Let Me Love You Down (X Rated...

By bria0723

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A few years after Keisha Brown is released from jail for being wrongly accused of a Ponzi scheme ran by the c... More

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New Year, New Me

734 11 4
By bria0723

New Year, New Me 

One Year Later

Happy New Year. It's been a year since they let me out and I still didn't do shit in my life. Thirty-five years old and still nothing. Fucking pathetic. Keisha thought to herself while lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She turned on her side as thoughts of that unforgettable day came flooding in.

Another Wednesday morning at RedCorp Investments. Keisha was running late again, hopefully her best friend and her VP, Layla, won't get upset that she's late. Besides it's their company everyone can wait, it's not like they don't have other work to get to before the meeting. As Keisha walked inside the building, everything seemed hectic. As she got to the 22nd floor, there were papers everywhere and everybody looked as if they were on fast forward. When she spotted Layla and saw her moving three times as fast as everyone else, she knew something was wrong.

"Layla, what the hell is going on?" Keisha asked as if she was about to have a panic attack.

"Uh let's just say that if these files aren't shredded or burned in the next ten minutes everyone here is going to jail for a long time." Layla shook uncontrollably trying to light the papers on fire.

"Why would we go to jail?" Keisha asked puzzled.

Layla ignored her question as she continued trying to light the files. Her fingers felt numb as she continued flicking the switch. When a blaze came about her face lit up with glee.

"Layla answer me. Why would we go to jail?"

"Well, not we anymore. Just you. The FBI now have proof that you embezzled 70 million dollars from our clients."

"No, I didn't. What are you talking about?"

Layla shook her head, "Darling are you really that dense? These past 5 years, me and some of the other workers got tired of our stupid salary and decided to take matters into our own hands. Long story short, we took that--actually let me rephrase that we earned that 70 million dollars. However, we got on the radar of the FBI and now they are coming in about 5 minutes. That's why I burned those files, but kept the ones with your name on it."

"Wait what? I wasn't part of this damn scheme!" Keisha exclaimed.

"Now, now how do you think we were able to get access to the files. We needed your name madame president. So all those files over there has your name on it giving us access and permission to go through this procedure. And there are too many files to burn or shred, besides the FBI is coming in about 3 minutes now."

"I thought you were my best friend Layla. Why woud you do this to me?"

"Ever heard of acting? Plus, we needed someone to take the blame. Why not let it be our president? And my pretty little self wouldn't do good in prison, but your naive ass would grow some balls in a jail cell."

Then there was a knock at the door. Both girls turned around and saw it was FBI. "Well, that's my cue to get the hell out of here. You're only 27, you'll get somewhere in life." Layla walked towards the door and pointed at Keisha and said, "That's Keisha Brown." The men charged in the office and handcuffed Keisha.

"Keisha Brown, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights that have been read to you?"

As Keisha was escorted to the precinct her life flashed in front of her. She began crying her eyes out as she was escorted into the interrogation room. After a few hours of interrogation only two detectives didn't think she was capable of this scheme. However two wasn't a good enough number. They locked her up for two months awaiting her trial. She was given 10 years to life because there wasn't enough evidence to prove her guilty. She was stuck in that cell with Lauren for 7 years until she got out for good behavior.

Keisha shuddered at the thought of Lauren. Hell must've been better than the seven years she spent in jail. Well, now Keisha had to put on her big girl panties and get ready for work. If someone told her seven years ago that she would've worked at The Plaza hotel as a maid, she would've looked down on you. And if you worked for her, she would've had you fired.

After those few years in jail and the struggle to find a job, Keisha learned how to be humble and say shit happens and fuck it. She's not about to find herself in the middle of some dumb ass scheme. She got up from her bed and stood in front of the mirror. She began reciting the words to Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman. "Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size, but when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies. I say, it's in the reach of my arms, the span of my hips, the stride of my step, the curl of my lips. I'm a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me." Repeating this poem every morning boosted her self esteem and made her feel like she can do anything. Keisha got dressed and was out the door.

"Ugh, another day at this dreadful job," she muttered under her breath while waiting for the bus. She looked acrossed the street and saw a woman walking in her business suit and holding her child's hand and smiling. What Keisha would've gave to have a little bit of that in her life. Then something caught her eye. A help wanted sign posted on one of the few branches of X Rated Records studio in New York, "HELP WANTED. Assistant needed with mangerial experience." An assistant to a recording studio, don't mind if I do. Keisha thought and crossed the street to get an application. As she walked in the receptionist gave her a dirty look and said, "We are not looking for maids. We need someone with a degree and who knows how to manage their time." Keisha rolled her eyes and said, "Well, I graduated top of my class at Cornell University. And I majored in business and finance, so can you hand me an application?"

