Cookies dirty little secret (...

By hotsickcrush101

19.1K 562 134

Cookie kept a secret for a long time and when she gets out she finally has to tell him THIS IS AN EMPIRE FAN... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
The house
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New book

Chapter 4

1.3K 41 9
By hotsickcrush101

A/N before I start the chapter

Jeremiah is also known as J, Jerry or Miah

Skylar is also known as Sky or Shorty

Destiny is also known as Des or Dessie

Justice is also known as Jussie

Cierra is also known as C, Ra ra or Ri Ri

Anthony is also known as Tony

Johnny is also known as LJ

Allie's real name is Alison everyone calls her Allie

Also I change Destiny's and Jeremiah's Relationship they have been together for 3 years instead of a year and a half so they met when they were 15

And those are only the ones you need to know

****Sky's Pov****

"Auntie, J, I'm home." I said walking into the house with Justice, Allie and Cierra right behind me. I walked in the kitchen and Jerry was in there with his crew Anthony, Johnny, Trey, Eddie, Dominic and his girlfriend Destiny.

"Hey Guys," I said as Justice ran up to Trey to give him a kiss and Allie did the same to Johnny. Justice and Trey's have been together for almost a year now and Allie and Johnny just started going out about a month or two ago. But me and Cierra were the two loners without a boyfriend. My excuse was my overprotective brother that's older than me by less than two minutes. Cierra's was her overprotective father. Justice also had an overprotective father but she purposely dated the bad boys to get him mad but I think she really liked Trey unlike her other boyfriends she's dated. And Allies parents didn't care as long as she didn't come home prego.

"Hey Des" I said as she got off my brother's lap to give me a hug. She's like a sister to me and her and my brother are so good together. We are all the same age. She's met my mom a couple of times when we go and visit her and mom really likes her.

"So how you doin" Des asked me

"Oh you know same old shit every day, You" I asked her while she laughed at what I said.

"Yeah, I've been good you know dealing with your annoying ass brother." She said calming down

"Mmmh you got that right" I said laughing and looking at my brother

"Aye what you say bout me" J said getting up and pulling Des to him giving her a tight hug and nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck.

"Nothing" She said smiling up at me.

"I still have no idea how the hell you put up with him." I said.

"He has some good qualities" She said

"Damn right I do." J said

"Yeah ok" I said smiling at her.

"Aye yo girls let's go to the living room and do something" I said hollering at Justice, Allie , and Cierra. We went into the living room and Justice turned on the TV and my dad popped up with his fake as boogie bitch of a girlfriend on his arm as usual. I mean I kind of find it somewhat sickening I mean she's half his age.

"My bad girl" Justice said quickly turning off the tv. Like I said before Justice , Allie and Cierra are the only ones of my friends that knew he was my father, along with Tony, Des and LJ.

"No, it's not your fault girl. I mean he's famous he's literally everywhere." I said as I started thinking about him but I had to get him out of my mind so I told the girls to call our other friends Taylor and Nicki and to have them meet us in the back. I wanted to hang out in the back because the louder stereo was back there from when everyone would get together and have cookouts and just hang out.

10 minutes

Nicki and Taylor just arrived and me Allie, Justice, and Cierra were just talking about recent gossip around the neighborhood. Apparently, one of the known thots Vanessa got pregnant by Jr the known man whore in west Philly. Serves them right. I got up to plug my phone into the aux cord connected to the stereo and played one of my favorite songs "Love the way you lie" By Eminem and Rihanna. Me and the girls started singing and dancing to the music blasting through the speakers. We were rapping and just having fun.

[Intro - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

[Verse - Eminem:]
I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off her love, drunk from her hate,
It's like I'm huffing paint and I love her the more I suffer, I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me
She fucking hates me and I love it.
"Wait! Where you going?"
"I'm leaving you!"
"No you ain't. Come back."
We're running right back.
Here we go again
It's so insane cause when it's going good, it's going great
I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane
But when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snapped
Who's that dude?
"I don't even know his name."
I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

[Verse - Eminem:]
You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe when you're with 'em
You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah, them chills you used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick of looking at 'em
You swore you'd never hit 'em; never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit them
You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down, pin 'em
So lost in the moments when you're in them
It's the rage that took over,
It controls you both
So they say you're best to go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know you 'cause today that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her
Next time you show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

[Verse - Eminem:]
Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean
And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me
When it comes to love you're just as blinded
Baby, please come back
It wasn't you, baby it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk
Told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall
Next time? There won't be no next time!
I apologize even though I know its lies
I'm tired of the games I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
Im'a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
I'm just gonna

[Outro - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

****Cookie's Pov****

I've been out since yesterday. Jamal was getting me situated yesterday, getting me new clothes and getting my hair and nails done and a nice penthouse to stay in. I told him that I was gonna need a place with a couple of rooms. We were on our way to my sister's, I was taking Jamal to meet his brother and sister.

