14ยฐ ยป jaehyun

By baekground

566K 40K 8.9K

โ in which a girl in love expresses her affection to jaehyun through messages. โž high... More

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โ—โ—N O T I C Eโ—โ—


8K 533 468
By baekground

yebin [jamie]

yebin immediately closed her phone after she read jaehyun's reply.

'can i meet you at the rooftop tomorrow? let me explain'

a sigh escaped from her lips and sloppily threw herself onto her bed. the girl stared at the plain white ceiling with confusion written all over her face.

yebin tightly clasped her right hand unto her chest, feeling the fast beating it currently makes "why? you shouldn't have replied to that message, you dummy." she muttered under her breath and closed her eyes, trying to control and slow down the fast beating of her heart.

no. jaehyun likes another girl, she should stop whatever she's feeling for him. even though it's hard, it hurts, she should.

he wants to meet up with me because he wants to explain.. why? i don't even deserve an explanation, i'm actually just a stranger to him!

she immediately stood up from her bed which made her hair fall all over her face.

"jung jaehyun whyyyy?!" she cried dramatically "are you trying to make me go insane? well, just thinking of you already makes me go crazy!" she added and harshly threw herself again on her bed.

she opened her phone and re-read jaehyun's last message.

"hmm.. am i ready to face him? should i go?" worried, she asked to herself "i'll think about it" she answered under her breath and closed her eyes to sleep.

• • •

"yebin.. hey yebin" she heard a male voice whispering her name probably trying to wake her up.

she slightly opened her eyes and saw a middle-aged man wearing his usual corporate attire. "dad?" with a hoarse voice she called. slowly, she stood up from her bed and gave her father a smile

"honey, it's time for school" her father softly said while gently stroking his daughter's hair.

"school?" the smile on her face was gradually replaced by horror and immediately looked at the wall clock inside her room "oh my gosh! it's already morning?!" she asked surprised.

her father nodded and helped her stood up from her bed "you fell asleep yesterday after lunch. you didn't eat dinner again" he said and pursed his lips showing his disapproval at his daughter not eating dinner. he slid the curtains open, causing the sunlight to enter and brighten the once dim room

"is there something bothering you yebin? you've been like this since saturday evening" he inquired and sat on the edge of her bed "you know, you can tell me everything. i'm all ears" he added which made yebin bit the insides of her cheeks, trying not to spill the beans.

her dad is a very lovable, caring, and understanding man but she hasn't opened up to him regarding her personal love life. she's scared of how her father will react especially now that she's sulking inside her room for almost a day and a half because of a boy.

nah.. just nah..

"i'm fine dad. it's just something about.. school" she said with an obvious hint of hesitation. she knew her father noticed it because his eyebrow lifts up.

sorry for lying dad. she thought and diverted her gaze to the carpeted floor.

she heard her father sighed and stood up from her bed "it's okay honey. whatever it is, always remember that i'm here okay? i'll listen to you. just tell me whenever you are ready" he warmly said and smiled to the young girl. "go get ready, i'll drop you off to your school" he then messed the girl's hair and left the room.

yebin let out a deep sigh and went into the bathroom to prepare herself for school.

• • •

"yebin, i'll be home late. i already cooked your dinner for tonight. it's in the fridge, just heat it up in the microwave."


"oh, don't forget to pull off the plug after you use it okay?"


"and wash the dishes after you eat young lady"


"sleep on time and switch off all the lights"

yebin playfully rolled her eyes and chuckled. "dad, you instructed me that for like six times already since we hit the road" the girl joked while fixing her things.

her father heartily laughed and helped her remove her seat belt "is that so? i'm just reminding you. you tend to forget things you know kid?" he replied

yebin pouted "i ain't a kid anymore dad" she stated while brushing her fringe with her hands.

"aww.." her father said and acted like he's hurting "so you're already a grown lady now huh? but don't forget my orders okay?" he reminded.

"yes. i get it mom" yebin sarcastically said and giggled but her dad suddenly became quiet which made yebin stop and looked at her dad. he was looking at her with sad eyes. the girl slightly tilted her head out of confusion "dad, is there a problem?" she asked.

the man shook his head and gave her a sad smile. "nothing, it's just that... it's been a long time since i heard you say that word" he answered, melancholy visible in his eyes.

yebin's smile slowly vanished.


she smiled bitterly and looked at the window. she saw the students hurriedly entered the campus, the bell must've rung already.

yebin cleared her throat and with blithe, she faced her dad who is now blankly staring on the stirring wheel "uh, dad i have to go, my class will start in a few minutes. be careful on your way to work hmm?" she brightly said. too bright that it sounded forced.

"sure" he answered and sighed "i'm sorry i shouldn't have brought that up" her father apologized "go now and be careful on your way home later" he buoyantly replied, trying to lighten up the gloomy atmosphere he created. the girl cheerfully gestured a thumbs up and went out of the vehicle.

yebin saw her father's silhouette waved behind the tinted window, she waved back and the car began to drove away.