The receptionist swallowed all her words and handed Keisha an application. Keisha strided away with pride on her shoulders, especially for leaving that sassy receptionist with her jaw dropped. No one was going to make a fool of her, especially someone who just sits in the lobby answering phones and giving directions. When Keisha arrived at the hotel she was 15 minutes late, but wasn't in any rush. She'd applied to many other stores and businesses across Manhattan and Brooklyn, and if that didn't work she had some money stored away. So if she was fired she still had money. Linda her co-worker/friend stormed towards her, "You're late again miss. What if Martin catches you coming in late again? You know he hasn't been getting any love from his missus, he'd snap on your ass in a second." 

"So what? Linda I'm tired of getting up early to kiss rich people's ass, and cleaning up what they leave behind. This is not what I'm meant to do." Keisha sighed as she put on her apron and nametag.

"Well, whatever you were made for missed it's opportunity and you're stuck here with me. Now is that so bad?"

"Yes Linda, it is." Keisha stressed. Linda was a real cool person, but Keisha swore she was made to get on her nerves. Every single day it was a constant reminder on how bad she hit rock bottom. Linda would lecture her about how she should just stick to this job because the pay isn't bad, but at the same time it isn't good if Keisha wanted a family. 

"Keisha, you know I believe you can do anything. But right now look at what's in front of you a feather duster and some Windex. That's what our life is about, and until one of those other stores get back to you saying you got the job, we are both maids." We'll see about that, Keisha thought. Hopefully, all these other stores took her into great consideration, cause it was tiring to sit at home and check her email and see nothing, but junk mail and spam.

When Keisha got her break she filled out her application for X Rated Records. She read the application thoroughly. Keisha hoped she'd get the job because it involved something she loved to do, sing. Even though, she wouldn't be singing she'd be as close to it as she can get. Oh, how she would love to sing. That's what she aspired to do when she was in college with that backstabbing bitch Layla, who pushed her to go for business cause "that's where she'd make money." Ugh, just the thought of Layla sickened her. Hopefully, she was getting interrogated or already in jail for what she did. She couldn't believe this girl, who was her supposed best friend, would do that to her. Especially, after all the years they've been through since they were 7 years old. No such thing as a true friend and there would never be one for Keisha Brown.


Xavier Thomas, also known as, The Lone Wolf of Los Angeles or the Butcher of Dreams was stuck in an interview with Michelle Williams the editor of GQ's Bachelor of the Month. As beautiful and tempting as she was, she was as annoying as street performers who tried their best to get their demos in his hands. She either tried to create a playful mood or this was her actual personality, but it was as fake as the boobs she had on her body. She needed a reality check badly, and Xavier wasn't one to beat around the bush. Boy, she was about to be in for the worst. Xavier interrupted her in the middle of her question and said, "How about we stop this interview, so I can get to know you better?"

Michelle blushed furiously and stopped the tape, "Go on, handsome. I'm all ears." And boobs, Xavier thought.

"Well, Michelle are you seeing somebody?" He asked in a cool manner.

"Well, Xavier that's an interesting question," she sat up straight and "fixed" her blouse by pulling it down, "I'm currently single, but if you want to do something about it I'd be okay with it."

"Hmm," Xavier smirked apparently his plan was working, "And why do you think a beautiful woman like yourself is single?"

"Well, I don't have the slightest idea." She got up and sat beside him, "I can prove to you why I shouldn't be." She put her hand on his thigh and starting circling her thumb towards his little boy. Xavier cleared his throat and turned on his charmed eyes. 

"Why don't you show me...how you are able to keep your damn job? Is this what you do to everyone you interview? This is finished. Now get out!"

Michelle was scared out of her mind, just the way Xavier liked it. "Well I've never been so insulted."

"Well it's about time someone decided to set your ass straight. Now get the hell out of my office. There's something called work that I need to do!" He yelled at her.

"You are such an asshole. You will never get a woman like that motherfucker." She scoffed.

"I'm not surprised that you kiss your family with that mouth, cause you're here willing to do other things. Get out of here slut." He snarled at her.

Michelle pick up her things and stormed out of the room. Xavier smiled at the job he had done and got back to work. He had no time to waste on every slut that made a wrong turn into his office. He paged his secretary Tara to warn her of the angry black woman that is about to come through stampeding the lobby. This is normal, especially since it was only Wednesday. Xavier sat there and looked at every demo he received and he felt like it was the same bullshit over and over again. When would people realize that sex, money, cars, drugs, and bitches weren't the only thing one could sing and rap about. This was his last chance before he did some dumb shit that would be marked as unethical behavior. He sat there and tried to come up with something that will get business booming again. Hmm maybe I should start a TV show and whoever wins--awww who the hell am I kidding. Everybody is doing that now, might as well jump off a bridge as long as I'm following someone else, he thought to himself. He remembered when music use to mean something and everybody used to get stirred up off of a simple lyric. Now, everybody thinks they're a bad bitch or a boss. And this is why our school grades aren't so great

The telephone rang breaking all of his thoughts. "Hello?" He answered in a pissed off manner.

