Lucy Snape and the Return of...

By TheHalfBloodPrincess

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A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTION BOOK FOUR IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIES It's Lucy's fourth year at Hogwarts. Everywhere... More

Lord Zuc
Shona, the girl who is fluent in sarcasm
A visit from the Minister
Why does history repeat itself?
Cedric Diggory
What did I tell you?
Back to Hogwarts
Get your autographs here!
Igor Karkaroff
The Champions are Chosen
The three unforgivable curses
Tri wizard training
The Hidden room
The Welsh Scaleback
The first task
Celebration of survival
A living nightmare
Yule ball dance practice
Skeeter's interview
Anastasia Garcia
If only life was as happy as a book
Expect the unexpected
Who knew he could get another date?
The Yule ball
The past, the present...Where's the future?
As long as I have you, nothing matters
Shona's Island research
There's nothing better than a game of Quidditch
The Clue in the egg
The Second Task
Something old, something new, Zuc's invading minds and who are you?
Lucy Eileen Snape
The future is a terrible unknown place
It was just a dream
The Third Task
Meeting the enemy
Blood on the Knife
Last Minute Tension

The Quidditch world cup

1K 44 1
By TheHalfBloodPrincess

Chapter seven: The Quidditch world cup 

"IRELAND! IRELAND! IRELAND!" Shona screamed as she, Snape and Lucy walked out of the tent. It was time to go to the stadium and take their seats. But first they had to meet up with the Weasley's. 

"Calm yourself you nutcase!" Lucy laughed as she pulled out her purse and quickly bought three pairs of omnioculars and a few other souvenirs. 

Before Lucy and Shona had left the tent; Shona had painted half of her face green and the other half white where as Lucy had drawn Irelands flag on one cheek and Bulgaria's flag on the other. In addition to that she had attempted to make one side of her hair green and the other red but she didn't forget that necklace Snape had given her. 

"Hey! I prefer crazed naturalist!" Shona scowled 

"Whatever floats your boat" 

"Hurry up the pair of you" Snape groaned as he steered both girls in the direction of the quidditch stadium where Lucy immediately saw Fred and his family. Both parties merged together and went to find their seats. They sat down together but then disaster struck - 

"What are you wearing Snape!? You look pathetic!" Draco cackled as he looked at Lucy, unfortunately for Lucy, Draco was sitting just behind her. 

"Shove off, Malfoy..." Lucy muttered as her hair turned a white blond.  

"Oi! Draco! Take the mask off! It's not halloween! Oh, I'm sorry! Is that your face?" Shona roared with laughter 

"You want to watch what you say, Miss McGuire" a taller figure sneered as he sat down next to Draco. Shona's eyes widened as she realised this was Draco's father; Lucius Malfoy.

"I'm sure she will" Snape said simply 

"Oh, Severus, have you adopted another one? I don't think it's healthy to adopt one as it is, I mean look at the first one...A mud-blood mixing with blood traitors" 


"FRED!" Arthur snapped 

"Yes, Mr Weasley better watch what he says. He could get himself into big trouble" 


"Fred...Leave it" Lucy snapped and an awkward silence fell over both groups but it was interrupted by the crowd cheering as the game was about to begin. Lucy quickly stood in between Fred and George (as everyone was standing up now) 

"So who are you looking forward to seeing?" Fred yelled in Lucy's ear over the roar of the crowd 

"Viktor Krum!" Lucy yelled back just as the man himself zoomed onto the pitch after his team. Ireland had already come on the pitch (Lucy should of known due to the fact Shona was yelling at them in excitement) 

Snape wasn't enjoying this experience at all. He would much rather be sitting in his favourite armchair reading the daily prophet. But ever since he found Lucy he'd had to make sacrifices, even giving up his prophet for a day (gasp!) 

A few minutes later the Minister of magic gave the whole crowd a short speech before the game started. And before long all the players looked like green and red blurs darting around the pitch and Lucy and Shona found those omnioculars very useful to catch the things they missed. 

But before long the game ended. Ireland won even though Krum caught the snitch because Ireland had more point anyway so therefore it gave Ireland something to celebrate but Bulgaria to go and sulk as well as have a go at Krum... 

The players were invited up to the top box where the Minister was standing (also where Lucy and all the rest of the group where) Bulgaria shuffled up to the top box gloomily and shook hands with the Minsiter. 

Krum didn't really want to be here. He looked like he wanted to die of shame. He just happened to glance up and see a group of red headed children, a bushy haired girl, the famous Harry Potter, a girl who was screaming for Ireland to look at her, a man who was looking everywhere but at the players and a girl stood in between the two red-headed twins. 

Krum suddenly wondered if the girl standing in between the twins went to Hogwarts. As that was where he would be going in a few weeks time... 

The players cleared from the box and after that so did the whole stadium, very gradually. When the whole group had made it outside Arthur Weasley pulled them to one side so they could make a plan of action. 

"Right, Weasleys, you''ll be going back to the tent. Professor Snape I assume you'll be going back to your tent" 

"That's correct" Snape replied no emotion in his voice 

"Can't Lucy and Shona come back to our tent for a bit?" Fred whined 

"Hello, Lucy" another voice said, Lucy spun around and saw Cedric...

"Hey, Cedric" Lucy said in a voice which was just about audible. Cedric showed his brilliant teeth at her then went back to his tent with his dad. 

"God that kid is annoying..." Fred muttered under his breath

"What's up, Fred?" Lucy asked

"Nothing...So like I was saying can't they come back to our tent?"

"If that's OK with Professor Snape" Arthur said as he turned to the man himself. 

"Very well but they better be back by six o'clock because I plan to leave by then"  

"Alright, lets go" 

"See you later, dad!" Lucy waved and the group went their seperate ways. Before checking that her dad had disappeared Lucy took Fred's hand and the two walked in front so they could find the tent. 

