appears on his face as he reaches me.

"You got the flowers." He noted, nodding at the bouquet in my hands. I barely nod, suddenly interested in the tissue paper enveloping the beautiful rose buds. After a long moment he sighs.

"Diana, come on! It was an accident! Can't you just drop it and move on? Please, Diana! I like you.. I really do kinda like you-" He looks down and rubs the back of his neck shyly, face red in embarrassment "-and I want you to be my friend again... Please forgive me..." Without a second thought, the worlds tumble off my lips without waiting for approval.

"Of course, I forgive you." His head snaps up to me and I quickly tack on in a lighter tone, apprehensive. "But, Harry.. That kiss didn't mean..anything..."

He freezes.

"... What?" He barely breathes.

I take a deep breath and whisper timidly "That kiss in my room meant nothing.." His eyes switch from hurt, to pain, to disbelief

"So I go through all this frustration and guilt and effort and you don't even care?! I got myself beat up for you! And you say the kiss is nothing?!" He suddenly shouts.

The whole hall is looking and I feel my face is hot with embarrassment. But Harry doesn't care. He keeps going.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you! I've only known you for like a month and I really like you! And you think you'll just throw that away?! No! I'm not gonna plead and give you flowers for nothing. You lead me on-"

I cut him off, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling down his face to press my lips to his.

He pauses for a moment before kissing me back. I hear the halls squealing and giggling and gossiping. But I don't blame them. This just came straight from a story book.

His lips are urgent against mine, as if a hunger eats away at him, but no matter what it isn't enough. And now I can't get enough of the kiss.

His arms wrap around my waist, pulling my torso against his. I can feel my free hand tangle itself into his soft curls, craning his neck down to press his lips further to mine.

I pull away slightly, looking at his eyes. They glitter excitedly, wide in shock and happiness. I smile a little and mumble "I said that kiss meant nothing.. Never said anything about this one.."

He pauses a little and realization slowly sets into his eyes. Then there's amazement as his grip tightens on my waist again. I can feel practically the whole school's eyes on us but I don't care.

I turn to set my flowers on top of the locker then turn back to face the stunned boy in front of me.

"I missed you, pips..." He murmurs. And yet again I'm left dazzled by him. His eyes, his smile, his warm breath on my lips, and the feeling of his arms around me.

For a moment, I forget reality. I forget my "mission," I forgot of the dull ache in my arm, I forget the fact I was in a crowded high school hallway. There is nothing but me, Harry, and the way he's holding me.

His hands moved off of my waist, moving to cup the sides of my neck. His thumb lightly rubbed the underside of my chin. I moved my hands away from his neck, to wrap my arms around his waist, smiling up at him.

"Diana..." He starts. He bites his lip hesitantly before continuing shyly. "Would you like to go out with me...?"

I pause, my mission coming back to mind. Would this be against the rules? Then again, my goal was to change Harry. Maybe if I went on a date with him, he'd change.

Having justified my decision, I nod with a wide smile. He grins widely, pulling my face back up to press his lips to mine.

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