Fake (N.S)

By Dreaming-1D

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Niall hated Harry and Harry hated Niall. They can barely stand the sight of each other. At least, that's wha... More

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New Book


2.3K 111 17
By Dreaming-1D

Niall's POV 

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing that I was in the exact same place that I was when I had fallen asleep. I was still laying on Harry's bed, the only difference was that Harry was no longer there beside me. I could feel a burning on my wrists and I looked down to see harsh lines that were beginning to form into bruises. 

Everything seemed cloudy. I couldn't really remember what had happened but judging by both the pain in my lower half and the overwhelming elated feeling that I was overcome with, it wasn't that difficult for me to deduce what Harry and I had done. 

The past events then came rushing back to me and I felt myself grow hot with embarrassment. I couldn't believe that I had called him daddy. I couldn't believe I did any of the things that I did. Even though he seemed to like it, it still made me feel rather self-conscious.

I wondered if he was really into that. Perhaps he just went with it because he thought that it was something that I was into. Not that I wasn't into it, I just had never really thought of it until he literally had me pressed against his bed. What made this time different from the others, I wasn't sure. I guess it was sort of an instinct. 

But there was always the fear that he secretly found my sudden kink strange. I mean, he did seem surprised when he heard me, so him thinking it was weird wasn't completely out of the question. I wondered if I had just ruined everything by being too spontaneous. 

I was cut from my train of thought by the sound of Harry's door opening. I was immediately met with the sight of Harry, who was wearing nothing but a towel, droplets of water still visible on his tanned chest and wet curls framing his face. If I wasn't so exhausted, I might have been tempted to do something about the towel that was just barely covering him. 

"Morning, love," he grinned, shutting the door behind him. "How are you feeling?" he questioned, shaking his wet hair out of his face and peering at me curiously. 

"Alright," I shrugged. "Could have waited for me," I said hoarsely, nodding towards his towel with a soft smile on my face.

"I didn't want to wake you. You need as much sleep as you can get. I really tired you out before," he smirked.

"Not complaining, am I?" I asked, sitting up, cursing at the pain that appeared as I moved. Harry let out a laugh as I did this, trying to stifle it when I glared at him. 

"Maybe not but you will be later. I'm just looking out for you. Besides, from the looks of things, I don't think you could handle another round," he added.

"Who says I wanted another round? Maybe I just wanted to shower. In case you forgot, I'm covered in cum and I would like to wash it off," I rolled my eyes.

"Well, then I guess you can shower on your own," he shrugged, removing his towel and replacing it with a pair of boxers.

"Gladly," I grinned, getting out of the bed, letting out a groan of pain and screwing my eyes shut. 

Harry began to laugh again. I opened my eyes to glare at him again, seeing that this time he was leaning against the wall for support. 

"Yeah, real funny, you fucking dick. Now come help me into the bathroom," I rolled my eyes, lifting my arm up to allow my stupid boyfriend to wrap his arm around my waist and help me walk to the bathroom. 

"Maybe I'm not the one who wanted another round," I added, feeling Harry's hand move downwards, rolling my eyes when he laughed, tempted to push him over if it weren't for the fact that he was my only source of support at that current moment. 

"Sorry," he spoke, his laughter subsiding enough for me to realise that he was genuinely concerned. 

"It's alright," I reassured him. "I can handle it," I continued, knowing why he was concerned. 

He led me into the bathroom, kissing my forehead softly before heading back towards the door, turning to look at me again. 

"Call out if you need me," he said, before shutting the door behind him. 

Harry's POV

"Harry, can we talk about something?" Niall asked, lifting his head up from my chest to sit up straight, his piercing blue eyes looking right at me with an uneasy expression.

It was around ten at night when he had asked to talk. I was technically supposed to be taking him home but since his parents seemed to be out somewhere, therefore unable to make comments about the two of us, we ended up on his couch whilst watching TV. Or more accurately; kissing with the TV on in the background.

I muted the TV, also sitting up so we could more easily face each other. I let my eyes rake over him, taking in his still damp and fluffy blond hair and cheeks that were flushed from both laughter and rather intense kissing. He was never unattractive. 

"Of course. What's wrong?" I asked, immediately picking up on the slight nervousness in his tone, as well as the way he had ripped his gaze from me as soon as I sat up. Niall was unpredictable at the best of times, I rarely ever had any idea what was going on inside his head and I couldn't help but be concerned. 

"It's about what happened before. When I um--"

"When you called me daddy," I finished, immediately realising where the nervousness had come from.

I couldn't help but smile. Even when discussing a rather explicit thing, Niall somehow made it seem so innocent. He always made things seem innocent, even when he himself was the opposite of innocent. 

He remained silent, nodding his head so slightly that I almost missed it. He flushed even darker, looking down at his hands, his nails digging into the fabric of his sweatpants harshly. 

"If you think it's weird--"

"I didn't think it was weird...at all. Of course, I was surprised when you said it but to be honest, it was really fucking hot," I cut him off again, gently grabbing his chin and forcing him to look back up at me.

"You're sure?" he asked hesitantly.

"Of course. You have no idea how much I liked that," I assured him. "I just didn't think it would be something that you would do, to be perfectly honest. I mean, I've fucked you so many times and you've never said it. There a reason why this time was so different?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice as gentle as possible, not wanting to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was. 

"I don't even know. I just-- I couldn't really control it. With everything else going on-- the blindfold and all that, I don't know. Sparked something in me. I felt...protected, I guess," he told me, flushing impossibly darker, causing my grin to widen. 

"That's cute. I'm flattered," I teased. 

"Harry," he whined, clearly too embarrassed to properly be angry with me. 

"I'm joking. I mean, I am actually flattered and it is cute, but I'm joking about the teasing thing. I liked doing that for you. To be honest, I probably enjoyed it more than you did," I told him, my smile not fading. 

It then fell silent. I could tell that Niall was still nervous about something.

"Is this going to be a normal thing?" he finally asked, still incredibly red and now picking at the skin around his nails.

"It is if you want it to be. I'm not going to force you into anything," I assured him, forcing myself to be completely serious. As much as I would love to tease the absolute life out of him, I knew this wasn't the right time. Not until we were both completely comfortable with everything. 

"You know that this doesn't mean I'm going to be your little bitch, Styles," his blush still not disappearing but now a serious expression took over his face. Still incredibly adorable to me. 

"Never expected it to. But you'll always be my baby, Horan."


It had been a couple of days since that conversation had happened. The more I thought of Niall, the more I realised that my feelings for him were beginning to change. 

Of course, it definitely wasn't a negative change but I didn't exactly know how to describe the way that I was feeling. I seemed to like him more and more each day. I couldn't help but be scared, these feelings were something I had never experienced. 

I could definitely see myself with Niall in the future, so it wasn't as if I wasn't prepared to stick around and be with him for the rest of my life but I was scared. There was always the chance that Niall didn't want to be with me for the rest of his life. It was a possibility in every relationship, in love or not.


That was one of the words I would have never expected to use with Niall. If I had known months ago that there was a possibility that I was in love with the person I was fucking, the person I spent time with for nothing but sexual pleasure, I would have laughed.

Things were just so different. I didn't want to sit here and complain about how things were changing too much for my liking because they definitely weren't. I was so happy that I was with Niall in a way that wasn't purely sexual but I had never felt this nervous about something in my life. 

Although I wasn't exactly sure if it was actually genuine love. I wasn't opposed to it though, the thought of telling Niall that I'm in love with him was in no way a bad thing.

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