"Ma where are we going" Jamal asked

I guess nows the time to tell him I thought to myself

"Alright well when I went to prison I was pregnant with Triplets. I was gonna tell your father but he never came to visit me so I never got the chance. When your aunt carol came to visit me she would tell me how your father was barely home and when he was he would be drunk and have hoes there. She told me that her, Bunky and Vernon was the ones that were basically raising yall. Your father only let you guys see me a couple of times. I told Carol I was pregnant and she promised me that she wouldn't tell Lucious and she would take care of them for me. Then 7 months into my pregnancy your father got signed to Creedmore's record label and he moved to New york and I never saw you guys again. A month later your father sent divorce papers and I was extremely depressed. A week or two later I had an extremely bad pain in my stomach. The guards rushed me to the hospital ward and they told me that one of the babies were in distress and they needed to be taken out immediately but they couldn't do it there. So they got me in a helicopter and rushed me to a hospital. They did an emergency C-section. When I woke up Carol told me that one of the babies didn't make it but the other 2 did. I was pregnant with 2 boys and a baby girl. I already had names picked out and everything. There was Xavier, Jeremiah, and Skylar. Xavier was the one that didn't make it. They said that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he wasn't breathing they weren't able to resuscitate him and he died. Carol took care of Jeremiah and Skylar for me and would take them to visit me all the time as they grew up. We had them go by my old last name Holloway because I didn't want anyone to know that they were Lucious Lyons kids but legally their last name is Lyon. Carol me and the kids were the only ones that knew that Lucious was there father. Now the only ones that know are me, Carol, their 4 best friends, Jeremiah's girlfriend and you." I said

****Jamal's Pov****

While I was listening to my mom tell the story I was shocked as hell. I just found out that I had another brother and a sister and a brother that had died. I get why she didn't want dad to raise them because he was the worst when mom got locked up. I was devastated about the fact that I had a bother that was dead.

" Why didn't you tell me." I said

" Because I didn't want your father finding out and I didn't want to write it in a letter or behind a glass wall." She said

"Ok I get that. So is that where you're taking me right now, to go meet them?" I asked"

"Yeah. But you and carol are the only ones who know about the fact I was pregnant with triplets and about Xavier so can you do me a favor and not tell ANYONE." She asked

I nodded my head yes

****Cookie's Pov*****

Jamal took the news well but I knew that he would because he's my baby boy We finally got to Carol's house and I was a bit nervous. As I got out of the car I heard music blaring from the back. We started walking up to the house.

"You ready" I asked JamaI

He nodded yes and I walked in the house with Jamal trailing behind me and I heard talking in the kitchen so I walked in there and saw Jeremiah smoking weed.

"Jeremiah Dwight Lyon yo ass betta not be smokin no weed" I said

****3rd Person Pov****

Jerry looked up real quick and shocked at hell to see his momma. He thought she was in prison and wasn't getting out years from now, he didn't even realize Jamal was there. She walked up to him and snatched the blunt out of his mouth and smacked him in the back of the head.

"What the hell is wrong with you" she said

"Mom" he said still not believing it was her.

"Yeah baby It's me" She said hugging him. She was so happy to hold her baby boy in her arms again.

"But how you're not supposed to be out years from now" He said shocked

"Good Behavior" she said.

"Hey Cookie" Destiny said hugging her.

"Hey Dest how you been" Cookie said.

"Good" Destiny said.

"Where's my baby Sky" Cookie asked

"She's Out back with her friends" Jeremiah said.

"Okay well while I go see your sister Jeremiah I would like you to meet your older brother Jamal, and Jamal I would like you to meet your younger brother Jeremiah." Cookie said and before they could even say anything to each other Sky came in looking at her phone.

"Hey Jeremiah I'm hungry can you order some food"

"Yeah sure but you might wanna look up from your phone for a second and see who's here" Jeremiah said.

She looked up from her phone and saw her mom she ran up to her and she started to cry.

"Mommy." Sky said.

"Yeah baby it's me." Cookie said.

"When did you get out" Both Jerry and Sky asked.

"Umm yesterday and got situated." Cookie said

"But as I was saying Jerry, Sky I would like you to meet Jamal your older brother, and Jamal I would like you to meet your younger brother and sister Jeremiah and Skylar." Cookie said looking at her babies.

"Well it's nice to finally meet yall, mom told me the story in the car on the ride here and I get why she didn't want Lucious to raise yall. I mean after all the man through me in a garbage can when I was 6" Jamal said

"Wait he threw you in the garbage" Sky and Jerry asked in unison.

"Yeah long story" cookie and Jamal said in unison

"Anyway now that I'm out it's time for you to meet your father" Cookie said and their expressions immediately changed.

Jeremiah and Skylar should also be in mm

Sorry it took me forever to update guys its just that I've been lazy and focusing on school marking period is over Tuesday.

-Kianna 😘💋❤

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