"It shouldn't be too far now" Hermione said from behind as Fred saw the tent, he raced towards it with Lucy and the whole group went inside (like the tent which Snape had it was bigger on the inside.)

Within minutes of the group arriving Fred, George and Shona had started an Ireland victory dance causing everyone else to laugh and then there was Ron going on about how much of a good quidditch player Krum was. 

"Krum's amazing! He simply is amazing!" Ron declared 

"I think you're in love, Ron!" Ginny teased poking him in the arm

"Shut up!" He grumbled but was drowned out by Fred and George's singing.  

"Viktor I love you!" George began 

"Viktor I do!" Fred added 

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" Lucy joined in. But then there were sudden yells outside of the tent as well as banging. 

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on!" Fred laughed 

"That doesn't sound like the Irish..." Shona gulped 

"Oh god...Shona!, We have to find my dad!" Lucy panicked 

"Why Snivels?" 

"Do you realise what could be out there?! Do you realise that Joshua Kingston could be out there!" 

"Bloody hell!" Ron whimpered 

"He could of been captured already!" 

"That's a possibility. But we better go investigate" 

"Not so fast girls, it's highly dangerous!" Arthur butted in 

"I think we're experienced enough seeing as we've already kicked a load of vampires butts before" Shona said as she dragged Lucy out of the tent and sure enough the place was being destroyed by a mixture of people in masks and some other clan which was unmistakably something to do with - 

"Lord Zuc" Shona breathed 

"Death eaters" Lucy gasped 

"Didn't you say Snivels was a death eater, Lucy?" 

"He's one of them but why would he do this? He's not like that!" 

"There might be things you don't know about him..." 

"Girls! Lets go! We have to get out of here!" Arthur demanded as all the rest of the kids darted out of the tent and ran for safety 

"Lucy!, C'mon! Lets go!" Fred yelled at her 

"I can't, I have to find my dad" 

"But you'll be killed!, Trust me on this one, Fred, I know what I'm doing. Just go and I'll see you later" before Fred could reply Lucy and Shona were already running through the disastrous scene towards where Snape's tent would be. Luckily both groups hadn't destroyed this area so they just had enough time to get to it. 

"STUPEFY!" A death eater yelled at the girls, they both ducked then continued to run 

"Quick! We're almost there!" Shona yelled as they saw the tent coming into sight but before they did they saw Snape running towards them 

"Dad! What's going on?!" Lucy demanded 

"I don't know, that's what I was going to ask you" he replied 

"Well there's a mixture of death eaters and I believe some of Lord Zuc's followers and on our way here they seemed like they both wanted to kill us" Shona added casually 

"We have to get out of here" Snape said as he urged the girls to run to a nearby forest where it didn't seem like anyone was going to be harmed. The trio ran towards it but didn't stop running even when they had made it to the forest they travelled for fifteen minutes longer until they had made it deep into the forest out of harms way. 

"What now?" Shona rasped as she clutched a stitch in her side 

"We'll have to stay here until anything comes" Snape ordered as Lucy rummaged through her bag to find her asthma pump. 

"We are now officially victims of trouble! Thank god I'm not associated with the Worthing trouble though" 

"Is that still going on?" Lucy frowned as Snape took out his newspaper and tossed it at her, she read the front page and glared at it, "on the front page again...Lovely, now the whole wizarding world can see my mug" 

"No way! I'm on the front page! Ha! Take that Martin!" Shona jeered 

"Martin McGuire?" Snape raised an eyebrow, "is that your brother?" 

"Yeah that's him alright. He's a pain, I suppose you've taught him" 

"Yes, I've had the misfortune of doing so...I should of recognised the surname. But then again considering you're both a pain you don't seem like brother and sister" 

"No, well, I suppose Martin takes after my dad more..." 

"Is he the muggle?" 

"Yeah, he's the muggle. He absolutely despises magic, I'm surprised he puts up with me and Martin as well as my mum who just happens to be a pure blood" 

"Hello strangers!" Someone yelled at the group, they all looked up and saw Fred, George and Ginny

"My god, how did you guys manage to escape?" Ginny asked Lucy and Shona 

"We ran" Shona snorted 

"Well I never, I think I want an autograph from three famous people whom have made the newspaper twice!" George laughed 

"In your dreams!" Lucy said, "all joking aside though, where are we going to go now?" 

"Home, I don't wish to stay here another - " but Snape was interrupted by a group of men dashing towards him Lucy and Shona

"You have been caught in the scene of a crime!" The leader of the group said just as Harry, Hermione and Ron emerged from the trees 

"Er what?" Shona raised an eyebrow but Snape looked above him and saw the dark mark 

"Holy - wow..." Lucy began as she looked up and saw what was above her, "is that the dark mark?" 

"Yes" Snape nodded 

"It was you! Wasn't it Mr Snape?" The man demanded 

"I can assure you Mr Crouch it was not me" 

"Yes it was! You're the only death eater - as far as I know - amongst this group!" 

"Do you really think I'd cast a dark mark into the sky when there are people around as well as my own daughter! And I have never conjured a dark mark!" Snape yelled 

"It wasn't Professor Snape" Harry said as he walked over to Mr Crouch, "it was this man. I didn't see his face but it wasn't Professor Snape. He ran off just moments ago" 

"Which way, boy?" Crouch demanded 

"That way" and Harry pointed behind him 

"Come on!" Crouch said to his group and they ran in the direction Harry had pointed at. 

"That was odd" Shona sniggered 

"Yeah...I can't wait until we get back to Hogwarts..." Lucy whispered and then walked a few paces away from the group. 

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