• • •

"good morning jamie! did you- oh.." one of her classmates merrily greeted once she finally reached their classroom but noticed the girl's gloomy aura which made him stop halfway of his greeting "uhmm.. hey jaime, you okay?" jungkook asked.

the girl snapped back to her senses and finally noticed jungkook's presence. "oh hi jungkook! good morning to you too" she replied and went straight to her seat, without even bothering to look back at the now head scratching, once bright young lad. poor jungkook.

the class finally started and there's only one word to define the first quarter of her day. boring, which is also synonymous to mind-numbing and uninteresting.

after two and a half hours of tears and agony or is also widely known as calculus and chemistry, the bell finally rung signaling the whole campus that it's already lunchtime. yebin's favorite period, for your information.

she hurriedly went to the cafeteria and went to the end line of the queue. "i hope they won't serve that disgusting mashed potato they've been giving us since last week" she muttered while clasping both of her hands together.

it's finally yebin's turn and she thanked all of the gods and goddesses because the nauseating, cursed mashed potato is finally out of the menu.

yes.. she mentally celebrated while carrying her tray to her usual spot; a two sitter table at the corner exclusively for loners like her. yey fun!

"ew dude stop doing that!" she heard a familiar voice said from afar.

"aw, you're no fun" another familiar voice replied.

"ten hyung stop it. even the other guys can't handle your weirdness" yebin lifted up her head and saw a large group of boys heading to the large table located at the center of the cafeteria.

oh.. it's jaehyun's group! her heart suddenly beat out of its usual rhythm which made her mentally cursed herself.

"haha guys i think it's time for us to order. yea?" his voice.. it's so beautiful.. ugh jaehyun! what have you done to me?!

yebin, who now totally forgot about her food, took out her phone and opened it but she halted when she remembered that she shouldn't message jaehyun for the meantime.

she's hurt remember?

yebin breathed and rested her chin on her hand. she suddenly lost her appetite.

dad might get angry if he knew i skipped lunch

she thought and took a small bite on her apple.

i'm so sad and broken so might as well just be healthy.. at least.

she snorted at her thoughts and slapped her forehead. she need help.

the girl looked at her phone and saw jaehyun's reply yesterday.

'can i meet you at the rooftop tomorrow? let me explain'

yebin tightly closed her eyes and slightly pulled her hair out of frustration. of course she wants to meet him personally! but after her confession.. she felt embarrassed.

embarrassed that she kept on forcing herself to him, embarrass that she didn't even bothered to ask jaehyun if he already liked someone, embarrassed at her current state right now and embarrassed that she looks like a potato.

"if i didn't messaged him that time.. would i be feeling this right now?" she weakly asked to herself while staring at the table, remembering the day when she sent her very first message to jaehyun.

no, she's not regretting that. why?

simple, because she loves everything that she felt when she started talking to jaehyun. everything felt so new.. and wonderful.

happiness, anxiousness, sadness, excitement, craziness.. love.. and hurt.

at least she should thank him for making her feeling those wonderful emotions.. they ain't actually new... it's just too refreshing for her.

should i? she mentally asked herself.

yebin: okay, let's meet rn.

oh my gosh why did i said that?! i'm not actually ready!

• • •

yebin is now at the rooftop, waiting for jaehyun while walking back and forth to ease her nervousness. she bet she looked like a constipated walking potato.

"ghaaa. i still have to review for our history class!" she cried and gave herself a face-palm.

the girl tried to calm herself and blew some air "yebin, this is what you really want right? for the man of your dreams to notice you, to be friends with him, to talk to him, to meet him, to know him more and-" her words were cut off when she heard the door opening.

she immediately hid herself behind a large ventilator and prayed that it wasn't one of the school staffs. well, the school's rooftop is actually off limits.

"hello?" called by the voice that her heart only recognize. she took a peek and saw jaehyun looking around, probably trying to find her.

"yebin?" her heart skipped a beat when she heard him called her name. heart, you shouldn't be feeling this. she thought and clenched her hand unto her chest.

"yebin, are you here?" jaehyun called out again, still looking around. it looks like he really wanted to see her. yebin smiled sadly..

i'm here.. jaehyun, i'm here..

yebin can't move from her place. maybe she shouldn't have replied to him. seeing him personally looking for her, calling for her name, with those worried eyes hoping to see her..

makes her shatter more inside.

his actions right now somehow shows that he's longing for her.. that yebin is also special to him.. or maybe her eyes are just playing with her.

maybe he actually wanted to meet her because he wants to end things properly. so he won't feel bad. so he can sleep peacefully during the night. so he can look at the girl he loves straight in the eye without worrying too much.

a tear fell from the young girl's eyes. she suddenly felt afraid to step out and talk to him. she looked at jaehyun, who is now staring from afar. with his soft brown locks flowing with the breeze, the ray of sunlight kissing his white, pearl skin, his thin, red cherry lips that looks more wonderful with a smile.

he's just simply beautiful.

when will be the time she'll run her fingers through his hair? when will be the time she'll tenderly stroke her hand on his pearl skin to feel his warmth? when will be the time that red lips will touch hers? when will be the time she'll see his beautiful smile that is only for her?

well, never..

because she doesn't deserve those... she doesn't deserve him... he's not made for her.