"Yes, this is Lewis, manager of your New York branch. We have some more demos to deliver to your office Mr. Thomas that didn't get sent because of our bad employees. However, we've laid some of them off, but no one is looking for a job here."

"And why is this my problem?"

"Well, with all due respect, we are losing business because there is not a lot of employees to help our customers." Lewis spoke carefully.

"Well, put a help wanted sign up." Xavier spoke sarcastically.

"We did, sir, but everyone who comes here says that this record label su- I mean that it's not the best and that working for such a co-...such a...strict person like you is hard." 

"Okay then, Lewis. I'll come to New York and when I do you're fired and I'll find people to hire as my new staff alright." Xavier said coolly without hesitating.

Lewis was quiet on the other line. Xavier could only imagine him squirming in fear and hatred for him. It was amazing how a few words can tick people off. "Okay, sir. Have fun when nobody wants to work for an asshole like you." Lewis hung up.

"And he didn't wait for me to say goodbye." Xavier shook his head. Well back to work. Xavier knew that this was going to be a long week. Maybe going to New York would be a vacation for him. He called his travel agent and told him to book him for a week in New York. Maybe he would find some talent in those five boroughs, especially since hip hop and rap originated from there. Come on Big Apple don't let me down

Xavier stayed in his office until 12 deciding on what to do to find some new, fresh, uncorrupted minds. He decided to hold a nationwide talent search that he will personally attend to see if he actually likes the performer. Each performer has to sing an original song acapella for two minutes. He will decide whether he likes them or not, and Xavier Thomas is one hard guy to please, if he does like them then they will proceed to the next level. At the end there is supposed to be only 50 contestants or less coming back to LA and they will compete until there is only five contestants who will get a record deal. Finally, something that may have better results and talent than these predictable 20 year olds.

As Xavier entered his house he noticed something different, there was a mouth-watering smell lingering about. It smelled of his mother's cooking. Her famous deep fried chicken, her collard greens that included all types of fat that made it unhealthy, her cinnamon scented corn bread, her delectable four cheese macaroni and cheese, and Xavier's favorite, her sweet potato pie. 

"Xavier, darling. Why the hell are you coming in this late?" His mother embraced him with open arms, yet she seemed frustrated.

"It's nice to see you too, ma. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here cause I know you haven't had a real homemade dinner in a while. What happened to that girl Priscilla? She was one of the few heifers that I could stand." His mother made a plate of food for him.

"She was gone a long time ago. App-" Xavier started to say as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"What?! See I told you that heifer ain't no good. I bet all she wanted from you was money." His mother huffed. Xavier loved his mother, but he hated the fact that she loved to bust into everything he was involved with, especially his woman. Although he never doubted his mother's intuition, he wished that she would allow him to let him figure out stuff himself.

"Yeah, you were right ma." Xavier sadly admitted, "Okay, so now that you got into my personal life, why are you really here ma?"

"I just wanted to see my son. I have to have a straight forward reason for seeing you?" Wow, she was still good at dodging a bullet.

"Oh, alright. I'll just call dad and ask him for you." Xavier got up from his seat and head for the house phone.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you." His mom broke down. "Me and that man you call your father had a small argument. He obviously didn't think I wouldve left his ass there in North Carolina. He thinks he can find another woman as good as me at age 64, then he can go ahead."

"You guys have been having this argument ever since I left." Xavier groaned.

"Well, you know what, maybe it's time for a new beginning. I'm only 56 and I still look good. Shoot, I can find me a nice man who will know how to treat me better than your father, Shrek, does." Xavier couldn't argue with that. His mom didn't look a day older than 45. She had few grey hairs here and there. However, as for wrinkles go they are not noticeable on her. And she was a really energetic woman for her age. Xavier was surprised she didn't break something.

"Maybe, it's time me and your father went our separate ways. Besides you're 36, it's not like you're gonna cry if mommy and daddy leave each other." She cupped Xavier's face in her hand.

"No ma, I won't. And you can do whatever you want. You are grown enough. But are you sure you can handle living by yourself in this day and age?"

"Boy please. When I was young I knew how to take care of myself and I stil do. Now sit and eat." She tugged him back into his seat.

"Well, if you need anywhere to stay, you can stay here for awhile." As much as it pained him to offer her to stay here, he couldn't leave her wandering around this country by herself.

"Thank you. But I know you still need me, especially to fatten you up. Look at how skinny you got!" She exclaimed. Apparently, if Xavier had a toned and fit body he was skinny or too skinny.

"Mom, I'm just fine with the way I am." 

"Uh-huh, I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to look sexy for these young girls. Boy you are not in your twenties anymore. Grow up." She exited the room on that note.

Xavier sighed regretting that he gave his mother that key to his house. He had forgotten how his mom can be annoying about all his life decisions, like why he became a figure head in the music business instead of going to business school and doing something better in his life. At least he's going to New York next week. He wouldn't have to deal with his mother for seven days, now that's a real vacation.

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