Jasper's weak spot

By MagiFlower

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When the Cullen's get invited to Denali by Tanya, weird things start to occur... Mainly Jasper's POV. More

JWS Chapter 1
JWS Chapter 2
JWS Chapter 3
JWS Chapter 4
JWS Chapter 5
JWS Chapter 6
JWS Chapter 7
JWS Chapter 8
JWS Chapter 9
JWS Chapter 10
JWS Chapter 11
JWS Chapter 12
JWS Chapter 13
JWS Chapter 14
JWS Chapter 15
JWS Chapter 17

JWS Chapter 16

1.4K 24 11
By MagiFlower

[A/N I thought it was about time I uploaded. Sorry, guys, please bare with me.Shitty personal stuff :< ... Nobody to help me, etc.. WELL ANYWAY writing always helps and I should've started earlier.. sorryy.]

Chapter 16 - Prank-calling?!

3th person POV (trying something new :3)

He was running through the woods, paws hitting the soft wet earth of Fork's forest over and over again. Nails scraped pieces of moss and tree and sent them flying around as he tried to let his energy out.

"Jake what the fuck is up with you." Leah asked in her mind. For a second the young wolf couldn't concentrate too well on where he was running, for his vision was clouded by Leah's animalistic mind.

"Stop bugging me about it, it's nothing." In fact it WAS something, but he didn't want to seem crazy to her. Alice was dead, right? He had gone to the funeral together with the pack, sat in a room with the nasty bloodsuckers. The nasty bloodsuckers that had been unable to save Alice from her death. Alice was one of his best friends, she was a good person.Cute as a button and energetic like a fresh baby kitten. The wolf let out a sigh and his warm breath was visible in the cold winter air. Her death was a tragic one, as Jasper and her were soulmates and her 'family' loved her dearly. And it was sad. But it wasn't really what was bugging jacob, he had dealt with death before. 

The thing that had kept his mind busy was an event which happened two weeks ago.


He was just sitting on the couch, recovering from the longest and best run of his life. Unwashed feet thrown over the edge of the soft sofa and head turned to the side to watch 'Dog Whisperer' from Cesar Milan.  He laughed loudly as he saw the talented dog-lover talk about energy flowing through the human body and shit. This man was good at what he did, but it was still funny for Jacob to watch a dog being manipulated by a simple human. He was watching with an amused smile on his face when his phone vibrated.

"Shit!" He shouted in surprise, feet flying from the edge of the couch as he jumped back into a sitting position. He got the vibrating device out of his pocket and looked at the called ID. Alice. Wait, what?! Either the leeches are performing some weird return-from-death voodoo with Alice, or they're trying to contact me by scaring me shitless.. Jacob thought, face turned into a scowl.

"Nevermind this shit." He touched the red button on his iPhone, throwing it somewhere on the couch again. He'd find it later. "What the hell?! Why are the bloodsuckers fucking with my head?" He mumbled. Jacob closed his eyes, the palms of his hands rubbing his face. He decided he'd just leave it alone, what could it have been? Just one of the bloodsuckers toying around on Alice' mobile phone or something the like, probably.

5 minutes later found Jacob getting his mobile phone to see if whomever had called had really used Alice mobile phone. He was restless. He had no idea why the call had made him so anxious. After seeing that, indeed, it had been Alice number calling him, he decided to call Emmet..

"Answer the fucking phoooone Emmett!" The shape-shifter tapped his foot impatiently.

"Hulloh?" He heard Emmett ask.

"Emmett, it's Jake."

"Like I couldn't smell your dog-breath through the phone. What is it, dog?" Emmett mocked him. Jacob bit his lip, suddenly feeling very ridiculous. What if this was like a stupid joke and they'd set him up? He'd be humiliated for the rest of his existence! His pause had been long enough to irritate the vampire. "What's it gonna be?"

"Ehhh. Eh. Eeeeeeh eh."

"Yeah, Jacob, I understand how you get shy talking to a gorgeous man on whom you've got an undeniable and overwhelming crush. But I'm not going to wait 'till the pussy that secretly wants to fuck me has gotten balls enough to utter a single word to me. Call me when you've found your voice, Jake." Laughter erupted in the Cullen house, and Jacob clenched his jaw shut when he heard it.

"Wait up, leech. I was just wondering why the heck I just got a call from Alice' number?" He heard him suck in a breath, pictured his eyes moving around, searching for an answer. After a few seconds of silence, which was very unusual for a vampire, or so jacob thought, Jacob spoke again. "or is my secret crush so flabbergasted by my voice, he lost his ability to speak?"

"Err, yea Jake. I think it's time we told you something." Emmett scratched the back of his head. "Alice isn't dead."

"WHAT?!" Jacob knew something was up when he saw Alice pop up on the caller's ID. But this? He held his mouth open in shock.

"Alice is alive." Emmett repeated.

"I heard what you said, idiot!" Jacob shouted to his iphone, spit landing on the touchscreen. "What the hell, why didn't you tell me, dick? I cried because I thought she was dead, you know!" the shape-shifter was yelling into the phone angrily.

"Alice called to tell you! Jesus dude chill out. You can come by if you want." Then Emmett's voice turned to the tiniest whisper. "You have to come to the mall, though. We are taking her there as a surprise, and you can be you know, the cherry on top of the cake." His voice returned to it's normal volume."Ok, nice talking to you, bro. See ya!" Jacob sighed and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

~End Flashback~

2 weeks later, Jacob was trying to avoid telling Leah anything about it. Tomorrow, he was going to the Cullens.

"Too bad Jacob, did you think I would miss that gigantic flashback you had just now?" Leach laughed.

"Ah. I'd better return to my human form, before you start mocking me about being Emmett's gay lover, too." The Quillette boy sighed and shifted back, grabbing his clothes from the forest floor and putting them back on. There was at least one thing Jacob was immensely looking forward to. Going to the Cullen house meant seeing Renesmee. What Jacob hadn't been told however, was that Renesmee had gone missing. Nor that Bella was out looking for her.

The boy that was looking forward to seeing Alice, Bella and Renesmee, didn't know that two of them were gone. And neither did he know, that the first girl in question was currently being attacked by a blood-thirsty vampire.

[A/N Ok... so I wanted to try something new. I've been reading so many stories in 3rd pov and I just kept thinking and writing in 3rd pov automatically. So i nde end I decided I'd have to suck it up and post this shit in 3rd pov! yeah. Ok, so you still don't know what's gonna happen with Alice. Wait and see, my dear readers, there is such a huge explanation and plot-thingy coming! It'll all fit together like WHAM!]

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