"why are you confusing me?" she heard jaehyun hoarsely whispered with hurt and disappointment visible on his face which made her halt in place.

what?  yebin thought confused.

the boy then left the rooftop and yebin finally came out to the open. she looked at the spot where jaehyun stood earlier. she saw something shiny on the ground and went close to it. she discovered it's a silver bracelet with beautiful star charms clinging to it.

this might be his gift for that girl. she thought and felt tears streaming down her face.

actually, she wanted to keep it and sabotage jaehyun's relationship but that isn't yebin. her dad didn't raised her all by himself to be selfish and be a bad person. she might be hurting but she doesn't want to destroy jaehyun's happiness just because he can't return her feelings for him.

because it will also destroy her seeing him sad.

yebin wiped her tears away and immediately ran down the stairs to find jaehyun and give the bracelet back to him.

she ran and wandered around but no jaehyun was found, not until she saw her bestfriend "winwin!" she called out.

winwin whipped his head to her direction "yebin?"  he asked squinting his eyes

"jae..hyun.." she started but can't talk properly because she ran out of air from running

"hey breathe first you dummy!" he worriedly said and gently patted the girl's back "what's with jaehyun does something happened to him?" he asked. yebin immediately shook her head and breathed

"no, he just forgot something" she answered.

"forgot? y-you two finally m-met?" winwin asked surprised. too surprised which made yebin narrowed her eyes.

"no again. we're-" yebin's sentence was cut off when the boy looked at his watch and suddenly exclaimed which made the girl jump on her place.

"shit! i'm sorry yebin i have to go. our class is now starting. i'll just talk to you later okay?" he said and ran off, not even letting yebin say her goodbye.

"bye, study hard" the girl whispered and waved to winwin's running figure.

the girl sighed and began to walk to her class. there are no more students lurking around because classes has already started.

yebin walked along the tranquil corridor while tightly holding the bracelet jaehyun dropped at the rooftop.

"hey jenny!"

she kept on walking until she reached the door of their classroom. she was about to open it when someone grabbed her by the arm and turned her around.

yebin was surprised at who is holding her right now. "jaehyun?" she asked confused. how on earth..

"hey i've been calling you earlier why couldn't you hear me?" he asked while panting, she can feel his mint-like breath brushing her cheeks which sent thousands of volts down her spine.

"huh?" the girl furrowed her eyebrows. jaehyun looked at the latter with worried eyes. "you look kinda different? are you okay?" he asked and touched the back of his hand on the now blushing potato; yebin.

the girl immediately stepped back and cleared her throat. she can feel the warmness of her face.

ugh this is so embarrassing! she thought

"you called me?" yebin asked again. she don't remember being called by jaehyun just now. the boy chuckled and messed the girl's hair. the latter's heartbeat started to beat like crazy, she didn't imagine jaehyun doing this to her. and hates herself because she's loving it.

but the boy immediately pulled back his hand like he remembered something "uh, i think i've shouted jenny for like five times?" jaehyun answered and looked at her in the eye


yebin's eyebrows furrowed which made the boy panicked a little bit. "oh i'm sorry. i forgot you don't like it when someone messes your hair" he apologized and gave her a small smile

"i have something to tell you.. i'm uh-"

"mr. jung what are you doing here?" they both jumped on their places when they heard mr. choi, yebin's history teacher, suddenly asked. where did he come from?

"i just have something to say to her sir" jaehyun politely answered

"say it to her later mr. jung, my class will have a quiz today" the old man said "yes sir, i understand" he said and bowed to mr. choi

"i'll go now, i'll just see you later" he said with a smile on his face. he waved goodbye and jogged off to their class.

"go inside now ms. yoon. you can talk to your boyfriend later" the man said and entered the classroom first.

but he's not my boyfriend..  she thought and  entered the room.

she made her way to her seat and took her phone out of her pocket. she already made up her mind.

deactivate kang yebin?
yes | no

enter password to deactivate.

your account is now deactivated.

yebin sighed and looked out the window beside her.

'uh, i think i've shouted jenny for like five times?'

she suddenly felt her heartbeat hasten and her hands suddenly became sweaty.

oh no.. how on earth did he know my twin sister?

• • •

sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

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