Can't Say - Jung Hoseok

By park_pabo

132K 7.5K 6.9K

"you're not going to tell her, it's something you shouldn't say. it's something you shouldn't even think twic... More

part zero - preview
part one - introductions
part two - the destroyer of geometry
part three - parenting class
part four - flower boys
part five - a secret admirer
part six - the librarian
part seven - the three dollar bet
part eight - friendship
part nine - bad things
part ten - a date with a friend(s)
part eleven - heart beat beat beat
part twelve - company
part thirteen - make it up to him
part fourteen - nothing to fear, nothing to hide
part fifteen - daydream daydream
part sixteen - new parents
part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops
part eighteen - regret
part nineteen - boundaries
part twenty - the punch of a lifetime
part twenty one - the comfort of a nurse bed
part twenty two - the universe picks favorites
part twenty three - bright lights
part twenty four - a true friend's heartache
part twenty five - a sister's suspicion
part twenty seven - a false identity
part twenty eight - stay by my side
part twenty nine - another incident
part thirty - heal
part thirty one - together forever
part thirty two - a happy ending
part forever - epilogue
10k + #9

part twenty six - a word of advice

2.8K 194 158
By park_pabo

you couldn't help but bite your lip as you stood in line with confusion over what had just happened between you and hoseok's sister. you were conflicted with how she reacted, especially since this was your first time meeting the girl.

you shifted your stance and were trying to recall memories of you ever meeting jiwoo, and to no avail you found yourself sighing as you couldn't remember a single thing.

"this is my first time meeting her, how on earth would she know who i was?"

you heard your name being called and you swiftly took your order in your hands, cupping the small cups of hot chocolate. you smiled in thought of taehyung giggling over this beverage, since he does enjoy a sweet cup of hot chocolate.

you turned around and were faced with an unlikely person, staring directly at you with their brown eyes. you gulped and smiled nervously, "h-hello, mr. yoongi."

yoongi had his arms crossed, and as usual he had on the deadpanned and pissed looking face. he looked disinterested but at the same time his eyes told a different story, as if he was pitying you at the sight.


you were about to say something until you realized the giant elephant in the room, the bleached blonde librarian's hair had been more voluminous and messy, making him look like a hot mess. you felt your cheeks flush because he looked ten times hotter than before.

"wow, new hair style?"

"obviously." yoongi answered, making you feel load is stupidity for asking such a rhetorical question.

"i'm sorry," you immediately apologized.

"no need," yoongi shook his hand, "i guess i'm just really intimidating, which is probably why so many people have trouble talking to me."

and probably because you're hella hot.

"is that so?" you puffed your cheeks, "well, to be honest you kind of are."

yoongi only responded by squinting his eyes at you, making your skin shiver.

"i didn't mean-"

"relax," yoongi laughed, which sounded like laughing was easy for him but it sounded forced, "you're fine, (your name)."

you nodded, feeling your body slowly grow hot. yoongi only looked down at your small hands holding the beverages. "are you on a date with someone?"

"ah, no!" you shook your head. "this is for tae."

"tae?" yoongi questioned. "as in taehyung?"

you nodded suspiciously, "yes, why?"

you couldn't exactly decipher the face he was making at this point, it looked rather sorrowful and like something clicked with him. he gave off a rather rough aura and you didn't know why he was like that.

yoongi only looked away and thought about something.

he was conflicted whether or not he should tell you everything about what he heard jungkook and taehyung talked about. but then again, it wasn't his place to spill such details. that, and seokjin would kill him if he found out yoongi interfered with his one true pairing.

"uh, mr. yoongi?"

"just call me yoongi," yoongi tilted his head and let out a sigh, "i don't see that tae kid around here, mainly because i can't hear his annoying ass yelling, so i'm guessing you're meeting up with him somewhere?"

you nodded, "yeah-"

you looked down at your watch and saw the time, you told jimin that you would call him whenever your shift was over. but you saw no harm in going over to your best friend's house, so you were sure jimin wouldn't mind.

