What the heart wants (boyxboy)

By MaxNight

61.8K 2.8K 205

Mitch didn't know what he wanted but he knew his current relationship was not it, finally free to do with his... More



1.2K 64 2
By MaxNight

Monday 3:41am

I wish he'd go to bed, everyone's worried about him and I don't know what to say anymore. He's either walking around, tossing things everywhere or just playing loud music, the worst kind of music.

"Mom" I see my mom walk past my room and I whisper yell

"Your father and I can't sleep we have to talk to him"

"Let me do it"

"Ok but if he doesn't go to bed I'm sending your father down" she walks back to her room.

Walking to the kitchen I find him frantically throwing things around "Mitch?"

"Hey did I wake you up?"

"Kinda, what are you doing?"

"Couldn't sleep so I'm making breakfast" he smiles

"Mitch it's like 4am you have to sleep"

"I can't alright! Just go back to bed"

"Mom said that if you're not quite she's gonna send dad down"

"I'll be done soon go back to bed Liv!"

Mitch hasn't slept for days.

Wednesday 4:13am

"You should go talk to him Gus"

"Why can't you?!"

"He's your son and he's confused right now he needs his father Gus" walking downstairs to the living room Gus finds his son on the couch playing loud music on the tv

"Mitchell" his voice scares Mitch

"Oh hey dad!" Mitch turns the tv down "what are you doing up?"

Sitting next to Mitch on the couch "it's 4 am Mitch, you're playing loud music, and you're asking me what I'm doing up. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing I just can't sleep"

"You and your sister go to your mother for everything sometimes forgetting that I'm here, I'm not complaining I'm just saying I'm sure I have the same wisdom your mother has if you'd just ask for my advice"

"Dad I'll come ask your advice when I need it about girls, this isn't about a girl"

"I know, your mother tells me everything. I guess I was trying to avoid it, no father is ideal with having a gay son but I don't care. If you love that boy then fine just please go to fucking bed"

They chuckle "it's not that simple dad"

"Mitch you're 18 years old, tell me things aren't simple when you're my age with teenagers" Gus pats Mitch on the back "go to bed son, this will all be over soon."

Friday 5:48pm

"Hey" I look up from the floor to see Jessie standing at my bedroom door "sitting at the foot of your bed huh? That can't be good"

"Yeah well nowhere else felt as comfortable"

She walks in "mind if I join you?" I shake my head no "haven't seen you or heard from you in a few days so I was just checking up"

"I've been here"

"You don't look so good, you look tired"

"Haven't slept much"

Liv walks past my room "much?!" She walks in "he hasn't slept at all"

"Get out Liv!" She leaves "don't listen to her I'm fine"

"Mitch you have to get ahold of yourself, Jax comes back tomorrow you can't let him see you like this"

"I know I just miss him so much, and we haven't talked once since he left"

"Then why don't you sleep the rest of the day and wake up fresh tomorrow, and meet them at the airport"

"It's not that simple"

"Oh my god!" She gets up "stand up right now!" Sticking her hands out to me I take them and she pulls me up. Taking out her phone she starts to type and I'm standing there with no clue what she wants me to do

"What are you-"

"Shush!" She sticks a finger out at me, when she's done typing she turns her phone to me "I took the liberty of stalking Summer on Instagram, you're welcome. Look at all the pictures she's posted for the past week. Look at all the pictures with Jax, he's not smiling in any of them!"


"Maybe I'm a girl and we take everything as a sign but I'd say that this is a clear indication of him not wanting to be there, he misses you Mitch"

"Him not smiling means nothing"

"Yes it does! I've watched Jax around you and I don't think there's anyone that makes him smile more. He can't help it when he's around you" she shoves her phone back in her pocket "I can't understand what you go through, no one but you can but if you haven't looked around everyone you know is on your side except for Summer but that's only occasionally. If you don't tell Jax how you feel tomorrow I promise you you'll regret it. Nothing is ever simple Mitch, if it were the world would stop turning" she kisses me on the cheek "I gotta go but you call me if you need alright"

"I can give you a ride home"

"No you need sleep, and I borrowed my mom's car so I'm ok. I'll see you Mitch"

"Bye" she leaves me standing in my room alone.

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