"uh i'm sorry, mr-"

yoongi's lips formed into a straight line.

"yoongi." you corrected yourself. "i have to go to tae's house now."

yoongi only nodded his head as you formed a smile and walked past him, but then you heard a sudden calling to your name.

your eyes widened as you turned around to be met with the librarian's eyes, "u-uh..yes?"

yoongi's expression was more serious this time, making you feel slightly scared as his eyes stared down into your soul. "(your name).."

you gulped.

"whatever happens, happens for a reason." yoongi said in slow, gentle words, "so if you find out anything today.."

yoongi was trying his hardest not to flat out tell you that you've been living a lie. he even found his own lips quivering at the sight of you looking at him with such a confused expression.

"just know that the people that were involved didn't do it for just their sake, but your's."

you didn't exactly know how to respond, after all, you barely knew this man, but you were in awe of how wise he sounded.

"yoongi," your voice a bit scared, "what're you trying to say? should i be expecting something?"

yoongi only replied by sighing and scratching his dark locks, "forget i said anything okay?"

"what? but-"

"just go to taehyung's house before i lose my temper and yell at you."

you took that reply as a threat and nodded and left the cafe quickly, leaving yoongi standing there speechless over what he had just said. but at the same time, he felt like what he said was subtle enough to give you a red flag.

as you had finally left the cafe, you couldn't help but say your thoughts out loud.

"what the hell is up with people today..." you mumbled quietly.


after that horribly awkward fiasco at the cafe, hoseok kept looking at his sister and wondered what the hell was wrong with her. why would she be so rude towards you? why was she doing this?

hoseok wasn't understanding why she was like this, jiwoo was always nice to others and respectful. it wasn't like her to act rude towards others, let alone her brother's friends.

hoseok kept looking back at the cafe because he felt bad for just leaving you like that, but the tug on his sleeve made him turn his head away from the shop, "yah, jiwoo! why're you like this?!"

"it's nothing, oppa," jiwoo spat, grabbing hoseok further and further away from the cafe.

she regretted going there, and how stupid she felt after realizing that that was the place you and hoseok would always go to.

if you weren't aware of why jiwoo was reacting like this, it was because she was there during hoseok's summer romance with you. and truth be told, jiwoo always liked you. she loved how you were able to love hoseok no matter what, and praised that you loved him despite how much your friends didn't like him.

after all, they did bully him.

but you couldn't stand that, so you eventually found yourself falling for hoseok more than jimin.

and jiwoo loved that more than anything. she loved her brother, she didn't understand why someone so pure and blissful to her was getting so much hate. hoseok was constantly being bullied everyday, coming home with bruises and a busted lip. but what made jiwoo's heart hurt the most, was that hoseok would always smile no matter what.

but when you came along, hoseok's bruises faded, his lips weren't busted, but were clean and full of color. you made him smile, you made him smile a real smile.

but after the car accident, jiwoo despised you. even though you made her brother happy, she thought you were a threat. but when hoseok regained consciousness that day, she wasn't aware that he had completely forgotten about you. she thought you two had simply broken up and that was it, hoseok did seem like the type after all to not talk about his past lovers. let alone, you, being his definite first love.

jiwoo winced at the thought of you two meeting up again.

"yah! jung jiwoo!" hoseok snapped, pulling his arm away from her. hoseok hated acting rash towards his beloved sister, but he was confused and conflicted at this point.

"what?" she turned around, a bit shocked that hoseok would raise his voice at her.

"why did you do that?" hoseok questioned, refraining himself from yelling since he cared about her.

"did what?"

"the stunt you pulled back there! that's no way to act towards people, let alone a friend of mine-"

"a friend?" jiwoo's face was nothing but pure mockery. "how could you be friends with her after everything's she's done to you?!"

"what?" hoseok's eyes had grown wide.

"what do you mean 'what'? you know what she did to you, how could you forget about it?!"

"forget about what?" hoseok was even more concerned at this point, his throat dry, "jiwoo, i don't know what you've been hearing from school-"

"no!" jiwoo yelled, "it's not even what she did to you at school!"

"it's not? then what is it?! what did she do to you? jiwoo you're not acting like yourself-"

"i'm not acting like myself?" jiwoo reiterated, "oppa, you're not the one acting like yourself. how could you be friend's with someone you barely even talk about anymore?"

"barely talk about?"

"she's your ex-girlfriend! she broke your heart right? that's why you don't talk to her right?"

hoseok looked down, thoughts swarming around his head, "ex-girlfriend..?"

"you two dated. and then you got into a car accident remember? you were in a coma and we were worried about you! i was worried about you.."

jiwoo looked down at her feet and looked as if she had eaten something sour, and her small pale hands turned paler after forming fists.

hoseok on the other hand was baffled with the information he was given, his mind in a daze as she kept on talking. his heart was racing at this point.

"and now you're just friends with her like that? and i know we didn't exactly know who caused the accident, but in all truth i really do think her friends did it! hoseok-ah," her voice broke as she started to call him by his first name, breaking away from her respectful self as she held onto his hands, "i wanted to tell you my thoughts but all you ever did was not say anything about them.."

"i know jimin and jungkook said that they were in the accident too," jiwoo bite her lip, "but i never trusted them! how could we ever trust the people who bullied you?!"

hoseok stood there, his brain finally clicking. and in an instant, his head started to sting, causing him to grip a hold onto his head, as the only thing he felt was pain. "ah!"

"oppa?" jiwoo looked at him concernedly. "oppa, what's wrong-"

hoseok was groaning as he held on tight to his head, and seconds after, hoseok had collapsed onto the empty street near their home.

"oppa!" jiwoo screamed as she kneeled down and shook her brother, shaking him, begging him to wake up. "someone help! help please!"

she held onto her brother and felt tears coming down, "please..someone help.."


"i guess it can't be helped." you huffed and stared at taehyung's front door. the last time you were here, you apologized to him. and lately, you had thought that it was always like you were apologizing to him.

you sighed and closed your eyes, gulping. you had no idea why life at this point was so hard since you were only nineteen, and you also had no idea why your best friend was constantly drifting away from you.

you sucked a whole bunch of air into your stomach, and rang the doorbell. you had the key with you, but you didn't want to place the beverages down since they might get dirty. you waited a while, feeling nervous.

why the hell am i so nervous? this is my best friend!

after a few moments of you having an internal conflict with yourself, the door finally opened. you instantly had a smile on your face, "tae-"

but it fell as soon as you saw him. "tae?"

taehyung's posture was sloppy, and his hair was completely messed up. he had bags under his eyes, and not to mention the obvious redness in his eyes. it looked like he hadn't slept in days, like he had nothing but nightmares if he tried. he was also dressed in clothes that were barely done properly, they looked more effortless and like he wore the same thing.

what's worse was that above all that, he wasn't smiling. which was a shock to you, because he would always smile so easily around you.

you had instantly dropped the beverages, ignoring the minor splatter from them since they had lids.

"tae," your hands had instantly caressed his face, "are you okay? did something bad happen? you look like a mess!"

taehyung didn't respond, he only gripped his big hand around your wrist. "(your name).."

"taehyung.." you looked at him with concern, "what the hell happened..?"

taehyung only felt his throat having a hard time breathing in the oxygen, and his nose felt runny at the spot. he only gulped and looked up at you.

but that simple glance changed everything. he saw the worriedness in your eyes, the look of a loved one wanting to know what was wrong with their significant other.

so he did what was best. he ignored everything jungkook told him not to do, he ignored the fact that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone. after all, how could he keep a secret from his best friend?

especially a secret regrading a lie that had been kept for three years.

"(your name)," taehyung licked his dry lips, "we need to talk.."

before you could say anything, taehyung said in quiet words, "but don't hate me.."


thanks so much for 1k readers you guys!! it meant so much and i was already having heart problems during 995 readers!! i hope you all keep reading and look forward to what i have in store after this fanfic :))

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